operations, that can be properly faced only by a
shrewd and qualified user. On the other hand, more
rigorous environments seem to be not affordable for
lower level students. This doesn’t mean that such
environments mustn’t be used in school but rather
that teachers have to choose them carefully,
depending on the activity they propose to students
and to the grade of instruction. Math teachers can take
advantage on the above mentioned weakness, in order
to make the activity epistemologically relevant from
the mathematical point, aimed at overcoming the
misconception on the division between Integers.
Who produce or promote digital environments for
learning, especially if they are addressed for
elementary or middle school students, who are
building their linguistic and mathematical
knowledge, should be careful not to introduce
excessive, and sometimes only apparent,
simplifications that may strengthen misconceptions.
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calculator for elementary students or a personalized
version of Scratch, using its extension BYOB
(Harvey & Monig, 2010) that can overcome the
problems underlined in the present paper.
In the future the author would like to extend the
results of the present paper to other mathematical
topics like the division between signed number,
analysing the behaviour of the most used digital
environments with respect to this.
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