Figure 4: Loss (on the test data) vs epoch for the deep-learning-based models on the NYC dataset.
normal hours; thus, the accuracy of the prediction re-
sult is unstable. We added the residual connection to
the LSTM layers to encourage gradient flows and ap-
plied the attention mechanism to recognize the fluctu-
ation at different periods. Additionally, we designed a
loss function that properly addresses regions with few
but consistent taxi demands. We conducted extensive
experiments on two open datasets. The experimental
results show that the proposed models outperform the
baseline models in nearly all cases. This model also
won second place out of hundreds of teams in a taxi
demand prediction challenge that was held jointly by
the Taiwan Taxi Company and the Industrial Technol-
ogy Research Institute in Taiwan.
Although the proposed models can better predict
taxi demands in the near future, we did not design a
mechanism to dispatch the taxis. This is partially be-
cause the performance of a dispatch policy can only
be confirmed on a live system. We are hoping to col-
laborate with local taxi companies to apply our cur-
rent model to their system and further design a dis-
patch policy. We also hope to obtain other requests
from the taxi industry to make our research results
satisfy real-world requirements.
We acknowledge partial support by the Ministry of
Science and Technology under Grant No.: MOST
107-2221-E-008- 077-MY3.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems