Table 3: POI detection quality for three CTSs (TP, FP, FN
correspond to the number of true positives, false positives,
and false negatives, respectively).
No. TP FP FN Precision Recall F1
1 165 43 52 0.79 0.76 0.78
2 110 17 35 0.87 0.76 0.80
3 106 8 24 0.93 0.82 0.87
The distributions of the movement pattern types of
and D
are skewed. Hence, F1 is our main met-
ric of interest as it combines precision and recall. We
also use F1 for assessing the POI detection, which
performs reasonably well with a mean F1 score of
approx. 0.82 (D
). Our classification model performs
even better with an F1 score of approx. 0.86 (D
However, there exist several threats to validity.
The number of available CTSs and, as a consequence,
the dataset size are rather low. This also leads to a lim-
ited size of the evaluation dataset D
, which might
explain that F1 for D
is lower than for D
. For
the POI detection, the clustering technique DBSCAN
provided the best results for the given dataset. Other
clustering techniques might be better suited for larger
datasets. Furthermore, in order to minimize the label-
ing effort, the CTS group only had to label the activ-
ities they considered as regular. Not labeling presum-
ably non-regular activities can lead to more errors as
each CTS might not be aware of all her actual regu-
Moreover, the location data is recorded by a rather
homogeneous group of CTSs that are very simi-
lar in terms of worksite affiliation, working hours,
and age. In contrast, the travel behavior of distinct
user groups differs, e.g. between home-based per-
sons (like homemakers) and persons who travel to
their workplace (Kutter, 1973). The proposed features
may therefore be not as effective for different group
compositions. Furthermore, our work in progress ap-
proach was only validated for timeslots with 1-week
periodicities. We will further investigate the robust-
ness of the features and our approach, especially for
additional timeslot types, in our future work.
Digitization in the automotive industry causes the
change from car manufacturers to mobility service
providers. For example, to propose meaningful MaaS
offerings to interested and consenting individuals,
movement regularities have to be identified. Our pro-
posed approach can model daily travel routines and
predict regularities using the machine learning algo-
rithm XGBoost. We demonstrate that already small
datasets enable acceptable performance for POI de-
tection and future movement prediction (F1 > 0.8).
In our future work, we will investigate the remain-
ing movement pattern types, further temporal period-
icities, and sub-weekday time unit granularity. More-
over, we will explore how the evolution of movement
behavior over time can be incorporated.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems