Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman
Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques
Pedro Henrique Gouvêa Coelho, J. F. M. Do Amaral and A. C. S. Tome
State Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, FEN/DETEL, R. S. Francisco Xavier, 524/Sala 5001E, Maracanã, RJ, 20550-900, Brazil
Keywords: Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence Applications, Channel Equalization, Wireless Systems.
Abstract: Artificial Neural Networks have been broadly used in several domains of engineering and typical
applications involving signal processing. In this paper a channel equalizer using radial basis function neural
networks is proposed, on symbol by symbol basis. The radial basis function neural network is trained by an
extended Kalman filter including evolutionary techniques. The key motivation for the equalizer application
is the neural network capability to establish complex decision regions that are important for estimating the
transmitted symbols appropriately. The neural network training process using evolutionary techniques
including an extended Kalman filter enables a fast training for the radio basis function neural network.
Simulation results are included comparing the proposed method with traditional ones indicating the
suitability of the application.
Channel equalization is intended to mitigate the
effects of the transmitted media on the transmitted
symbol sequence, known as the inter-symbol
interference (ISI). Adaptive equalizers are essential
in these communications systems to achieve reliable
data transmission. Usually two approaches are used:
sequence estimation equalizers and the symbol
decision equalizers. The optimal sequence
estimation is yielded by MLSE (Maximum
Likelihood Sequence Estimation) (Chen et. al.,
1995), (Gibson and Cowan, 1989) implemented by
the Viterbi algorithm. It is optimal for detecting the
full transmitted sequence. High complexity in
connection with the MLSE are however usually
unacceptable in many typical communication
systems. Most of the practical equalizers therefore
employ a structure of making decision symbol by
symbol. Symbol decision equalizers can still be
classified into two categories according to whether
they estimate a channel model explicitly. One is the
direct-modelling equalizer which is not widely used
once the knowledge of the channel model is needed.
The other category is the indirect modelling
equalizer that does not require the knowledge of the
channel model. In this category, we mention among
others, the linear transverse adaptive equalizers that
are required in these communications systems to
obtain reliable data transmission. Among the effects
of wireless channels is delay dispersion, due to Multi
Path Components (MPCs) having different runtimes
from the transmitter (TX) to the receiver (RX).
Delay dispersion causes ISI, which can largely
degrade the transmission of digital signals. It is
worth mention that even a delay spread that is
smaller than the symbol duration can cause a
significant Bit Error Rate (BER) degradation. If the
delay spread becomes comparable with or larger
than the symbol duration, as occurs often in third
and fourth generation cellular systems, then the BER
turns unacceptably large if no compensation are
performed. Also when a signal is transmitted
through wireless medium then due to multipath
effect there is fluctuation in signal amplitude, phase,
and time delay. This effect is often known as fading
(Proakis, 2001). The use of coding and diversity can
decrease, but not fully eliminate, errors due to ISI.
However, delay dispersion can also be a positive
effect. Since fading of the distinct MPCs is
statistically independent, resolvable MPCs can be
modeled as diversity paths. So, delay dispersion
allows the possibility of delay diversity, if the RX
can extract, and exploit, the resolvable MPCs.
Equalizers can be interpreted as devices that work
both ways - they decrease or eliminate ISI, and
simultaneously exploit the delay diversity inherent
Coelho, P., M. Do Amaral, J. and Tome, A.
Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0009565806260631
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 626-631
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in the channel. The principle of an equalizer can be
analyzed either in the time or frequency domain. In
the present work the time-domain method is taken
which is feasible in most of the applications.
Usually, the channel response may not be known at
startup. Besides, the channel may be time-varying,
so an adaptive structure of the equalizer is essential.
One can identify distinct modes of adaptation:
• A training signal aided adaptation;
Decision directed adaptation - An error signal
defined by comparing input and output of the
decision device;
Blind adaptation: Signal properties aided
adaptation instead of making use an error signal;
A training signal is considered in this article for
the equalizer adaptation. It should be stressed that,
digital communication systems typically operate on
time varying dispersive channels which usually
employ a signaling format in such way that user data
are set up in blocks preceded by a known training
sequence. That training sequence at the beginning of
each block is used to estimate channel or train an
adaptive equalizer. Depending on the rate at which
the channel changes with time, there may not be a
need to further track the channel variations during
the user data sequence. The present article proposes
a channel equalizer for wireless channels using
Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks
including evolutionary techniques on a symbol by
symbol decision basis. Their use was spread by
(Moody and Darken, 1989), and has proven to be
useful neural network architecture. The major
difference between RBF networks and back
propagation networks is the behavior of the single
hidden layer. Rather than using the sigmoidal or S-
shaped activation function as in back propagation,
the hidden units in RBF networks use a Gaussian or
some other basis kernel function. Each hidden unit
acts as a locally tuned processor that computes a
score for the match between the input vector and its
connection weights or centers. In effect, the basis
units are highly specialized pattern detectors. The
weights connecting the basis units to the outputs are
used to take linear combinations of the hidden units
to product the final classification or output. The RBF
equalizer classifies the received signal according to
the class of the center closest to the received vector
(Assaf et al, 2005), (Burse et al, 2010). The output
of the RBF equalizer offers an attractive alternative
to the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) type of Neural
Network for channel equalization problems because
the structure of the RBF network has a close
relationship to Bayesian methods for channel
equalization and interference exclusion. RBF
networks comprise three layers: the input layer, the
hidden layer with the RBF nonlinearity, and a linear
output layer, as shown in Fig. 1(Burse et al, 2010).
This paper is divided into four sections. Section 2
does a brief discussion of RBF artificial neural
networks. Section 3 presents the RBF neural net
equalizer and case studies and section 4 ends the
paper with conclusions.
RBF neural networks are a very popular architecture
only surpassed by feedforward neural networks.
Denoting the input (vector) as x and the output as
y(x) (scalar), the architecture of a RBF neural
network is given by
using Gaussian function as basis functions. Observe
that, c
are called centers and is called the width.
There are M basis functions centered at c
, and w
are named weights.
RBF neural networks are very popular for function
approximation, curve fitting, time series prediction,
control and classification problems. The radial basis
function network differs from other neural networks,
showing many distinctive features. Due to their
universal approximation, more concise topology and
quicker learning speed, RBF networks have attracted
considerable attention and they have been widely
used in many science and engineering fields (Oyang
et al., 2005), (Fu et al., 2005), (Devaraj et al., 2002),
(Du et al., 2008), (Han et al., 2004). The
determination of the number of neurons in the
hidden layer in RBF networks is somewhat
important because it affects the network complexity
and the generalizing capability of the network. In
case the number of the neurons in the hidden layer is
insufficient, the RBF network cannot learn the data
adequately. On the other hand, if the number of
neurons is too high, poor generalization or an
overlearning situation may take place (Liu et al.,
2004). The position of the centers in the hidden layer
also influences the network performance
significantly (Simon, 2002), so determination of the
optimal locations of centers is an important job.
Each neuron has an activation function in the hidden
layer. The Gaussian function, which has a spread
parameter that controls the behavior of the function,
Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques
is the most preferred activation function. The
training method of RBF networks also includes the
optimization of spread parameters of each neuron.
Later on, the weights between the hidden layer and
the output layer must be selected suitably. Finally,
the bias values which are added with each output are
determined in the RBF network training procedure.
In the literature, several algorithms were proposed
for training RBF networks, such as the gradient
descent (GD) algorithm (Karayiannis, 1999) and
Extended Kalman filtering (EKF) (Simon, 2002).
Several global optimization methods have been used
for training RBF networks for different science and
engineering problems such as genetic algorithms
(GA) (Barreto et al., 2002), the particle swarm
optimization (PSO) algorithm (Liu et al., 2004), the
artificial immune system (AIS) algorithm (De Castro
et al., 2001) and the differential evolution (DE)
algorithm (Yu et al., 2006). The Artificial Bee
Colony (ABC) algorithm is a population based
evolutional optimization algorithm that can be used
to various types of problems. The ABC algorithm
has been used for training feed forward multi-layer
perceptron neural networks by using test problems
such as XOR, 3-bit parity and 4-bit encoder/decoder
problems (Karaboga et al., 2007). Due to the need of
fast convergence, EKF training was chosen for the
RBF equalizer reported in this paper including
evolutionary techniques briefly depicted in the next
section. Details on the training process can be found
in (Simon, 2002).
Radial Basis Function Neural Networks have been
used for channel equalization purposes (Lee et al.,
1999), (Gan et al., 1999), (Kumar et al. 2000), (Xie
and Leung, 2005). Typically, such networks have
three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer with
the RBF nonlinearity, and a linear output layer, as
shown in Fig. 1 (Burse et al., 2010). Simulations
carried out on time-varying channels using a
Rayleigh fading channel model to compare the
performance of RBF with an adaptive maximum
likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) show that the
RBF equalizer produces superior performance with
less computational complexity (Mulgrew, 1996).
Several techniques have been developed in literature
to solve the problem of blind equalization using
RBF (Tan et al., 2001), (Uncini et al., 2003) and
others. RBF equalizers require less computing
demands than other equalizers (Burse et al., 2010).
Figure 1: RBF neural network (from Burse et al., 2010).
A comprehensive review on channel equalization
can be found in (Qhreshi, 1985). A recent review on
Neural Equalizers can be found in (Burse et al.,
2010). The equalization scheme can be seen in Fig. 2
(taken from (Molisch, 2011)). The adaptive
equalizer in the figure is the RBF Neural equalizer
trained by EKF according to (Simon, 2002)
including evolutionary techniques. The considered
channel uses the Rayleigh model (Molisch, 2011)
using QPSK modulation.
Figure 2: Equalization procedure (from Molisch, 2011).
The QPSK ideal constellation symbols are shown in
figure 3. In other words when the communications
channel is ideal, there is no distortion or noise so
that the symbols are always received with no error.
For a real channel the received symbols will show
some dispersion as shown in figure 4.
Figure 3: QPSK ideal constellation.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: QPSK real scenario constellation.
The evolutionary techniques used in connection to
extended Kalman filtering training of the RBF
equalizer take into account the differential
evolutionary (DE) approach (Brownlee, 2011).
(Souza et al., 2007) used it in a Kalman filter trained
RBF arrangement for forecasting the soybean price.
The DE technique basically involved the estimation
of the main diagonal of matrices P, Q and R that are
respectfully the filter error covariance matrix, the
system noise covariance matrix and the observation
noise covariance matrix. The fitness function for the
DE technique is the multiple correlation coefficient
which measures the fitness of the model with
measured data. A value close to 1 indicates the
model is adequate (Brownee, 2011). Several
simulations were carried out for realistic channel
characteristics. Two case studies were considered.
For the first case study, a flat fading channel was
considered. Flat fading channels have amplitude
varying channel characteristics and are narrowband
(Molisch, 2011). A transmission of an image was
considered in both case studies. The transmitted
image is depicted in figure 5.
Figure 5: Original transmitted image in case studies.
The simulations also made possible to plot results
for comparing the performance in terms of Bit Error
Rate (BER) against Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and
Symbol Error Rate (SER) against SNR. The
received image for the RBF equalizer and the
Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFB) which is a quite
popular traditional equalizer is shown in figures 6
and 7. The simulated RBF equalizer produced an
average correlation coefficient of 0.993 with
standard deviation of 0.085 and used 7 Gaussian
functions in the hidden layer. The computational
complexity of the DFB was chosen to be comparable
to the RBF equalizer.
Figure 6: RBF received image for flat fading.
Figure 7: DFB received image for flat fading.
In a qualitative way, one can see that the RBF
equalizes better. For a quantitative description figure
8 shows the BER x SNR and SER x SNR for the two
equalizers. The theoretical curve is also shown for
comparative purposes. One can see that the RBF
equalizer performs better as the images of the
received figures indicated. It can be also seen that
for low SNRs the performance of the RBF equalizer
is very close the theoretical performance. As SNR
values increase the equalizer begins to get away
from the theoretical model. Figure 9 shows a
constellation diagram for the equalizers in case study
1, and it can be seen a cluster formation around the
original symbols for both equalizers, indicating that
errors might occur in the receiver output. The
constellation diagram is a qualitative way of
comparing the performance of received symbols and
complements the information given by the curves
BER x SNR. Usually are made available in displays
Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques
of measurements instruments for maintenance
Figure 8: BER x SNR for case study 1.
Figure 9 shows a constellation diagram for the
equalizers in case study 1, and it can be seen a
cluster formation around the original symbols for
both equalizers, indicating that errors might occur in
the receiver output.
Figure 9: Constellation diagram for case study 1.
In case study 2, a frequency selective fading was
considered which is a more severe type of fading
(Moslisch, 2010). Figures 10 and 11 show the
received images corresponding to RFB and DFB
Figure 10: RBF received image for case study 2.
equalizers. One can see a more intensive degradation
in the image for both equalizers, although the DFB
is still worse. The performance curves are depicted
in figure 12 which shows clearly the degradation in
performance for both equalizers as far as frequency
selective fading is concerned.
Figure 11: DFB received image for case study 2.
Figure 12: BER x SNR for case study 2.
This paper proposed a radial basis function (RBF)
equalizer trained by an extended Kalman filter
(EKF) using DE techniques. The advantages of
using a Kalman filter for training the RBF neural
equalizer are that it provides the same performance
as gradient descent training, but with much less of
the computational effort. Moreover if the decoupled
Kalman filter is used in connection with DE
techniques, the same performance is guaranteed with
further decrease on the computational effort for large
computational demand problems. The equalizer was
tested and two case studies were carried out where
its performance was compared with the popular
Decision feedback equalizer and the results
indicated the proposed equalizer performed better.
For future work the authors intend to consider
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
hybrid solutions involving the RBF and other
equalizer architectures as far as the tracking of time-
variations is concerned. In this respect the use of
deep learning techniques might be an attractive way
of achieving such a purpose.
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Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver Trained by Kalman Filter Including Evolutionary Techniques