We propose TS-LNS, a hybrid heuristic that combines
the capabilities of large neighbourhood search with
the filtering principle of tournament selection. The
results of the proposed algorithm on various bench-
mark problems is promising, showing that it achieves
good results with a lower overhead than IWO, which
is already considered to be a good algorithm for the
mTSP. Furthermore, the TS-LNS version that specifi-
cally targets the Euclidean problem, produces slightly
better results while reducing the execution time very
significantly for larger problem sizes.
As part of future work, we wish to test the algo-
rithm with more sophisticated removal/insertion func-
tions, using a more educated selection of the nodes to
be removed. We also plan to extend the algorithm in
order to tackle more complex problem versions, for
topologies with multiple depot nodes and for scenar-
ios where the salesmen have capacity limitations that
reduce their operational autonomy.
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pean Union and Greek national funds through the
Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneur-
ship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH -
CREATE - INNOVATE, project PV-Auto-Scout, code
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems