Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based
Adaptive System Environment
Mandy Goram
and Dirk Veiel
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, 58084 Hagen, Germany
Keywords: Context-based Adaptive Environment, Personalized Explanation, Compliance by Design, Copyright Law.
Abstract: Legal regulations demand that applications consider legal aspects of the application domain. Regulations
equally concern software designers, developers, legal experts, providers and users. Not only the application
must be legally compliant, the users must also comply with the law when using the application. Therefore, it
is important to explain the user the current situation and the related consequences to the usage of the system.
But it is a big challenge to support users with explanations of the law and the related actions and consequences
to the usage of the system. We address the aforementioned challenges by developing an extendable context-
based adaptive system environment, which considers legal policies and generate personalized explanations
for users. This paper presents an approach to integrate legal regulations into context-based systems and an
excerpt of our legal domain model. We describe a process on how legal experts can configure the adaptive
interaction with the domain-specific application and the generating of personalized explanations. For that, we
use a sample collaboration situation when Copyright Law and personalized explanations get relevant.
The development and usage of legal compliant
software applications has become an important
aspect. To prove and check its legal conformity it is
important to know what an application is doing. That
must be explained to the involved people and
regulators. Legal regulation like the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) demands the
explanation of data usage and the compliant
processing of personal information to the users.
Additionally, there is a right of the subjects to get an
overview of the processing and data usage of any
system that stores and processes user information
( Every application
which processes user data must consider the GDPR.
Therefore, a classification of user data is necessary.
To classify user data, (Kapitsaki et al., 2018) presents
a formal model to separate sensitive and non-sensitive
data for webservice requests of business applications.
But there must be more considered than the data
classification. The GDPR is a complex regulation
with relationship to other regulations, which must be
considered too. Therefore (Bartolini et al., 2015)
developed an ontology-based legal domain model
that represents the regulations from the regulatory
text in a formal model as ontology. An ontology is a
formal specification of a certain domain which
describes a set of concepts, relationships and formal
axioms that restrict the interpretation of concept
instances (Guarino, 1998). Legal knowledge
engineering tries to establish ontologies and
formalizes norms and legal subsumptions (Baumann
et al., 2010) to reuse them (Gangemi, 2007), what is
difficult because of the different scenarios.
The design and development of software which
considers legal requirements needs a tight
collaboration between software designers, developers
and legal experts (who check and confirm legal
compliance). Software providers must be assured that
the applications they use and serve to customers or
users runs compliant to the law. For that it is also
important to support users to act according to the law
through explanations of the situation like content
upload which concerns the Intellectual Property Law
(IP Law). This aspect is relevant to the provider,
because he or she is responsible for users’ legal
breaches. But legal regulations are interconnected,
Goram, M. and Veiel, D.
Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based Adaptive System Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0009565003670376
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 367-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
even if there is no clear connection at first sight. In
order to ensure legal conformity, it is therefore not
sufficient to simply include a specific legal
requirement in a system (Baumann et al., 2010),
(Casellas et al., 2010).
For illustration purposes, we will use a sample
scenario in this paper in which the user Alice wants
to upload the photo of a group trip in a community
application, as a supplement to a report. Since it is a
group photo, she must fulfill the legal requirements of
Copyright Law in order to publish it in the community
application. The legal requirements include, among
other things, a written consent of all persons depicted
in the photo. Alice is only allowed to make the photo
accessible to third parties within the agreed scope (the
legal situation is simplified) when these are available.
The consequences of any violation are regulated in
Copyright Law and other laws (e g GDPR) and the
personal rights.
The well-defined domain model in (Delgado et
al., 2003) considers related legal regulation and add
to the IP Law also the subordinated Copyright Law
and the Exploitation Right to the ontology. The
regulatory model is used to develop applications that
deal with multimedia interchange. Other related law
like the personal rights or the data privacy is not
contained in the domain model of (Delgado et al.,
2003). More sophisticated applications may lead to
different situations, as illustrated in Alice scenario. In
that simplified case the system must be able to sense
and also know, e. g., that the action concerns the
personal right and the data privacy too.
To use an application according to the law, the
user needs an explanation about the current situation.
Therefore, users should be made aware of legal
aspects and be supported in complying with them that
relate to their actions, e. g. Alice scenario. Existing
approaches neither support users in specific situations
nor explain the processing, actions or data usage. To
support users in certain situations (e. g. Alice) the
system must be aware of the user’s situation and the
related socio-technical environment, i. e. the context.
According to (Dey, 2001), the context contains any
information that can be used to describe a situation
within a socio-technical system. We extend the
definition of (Dey, 2001) and also consider all related
law which is relevant in and for a specific situation.
Context-aware systems are used to support
personalization with regard to the current situation of
related users.
Explanations are important for intelligent
personalized systems to support user acceptance and
user trust. According to (Dey and Newberger, 2009),
the privacy control is strongly related to intelligible
explanations. Therefore, it is necessary to explain
system processes and data usage, to help users to
understand the current situation (Brezillon, 1994).
“The dynamic aspect of context implies that it is not
possible to plan in advance the whole explanatory
dialogue” (Brezillon, 1994, P. 123). Personalized
explanations shall “serve to clarify and make
something understandable” (Gregor and Benbasat,
1999, P. 498) to the user in a specific situation. If a
user’s action, e. g. affects the GDPR or the Copyright
Law, the consequences of the usage of the system
should be explained.
To provide this support a more sophisticated
system approach is necessary like a context-based
adaptive system environment which is used to
provide personalized support in the current situation.
To address the aforementioned aspects, we have to
answer two questions:
Q1: How to design a context-based adaptive software
application which considers the concerning law?
Q2: How to explain users what they must do to act in
compliance to legal regulations in the specific
We are implementing an intelligent extendable
context-based adaptive system environment
(eCBASE) to develop or integrate context-based
applications and integrate technical, content and legal
requirements in a common domain model. For that we
use the knowledge of domain experts (technical,
content, legal) to define sets of rules for the specific
application. In case of legal regulations, the context-
based adaptive environment must know when and
how it must do something. For that, a legal expert
must also predefine what needs to be considered and
what action should be executed by the resulting
context-based adaptive application. In this paper we
present an approach on how the knowledge and
explanations of a legal expert can be integrated into
eCBASE and a context-based adaptive application.
For that we describe two sample situations that
regards the GDPR and the Copyright Law. We
illustrate the integration of the legal regulation and
the generating of explanations to users.
The paper is structures as follows: in section 2 we
present related work. Section 3 explains our process
of integrating legal regulations into our four-layer
context model. In section 4 we describe our legal
domain model and a sample of integrating aspects of
the copyright law for a specific application.
Generating personalized explanations is described in
section 5. We discuss our results in section 6. Finally,
we present some conclusions and future work in
section 7.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
There are many approaches in the area of privacy
support for personalized systems. (Jiang and Landay,
2002) presents one that support privacy control in
context-aware systems. They use annotations on
source code level to classify personal and sensitive
information for so-called information spaces. Privacy
related information is marked with privacy tags which
are used to identify the privacy information during
processing. If anyone different than the owner access
an information space, a contextualized trigger asks
for permission of the space owner. The approach
support users to get back control on their data.
(Bartolini et al., 2015) shows a coarse ontology-
based legal domain model of the GDPR designed by
a legal expert. The legal domain model contains the
regulation with the aspects of the basic data
protection principals, the data processing rules, and
the data subject’s rights. They use the ontology to
assist data controllers during the development cycle
of software. For that, they integrated the ontology in
a Business Process and Model Notation (BPMN)
workflow to express the GDPR requirements within
the workflow. The GDPR is a relevant legal domain
in our approach. The data protection ontology of
(Bartolini et al., 2015) was designed by a legal expert.
The aspects of executable rules for an adaption and
the explanation of a situation and the data usage
during application runtime are not covered by
(Bartolini et al., 2015).
The work presented in (Kapitsaki, 2013)
considers user privacy preferences in context-aware
webservices using Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP messages as adaptation mechanism. The paper
introduces the policy language Consumer Privacy
Language CPL. The CPL is used to specify the user’s
privacy preferences, who can insert their privacy
setting through a web application. The user’s
preferences are considered during the webservice
invocation. Through an adaptation mechanism the
privacy preferences are used to get access to context
information on a per case basis. The mechanism is
integrated into the presented webservice
infrastructure that applies the user’s privacy
preferences and manages the service execution. The
approach of (Kapitsaki, 2013) is tailored to support
the users by (Kapitsaki et al., 2018). They enhanced
and extended the approach with focus on the provider
side with aspects of the policy communication to any
business service. They extended the privacy module
of the Linked Unified Service Description Language
USDL. The privacy module is used to describe
privacy policies for the use of any webservice. By
using Linked Data they provide the opportunity to
link policies and place them in context. The extension
can use and include existing privacy policies to
answer questions about what personal data is
collected from users, how the service provider uses
the collected data and with whom it will be shared.
The approaches of (Kapitsaki, 2013) and (Kapitsaki
et al., 2018) focus on supporting privacy of users
while using webservices. An interesting aspect is the
separation of private and non-private data on the
conceptual layer. Neither (Kapitsaki et al., 2018) nor
(Kapitsaki, 2013) describe how to support a
community application.
While using community applications or systems,
also the Copyright Law or IP Law has got attracted
researches and technicians to develop compliant
architectures and approaches. A more sophisticated
approach using a regulatory ontology is presented by
(Delgado et al., 2003). They are using ontologies to
get a more flexible and modular system that allows to
extend and adapt the concepts and relationships
without losing the connection to the base system.
They describe the regulatory Intellectual Property
Rights ontology (IPROnto), allowing the
combination of results from different areas or
domains. The IPROnto contains a static and dynamic
view to separate the design of the intellectual property
regulation and its derived rights from the using of the
defined rules and interdependencies. The static view
describes legal concepts (defined by law), legal
entities (possessing capacity in law) and the IP Law
in detail. The dynamic view is used to create business
models for its use in e-commerce applications. It
contains events which represent the processes of the
intellectual property right. For that they describe a
content life cycle and sample events like the creation
of origin content and its related law and rights of the
legal entities. At least they describe how they can
develop and transfer their design on an ontology for
the GDPR based on their IPROnto framework.
The design and development of legal decision
support systems created a research area on the
formalization of the law. The main aspects are the
legal support of lawyers and advise seeking persons,
to get direction of the legal subsumption of a specific
case. Some legal support systems use an ontology-
based approach to represent and formalize the
knowledge about the legal regulation (Baumann et al,
2010), (Gangemi, 2007), (Casanovas et al, 2016),
(Gangemi et al., 2003). But most of them do not
consider intelligible explanations and actions in their
formal description. Therefore, it is not possible to
explain the user what happened and why something
happened in a specific situation.
Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based Adaptive System Environment
To support privacy and privacy control it is
important to provide intelligible explanations.
Explanations are needed to help users to understand
why and how their data is used in the system and who
has access (Bellotti and Sellen, 1993).
Supporting intelligibility of complex context-
aware systems is the approach of (Lim and Dey,
2010). They point out that intelligibility must be
accompanied by a control function for the user. Their
work focus on an extension of the Context Toolkit.
“The Context Toolkit aims at facilitating the
development and deployment of context-aware
applications” (
The extension support developer and designer who
use the Context Toolkit to integrate intelligible
explanations and user control while building a
context-aware application. For that, they integrate
meaningful explanations in the application
Situation by exposing the internal processing of
context-aware applications. Enhancements to the
explanation component in the Context Toolkit are
presented in (Lim and Dey, 2011). They generate
explanations of the behaviour of more popular
machine learning techniques and enriched
explanations for user control (Lim and Dey, 2010),
(Lim and Dey, 2011). It is not known to us that the
Context Toolkit supports context-based adaptive
community applications as well as legal regulations.
(Haake et al, 2010) present a generic four-layer
framework for modelling context in a collaboration
environment, a generic adaptation process, and a
collaboration domain model for describing
collaboration environments and collaboration
situations. (Veiel et al., 2013) implement the
framework, using an extended domain model and the
related adaptation process. The resulting CONTact
platform is able to sense and formalize users’
interaction with the system at runtime, and to adapt
according to the user’s current collaboration situation.
Applying adaptations at runtime may confuse users.
In conclusion, most of the related work mentioned
above describe the integration and the scope of data
protection in a specific area but do not take other
regulations into account. The development of a
system transferable to other areas requires a common
formal language (Delgado et al., 2003). (Kapitsaki et
al., 2018) tries to put this approach on a broader basis
with CPL and an extended privacy module of the
USDL. The formal classification of the data
categories described in (Kapitsaki et al., 2018) is a
central information and basis for further processing.
They mentioned the application of the Webservice
Framework to copyright. But there is no information
available on how the copyright law is supported.
Although the approaches mentioned address legal
requirements, they do not or only marginally consider
the provision of explanations to the user. The focus
mostly is on the system architecture or on the creation
of a specific legal taxonomy and not on the users. To
support them, especially in the understanding of
automated procedures, the system has to be designed
to meet the users' needs. Therefore, we integrate legal
requirements and explanations to all relevant objects
of an application in a way to support users in specific
situations (e. g. collaboration situation) with suitable
explanations. In this paper, we explain how a context-
based system could be designed to do so.
From our point of view, only a legal expert of the
application domain can evaluate which legal
regulations are relevant for an application. Therefore,
we propose a process to integrate legal policies and
appropriate actions into the domain model of a
domain-specific context-based (collaboration)
application as shown in Fig. 1. The domain-specific
application based on the core system eCBASE. Good
and best practices can then be integrated and provided
through eCBASE. For that, eCBASE contains a legal
domain model (cf. 4) to represent the legal domain
and to define legal required actions and explanations.
Figure 1: Process illustration of legal policies integration.
A legal expert has the expertise to identify regulations
for the domain-specific application which has to be
provided. At the same time, he or she can define
policies for dealing with the application as well as the
legally compliant behaviour of a domain-specific
application in order to comply with the legal
regulations. The legal experts are involved in the
design of the application, i. e. the domain model
(compliance by design). Therefore, they get an
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Core concepts of the legal domain model.
overview of the information in the domain model (cf.
1+2 in Fig. 1). They decide which legal conditions
apply to the information, e. g. data protection
(sensitive data). The defined requirements are used to
store the legal regulations, their references to other
areas of law and the consequences for data processing
in the system. The information is stored in the context
model. Corresponding rules and actions are derived
or linked to them (cf. 3 in Fig. 1). The legal experts
also define the templates which represent the legal
explanations. The templates are used to generate
personalized explanations for users (cf. 4+5 in Fig. 1).
This section introduces the legal domain model of
eCBASE and explains its concepts and relationships.
We briefly introduce the overall approach before we
present the legal domain model. Due to space reasons,
we omit core concepts and relationships which
represent technical and non-legal concepts. We
presented the core model in (Goram and Veiel, 2019).
4.1 Context Modelling Approach
We use the CONTact platform (Veiel et al., 2013) to
implement a context-based adaptive application and
decouple the context from the content as much as
possible. That makes it possible to reuse our system
and to modify it according to required changes of the
context model.
For context modelling we use the Web Ontology
Language (OWL2) and the generic four-layer
framework for modelling context in a collaboration
environment and the related collaboration domain
model presented in (Haake et al, 2010). The generic
four-layer framework consists of the knowledge
layer, the state layer, the contextualized state layer,
the adaptation layer and related components to
implement a generic adaptation process (Haake et al,
2010). The knowledge layer describes a domain
model with abstract (e. g. classes, properties) and
concrete (e. g. individuals) predefined knowledge,
mapped to corresponding concepts and relations. The
sensing engine at the state layer uses sensing rules to
instantiate related concepts and relationships from the
domain model (cf. knowledge layer) to represent the
current collaboration environment of all users. The
contextualization engine at the contextualization
layer applies contextualization strategies to extract a
subset from the state (cf. state layer) and/or domain
model (cf. knowledge layer) which are relevant for
the current collaboration situation. This creates a
contextualized state (the context). The adaptation
engine at the adaptation layer evaluates the adaptation
rules and executes applicable adaptation rules. This
Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based Adaptive System Environment
leads to the adapted state that is mapped to the
collaboration environment.
4.2 Concepts of German Jurisdiction
Domain Model
In order to support legal regulations in the context
model, we have to extend the domain model
presented in (Haake et al, 2010). The German
jurisdiction is complex and may be connects different
law areas for one case. Regulations, like the GDPR,
which concerns all software applications, should
become core concepts within the domain model.
Fig. 2 shows the legal domain model dm:Legal as
a subclass of dm:Requirement. Requirements
(dm:Requirement) are linked through conditions
(dm:Condition) to resources (dm:Resource),
applications (dm:Application) or application
functionality (dm:ApplicationFunctionality) which
may be used by users (dm:User). Requirements are
external policies (e. g. law) and must be checked and
taken into account during processing.
We model the structure of law texts in the domain
model which is represented by the concept
dm:LawText including its clauses (dm:Clause) and
paragraphs (dm:Paragraph). A paragraph can either
represent a claim (dm:Claim) or an explanation of the
right (dm:LegalExplanation). Fig. 2 shows a
taxonomy of German jurisdiction through the concept
dm:Jurisdiction. For readability reasons Fig. 2
contains only an excerpt of the main areas of legal
regulations. The specifics of the German law can be
separated into two major areas: objective law
(dm:ObjectiveLaw) and subjective right
The first branch of objective law is the private law
(dm:PrivateLaw), with the general private law (dm:
GeneralPrivateLaw) and its subclass dm:CivilLaw.
And the special private law (dm:SpecialPrivateLaw),
with its subclasses dm:CommercialLaw, dm:Copy-
rightLaw, dm:LaborLaw and dm:PrivateInter-
nationalLaw. The second branch is public law
(dm:PublicLaw) with the subclasses dm:Criminal-
Law, dm:ProceduralLaw, dm:InternationalLaw,
dm:SocialLaw, dm:ConstitutionalLaw and
The first branch of subjective right is the
subjective private law (dm:SubjectivePrivateLaw),
with the absolute right (dm:AbsoluteRight) and its
subclasses dm:PersonalRight including their
subclasses dm:PrivacyLaw, dm:PropertyLaw and
dm:IntellectualPropertyLaw on the one hand and the
property rights (dm:PropertyRight) with the
subclasses dm:TitleClaim and dm:RightToAlterA-
LegalRelationship on the other hand. The second
branch is subjective public law (dm:Subjective-
PublicLaw) with its subclasses dm:StatusPositivus
(freedom through the stateprotection), dm:Status-
Negativus (freedom from the statedefense against
state intervention) and dm:StatusActivus (freedom in
and for the stateparticipation). Concepts of the class
dm:Jurisdiction provides attributes to store the
purpose and provision of the law and references to
special law or retrains. This will be defined during the
legal framework extension phase by a legal expert
who is in charge.
Figure 3: Excerpt of the configured legal domain model.
4.3 Representation of the Copyright
Law in the Legal Context Model for
a Collaboration Situation
Using our sample community application (cf. section
1) where Alice should be able to upload photos, we
illustrate how a legal expert is involved into the
development and extension of the context-based
adaptive application (cf. Fig. 1). The process starts
when the legal expert checks the domain model of the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
application, e. g. using Protégé. First (cf. 1 in Fig. 1),
the current version of the domain model is read in.
The classes, properties and annotations are presented
to the legal expert within the user interface. The
context modelling with Protégé supports different
ways to define attributes. We use annotations to
define class attributes. Second (cf. 2 in Fig. 1), the
legal expert extends the context model by adding new
classes, relationships and annotations via the user
interface. Additionally, he or she has to choose which
information concern the data privacy law, which is a
core concept that splits class annotations respectively
attributes into sensitive (cf. Fig. 3, lines 5-9, 32-38)
and non-sensitive data.
Figure 3 shows an excerpt of the legal domain model
in Turtle format. It contains classes (cf. Fig. 3, lines
11-26), relationships (subPropertyOf, subClassOf)
and annotations (cf. Fig. 3, lines 28-45) for aspects of
the GDPR and the Copyright Law (cf. Fig. 3, lines 20-
26, 40-45). After the legal expert finished the
configuration, the changes will be written back to the
context model (cf. 3 in Fig. 1). The extended version
becomes the common ground for the related context-
based applications (cf. 4 in Fig. 1). When a user
interacts with the context-based systems he or she get
information about the data usage and processing (cf.
5 in Fig. 1). The sensing and adaptation engine of the
context-based system can analyze the current
situation and react accordingly to the legal regulation
as soon as the user does something what was
regulated by the legal expert beforehand, e. g. a photo
The process of extending the context model was
implemented prototypically with Python and
OWLReady2 using a structured interface (JSON
format). The JSON structure uses the class names of
the domain model, e. g. dm:Application or dm:Action
(cf. Fig. 2), as a key and adds the information from
the configuring persons (i. e. the legal expert in our
scenario) as values, when necessary.
When writing back the changes, a Python module
first creates new Python classes or extends existing
ones which makes it possible to create and save new
domain model classes with OWLReady2 to the
domain model itself. The updated version of the
domain model can be used to create instances during
runtime. This currently works through a static
configuration and a Python Command Line Interface
(CLI). The program will be modified to a dynamic
runtime in further development, when the sensing and
adaptation engine are integrated. A user interface for
the configuration of the context model has not yet
been developed and is subject of future work.
Separate domain models are used to describe the
specific domain and its relationships. In case of legal
regulation, the domain model contains the structure
and core classes of the specific jurisdiction, i. e. the
German jurisdiction. But the core model does not
contain all specifications and paragraphs of the law,
because it would become too big and complex for
processing. Instead the legal regulation processing.
Figure 4: Contextualized state of Alice’ picture upload scenario.
Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based Adaptive System Environment
Instead the legal regulation which are relevant for
a domain-specific application or application domain,
e. g. a community system like meinDorf55+, are
applied and instantiated for it and not in general.
Therefore, the responsible legal expert of an
application can decides what must be considered and
how to deal with certain situations. The separation of
applicable law from the core model makes it possible
to change the legal context, when the application e. g.
is used in another country with its own regulations
and policies.
After this modelling step is finished, the
application is available to the users using the context
model shown in Fig. 4. For readability reasons we
omitted concepts and instances in Fig. 4 to illustrate
the scenario when Alice, a user of the application
meinDorf55+, uploads a group photo which demands
an approval of all pictured persons, e. g. the user Bob.
According to the four-layer framework (Haake et al,
2010), Fig. 4 contains the state with concepts from
Fig. 2 and instances which are needed to analyze and
adapt according to the situation of Alice.
As Fig. 4 shows, Alice and Bob are instances of
the concept dm:User. CONTact and meinDorf55plus
are instances of the concept dm:Application.
meinDorf55plus_PhotoUpload is an instance of the
concept dm:ApplicationFunctionality and part of
meinDorf55plus. Alice photo Group_Excursion_
July19 is an instance of the concept dm:Photo which
is a subclass of dm:Resource.
The usage of resources like the Group_
Excursion_July19 demand the consideration of legal
requirements (dm:Legal). The requirements lead to a
set of rules with conditions (dm:Condition) which
must be fulfilled before the upload process is finished.
The photo upload affects the personal right
(dm:PersonalRight), that is regulated in the German
basic law and represented by the instance
BasicLaw_GG, the copyright with the instance
CopyrightLaw_UrhG (of class dm:CopyrightLaw)
and the German civil law with the instance
GermanCivilLaw_BGB (of class dm:CivilLaw). The
related clauses to the CopyrightLaw_UrhG are §19a
UrhG (Article_19_UrhG and Paragrapgh_19a)
which refers to §97 1,2 UrhG (instances Article_
97_UrhG, Paragraph_97_1 and Paragraph_97_1).
The dm:Claim instances Omittance and Compen-
sation are derived from §97 1, 2 UrhG. To fulfill the
legal requirements of the upload in the scenario, Alice
requires the consent of all person depicted. In case,
the picture shows Bob, Alice become aware of this by
an action (of the concept dm:Action), which creates a
view or dialog from the instance LegalExplanation_
Article_ 182_BGB (class of dm:LegalExplanation).
The explanation contains the descriptions of the
instances Article_182_BGB (§182 1 BGB the
approval) and the related paragraph
Parapgraph_182_1. Claims and legal explanations
serve to explain the need for an action and the
consequences when Alice disregards the legal rule.
An approval request to Bob will be created when
Alice continues the upload process. This time the
action (dm:Action) creates an ApprovalRequest
which can be accepted or declined by Bob (cf. Listing
1). If he accepts, the context (acceptance, related
photo, Alice request, etc.) will be stored in an
approval object for transparency and verifiability,
else the process will be aborted.
rule "Approval Request"
user: getUserInContext("dm:User")
app: getAppInContext(user,"dm:Application")
req: getReqInContext(app,"dm:Requirement")
appr: requestApproval(user, app, req)
notify(user, appr)
Listing 1: Rule “Approval Request”.
Listing 1 uses pseudocode to illustrate our
approach to implement “Approval Request”. The rule
consists of a condition part (when to then) and an
action block (then to end). getUserInContext retrieves
the user interacting with the application (in our
scenario Alice and Bob). The function
getAppInContext determines the application used by
the user which is of type dm:Application. The
function getReqInContext retrieves all instances and
relations connected to the domain concept
dm:Requirement of the given application. The
function requestApproval uses the context
information about the user, the application and the
requirement and ensures that the user has approved
the photo upload. When the user approved the action
beforehand, the return value of the function is empty.
When there is no or an inapplicable approval instance
present in the current context, the approval is
requested from the user.
To generate personalized explanations through a
domain-specific application, we use the templates and
explanatory texts of the experts. For that, the core
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
concepts dm:Requirement, dm:Condition and
dm:Declaration and their dependencies from
eCBASE will be used in the current situation of the
domain-specific application, i. e. meinDorf55+.
Through them, we support personalized adaptations,
user control and explanations for the users.
The purpose of these concepts is to explain What
happened? (dm:Requirement), Why does it
happened? (dm:Condition) and What kind of
explanation should be provided? (dm:Declaration).
Figure 5: Sample dialogs for personalized explanations.
Figure 5 shows two examples of user interface
dialogs. They will be generated using the
requirements and explanations which are defined and
configured by the legal expert. The left dialog in
Fig. 5 shows an explanation of the data usage of Alice
concerning the usage of meinDorf55+. The dialog on
the right gets displayed when a user of meinDorf55+
tries to upload a photo. The dialog contains an
explanation what has happened and why the
interaction is needed. Additionally, it shows the
required action and the conditions (defined by the
legal expert) which must be fulfilled before the photo
becomes accessible to others. Fig. 5 illustrates how
the two explanations could be built.
We integrate and support legal experts in the
development of our eCBASE. For that, we presented
a process of our on-going work for integrating legal
regulations to support developers, legal experts and
providers to design and develop compliant context-
based applications. Our approach enables legal
experts to participate in the software development
process. They shall define the legal requirements, the
explanations of the law and the related consequences
which are transformed to adaptation rules. From this
eCBASE generates personalized explanations for the
users. We presented our legal domain model with its
basic concepts which is used to represent the
definitions. According to (Haake et al, 2010) we
described a contextualized perspective with a
situation and the rule “Approval Request” when the
Copyright Law gets relevant.
The legal experts can have different expertises,
depending on the software application and domain. In
addition, not all legal requirements need to be defined
in eCBASE and the initial domain-specific
applications in advance. This enables us to achieve
more flexibility in the application of our context-
based adaptive system environment. We also consider
that users should make decisions about the data
processing (accept or decline) by themselves. For
that, we integrate the defined legal policies, which are
important for the situation (the context) and analyze
which of the policies must be applied in the specific
situation. Through our context-based adaptive
approach it is possible to observe activities in our
system which affects legal regulations and to explain
the required actions and consequences to the user.
This paper does not cover some outstanding
aspects: (I.) Due to the limitation of the paper we
could not explain in detail the connection of legal
requirements (defined by legal experts) with the
domain-specific application by the concept
dm:Condition. (II.) Our prototype currently has a
static setup for the situation of data usage explanation
and the picture upload. (III.) The explanation building
process that realizes the dialogs is not yet
implemented. The presented dialogs are still concepts
which must be realized in the next step. (IV.) For
readability or space reasons we presented an excerpt
of our developed domain model, i. e. we have omitted
other concepts and relationships for legal regulations.
In this paper we presented an approach to consider
legal policies and personalized explanations in our
eCBASE. For that, we use the knowledge of a legal
expert who defines the relevant policies and
explanations using our presented underlying legal
domain model. The expert’s definitions will be stored
in and applied through our legal context model in
eCBASE (answer to Q1). Therefore, our approach
can support users to comply with the law when using
the application by generating personalized
explanations (answer to Q2). For that, we use the
specific context to explain the user the current
situation and the related consequences to the usage of
the system. We illustrated that in our sample scenario
when Alice uploads a group photo with Bob, what
Considering Legal Regulations in an Extendable Context-based Adaptive System Environment
concerns the Copyright Law and the GDPR. Alice’
action affects the defined policies for the system. That
triggers the generating of an explanation of further
steps to Alice as well as a request approval to Bob.
The next steps include the investigating of what
are intelligible explanations for users which are
related to the relevant legal regulation. In addition, a
user interface for depositing legal policies is in its
design phase, which the legal expert can use for
configuration. We will extend our legal domain
model with relevant regulations and try to integrate
the more specific models of (Bartolini et al, 2015) and
(Delgado et al., 2003) into our domain model to apply
it in our adaptation process. Additionally, we are
looking for further legal regulations which are
relevant in other application domains to investigate
and integrate them into eCBASE.
This work was funded by the Research Cluster
“Digitalization, Diversity and Lifelong Learning –
Consequences for Higher Education (D²L²) of the
FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany.
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