Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process
Matthias Volk, Daniel Staegemann, Sascha Bosse, Robert Häusler and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster Very Large Business Applications,
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Big Data, Data Science, Engineering, Process.
Abstract: For many years now, researchers as well as practitioners are harnessing well-known data mining processes,
such as the CRISP-DM or KDD, to realize their data analytics projects. In times of big data and data science,
at which not only the volume, variety and velocity of the data increases, but also the complexity to process,
store and manage them, conventional solutions are often not sufficient and even more sophisticated systems
are needed. To overcome this situation, in this positioning paper the (big) data science engineering process is
introduced to provide a guideline for the realization of data-intensive systems. For this purpose, using the
design science research methodology, existing theory and current literature from relevant subdomains are
contextualized, discussed and adapted.
In the last decade, big data was one of the major
trends in the computer science domain. Every year,
more and more researchers and practitioners are
harnessing the power that comes with new
technologies, techniques, and paradigms to conduct
their data-intensive projects. Application areas
include, but are not limited to, industry (Reis and
Gins, 2017) or the government sector (Kim et al.,
2014). However, despite the increasing interest, the
proven added value through its application (Müller et
al., 2018; Fosso Wamba et al., 2015), and the
growing maturity of the topic as well as the related
technologies, most of these projects fail to meet the
expectations. Although lots of general guidelines,
best practices and workflows exist, such as presented
in (Pääkkönen and Pakkala, 2015; Chen et al., 2015;
Volk et al., 2017; Grady, 2016), these either provide
isolated activities or do not cover relevant projects’
steps from start-to-end. Additionally, some of the
widely accepted approaches known from the data
mining domain, like the knowledge discovery in
databases (KDD) (Fayyad et al., 1996), Cross-
Industry-Standard-Process-for-Data-Mining (CRISP-
DM) (Shearer, 2000) or Sample, Explore, Modify,
Model and Assess (SEMMA) (Azevedo and Santos,
2008), are no longer easily applicable. This results
especially from the missing consideration of the
technical implementation as well as deployment and
operational activities. Eventually, this complicates
the applicability of useful processes and additionally
confuses the users regarding the available options.
Due to the nature of big data, numerous elaborated
decisions need to be made regarding the
corresponding collection, preparation, processing and
storing (Pääkkönen and Pakkala, 2015). This
includes, for instance, the general identification of
relevant components and specific technologies. Most
of these tasks fall under the term of big data
engineering that can be defined as “a systematic
approach of designing, implementing, testing,
running and maintaining scalable systems, combining
software and hardware, that are able to gather, store,
process and analyze huge volumes of varying data,
even at high velocities” (Volk et al., 2019). In here,
the authors already highlighted the importance of the
discipline for the future construction of big data
systems. At the same time, it became apparent that
currently no systematic process exists, which covers
the system engineering from a start-to-end
perspective in the domain of big data. Especially, due
to the reason that this topic is also heavily interwoven
with other domains and builds a technical foundation
for the realization of their projects, such as data
science (Provost and Fawcett, 2013) or industry 4.0
(Xu and Duan, 2019), this may have a highly
beneficial influence on all data-intensive systems. For
the aforementioned reasons, we argue that one
comprehensive approach that emerges from well-
Volk, M., Staegemann, D., Bosse, S., Häusler, R. and Turowski, K.
Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0009569804280435
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 428-435
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
known theory could help to resolve the opacity of
existing “guidelines”. Hence, the following research
question shall be answered in the course of this work:
“How can a system engineering process for data-
intensive projects be modeled to provide coverage for
each step from the planning to the development and
The outcome of this research is intended to
provide a process model that shall serve as a guideline
for researchers and practitioners to realize their data-
intensive projects. In order to substantiate the
argumentation and positioning of our statements on a
scientific basis, the design science research
methodology according to (Hevner et al., 2004;
Peffers et al., 2007) is used. Resulting out of this, the
contribution at hand is structured as follows. While
the first section provided a brief motivation,
information about the current situation and the main
objective, the subsequent section discusses relevant
theories and approaches. This shall mainly serve as a
foundation for the design and development of the
intended artifact, which takes place in the third
section of this paper. Apart from the general
description of the artifact itself, initially existing
approaches are discussed and a critical discussion as
well as an outlook on future research provided. The
work ends with a conclusion.
To provide a better understanding of the topics we are
positioning on, the theory and related work about
each of the relevant domains are presented. This is not
to deliver an overview but also to confirm the needed
theory identification (Peffers et al., 2007) for the
actual design and development of the artifact. Hence,
in the following section, relevant information, as well
as related research articles, are presented. This
comprises big data, data science, systems engineering
and big data engineering processes.
2.1 Big Data
While big data is an intensely discussed topic that is
dealt with by a multitude of publications, as shown in
(Staegemann et al., 2019b), there is still no single one,
universally applied definition for the term itself. One
of the most commonly used definitions is provided by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), stating that big data “consists of extensive
datasets primarily in the characteristics of volume,
velocity, variety, and/or variability that require a
scalable architecture for efficient storage,
manipulation, and analysis” (NIST, 2019). While
volume indicates the sheer amount of data, regarding
volume or size, that are to be processed (Russom,
2011), velocity stands for the speed with which those
data are incoming as well as the timeliness in which
results are expected by the users (Gandomi and
Haider, 2015). Another challenge lies in the data’s
heterogeneity, including for example different
structures (structured, semi-structured, unstructured),
formats, units of measurement or contexts, subsumed
under the term variety (Gani et al., 2016). Moreover,
variability signifies the ability of those
aforementioned characteristics to change over time,
with the same applying to the determined questions
as well as the data’s content (Katal et al., 2013; Wu
et al., 2014). However, those characteristics do not
even include the factor of the data quality, which is in
turn highly influential on the quality of the obtained
analysis results (Hazen et al., 2014), or the task of
verifying the validity of the developed application,
adding even more challenges to the topic.
Furthermore, besides big data’s inherent complexity
due to those factors and its multidimensional nature,
combining technical, human and organizational
aspects (Alharthi et al., 2017), also the abundance of
potentially available tools and techniques (Turck and
Obayomi, 2019) increases the difficulty when
attempting to engineer such a system.
2.2 Data Science
The volume of big data led not only to an increased
demand of data-intensive systems, at the same time
methodologies and theories to investigate those
massive amounts were needed (Cao, 2017). As a
consequence, the term data science evolved that can
be described as “a set of fundamental principles that
support and guide the principled extraction of
information and knowledge from data” (Provost and
Fawcett, 2013). For the actual information extraction
and knowledge creation, different types of analytics
are frequently used today, such as descriptive-,
predictive- or prescriptive analytics (Cao, 2017).Due
to the origin from the data mining domain, for the
actual realization of related projects, today often well-
known approaches are used (Provost and Fawcett,
2013). This includes, for instance, the already
mentioned processes KDD, SEMMA and most of all
the CRISP-DM (Piatetsky, 2014). Although most of
them differ in parts, all of them share a similar
understanding when it comes to the exploration of the
data in a structured way. Azevedo and Santos (2008),
for instance, performed a thorough comparison of all
three approaches. In their work, they highlighted that
Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process
the KDD can be more observed as an implementation
of the other two approaches and that the CRISP-DM
appears to be more complete than the others are.
Apart from the sole preparation and analysis of the
data, this approach explicitly incorporates the
business understanding in an organizational context
as well as the deployment of the targeted solution.
This results in the six phases of business
understanding, data understanding, data
preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment
(Shearer, 2000; Azevedo and Santos, 2008).
2.3 Systems Engineering
The design and development of information systems
remains one of the major disciplines for many years
now. Due to this, it is not surprising that many
researchers, as well as practitioners, are attempting to
provide approaches and guidelines for the successful
planning and engineering of the systems and
software, such as (Hevner et al., 2004; Peffers et al.,
2007; Mobus and Kalton, 2015; Nicholas and Steyn,
2012b; Sommerville, 2016). Commonly, each
system, independently from its nature, follows a life
cycle that runs from the initial identification of the
need for the system over the system analysis, the
design, the construction, and operation until the
decommissioning (Mobus and Kalton, 2015).
Nicholas and Steyn (2012b) refer to systems
engineering (SE) as “a way to bring a whole system
into being and to account for its whole life cycle”.
This is comparable to other definitions such as from
the non-profit organization International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE). According to
INCOSE, the term can be observed as a
“transdisciplinary and integrative approach to enable
the successful realization, use, and retirement of
engineered systems, using systems principles and
concepts, and scientific, technological, and
management methods“ (INCOSE, 2020). Despite
those explanations, as well as, the needed integration
of different concepts, technologies and (sub-)
systems, sometimes from different domains, the SE
can be seen as a meta-engineering discipline (Mobus
and Kalton, 2015). Apart from the general description
of the term and the life cycle of a system, the authors
also developed one of the most widely accepted
approaches to engineer those systems while covering
the mentioned life cycle stages. The process is
depicted in Figure 1. This approach synthesizes most
of the existing approaches, such as from (Nicholas
and Steyn, 2012b), but in more detail. The process
covers seven main steps that range from the initial
identification of the problem until the operation.
Figure 1: SE Life Cycle (Mobus and Kalton, 2015).
Within the problem identification, the same will be
performed. Important here is that the actual problem
will be discovered and not only (obvious)
implications of it, providing a problem-centric instead
of a solution-centric view. Afterward, the problem
needs to be specified in more detail by developing
requirements within the problem analysis stage. Inter
alia, this can be realized through decomposition and
separate observation of relevant sub-problems.
Besides that, boundaries of the system functionalities
can be determined. The identified problems are
subsequently used as an input for the solution
analysis that pursues to present a possible system
specification. In doing so, smaller, logically
independently acting parts of the system (sub-system)
and their interconnections are identified. The
specifications of those should conform to the needs
ordinated from the problem analysis. After all
relevant specifications were made, the solution design
is taking place at which the physical aspects are
determined. By the end, design documents are
formulated, which serve as an input for the solution
construction. Within this step, the actual systems,
which is often referred to as the artifact, is developed.
Eventually, the developed artifacts need to be
evaluated, which will be performed in the solution
testing phase. Although at this point a comprehensive
verification will be performed, concurrent validations
during each of the previous stages are recommended
that are covered under the discrepancy resolution
feedback. This in turn, may lower the need to perform
changes in later stages. If everything was successfully
developed, the solution is delivered and productively
used. Continuing steps cover the monitoring,
performance monitoring, and further analysis, which
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
may lead to modifications, upgrades or
decommissioning (Mobus and Kalton, 2015).
2.4 Big Data Engineering
Due to the general characteristics of big data, the
realization of related projects differs greatly from
conventional IT projects. Most of all, the
implementation is associated with much more data
handling and interpretation, since the these differ
quite strongly in terms of variety, velocity and
volume (cf. 2.1). Hence, the development of suitable
systems appears to be even more demanding. The
engineering of systems in the area of big data is
described by the term big data engineering (Volk et
al., 2019). Relevant domains and activities were
already identified in numerous publications, but to
our knowledge, no comprehensive start-to-end
process exists that not only observes the general data
analysis but also the technical implementation and
operation. In most of the cases, only the project
realization (Dutta and Bose, 2015; Mousannif et al.,
2016; Li et al., 2016; Grady, 2016) or specific
activities, needed for this, were thoroughly
investigated. This includes, for instance, the general
planning, requirements engineering steps (Volk et al.,
2017; Altarturi et al.), the identification of the
suitable technologies (Lehmann et al., 2016) and
most of all relevant reference architectures (Martínez-
Prieto et al., 2015; Jay Kreps, 2014; Nadal et al.,
2017). Especially the latter can be highly beneficial
when it comes to the limitation of available options
for technologies to be applied and guidance during
the construction of the system. However, the selection
of these can be a very demanding task, mainly due to
the same reason, the availability of numerous big data
technologies, such as highlighted in (Turck and
Obayomi, 2019). Hence the thorough planning and
requirements engineering represents an initial step for
the construction of the needed system (Volk et al.,
2019). Followed by activities that identifies relevant
components and specify them in terms of their
connection and technological implementation.
In consideration of the previously described data
science and engineering domain, it becomes apparent
that the discipline of big data engineering unites both
domains. Many researchers are aware of the
importance of big data in concatenation with data
science. Due to this, many attempts to provide
guidelines for the realization of those projects exist.
To provide an enhanced overview over the base of
argumentation we are positioning on, subsequently,
an excerpt from the current state of the art is
presented. Afterward, the (big) data science
engineering process (BDSEP) is presented.
3.1 State of the Art
By performing a three-stepped literature review
according to the methodology of (Levy and J. Ellis,
2006) and the forward-backward procedure proposed
by Webster and Watson (2002) relevant publications
were identified. In the following, each of the found
out papers is shortly described. Dutta and Bose (2015)
introduced a holistic roadmap that attempts to guide
organizations by the conceptualization, planning and
implementation of big data projects. Although the
previously mentioned data science processes are
introduced within the contribution and noticeable
similarities ascertained, no concrete details about
their relationship to the workflow are described. An
explicit connection between big data and the
previously referred data science processes was made
in (Grady, 2016). It presents a mixture of the KDD,
the CRISP-DM and parts of the big data domain. In
particular, a five-stepped procedure is developed, that
covers the planning, collection, curating, analysis and
acting. Another process model that interconnects the
KDD with big data was presented by Li et al. (2016).
In their contribution, a snail shell process model for
knowledge discovery, the proposed eight-stepped
procedure heavily relies on the key activities used in
the KDD process and involves the lifecycle
presentation of the CRISP-DM model. A similar
approach was found in (Mousannif et al., 2016). The
authors propose a big data project workflow that
describes the realization of big data projects step-by-
step. Additionally to that, concrete technical
implementation details, such as specific technologies,
are addressed. These detailed system observations are
even more concretized in (Chen et al., 2015), which
propose a new method called Big Data system
Design. The procedure consists of ten essential steps,
starting from the requirements analysis to the design
and implementation. Here, reference architectures are
considered as a suitable foundation. The same applies
to the implicit application of system engineering-
related activities, such as the decomposition of the
solution for better understanding. Compared to
previously described contributions, this work rather
focuses on the technical implementation and thus the
system engineering of big data related systems.
However, the theoretic background is little described
and data science-related activities not included. IBM
Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process
developed a step-by-step guide that extends the
CRISP-DM. The Analytics Solutions Unified Method
(ASUM) presents a hybrid approach that attempts to
integrate agile as well as traditional principles in
combination with big data relevant aspects (IBM,
2016). Yet, as in the case of the previous approaches,
the process describes the needed steps without any
concrete implementation details. Another approach
that attempts to provide a general guideline for the
realization of big data projects is presented in (Volk
et al., 2017). By including a specific requirements
engineering strategy, the KDD and metrics to check
the general sensibility of a big data project, a through
project instantiation process are introduced.
3.2 The (Big) Data Science Engineering
Process (BDSEP)
Again, in none of the approaches a completed process
that enlightens the realization of data-intensive
projects in a combination of the data science and
systems engineering domain, was found. Instead,
different combinations of all of the aforementioned
domains were ascertained. Especially the CRISP-DM
(Shearer, 2000) and SE methods, known from the
recommended workflow by (Mobus and Kalton,
2015), were either implicitly or explicitly used. Due
to this, we argue that the linkage of both approaches
in addition to big data-related specifics appears
sensible. Although both of the approaches attempt to
achieve different goals, a closer comparison of each
of the related steps reveal similarities. This applies
not only for the general problem identification
(business understanding) and for problem analysis
(data analysis) but for the solution construction
(modeling), solution testing (evaluation) and solution
delivery (deployment) as well. Differences, in turn,
are predominantly noticeable in terms of the main
scope. While the CRISP-DM intends to rather focus
on the analysis of the data, the SE pursues the
engineering of the implementation. However, in both
processes the supplemented steps are implicitly
integrated. Due to the aforementioned reasons above,
a mixture out of both of the approaches was chosen.
In particular the system engineering process from
(Mobus and Kalton, 2015) was used as a base and
extended by the thorough data investigation. The
concrete workflow of the process is depicted in
Figure 2. Within this figure, the referred foundation
comprises all steps of the SE procedure until the
operation, in combination with the data understanding
from the CRISP-DM. In contrast to the other steps,
the data understanding was explicitly integrated, due
to the importance of the data be processed. The
BDSEP together with the most important information
and the general focus are depicted in the second layer
of the figure. In here, the workflow contains the steps
as execution directives. It starts with the formulation
of the vision or idea. Due to the closely related
concept of IT project realizations, the starting point is
not necessarily limited to a problem. Moreover, the
general description of an overarching vision or idea
for the project may appear also as a sufficient starting
point. Furthermore, also contracts might be forming
the base for the instantiation of the engineering.
Independent from its origin, the detailed
identification of the main scope is the result of this
step. This serves as a transition to the in-depth
analyzes of the use case. At this point, scenario
descriptions and use case diagrams may serve as an
additional help to formalize the problem and set its
boundaries, such as highlighted in (Chen et al., 2015;
Sommerville, 2016). Apart from this, relevant
stakeholders and the data to be used need to be
determined in here. For instance, if the data is
gathered multiple times from a multitude of data
sources, sophisticated orchestration activities are later
on required (Khalifa et al., 2016). Furthermore, due
to the strong relationship between the data and
in data-intensive environments, the
Figure 2: The (Big) Data Science Engineering Process.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
specific characteristics should be uncovered, such as
highlighted in (Volk et al., 2017). Among other things,
the template of Chen et al. (2015) could be taken into
account, that comprises 14 essential data
requirements. Further, the requirements engineering
step finishes the general planning of the projects, by
the development of the functional, non-functional
requirements and constrains. While the functional
requirements, define general functions of the system
to be performed, the non-functional requirements are
focusing on system properties (Sommerville, 2016).
Prioritizations and feasibility analysis can be helpful
at this process step (Nicholas and Steyn, 2012a). In
any case, the requirements should be developed as
thorough as possible, to avoid massive changes on the
system architecture. After the project planning is
finished, the design and development takes places. At
the beginning, specifications are needed, at which
basic components their relation, functionalities,
performance and future tests are defined (Mobus and
Kalton, 2015; Nicholas and Steyn, 2012b).
Additional inputs and outputs as well as available
interfaces are relevant in terms of this. For better
depiction and understanding of the system, structural
and functional maps could be used, known from the
system decomposition (Mobus and Kalton, 2015).
After each of the needed elements is determined, the
system design is conducted. This includes most of all
the definition of the component specifics. In the area
of big data, multiple technologies exist that can be
used for different purposes (Turck and Obayomi,
2019). Hence, the adequate selection of suitable
solutions during the specification of the required
architecture represents a sophisticated undertaking.
At this point, best practices (Pääkkönen and Pakkala,
2015), reference architectures (Martínez-Prieto et al.,
2015; Jay Kreps, 2014; Nadal et al., 2017) and
decision support systems appear to be useful (Volk et
al., 2019). All of them intent to provide general
guidelines for the construction of the system
architecture, as well as, in parts, concrete
implementation details and technology
recommendation. In any case, the requirements
originating from the previous phase need to be
discussed in a thorough manner. However, not always
are the made decisions final and in some cases further
modification are required, for instance, in terms of the
technologies or patterns to be used (Mobus and
Kalton, 2015; Li et al., 2016). After all of the required
elements and their interconnections were identified,
the actual combination and construction of the
solution takes place. Apart from the development of
the system itself, this includes the programming or
modeling of the needed application running on the
system. After the solution was constructed, it needs to
be evaluated whether everything is working correctly
or not. For that reason, a thorough testing procedure
is needed, comprising significant test cases that cover
the validation of the separate components as well as
the system as a whole. However, the properties of the
big data domain turn this into a highly sophisticated
task (Staegemann et al., 2019b). It is necessary to
cover a variety of technologies, types and sources of
data, connections and requirements. At the same time,
the demand for future scalability and an often
prevailing lack of knowledge regarding the correct
outcome, which complicates a verification, pose
additional challenges. Furthermore, even apparently
small flaws like for example rounding errors can be
built up during the processing, amounting to
considerable derivations from the correct result
(Yang et al., 2018). At the same time, while being
highly important and complex, the testing of big data
applications is not sufficiently acknowledged in the
literature (Staegemann et al., 2019a). Subsequently to
the successful evaluation, the developed solution can
be deployed. In context of the described process, the
step refers to the actual distribution of the solution in
the targeted environment. In case of complex
systems, Mobus and Kalton (2015) highlight that this
should be realized in a staged process, to uncover
unforeseen issues. Especially in the domain of big
data, this should be recognized. Due to the high
number of existing technologies and their versions,
compatibility issues can easily emerge. This is not
restricted to the dependencies between the used
components, but also the targeted environment (Chen
et al., 2015). Hence, during the delivery,
comprehensive monitoring activities are required.
Eventually, the actual application of the developed
solution and its further maintenance will be
performed during the operation phase. As prescribed
in most of the existing approaches, for each problem
encountered in one of the steps, considerations and
tasks of a previous step should be revised.
3.3 Discussion
The BDSEP covers relevant steps needed for the
engineering of data-intensive systems. Instead of
presenting a stepwise procedure that meticulously
describes every single step in a detailed chronological
way, we attempt to draw the attention on the big
picture. This is especially due to the reason that each
project differs quite strongly and the same applies to
the engineering of the system. Sometimes
sophisticated procedure may be required in larger
projects, while smaller ones are rather lacking on a
Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process
general plan. Independent from its size, attention
should be most importantly to the data to be stored,
managed and processed. Compared to other
approaches, we built our positioning upon existing
theory, in particular from the data science, big data
and systems engineering domain. Hence, for detailed
information about the referred activities, potential
users can make use of the referenced contributions. In
the future, it is planned to evaluate this process in
large scale. Consequently, possible shortcomings and
best practices can be identified in more detail and
contributed back to the BDSEP. While this approach
serves as an initial starting point, providing an
overview regarding the steps to be conducted, future
observations and changes can reinforce the general
applicability. This applies especially for the detailed
investigation of particular steps and their relevant
activities. Within the requirements engineering part,
for instance, agile project management principles
were not discussed in detail. For now, the
requirements are considered as to be completed. In
context of this, another direction could be realized
through the test-driven development, at which the test
of the relevant component or system is developed
before the targeted element itself. Further principles
that are worthy to be examined are related to the
operations phase and their transition to it.
Approaches, such as continuous delivery or DevOps
in general, appear to be sensible, especially in context
of fast changing fields of a data-intensive nature.
In the last decade, big data was one of the most
regarded topics in the computer science domain.
However, many issues are still existing today that are
challenging the realization of corresponding projects
and the needed systems. Although many processes,
best practices and other relevant workflows for the
realization of data-intensive projects arose, still a lot
of insecurity about their applicability exists. By
harnessing the design science research methodology,
we uncovered intersection points of some of the most
prominent approaches and adapted them to create a
comprehensive (big) data science engineering
process. This process unifies knowledge and best
practices from the information systems engineering
domain as well as data science processes to overcome
the stated problem. Researchers and practitioners
benefit from this artifact, especially when it comes to
the structured planning and realization of data-
intensive projects.
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Approaching the (Big) Data Science Engineering Process