TermIt: A Practical Semantic Vocabulary Manager
Martin Ledvinka, Petr K
remen, Lama Saeeda and Miroslav Bla
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague,
a 2, Prague 6 - Dejvice, Czech Republic
Vocabulary Management, Glossary, Semantic Search, SKOS.
Many organizations already benefit from using semantic vocabularies which help them systematize, search
and reuse their data. However, to efficiently manage such vocabularies, appropriate and adequate tools are
needed. In this paper, we present TermIt, an integrated system for managing a set of interconnected vocabu-
laries, identification of individual concepts in source documents, and using such terms for semantic data asset
annotation and subsequent search. We relate TermIt to other relevant tools and present usage scenarios we
have identified so far.
Consider the following sentences: “The construction
of the Large Hadron Collider took ten years. and
“The construction of the Large Hadron Collider is
hidden in a 27 km-long underground tunnel. The
word construction is used in different meanings con-
veyed by the context – an event/process in the former
case and its outcome in the latter. Now consider an-
other example: according to the Energy Management
Act of the Czech Republic, a building is a construc-
tion both above and below ground with heating. On
the other hand, according to the Land Registry Act,
a building is a construction above ground with solid
foundations. It can be seen that the words denote pos-
sibly different underlying concepts. Contemporary
search engines are based on words and would make no
distinction between documents using the word build-
ing in either sense.
Such issues lead to the need for building (pun in-
tended) glossaries of terms with precise definitions of
the concepts they represent. These glossaries can then
be used as a reference and disambiguate the meaning
of plain language words, and are of crucial impor-
tance when delivering well-defined search over data
assets (e.g., open data sets provided by the public ad-
ministration) – both for query specification and result
presentation. A glossary may start as a flat list of
terms with definition and label, but usually at least
a basic hierarchical structure specifying that some
terms are more general (in various senses) than others
can be derived. In this case, organizational schemes
like SKOS (Miles and Bechhofer, 2009) need to be
used to describe this structure. Once a glossary exists,
the relationships between its terms can be refined – an
ontological model of the domain is built. The glos-
sary, containing a hierarchy of terms, and the model,
specifying concrete relationships between the terms,
comprise the vocabulary of the domain in discourse.
1.1 Motivation
While it is reasonable to expect that domain experts
will be able to create a glossary, the task of building
a domain model from this glossary is far more com-
plex. In our experience, most domain experts need
to be guided through this process, or even worse
they just validate model proposals offered by knowl-
edge engineers (K
remen and Ne
y, 2019). This is
mostly because a model is typically built using a spe-
cific formalism, which gives its elements and their re-
lationships a predefined semantics. Such formalisms
may range from purely technical like UML (Rum-
baugh et al., 2004) or OWL (Motik et al., 2012) to
more abstract like the Unified Foundational Ontology
(UFO) (Guizzardi, Giancarlo, 2005). Domain experts
are rarely proficient in these modeling formalisms and
a modeling expert is needed for the task of transform-
ing the glossary into a model.
The goal of this work is to streamline the process
of vocabulary creation and management by giving do-
main experts TermIt a tool for efficient glossary
management. In addition, the glossary terms can be
utilized to provide a more precise resource (data as-
Ledvinka, M., K
remen, P., Saeeda, L. and Blaško, M.
TermIt: A Practical Semantic Vocabulary Manager.
DOI: 10.5220/0009563707590766
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 759-766
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
set) search, in which the meaning of the terms rather
than their label is used to describe the resources.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces the theoretical foundations of our
terminology editor, whereas Section 3 presents the
tool itself. Section 4 reviews related work and Sec-
tion 5 discusses our experience with using the tool.
The paper is concluded in Section 6.
Semantic Web ontologies, thanks to their ability
to uniquely identify and formally specify concepts
and their relationships (Guarino et al., 2009), share
schema defined in standard languages, and allow in-
ference of implicit knowledge thanks to expressive
underlying formalisms, are a natural choice for build-
ing domain vocabularies. In such a scenario, a vocab-
ulary is an ontology which can be split into a glossary
and a model, which are ontologies themselves, albeit
at a different level of complexity. However, ontology-
based terminology editors and modeling tools add yet
another layer of knowledge required from their users.
While ontology engineers can take care of modeling,
domain experts may not appreciate having to learn
this new formalism.
Nevertheless, one should not give up the bene-
fits of Semantic Web technologies so easily. That is
why the terminology editor presented in this work has
strong ontological foundations, whilst providing an
easy to use interface even for users without Semantic
Web background. TermIt stores the vocabularies as
RDF (Cyganiak et al., 2014) under a well-defined on-
tological model which is itself based on several other
more general ontologies. This hierarchy is visualized
in Figure 1 and described below.
2.1 Unified Foundational Ontology
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) (Guiz-
zardi, Giancarlo, 2005) is an upper-level ontology
an ontology of generic terms (Mascardi et al., 2007).
It allows more specific ontologies to share a common
meta-model of basic concepts and relationships. This
allows, for example, someone with the knowledge of
UFO to quickly gain an insight into a domain by ex-
amining how its elements relate to the generic UFO
model. UFO draws inspiration from philosophy and
modal logic and introduces class stereotypes (essen-
tially, classes of classes) such as Kind, Phase, Role,
or Relator, and relationship stereotypes like Media-
tion, Characterization, and several part-whole types.
Figure 1: Hierarchy of ontologies on which TermIt is based.
Arrows represent dependency. The TermIt ontology is em-
phasized. Acronyms are explained in the text.
As mentioned, using UFO allows to ground an
ontology in a common, well-defined and computable
structure of basic concepts.
2.2 Simple Knowledge Organization
The Simple Knowledge Organization System
(SKOS) (Miles and Bechhofer, 2009) provides a sim-
ple and generic vocabulary for organizing knowledge
in a wide range of domains. SKOS recognizes two
main classes a Concept which represents a notion
in the domain of discourse, and a Concept scheme,
representing a collection of concepts. Concepts can
then be characterized by a number of properties,
like preferred and alternative label, and put into a
hierarchy using the broader and narrower properties.
The meaning of all the SKOS notions is intentionally
vague, so that it fits various use cases.
The difference between use cases of SKOS and
UFO is analogous to our ideas of glossary and model.
While a glossary uses SKOS for domain decompo-
sition due to its simplicity, a model uses UFO, which
gives the ontology engineer greater power to precisely
describe the understanding of the domain.
2.3 Dataset Descriptor Ontology
The Dataset Descriptor Ontology can be used to char-
acterize datasets (Bla
sko et al., 2016). The original
idea is that every dataset can be described using a de-
scriptor an easy to interpret and visualize RDF sum-
mary. Such a descriptor can provide, for example, in-
formation about the number of concepts and their us-
age in the dataset. In the case of TermIt, vocabularies
as well as resources are considered datasets.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.4 Vocabulary for Data Description
The Vocabulary for Data Description (VDD)
is a
general-purpose ontology for describing vocabular-
ies, data sources and their attributes. For example,
it recognizes three kinds of vocabularies: agenda (de-
scribing an operational area), data (describing a data
source), and document (stemming from a normative
document) vocabularies.
The TermIt ontology relies on the VDD and adds
more application-specific classes and properties nec-
essary for the proper functionality of the system.
3 TermIt
TermIt is an easy-to-use vocabulary manager and
glossary editor. It allows domain experts to define
their own terms (SKOS concepts with defining meta-
data), organize them in (SKOS) hierarchies and use
them for resource annotation and search. A simplified
schema of TermIt’s approach can be seen in Figure 2.
The two main functional areas of TermIt are:
Vocabulary management
Resource annotation and search
3.1 Vocabulary Management
TermIt allows its users to manage vocabularies and,
primarily, edit their glossaries. The glossaries have
SKOS-compatible structure. That is, the terms are ar-
ranged in a (potentially ambiguous – the relationships
can be of different nature) hierarchy. For each term,
basic data like label, definition, source of the defi-
nition, and additional commentary can be provided.
Moreover, the terms can be classified using a simpli-
fied, UFO-based vocabulary. This classification vo-
cabulary is configurable, so, for example, for the area
of legislation document vocabularies, more specific
types are available. For instance, a term can thus be
classified not only as a relationship, but, more pre-
cisely, a legal relationship.
Vocabularies managed by TermIt can be related
to each other, typically also in a hierarchical man-
ner. The term hierarchy can then span a hierarchy
of vocabularies as well. For instance, in one of the
use cases in the urban planning domain, there exists
a hierarchy of three vocabularies: the Building Act,
the Prague Building Regulations and the Metropolitan
Available at http://onto.fel.cvut.cz/ontologies/slovnik/
agendovy/popis-dat/current/index-en.html, accessed
plan of Prague. Figure 3 then shows how a hierarchy
of selected terms may cross the boundaries between
these vocabularies.
Structuring vocabularies and terms in a hierarchy
is natural, but it is of course possible to relate them
without assuming any broader-narrower relationship.
Therefore, a vocabulary simply imports another vo-
cabulary. As far as terms are concerned, one can use
the SKOS related property to specify an associative
relationship between terms without giving its details
(which may be provided later by the ontology engi-
TermIt currently supports regular vocabularies
and document vocabularies. Document vocabularies
are associated with a document which may consist of
several files (see Section 3.2). The idea is that a doc-
ument vocabulary is typically based on a normative
document, whose text is the source of the terms in
the vocabulary and their definitions. For instance, the
vocabularies from Figure 3 are all document vocabu-
Besides the aforementioned SKOS-based at-
tributes and provenance data (author, date of creation
etc.), a term can have additional properties. These
properties can be used to provide further information
about the terms, for example, the department respon-
sible for maintenance of a specific term. Furthermore,
it allows TermIt to partially cross the boundary into
the modeling realm. For instance, consider the SKOS
broader relationship between Non-buildable surface
and Surface from Figure 3. Using these additional
properties, it is possible to declare that Non-buildable
surface is actually a specialization of Surface. Of
course the ergonomics of this interface is far worse
than that of a modeling tool, but it can provide at least
a basic insight into the model to a more advanced user.
The glossary editing part of TermIt does not cover
the whole SKOS vocabulary, instead, a selected set of
classes and properties deemed relevant is used. This
set can be seen in Figure 4. Some of the relation-
ships (e.g., the SKOS inScheme property) need not
be explicitly stated in the data. Instead, reasoning ca-
pabilities of the underlying triple store and the TermIt
ontology schema are utilized to infer them.
3.2 Resource Annotation and Search
TermIt allows to register resources in order to support
two main scenarios: 1) creating vocabularies based on
normative documents; 2) semantic search of resources
facilitated by terms assigned to them.
Four types of resources exist in TermIt:
Resource base type of data assets without any closer
TermIt: A Practical Semantic Vocabulary Manager
Figure 2: Simplified schema of TermIt usage.
Figure 3: Vocabulary and term hierarchy example. Border-
less nodes represent terms.
Figure 4: UML class diagram illustrating the use of SKOS
classes and properties in TermIt. Prefix-less classes are lo-
cal to TermIt (they actually come from the VDD). Properties
marked with an asterisk are inferred.
Dataset a set of arbitrary data, which may or may not
be in a Semantic Web-compatible format. For in-
stance, many public organizations nowadays pub-
lish their datasets as part of the open data initia-
tive, yet, a lot of these datasets are in the form of
CSV files,
Document a logical container consisting of zero or
more files. Document vocabularies are based on
File represents a single file whose content may be up-
loaded into the system and, in case of textual files,
Documents and textual files are relevant for scenario
1), whereas scenario 2) covers all the four types of
3.2.1 Creating Vocabularies based on
This use case represents a situation when one wants
to create a vocabulary based on a document. Since
normative documents often rely on auxiliary files, a
document, in the understanding of TermIt, is primar-
ily a logical container of files. In this scenario, the
user creates a document vocabulary and uploads the
relevant file(s) into TermIt. Afterwards, it is possi-
ble to run an automated text analysis service on these
files. This service is able to suggest new terms based
on their significance in the file content. The text anal-
ysis service will be discussed in further detail in Sec-
tion 3.3.1.
The user can then open the annotated file in Ter-
mIt, review the suggestions (marked in text), create
terms from them, or mark and create new terms.
3.2.2 Resource Annotation
This scenario assumes that a non-empty vocabulary
already exists. This vocabulary can be used to anno-
tate arbitrary resources registered in TermIt and thus
provide a term-based resource search.
It is possible to assign terms to resources, indicat-
ing that they are relevant for the resource in question.
For example, datasets published online can be regis-
tered in TermIt, assigned terms and searched for.
In addition, for textual files, the text analysis ser-
vice can also be used to discover mentions of terms
in the content. The service will suggest the men-
tions, so that the user may approve or discard them. If
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the mention has sufficient confidence score (see Sec-
tion 3.3.1), the term is also assigned to the resource.
With this, one can use TermIt as a catalogue of
resources and search them more accurately thanks to
the terms. Consider an example related to the mo-
tivational scenario in the beginning: a user is inter-
ested in resources mentioning “construction” as the
process of building something. They open TermIt and
run regular full-text search for the word “construc-
tion”. TermIt finds terms and vocabularies whose rel-
evant attributes (label, definition, description) match
the search string. The user selects the appropriate
term. On the term detail screen, TermIt offers the
user to view resources to which the term is assigned,
effectively eliminating cases where “construction” is
meant as a physical artifact.
Such a functionality can go even further in that
the user may discover related resources resources
sharing common terms. This is currently not im-
plemented directly in the TermIt user interface, but
rather provided as a Web service for other tools. An
experimental instance of the Czech National Open
Data Catalog
is able to find related datasets via the
terms they share. Another example of annotating re-
sources concerns vocabulary models – ontology engi-
neers responsible for modeling a vocabulary register
a resource representing the model’s diagram in Ter-
mIt and annotate it with the terms it contains. TermIt
users can then immediately see the topic of the model
just by looking at the terms it is annotated with.
3.3 Technical Viewpoint
TermIt is an open source Semantic Web-based infor-
mation system consisting of an ontological model and
a regular Web application. The application itself has
a backend
written in Java and a frontend
written in
TypeScript using the React framework.
The system
stores its data in a triple store with a custom set of
rules for inference tasks. As far as expressiveness of
this ruleset is concerned, it supports RDFS (Brickley
and Guha, 2014) and selected OWL features such as
inverse properties. The frontend communicates with
the backend via a REST API using JSON-LD as the
data format (plain JSON is supported as well). The
REST API is documented using Swagger.
https://data.gov.cz/english/, accessed 2020-03-15.
Source code available at https://github.com/kbss-cvut/
termit, accessed 2020-03-15.
Source code available at https://github.com/kbss-cvut/
termit-ui, accessed 2020-03-15.
https://reactjs.org/, accessed 2020-03-15.
accessed 2020-03-15.
Since the data in TermIt are stored in a triple store,
it is easy to provide them as Linked Data (Wood
et al., 2013). The current instances achieve this via
a Pubby (Cyganiak and Bizer, 2007) instance which
is pointed to the underlying repository.
3.3.1 Annotace
a text annotation service, is implemented
and used in the context of TermIt. Annotace enhances
the process of building vocabularies that are related
to textual resources in the two scenarios already dis-
cussed in Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2:
In the first scenario, a new document (or, more
precisely, a set of files comprising the document)
is uploaded into the TermIt document manager,
and a newly created vocabulary is associated with
it. The vocabulary is empty at this point. The
task is to help the user start building the vocab-
ulary based on the text present in the document.
Annotace starts analyzing the text based on statis-
tical methods, namely, it uses the keyword extrac-
tor tool (KER) (Libovick
y, 2016) to extract the
most significant mentions from the text as candi-
date concepts in the vocabulary. This step does
not involve any semantic technology since there
is no semantic information present in the knowl-
edge base yet. The extracted information is then
presented to the user by TermIt as highlighted text
with actions. These actions allow the user to cre-
ate a new term in the vocabulary or reject the sug-
gested term if it is irrelevant to the associated vo-
The second scenario has a lot in common with the
previous one, but it assumes that the vocabulary
already has seed terms. Besides the steps intro-
duced in the first scenario, Annotace starts ana-
lyzing the document using the concepts in the as-
sociated vocabulary to find mentions in the text
that refer to specific entities in the vocabulary and
provides links between them. These mentions are
also presented as highlighted text in the document,
but differ from the extracted terms in the statisti-
cal step by providing a link to the associated term
directly. Similar to create and reject actions, the
user is allowed to approve the suggested associa-
tion or change it to a different term.
Both scenarios suggest human interaction with the
system to approve or reject the output of Annotace.
The semi-automatic approach is paramount to keep-
ing high precision of building the ontology and sav-
ing the user time and effort needed to be spent with
Source code is at https://github.com/kbss-cvut/annotace,
accessed 2020-03-15.
TermIt: A Practical Semantic Vocabulary Manager
the manual process. Annotace produces data in the
HTML format and the annotations are created using
RDFa (Adida et al., 2015) – an extension to HTML 5
that allows injecting Linked Data annotations into the
structure of an HTML document. Whenever a token
is recognized as a mention of an entity in the vocab-
ulary, a new annotation is injected around this token
with properties like a unique identifier, the resource
attribute referring to the identifier of the vocabulary
term, the type of the annotation in the ontology model,
and the accuracy of the prediction represented by the
score attribute.
3.3.2 Demo
The current deployments of TermIt are in Czech, but
an English deployment has been created for demon-
stration purposes.
It contains two urbanism-related
vocabularies the Prague Building Regulations vo-
cabulary and the vocabulary of the Metropolitan Plan
of Prague. Both vocabularies were created based on
the respective normative documents (only in Czech)
and translated to English as well.
Since the demo repository also contains vocabu-
lary models, additional properties are available for the
terms in the user interface, e.g., more precise specifi-
cation of the broader/narrower relationships.
It is possible to log into the demo deployment and
explore the functionalities of TermIt under the user-
name demo and with password demo.
Related work can be split based on the two use cases
supported by TermIt generic vocabulary manage-
ment (as opposed to existing domain-specific vocabu-
lary management tools like SnowOwl/Snowstorm for
SNOMED CT), and resource annotation and search.
4.1 Vocabulary Management
There exist several glossary editors and vocabulary
management tools. Their common problem is that
they expect knowledge of the Semantic Web princi-
ples from their users. This represents a significant
barrier for most domain experts. Compared to TermIt,
non-commercial tools also provide limited support for
linking the terms to their source documents.
VocBench (Stellato et al., 2015) is a tool for col-
laborative SKOS thesauri management. It supports
many advanced features like vocabulary versioning
Available at https://kbss.felk.cvut.cz/termit-demo, ac-
cessed 2020-03-15.
and user access control. However, its interface is ar-
guably hard to use even for people with Semantic Web
background. Also, it does not support resource man-
iQvoc (Bandholtz et al., 2010) is an open source
Web-based vocabulary management tool for SKOS-
XL (SKOS eXtension for Labels) which supports
publication of glossaries, multilingual labels, and a
simple term management workflow focused on the
end user. It internally stores data in a relational
database, but is able to provide vocabularies as Linked
Data as well thanks to integration with a triple store.
It does not address resource management.
Skosmos (Suominen et al., 2015) is a tool for pub-
lishing and exploring SKOS vocabularies. It does
not allow to directly edit the vocabularies, it rather
imports a SKOS-compatible vocabulary and provides
access to it. It concentrates on searching for the most
appropriate terms and providing Linked Data access
to the concepts. Multilingual concept labels are sup-
ported, but resource annotation is not.
e (Musen, 2015) is a desktop ontology ed-
itor allowing to model all aspects of a vocabulary.
It also supports using a reasoner for knowledge base
consistency validation. One of Prot
e’s biggest ben-
efits is its large community and modular design (over
one hundred plugins). Recently, WebProt
e (Tudo-
rache et al., 2013) was introduced as a collaborative
ontology engineering platform, featuring, e.g., con-
cept tagging. Once again, while the breadth of fea-
tures allows users of Prot
e to maintain both glos-
saries and models, the user interface for editing the
model is relatively cumbersome and knowledge of the
underlying Semantic Web principles is necessary.
PoolParty Semantic Suite
is a commercial set of
tools mainly focused on workflow-backed design and
management of vocabularies based on text corpora. It
provides additional services such as resource annota-
tion, Linked Data management, semantic search, text
mining, data integration, analytics and visualization.
TopBraid Composer
and other applications from
the TopBraid family are commercial tools which al-
low, among other things, to create and manage seman-
tic vocabularies and use them to annotate resources.
The annotation is automatic and uses terms from vo-
cabularies managed by the platform. Vocabulary glos-
saries are based on SKOS, but TopBraid also allows
to maintain the corresponding vocabulary models.
Finland approaches public administration vocab-
ulary management by developing proprietary tools
https://www.poolparty.biz/, accessed 2020-01-23.
topbraid-composer/, accessed 2020-01-23.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
which are similar to TermIt.
They involve thesaurus
management as well as UML modeling. The user
interface seems more enhanced than that of TermIt,
but the tool does not seem to have support for semi-
automated vocabulary construction based on existing
documents or resource annotation. Also the ontology
modeling part is based on pure UML class diagrams,
without any grounding in top-level ontologies, thus,
for instance, lacking the capability to express the ex-
amples of meaning ambiguities mentioned in the in-
troduction of this paper.
4.2 Resource Annotation and Search
Enterprise search is a vast domain with many com-
mercial and non-commercial vendors. However, most
of the tools provide keyword-based search which may
give imprecise results due to the lack of explicit
semantics of the keywords associated with the re-
sources. Various vendors, for example, Google, Mi-
crosoft, IBM, Oracle, provide such search as a fea-
ture of their products. On the other hand, there exist
specialized search solutions. Among the best known
is Apache Lucene
a text search engine library.
Lucene is the foundation of many other popular so-
lutions, including Apache Solr
and Elasticsearch.
Indexing and search based on semantic terms as-
sociated with resources provide, for example, the
aforementioned PoolParty Semantic Suite and Top-
Braid. Semantic technologies are also partially sup-
ported by the Rosette Text Analytics platform,
though the amount of relevant information for this
commercial tool is limited.
The original goal of TermIt was to build an easy-to-
use glossary editor based on Semantic Web technolo-
gies. Text analysis was supposed to be used to help
build new vocabularies from normative documents.
Over time, it turned out that resource annotation us-
ing existing terms is as important a goal as creation of
new vocabularies.
Thus, two main scenarios for using TermIt to build
and manage vocabularies and use them in connection
with resources have been identified:
https://yhteentoimiva.suomi.fi/en/, accessed 2020-03-15.
https://lucene.apache.org/, accessed 2020-03-15.
https://lucene.apache.org/solr/, accessed 2020-03-15.
https://www.elastic.co/, accessed 2020-03-15.
https://www.basistech.com/text-analytics/rosette/, ac-
cessed 2020-03-15.
Vocabulary Creation. In this scenario, the users
start with an empty vocabulary and a normative doc-
ument relevant to the vocabulary. They use Annotace
to discover possible new terms in the document, re-
view the suggestions, and create the new terms. Ad-
ditional new terms are created manually.
Resource Annotation. Resource annotation as-
sumes that a vocabulary with terms already exists.
These terms are assigned, either manually, or using
Annotace, to resources registered in the system. Ter-
mIt can then be used for semantic search finding
resources based on terms instead of words, getting re-
lated resources, etc.
TermIt has been used in two domains urban
planning and healthcare and is being tested for ap-
plication in another important domain public ad-
ministration. Vocabularies of laws and office agendas
would be created and maintained through TermIt at
the Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic.
So far, several relevant features have been identi-
fied as lacking in TermIt:
Term creation workflow representing a term’s life-
cycle. In many domains, new terms are not cre-
ated based on a single preexisting normative re-
source. They emerge from a collaborative effort
of multiple users, who need to discuss the mean-
ing of the term and eventually arrive at an agree-
ment acknowledged by an authorized supervisor.
Synonyms and alternative labels allow users to
gather alternative textual representations of a
Multilingual labels are required in cases where
terms exist in an international context. For in-
stance, a term like Network administration from
a public administration vocabulary may have its
origin in an ISO standard, but a local translation
is needed for usability with resources not written
in English.
We have presented TermIt a practical open source
vocabulary manager intended for domain experts with
possibly limited knowledge of the Semantic Web. The
system provides the ability to manage SKOS-based
glossaries, annotate resources with terms, link the
terms to their mentions in documents, and perform
semantic search based on the annotations. Moreover,
the ontological model backing TermIt is rooted in a
top-level formalism – UFO – improving its interoper-
TermIt: A Practical Semantic Vocabulary Manager
TermIt is still under development and there are
several important features planned in the near future.
One is the ability to link the definition of a term di-
rectly to a part of a normative file. The other is sup-
port for accessing remote vocabularies, so that a dis-
tributed network of TermIt instances can be created.
This is especially important for the public administra-
tion case, where different departments (or even min-
istries) maintain their own sets of vocabularies which
often depend on other vocabularies under a different
jurisdiction. Other important tasks include term cre-
ation and approval workflow, vocabulary versioning,
user access control, visualization of relationships be-
tween terms, and support for multilingual attributes.
This work was supported by grant
No. SGS19/110/OHK3/2T/13 Efficient Vocabu-
laries Management Using Ontologies of the Czech
Technical University in Prague.
Adida, B., Birbeck, M., McCarron, S., and Herman, I.
(2015). RDFa Core 1.1 – Third Edition. W3C recom-
mendation, W3C. https://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/,
accessed 2020-02-03.
Bandholtz, T., Schulte-Coerne, T., Glaser, R., Fock, J., and
Keller, T. (2010). iQvoc - Open Source SKOS(XL)
Maintenance and Publishing Tool. In Proceedings of
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