TermIt is still under development and there are
several important features planned in the near future.
One is the ability to link the definition of a term di-
rectly to a part of a normative file. The other is sup-
port for accessing remote vocabularies, so that a dis-
tributed network of TermIt instances can be created.
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tion case, where different departments (or even min-
istries) maintain their own sets of vocabularies which
often depend on other vocabularies under a different
jurisdiction. Other important tasks include term cre-
ation and approval workflow, vocabulary versioning,
user access control, visualization of relationships be-
tween terms, and support for multilingual attributes.
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No. SGS19/110/OHK3/2T/13 Efficient Vocabu-
laries Management Using Ontologies of the Czech
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems