User-adaptable Natural Language Generation for Regression Testing
within the Finance Domain
Daniel Braun
, Anupama Sajwan and Florian Matthes
Technical University of Munich, Department of Informatics, Munich, Germany
Natural Language Generation, Regression Testing, Finance.
Reporting duties and regression testing within the financial industry produce huge amounts of data which has
to be sighted and analyzed by experts. This time-consuming and expensive process does not fit to modern,
agile software developing practices with fast update cycles. In this paper, we present a user-adaptable natural
language generation system that supports financial experts from the insurance industry in analysing the results
from regression tests for Solvency II risk calculations and evaluate it with a group of experts.
Companies within the finance industry, like banks and
insurance companies, have to fulfil many regulatory
requirements. Some of the most prominent directives
within the European Union (EU) include “Basel III”
for banks and “Solvency II” for insurance companies.
In order to fulfil the requirements introduced by these
legislations, companies have to continuously report
risk relevant corporate results and investments to their
respective regulatory authority. These reports deter-
mine how much money companies have to put aside
as a security.
From a company’s perspective, it is desirable to
keep this amount as low as possible, because they
only can create profit from money which they can
actively invest. Therefore, big insurance companies
use tailored internal risk models instead of the stan-
dard risk model provided by Solvency II. The soft-
ware which runs these internal risk models has to be
updated regularly, in order to meet the regulatory re-
quirements and the company’s interests. Before a new
version of such a software is put into production use,
regression testing is used to ensure proper behaviour.
A single run of such regression tests produces thou-
sand of numbers which have to be compared to pre-
vious results and interpret by financial experts, which
then have to report back to developers. This is a cost
and time-intensive process which also hinders com-
panies to deploy updates more often.
In this paper, we present a natural language gener-
ation (NLG) system which creates textual reports for
the results from regression tests for Solvency II risk
capital calculations. By identifying and highlighting
salient patterns within the results, we want to support
the work of financial experts and speed up the process.
Moreover, the system is built in a way which aims to
empower expert users, which are non-programmers,
to adapt the system regarding the analysis which is
conducted but also regarding the textual representa-
tion of the results of the analysis. The system was
designed and evaluated with financial experts from a
major international insurance company.
Most transactions on the international financial mar-
kets are nowadays not only executed but also trig-
gered by machines. (Banulescu and Colletaz, 2013)
Therefore, the relevant data is available in a machine-
readable format and, due to the nature of the domain,
mostly numerical. Given these circumstances, it is no
surprise that the finance domain is of great interest to
the NLG community, from a scientific and a commer-
cial perspective.
One of the most prominent applications of NLG
within the finance domain today is robot journalism.
Together with weather, traffic, and sports, finance is
one of the most popular domains for robot journal-
ism. (D
orr, 2016) Examples for such systems were
build by Kukich (1983), and more recently Liu et al.
(2004), Haarmann and Sikorski (2015), Murakami
Braun, D., Sajwan, A. and Matthes, F.
User-adaptable Natural Language Generation for Regression Testing within the Finance Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0009563306130618
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 613-618
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Market data
Internal risk model new
Rule engine
Rule set
Internal risk model old
NLG system
Relevant values
Risk figures
Textual report
Financial experts
Figure 1: Worfklow.
et al. (2017), and many others. Another popular use
case for NLG within the finance domain is question
answering. Plachouras et al. (2016) e.g. presented a
generic approach for English and Altinok (2018) fo-
cused on questions regarding financial products and
services in German language. A similar system in
Japanese was presented by Okuda and Shoda (2018).
As mentioned before, the goal of the system is to sup-
port financial experts in their daily work. Hence, we
did not only try to build an isolated NLG system but
to integrate it into the existing workflow at our part-
ner company. In order to achieve this, we first inter-
viewed financial experts from the relevant division, in
order to find out how they work. The current work-
flow is a mostly manual process: once a new version
of the software for risk capital calculations is ready
for testing, both versions, the current one and the new
one, are run on the same data. Each of the versions
produces an Excel file with risk figures as output. Fi-
nancial experts will go manually through these sheets
afterwards and report relevant deviations for calcu-
lation instruments to the developers. If and when a
deviation is classified as “relevant” is a non-codified
process which is based on the knowledge and experi-
ence of the experts.
Based on the current worlflow, we deloped a goal
workflow, which we wanted to implement (cf. Fig-
ure 1). Instead of manually checking the output of the
regression testing runs, relevant patterns should be de-
tected automatically. In order to make this possible,
the knowledge about how to identify these patterns,
which was previously non-codified, has to be made
explicit. In the interviews with the experts, we found
out that these rules are not stable, but develop over
time and also might need to be adapted depending on
the current run.
While the experts are familiar with mathematical
formalisms and abstract thinking, they are usually not
“programmers”, i.e. they are usually maybe famil-
iar with e.g. Excel formulas, but not Java or other
complex programming languages. In order to create
a workflow which empowers these experts to conduct
the analysis on their own, we want to make use of a
rule engine which enables them to modify the rules
for the analysis without the help of developers. More-
over, this makes the rules more transparent and com-
prehensible to the experts, which will hopefully in-
crease their trust in the system. Once the relevant
patterns have been identified by the rule engine, the
NLG system should generate a comprehensive report
of the identified patterns. It is important to point out
that the goal of the system is not a complete automa-
tion. I.e. the target audience of the generated reports
are not developers but the financial experts. In this
way, instead of having to browse through the whole
table, financial experts can focus their valuable time
on analysing and assessing identified patterns. The
goal of the company is not only to save time and hence
money, they also want to change their development to
a more “agile” practice, which will lead to more fre-
quent updates. With the old workflow, it would sim-
ply not be possible for the experts to keep up with the
new development practice. With the proposed new
workflow and the NLG system as support, we want to
enable the financial experts to do so.
In order to make the system flexible and its parts
reusable, we adopted a service-oriented architecture.
The rule engine and the NLG system operate indepen-
dently from each other. Moreover, we implemented
an independent converter which pre-processes the in-
put for the rule engine, e.g. from the Excel format.
One of the decisions we had to make was which
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram for Camunda.
rule engine to use. One of the most popular avail-
able rule engines is the open source software Drools
(Proctor, 2012). In interviews with different employ-
ees from the insurance company, we found out that
there had been previous unsuccessful attempts to use
Drools in the department. People were mostly hostile
towards Drools, because of its complexity and steep
learning curve. Therefore, we decided to use an alter-
The Camunda BPMN Workflow System (cf. e.g.
Lammert (2015)) is already used at the department
and offers a Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
engine, which is expressive enough for our applica-
tion and offers a graphical user interface which can
be used to create, delete or edit rules. Moreover, we
can use the Camunda BPMN Workflow System to or-
chestrate and connect our services with a web inter-
face. The sequence diagram in Figure 2 shows in
which order the different services are called by Ca-
munda. Once the execution of the DMN engine is
finished, the result is passed on to the NLG system in
JSON format. A more detailed description of the rules
and their output is given in Section 5. The NLG sys-
tem itself internally follows the three-stage pipeline
architecture described by Reiter and Dale (1997) and
uses SimpleNLG (Gatt and Reiter, 2009) as surface
While the system currently only produces English
output, it could be easily adapted to other languages
for which SimpleNLG is available: German (Braun
et al., 2019), French (Vaudry and Lapalme, 2013),
Italian (Mazzei et al., 2016), Spanish (Ramos-Soto
et al., 2017), Dutch (de Jong and Theune, 2018), Man-
darin (Chen et al., 2018), and Galician (Cascallar-
Fuentes et al., 2018).
1 {
2 ” c a t e g o r y ” : ” i n t e r e s t r e l a t e d ” ,
3 number : 300 ,
4 ” a f f e c t e d ” : 100 ,
5 ” q u a n t i f i e r : some ,
6 ” s t a t e : ” a f f e c t e d ” ’ ,
7 m a x d e v i a t i o n : 120
8 }
Listing 1: Example result from rule execution.
The first and most important goal of the user-
generated rules is the identification of relevant pat-
terns of deviation within the results of the regression
testing runs. Each calculation which is performed by
the risk calculation algorithm has different categori-
sations, like “interest-related” or “Monte Carlo sce-
nario”. Patterns of interest are in general multiple de-
viations within the same category. With the Camunda
DMN engine, the experts are e.g. able to set tolerance
thresholds for deviations in different categories or de-
fine the minimum number of affected values which
constitute a pattern. Moreover, the experts are also
able to influence the language generation on a limited
level. They can e.g. use the DMN annotation to define
quantifiers, like the phrase “a few” will be used if up
to 15% of the values in one category are affected, “all”
if 100% are affected and so on. They could also use it
to express the state of affection, e.g. if the deviation is
more than 5% it could be defined as “affected”. List-
ing 1 shows an example of how the output of a rule
execution could look like. For each category which is
defined as part of a rule, such a JSON object will be
User-adaptable Natural Language Generation for Regression Testing within the Finance Domain
Asset type: Synthetic Instrument
No pattern found.
Asset type: Equity Forward
No pattern found.
Asset type: Market Index
There are 10 market indexes in the database.
10 market indexes are affected. This amounts
to 100.00% of all market indexes. Maximum
deviation observed is 101.41%.
Figure 3: Example report from system version 1.
These JSON objects are the input for the NLG compo-
nent. A first version of the system just naively created
a document with a separate section for each of the
JSON objects. An example output from this first ver-
sion can be seen in Figure 3. This first, rather clunky
version was mainly used to evaluate the contained in-
formation with financial experts (cf. Section 7). After
their feedback was taken into account, a second ver-
sion was developed which focused on making the text
more “natural” and readable. This second version was
evaluated with non-experts. Figure 4 show the output
of the second version for the same input data. The
new version mainly reduces redundancies by merging
sentences and different categories and removing rep-
etition of the same information.
We ran two separate evaluations with the two different
versions of the system. They only differ in the text re-
alisation as shown in Figure 3 and 4. The first version
was evaluated with a paper-based questionnaire and
professionals and students from the partner company
(“expert evaluation”). The second evaluation was an
open online evaluation which was advertised through
social media accounts (“online evaluation”). While
the first evaluation focused on the tool and its utility,
the second evaluation focused on the quality of the
produced texts.
To the experts, the tool was presented in individual
sessions, the functionality was explained and they had
a chance to try the tool. Afterwards, they were shown
example reports generated by the system. They were
18 participants in this evaluation which were asked
to rate three statements about the shown texts on a
7 point Likert scale from “completely disagree” to
Asset types: Synthetic Instrument and Equity
No patterns were found.
Asset type: Market Index
There are 10 market indexes in the database,
all of them are affected. The results deviate
up to 101.41%.
Figure 4: Example report from system version 2.
“completely agree”:
“The text is easy to read and understandable.
“The text is helpful for the data analysis. (Q2)
“I would like to see more variation in the text.
Subsequently, participants were asked to rate three
statements about the system which they just saw:
“The tool is helpful” (Q4)
“The tool will help me to decide which data
should be analysed deeper” (Q5)
“I would like to use the tool for future analyses.
The results for all statements are shown in Figure 5.
In the online evaluation, participants were shown
example texts from the second version of the system
and three statements, which again could be rated on
a seven-point Likert scale. Moreover, there was also
a free text field for comments. The three statements
“The text is easy to read and understandable.
“I would like to see more variation in the text.
“The text is grammatically correct. (S3)
In this evaluation, 21 people participated, the results
are also shown in Figure 5.
Overall, both evaluations have been very positive,
especially the expert evaluation. The only clear nega-
tive reaction was from the online evaluation, where
participants did not find the texts easy to read and
understandable. Five participants also mentioned in
the free text comment that they struggled to under-
stand the texts. Two participants mentioned that they
did not even understand the words which were used.
Looking at the example in Figure 4, it is not surpris-
ing that non-experts struggle to understand the texts
and it is not necessarily a shortcoming of the system.
While in general positive, the meaningfulness of the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20
20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20
number of answers
completely agree
slightly agree neutral
slightly disagree disagree
completely disagree
Figure 5: Likert scale results from the evaluation.
results for Q3 and S2 is rather limited, since partici-
pants only saw a few texts in a very short time and it
might still be that they get “tired” of repetitions when
using the system for a longer time.
In this paper, we presented a system that supports fi-
nancial experts from the insurance industry to evalu-
ate the results of regression testing runs for Solvency
II risk calculations. We integrated the system in the
existing workflows and empowered the users to adapt
the rules by which the system operates. A first evalu-
ation with expert users showed promising results. In
the future, we would like to conduct a task-based eval-
uation to check, whether the positive perception of the
system is also matched by a measurable improvement
in task solving.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems