Some Considerations on the Use of Digital Environments in Learning
Numerical Sets
Maria Cristina Carrisi
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Via Ospedale 72, Cagliari, Italy
Keywords: Numerical Sets, Arithmetic Operations, Digital Environments, Data Types.
Abstract: Teachers are nowadays encouraged to use technological tools to engage students more and transmit topics in
a simpler way. In addition, information science has become part of many curricula as a separate topic or as a
part of other subjects like mathematics. This article will discuss how choosing a particular technological
environment can reinforce misconceptions or ideas and how important the role of the teacher is in building a
learning environment effective and epistemologically relevant. In particular, the focus will be on the impact
that some technological environments have on learning numerical sets and arithmetic operations such as
division, because these are studied in all school systems and levels, even if with different approaches and
degrees of detail. The topic will be contextualized referring to the Italian school system (degree 10), but
conclusions are general.
Since the second half of the 20th century, global
society has been experiencing a digital revolution that
has a strong impact on the productive, economic and
social system. This transformation is accelerating and
in this context the so called STEM skills are essential
for countries and companies, in order to remain
competitive, and for individual citizens, in their
profession but also in everyday life, to be able to
understand the complex economic and social
processes in which we are all inevitably involved.
This led many countries, all over the word, to
modify school curricula in order to introduce digital
skills and computational thinking in the different
grades of instruction. Nations are carrying out this
process variously and substantial differences are
observed also between European countries. In Italy
Computer Science has been introduced in all grades,
since 2013. Digital competences are addressed both
as a separate subject and as a part of other subjects
like Mathematics or Technologies, depending on the
grade of instruction and, only for high schools,
depending on the educational path. Moreover, in
order to develop digital citizenship, teachers of all
subjects should make students use digital
environments, at school or at home, for the analysis
of data, the production of reports, projects or
The relationship between the use of digital
environments and learning effectiveness has been
widely studied in the literature, as well as the
knowledge interchange between Computer Science
and the other STEM subjects, particularly
mathematics. This paper aims to contribute to this
debate by analysing some digital environments that
process numerical data in order to study whether they
can give rise, reinforce or solve misconceptions on
mathematical topics and in particular on the division
operation. We focus on the behaviour of the division
into different numerical sets because this topic is of
general interest, it is studied all over the world in the
different degrees of education and has being
recognized in the literature as one of the main
mathematical concepts used in real life problems.
We live in an increasingly digitalized world where
technology is pervasive and knowledge is growing
Carrisi, M.
Some Considerations on the Use of Digital Environments in Learning Numerical Sets.
DOI: 10.5220/0009566504800487
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 480-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
day by day. In this context, educational systems must
necessarily modify their paradigms, in order to train
at their best the citizens of the future. For this reason,
in 2006 the European Commission released a
document addressed to member states (European
Commission, 2006) containing recommendations on
educational systems and in which they identified
eight key citizenship skills, among which
“Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology” and Digital
competence”. Based on the results of international
surveys such as the OECD (Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development) PISA
(Programme for International Student Assessment)
and PIAAC (Programme for the International
Assessment of Adult Competencies), which indicate
that teenagers and adults still have insufficient basic
skills and that the 44% of the Union population have
low or no (19%) digital skills, in 2018 the European
Commission released a new document (European
Commission, 2018) highlighting the necessity to
work more on issues like “problem solving, critical
thinking, ability to cooperate, creativity,
computational thinking” and to promote the
acquisition of STEM and digital competences.
2.1 Digital Competences in Italian
The different nations of the Union have implemented
these indications with different time and modes
(Heinz et al, 2016; Partanen et al, 2017).
In Italy, since September 2010, new high schools
(educational paths) have been introduced. This
promoted a reorganization of the old school curricula
and the creation of new guidelines (MIUR, 2010;
MIUR 2013; MIUR, 2018) with the aim to guide
teachers in devising learning situations that allow
students to acquire knowledge and skills, according
to the European Commission recommendations. The
use of digital environments and coding has been
introduced into all levels’ school programs:
Primary School: “The conscious and motivated use
of calculators and computers must be suitably
encouraged from the early years of primary school,
for example, in order to verify the correctness of
mental and written calculations and to explore the
world of numbers and shapes”. Students must
become able to “search data to obtain information
and build representations (tables and graphics) […]
get information from data represented in tabular and
graphic way”.
Middle School: “Whenever possible, students can be
introduced to some particularly simple and versatile
programming languages that bring them to develop a
taste for ideation and realization of projects
(interactive websites, exercises, games, utilities) and
for understanding the relationship between source
code and visible result”. Students must become able
to “program and create simple instructions to control
the behaviour of a robot”.
Secondary School: It divides in Liceo, Technical and
Professional schools. High school specializes and
curricula diversify. Every teacher is encouraged to
use digital environments and students are driven to
increase their technological skills to search, organize
and present information in an appealing way and to
use specific application programs (Computer-Aided
Design and Drafting, Image Manipulation Program,
accounting software, specific database, ecc.),
especially in technical schools. STEM teachers are
more involved in this process and Math teachers in
particular, because the Italian Ministry of Education,
University and Research ruled that Math teaching
includes also elements of computer science. For
example, according to Liceo (MIUR, 2010) we read
“The acquisition of digital skills […] is certainly a
theme developed in the first two years of each path
within the Mathematics discipline”. Math teaching is
divided in Mathematics and Elements of Computer
Science. Students are supposed to be “able to use
digital tools for geometric representation and
calculus. […] The use of IT tools is an important
resource that will be introduced critically, without
creating the illusion that it can solve problems
automatically and without compromising the
necessary acquisition of mental calculation skills.
[…] A fundamental topic will be the concept of
algorithm and the development of algorithmic
resolution strategies for simple and easy modelling
As in other European countries (Partanen, 2017),
also in Italy the development of digital competences
is largely entrusted to Math teachers, who have the
heavy burden to choose the best way to transmit them
together with the mathematical contents, so that each
subject benefits from the other. Literature exhibits
contradictory results on the successful integration
between Mathematics and computer science,
according to learning the specific contents of the two
disciplines (Niess, 2005; OECD, 2015), and while it
is clear that computer skills, particularly computer
programming, benefit of a good understanding of
math contents, the reverse is not so obvious and, in
the author’s knowledge, it seems not to have
sufficiently discussed yet in the literature.
In my previous working experience as a high
school teacher I had the opportunity to observe on the
Some Considerations on the Use of Digital Environments in Learning Numerical Sets
field students facing problems in the deep learning of
mathematical concepts that arose while building an
algorithm and writing a program. This led me to
deepen the issue, in order to analyse if, and in which
way, the most diffused digital environments in Italian
schools interfere in learning mathematics.
In the following we present an overview on how
some digital environments treat numerical data and
the division operation, and which pros and cons there
are in using such environment to treat a division with
remainder problem. The choice of the mathematical
topic, inspired by my observations during classroom
activities and reinforced by the scientific debate on
mathematics for the future (Gravemeijer, 2017;
Dogan, 2019), will be properly motivated in section
3. The digital tools analysed in section 4 have been
chosen referring to their presence in the most used
Italian mathematics’ textbooks and in pre-service and
in-service teacher training courses.
Scientific community is wondering about which
direction mathematical education should take to
prepare properly the citizens of the digital age. It is
now commonly recognized that math teaching should
focus on problem solving procedure more than
computation, and this implies to develop the ability of
analyse the domain of data, the presence of eventual
constraints, and to interpret results. The blended
teaching of Math and Computer Science surely help
teachers to create learning situations appropriate to
develop such skills. But what about mathematical
In 2017 Gravemeijer et al. suggested that Math
curricula should focus on topics that (1) are useful in
everyday life, in order to be able to understand and
interpret the data conveyed by the different
information media about health, economy, etc.; (2)
are required in workplaces; (3) complement
computers’ “abilities”. In particular, the authors
underlined the importance of numbering and
quantifying (Gravemeijer, 2017).
Problems dealing with the division with
remainder fall within this context. This type of
problems has been widely studied in the literature
(see for example Dogan, 2019) because, despite their
apparent simplicity (they deal with natural numbers
and arithmetic operations), they are very delicate.
Indeed, they treat epistemologically relevant issues,
like: the transition from the division with remainder
to the decimal division, hence the passage from
natural numbers to rational numbers; the ability to
recognize when to operate in each of the two sets; the
analysis of the opportunity and modalities of
approximating partial results in order to obtain a final
result compatible with the context of the problem.
3.1 Numerical Sets in Italian School
From the analysis of the indications given by the
Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR, 2010; MIUR,
2013; MIUR, 2018), we see that in Italy numbers and
operations are studied in all the three educational
cycles, with various approaches and different levels
of detail. It represents what institutionally is asked to
students, regardless of the differences that clearly
arise in the scholastic activity.
Primary School: Students face natural numbers and
they learn how to operate with them. Pupils become
able to perform division, finding quotient and
remainder. Decimal numbers and fractions are
introduced immediately after. From this point on, the
remainder seams to disappear from students’
background and they consider the division with a
decimal result the right way to operate, that replaces
the “wrong” or “outdated” method of the division
with remainder.
Middle School: The work on Integers is focused on
factorization and on the research of multiples and
submultiples, therefore only on cases in which the
division gives zero remainder. Students use to say that
the division gives no reminder. This linguistic
inaccuracy may hide a misconception: the absence of
the remainder, in many students’ mind, means that
such operation isn’t a division with remainder but it
is another type of operation.
High Schools: Numerical sets are studied in terms of
their algebraic structure. Arithmetic is given for
known and acquired and students are considered to be
capable to understand to which numerical set the
solution of a problem belongs. The focus is on real
numbers and their approximation and this may lead
students to see Integers or Rational numbers only as
an approximation of Real numbers, without an
independent essence.
Almost all problems presented in middle and high
schoolbooks deal with Real solutions, reinforcing
such kind of approach. Students are not induced to
analyse the domain of data and of expected solutions,
even if it is a fundamental step in problem solving.
However, there are problems, like that involving the
division with remainder, that can be solved only in the
context of Integers. Arithmetic and Integers have ever
been of great interest for mathematicians and today
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
have a new life, been fundamental for many computer
security methods (see for example Rivest et al.,
1987), but it seems that their treatment, in Italian
Math curricula, is unappropriated to overcome those
critical points that makes learning effective.
3.2 A Case Study
A classroom observation has been conducted in
academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 in 5
second classes (degree 10) of a “Liceo Scientifico
opzione Scienze Applicate”, in which I observed
about ninety 15-16 years old students facing the
following problem:
In a supermarket, the following sales promotion on a
certain product is active: if you buy three products of
the same kind, only two have to be paid. If the number
of product bought and the price of the single product
are known, what is the total price of the purchase?
The above is an example of a problem framed
almost entirely in the context of Integers (data and
operations). Only the price of the product could have
a Rational value and this data has a secondary role in
the solving process. Such kind of problems can be
proposed in different classes and in all school levels,
having the foresight to adapt it to students’ level of
In primary schools it is appropriate to fix the value
of N, the number of the purchased products. Students
may proceed by trials and errors, starting from
particular cases and using a graphical approach to
find the solution, like the following:
Case N=5 Case N=8
Using a graphical representation and different cases
the teacher should bring the students to generalize the
method by using the division with the remainder,
conveying to a more formal approach.
In high school the graphical approach can be also
used but in addition we expect that students are able
to consider the number N as a variable and that they
reach by themselves an algebraic formulation, like the
Let N be the number of products bought and p be the
price of the single product. Let’s divide N times 3
obtaining the quotient q and the remainder r. The
quotient represents the quantity of groups of three
products. For each group, only two products have to
be paid. The number of remaining products, identified
by the remainder, have to be paid entirely. Thereby,
the final price, considering the sale promotion, is
(2*q + r)*p.
During the observation the above problem has been
presented to students, asking them to create the
resolution algorithm and subsequently a program in
C++ language. The objective of the observation
wasn’t to collect data about the number of students
that succeed or fail, but rather to observe which
strategies and prior mathematical knowledge they
would have used to face the problem resolution.
Moreover, I was interested in students’ reactions
when using a digital environment that treats data
differently from their previous experiences. At the
time of observation, students were able to use
spreadsheets and to search autonomously for suitable
predefined functions, almost all them learned Scratch
in middle school, and they were experiencing for the
first few time C++ language (declaration of variables
of different type and arithmetical operations).
I focused on the following questions:
Students deal with division with remainder
problems with ease?
High school students are able to understand when
to operate with quotient and remainder or with
decimal results? They show the misconception of
the division between integers?
The prior knowledge of digital environments
eases or complicates the resolution of such kind of
The most used digital instruments may route
informally mathematical notions?
It is possible to identify digital tools that behave
properly with respect to above question?
I briefly summarize my observations. Almost all
students approached the problem by considering a
particular case and fixing the number of products N
and the price of the single product.; they hold the
calculator and tried to divide N by 3, finding,
obviously, a decimal number. Most of the students
realized that the decimal result was not correct but,
except for some attempts to obtain the right solution
by approximation, rounding up the result, they were
unable to proceed. I suggested to represent
graphically the problem this helped students to realize
that truncation was a better approach rather than
rounding up, but something still was missing.
Students searched it in the decimal part of the result,
vainly trying to convert it in an Integer number. The
remainder of the division, necessary to obtain the
right solution, was still lacking because in their mind
the division always produces a decimal result. When
I tried to suggest to use the division with remainder
they say “That thing that we did in lower school?”. It
is evident that students conceive that knowledge
Some Considerations on the Use of Digital Environments in Learning Numerical Sets
confined in space and time. This suggestive is
strengthened by the analysis of curricula in the
previous section and by the functioning of the main
hardware and software instruments the students deal
with, starting from the calculator.
Subsequently I proposed to students to implement
the algorithm in C++ language. Although the
functioning of the division operator had already been
explained, strongly highlighting the different
behaviour of such operator with respect to the type of
data on which it works, and it had recently been
brought back to memory in the context of binary
numbering, students expected that the division
between integers would have produced a decimal
result and they inferred that computer was showing
an approximated result. This make us understand how
deeply rooted such misunderstanding is and how,
over time, even involuntarily, it has been enforced
during their schooling.
Any modern digital instrument is programmed in
order to perform different types of operations on
different types of data. Data are represented through
variables whose values belong to a particular domain
and in this set operations are defined. Regardless of
the particular instrument or programming language,
according to numerical data it is important to
underline that, because of its space limits, any device
can store a finite number of digits and therefore it
always works with a limited range of numbers that
can be represented with a finite number of decimal
digits. Nowadays, programming languages use
mainly two ways to represent numerical data
(Rodriguez, 2008), that corresponds to different data
Two’s complement, that allows to represent
a subset of mathematical Integers;
Floating point, that allows to represent a
subset of Rational numbers including 0.
Data type defines the set of possible values assumed
by the variable, the operations that can be done on
data and their result, the meaning of the data, and the
way values of that type will be stored into the
A strongly typed programming language has strict
typing rules in variables declaration and assignment,
in return values and function calling, and this implies
that errors and exceptions may appears in compiling
and executing (Liskov et al, 1974). The implicit type
conversion at runtime is not allowed and it prevents
the possibility of producing unpredictable results. In
a strongly typed programming languages the
programmer has to declare explicitly data type before
using a variable and such type can’t change
unexpectedly during execution. Such kind of
languages force the programmer to take continuously
into account data type and its implication on the
operations’ results.
In weakly typed programming languages and in
informal environments this doesn’t happen. To
simplify users’ use, only floating point are generally
usable in a simple and immediate way, and arithmetic
operations are defined in this numerical set.
In school activities teachers are free to choose the
digital environment they consider more suitable,
depending to the school level, to the type of school,
to the subject or to the particular topic they want to
address. This choice is not simple at all because of the
large amount of factors involved in the decision. In
high schools the choice could be inspired by the
desire to offer students an instrument immediately
expendable in the work market or during the
academic studies. In this context languages like
C/C++ or Python take place. In lower degrees, or
when the digital skill is used to support the acquisition
of other subjects’ knowledge, informal environments
are generally preferred, like spreadsheets or Scratch
(Resnick et al, 2009). They are widespread in Italian
schools and are proposed in most school books
because of their strengths, like the possibility to focus
on the algorithm building process, being released
from the syntax of a particular language and for this
reason they can be used for different subjects and in
all school levels. But to achieve this simplicity, such
environments must keep hidden important aspects of
the management of variables, like the types of data
(variables domain) and the functioning of operations,
relations and functions, all relevant aspects from
mathematical point of view. Teachers have to be
aware of this in order to make their choice appropriate
(Chevallard, 1985) and intervene in order to prevent
misconceptions (Shaughnessy, 1985; Maurer, 1987;
Zan, 2000; Zan, 2007).
4.1 Calculators
Calculator is the first digital instrument students deal
with and in such sense it is the most important
according to what knowledge it can implicitly route.
In Italy, its use is promoted since from the early years
of primary school (see section 3.1), when Math
studying is focused on Natural numbers but
calculators operate on floating point data. The
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
division between two integers always produces a
decimal number. In order to obtain the quotient of the
division students must truncate the decimal result and
only few calculators provide for an operator to
calculate the remainder of a division. The early use of
an instrument quick and easy to use, but that gives
results different from that obtained by students using
the classical division algorithm is certainly
destabilizing as observed in the classroom experience
described in section 3.2.
4.2 Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet allows to treat various types of data but
regarding numbers it makes available only floating
point numbers. All arithmetical operations are
allowed and they are represented trough the classical
symbols + - * and /. Integers can be represented as
decimal numbers without decimal ciphers, activating
an approximation that rounds up or down, as
appropriate, and not simply truncates. It is possible to
properly represent integers only using the predefined
INT function that converts any decimal number in its
integer part by truncating the decimal part of the
number, but this implies a more advanced
competence in the use of this digital environment.
According to division, spreadsheets furnish the
operator / that gives the decimal result of a division,
and the functions QUOTIENT and REMAINDER
that should receive two integers and return an integer
but they work also when the dividend, the divisor, or
both are decimal without returning any error message,
therefore, don’t behaving exactly like the
corresponding mathematical operations.
Figure 1: Functions Quotient and Remainder working on
rational values.
In order to solve properly the problem discussed in
sec. 3.2, teachers should encourage students to use the
INT function (see Figure 2) in order to cast the data
and make the QUOTIENT and REMAINDER
functions work properly even in case of incorrect data
entry. In such way a reflection is induced on the
domain of data and results, allowing to give to the
activity a deeper meaning from the mathematical
point of view. Despite Figure 2 shows a very compact
formulation, used for opportunity reasons, during the
work in classroom it is preferable to use auxiliary
cells to receive the results of the INT, QUOTIENT
and REMAINDER functions so that students can
clearly see the various steps of the solving procedure.
Figure 2: Solution of the problem described in sec. 3.2.
4.3 Scratch
According to numbers, Scratch behave as spreadsheet
and calculators, allowing to treat only floating point
numbers. The only way to obtain an integer number
is by approximation. Scratch allows to approximate
in three different ways by using blocks in the
“Operators” category (green colour): ‘Floor’
performs a truncation, ‘ceiling’ an upper
approximation, ‘round’ behave as ‘floor’ when the
decimal part of the number is less than 0.5 and as
‘ceiling’ otherwise.
The “Operators” category provides blocks for
arithmetical operations
defined in floating point set, and to calculate the
remainder of a division via the ‘mod’ operator
Unfortunately, as in spreadsheets, it works differently
from the division defined in Integers, giving a
decimal result when operating on rational data.
Figure 3: Scratch ‘mod’ block working on rational data.
Some Considerations on the Use of Digital Environments in Learning Numerical Sets
Scratch blocks are organized in sections and, in each
section they are grouped, generally by scope. It
happens for arithmetical operations, for relations (<,
>, =) but also for blocks mod’ andround’. This
induce the user to think that they are logically related
and referred respectively to remainder and quotient of
a division but it is not correct. Instead it is necessary
to act as in the use of calculators, namely truncating
the decimal result of a division, by using the ‘floor’
Figure 4: Incorrect use of Scratch blocks ‘mod’ and ‘round’
to calculate a division with remainder.
Figure 5: Correct use of Scratch blocks ‘mod’ and ‘floor’ to
calculate a division with remainder.
Figure 6: Scratch solution of the problem presented in sec.
In view of the above, the Scratch solution of the
problem presented in sect. 3.2 is presented in Figure
6. Also in this case it is necessary to cast the data to
prevent that incorrect data entry makes the functions
work improperly. This makes the development rather
cumbersome, despite of the apparent simplicity of the
4.4 C/C++ Language
C/C++ is a strongly typed programming language.
Variables must be declared before use, providing
name and type and they cannot unexpectedly change
type during execution. Integers and floating point
numbers are allowed and the programming language
provides 5 arithmetic operations: + - * / %. All
operations are closed with respect to the set they act
on. In particular, the division adapts, working
differently depending on operands’ type. When it
works on at least one floating point number it returns
a floating point result. When it acts on two Integer
numbers it returns an integer result, i.e. the quotient
of the division. There is no way to obtain a decimal
result from a division between integers, except by
explicitly forcing the interpretation of one of the
operands as a floating point number. The fifth
arithmetical operation, indicated by the symbol %, is
defined only on integers and returns the integer
remainder of a division. In case of incorrect use an
error is reported during program compiling, for
example if the programmer tries to use the operator %
on floating point numbers.
According to C++ language the development of
the problem presented in section 3.2 is:
int N;
float p,tot;
cin >> N >> p;
tot =((N/3)*2+N%3)*p;
cout << tot;
where only the content of the main function is
reported. The development is more compact and
extremely more adherent to the algebraic formulation
that students should have found. Incorrect data entry
is prevented by typing, in fact even if the user inserts
a decimal number it will be automatically truncated
and the algorithm will work properly. It is however
evident that such solution is well suited only for high
school paths and unthinkable in primary school.
In this paper some of the most popular digital
environments used in Italian schools have been
analysed, with respect to their functioning about the
division between Integer numbers. It has been shown
that, behind the friendly and ready to use interface,
environments, like Scratch or spreadsheets, hide
delicate aspects in the management of data and their
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
operations, that can be properly faced only by a
shrewd and qualified user. On the other hand, more
rigorous environments seem to be not affordable for
lower level students. This doesn’t mean that such
environments mustn’t be used in school but rather
that teachers have to choose them carefully,
depending on the activity they propose to students
and to the grade of instruction. Math teachers can take
advantage on the above mentioned weakness, in order
to make the activity epistemologically relevant from
the mathematical point, aimed at overcoming the
misconception on the division between Integers.
Who produce or promote digital environments for
learning, especially if they are addressed for
elementary or middle school students, who are
building their linguistic and mathematical
knowledge, should be careful not to introduce
excessive, and sometimes only apparent,
simplifications that may strengthen misconceptions.
It may be interesting, as a future work, to build a
calculator for elementary students or a personalized
version of Scratch, using its extension BYOB
(Harvey & Monig, 2010) that can overcome the
problems underlined in the present paper.
In the future the author would like to extend the
results of the present paper to other mathematical
topics like the division between signed number,
analysing the behaviour of the most used digital
environments with respect to this.
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