Facing the Appeal of Social Networks: Methodologies and Tools to
Support Students towards a Critical Use of the Web
Elisa Puvia, Vito Monteleone
, Giovanni Fulantelli
and Davide Taibi
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, Palermo, Italy
Cognitive Style, Analytical Thinking, Social Networks, Educational Settings, Fake News Detection, Artificial
Intelligence in Education, Instagram-like Platform.
In the present contribution, we introduce an integrated approach, grounded both on cognitive and computer
science, to strengthen the capacity of adolescent students in discerning information on the Web and on social
networks. The proposed approach includes methodologies and tools aimed at promoting critical thinking in
students. It has been structured in four main operational phases to facilitate implementation and replication,
and it is currently tested with 77 high-school students (14 16 years old). Preliminary insights from this pilot
study are also presented in this paper. We argue that the integrated approach can be comprised in a more
general framework designed to boost competences of reasoning of students, which are crucial in promoting
fake news detection and, consequently, in preventing the spreading of on line false information.
The Internet is a global phenomenon, affecting pri-
vate and public life immensely. It has evolved into
a ubiquitous digital environment in which people ac-
cess content (e.g. Web), communicate (e.g. social
networks), and seek information (e.g. search en-
gines). The Internet search engines are more and
more often used as a source of information on the
Web, and also in educational contexts they are widely
used by pupils in the acquisition of new knowledge on
a specific topic (Taibi et al., 2017; Taibi et al., 2020).
For example, Search As Learning is a recent research
topic aimed at investigating the learning activity as an
outcome of the information seeking process (Ghosh
et al., 2018). However, search engines are optimized
for acquiring factual knowledge and they are effective
for specific types of search, but they do not support
searching as learning tasks (Krathwohl and Anderson,
2009; Marchionini, 2006). In fact, search engines are
not purposely designed to facilitate learning activities
such as understanding or synthesis, given that they do
not offer mechanisms to support iteration, reflection
and analysis of results by the searcher.
Social networks play a predominant role in the
communication between individuals, and their use
in the educational settings have been widely investi-
gated. In particular, social networks have been used
by teachers to share information and communicate
with pupils, they have been also used to support self-
regulated learning to connect informal and formal
learning. The structure of the most used social net-
works such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has
been also investigated in terms of their ability to foster
interactions and contents sharing (Thompson, 1995;
Chelmis and Prasanna, 2011), feelings (Kaplan and
Haenlein, 2010), opinions, and sentiments expres-
sions (Pang et al., 2008). However, if from one hand
the Internet and its tools support new communication
dynamics able to reach a wider number of persons,
on the other hand these characteristics have generated
issues that cannot be ignored. Indeed, Internet has
also introduced challenges that imperil the well-being
of individuals and the functioning of democratic soci-
eties, such as the rapid spread of false information and
online manipulation of public opinion (e.g., (Brad-
shaw and Howard, 2019; Kelly et al., 2017), as well as
new forms of social malpractice such as cyberbullying
(Kowalski et al., 2014) and online incivility (Ander-
son et al., 2014).
The negative effects of these challenges are even
more exacerbated when it comes to young adoles-
cents, specially when they use the Web to shape their
understanding and acquire knowledge on a new topic.
Moreover, the Internet is no longer an unconstrained
Puvia, E., Monteleone, V., Fulantelli, G. and Taibi, D.
Facing the Appeal of Social Networks: Methodologies and Tools to Support Students towards a Critical Use of the Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0009571105670573
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 567-573
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and independent cyberspace but a highly controlled
environment. Online, whether people are access-
ing information through search engines or social me-
dia, their access is regulated by algorithms and rec-
ommender systems with little transparency or public
oversight. We argued that one way to address this
imbalance is with interventions that empower adoles-
cents, as Internet users, to gain some control over their
digital environments, in part by boosting their infor-
mation literacy and their cognitive resistance to ma-
nipulation. As a consequence, adolescents need to be
equipped with a more informed use of social media
and the Internet.
In this contribution we present an integrated ap-
proach that includes methodologies and tools aimed
at promoting critical thinking in adolescent students.
This approach will help students in perceiving and
elaborating on line information in a more critical way,
in order to face the challenges posed by the digital en-
vironments in which they are imbued.
One of the main challenging aspects of online en-
vironments is represented by the way in which they
shape information search. Indeed, information is
filtered and mediated by personalized recommender
systems and algorithmic filtering. Algorithmic filter-
ing and personalization are not inherently malicious
technologies. On the contrary, they are helpful mech-
anisms that support people in navigating the over-
whelming amount of information on the Internet. In
a similar vein, news feeds on social media strive to
show news that is interesting to users. So, filtering in-
formation on the Internet is indispensable and helpful.
All in all, these mechanisms act as filters between the
abundance of information and the scarcity of human
attention. However, they are not without some notable
problems. One general problem is that the decision on
such personalized content is being delegated to a vari-
ety of algorithms without a clear understanding of the
mechanisms underlying the resulting decisions.
Delegating decisions results in a people’s gradual
loss of control over their personal information and a
related decline in human agency and autonomy (An-
derson et al., 2018; Mittelstadt et al., 2016; Zarsky,
Another closely related concern is the impact of
AI-driven algorithms. For example, on what informa-
tion should be presented and in what order (Tufekci,
2015). Another challenging consequence of algorith-
mic filtering is the algorithmic bias (Bozdag, 2013;
Corbett-Davies et al., 2017; Fry, 2018), which intro-
duces biases in data processing and consequences at a
societal level, such as discrimination (e.g., gender or
racial biases).
However, at a closer look, algorithms are designed
by human beings, and they rely on existing data gen-
erated by human beings. They are therefore likely
not only to generate biases due to technical limita-
tions, but also reinforce existing biases and beliefs.
Relatedly, it has been argued that personalized filter-
ing on social media platforms may be instrumental
in creating “filter bubbles” (Pariser, 2011) or “echo
chambers” (Sunstein, 2018). Both filter bubbles and
echo chambers are environments in which individu-
als are exposed to information selected by algorithms
according to a viewer’s previous behaviours (Bakshy
et al., 2015), amplifying as a result the confirmation
bias a way to search for and interpret information
that reinforces pre-existing beliefs.
Concerning social networks, a wide variety of ar-
tificial intelligence algorithms is adopted to target the
purposed audience on social media. The fundamental
idea of the use of these algorithms on social networks
is to optimize the content for the users. There is a
wide literature on the application of AI in social me-
dia to capture the trends and the moods of users (Sal-
loum et al., 2017; Ching et al., 2015; van Dam and
Van De Velden, 2015; Del Vicario et al., 2017). Previ-
ous studies have shown that young adolescents are not
aware of the presence of AI algorithms during their
experiences in social networks and the contents that
are shown to them are considered as spontaneous. As
an interdisciplinary science of thinking, psychologi-
cal science can inform interventions to counteract the
challenges that digital environments pose (Kozyreva
et al., 2019). Indeed, cognitive science has developed
some very general insights into how we perceive and
elaborate on line information that can be critical in
understanding general cognitive preferences.
It has been proposed that one of the factors that
could explain the success of online misinformation
is that it appeals to general cognitive preferences, in
that it fits with our cognitive predispositions (Acerbi,
2019). While we acknowledge that several boosts
could be implemented, we decided to elaborate an in-
tegrated approach grounded both on cognitive science
and technological tools to strengthen the capacity of
students in discerning information on the Internet. In
the next section a general overview of the integrated
approach is provided. Afterwards, a more detailed de-
scription of the four main phases of this approach will
be presented.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In the present contribution, an integrated approach
that leverages cognitive and technological tools will
be introduced and discussed. We argued that these
integrated tools can be comprised in a more general
framework designed to boost competences of reason-
ing of adolescent students to prevent the spread of
false information. Among the possible human cog-
nitive factors, our approach is focused on cognitive
style of thinking. A crucial individual difference
that emerges from human cognitive architecture is
the propensity to think analytically (Pennycook et al.,
Analytic thinking can be acknowledged as a ten-
dency to solve problems through understanding of
logical principals and the evaluation of evidence com-
pared to a more intuitive, emotional and/or imagina-
tive way. We argue that understanding individual dif-
ferences in the cognitive processing mechanisms of
novel information - such as in the domain of fake
news can be crucial in promoting fake news de-
tection and in turn preventing fake news spreading.
Analytic thinking has been proved to be the strongest
predictor (among several) of a reduction in conspir-
acy theory (Swami et al., 2014), religious (Gervais
and Norenzayan, 2012), and paranormal beliefs (Pen-
nycook et al., 2012). Most relevant in the present
context, previous work has shown a negative associa-
tion between a tendency to think analytically and fake
news susceptibility (Bronstein et al., 2019; Penny-
cook and Rand, 2018). The integrated approach, con-
sequently consists of the following four main phases:
Phase 1: Assessment of students’ cognitive style
and Internet habits.
Phase 2: Fostering students’ analytic thinking
Phase 3: Assessment of students’ abilities to de-
tect fake news.
Phase 4: Promoting knowledge of social network
From the technological point of view, the tasks re-
lated to the phases 1 to 3 have been conducted by
using the Lime Survey open source software. The
tasks of the final phase have been carried out on the
PixelFed platform, an Instagram like platform based
upon the ActivityPub federated network. The Activi-
tyPub is a W3C recommendation and allows server-
server and client-server communication through in-
boxes and outboxes mechanism. It is a decentral-
ized social networking protocol that makes possible
for a user to interact with many different Internet ap-
plications. In the ActivityPub context each user plays
as an actor who is represented as an account on the
server. Each actor has an inbox where he receives
his messages and an outbox where he can send mes-
sages. Anyone can listen to someone’s outbox to get
messages they post, and people can post messages
to someone’s inbox for them. Most of the federated
projects are open-source and besides Pixelfed, many
services such as PeerTube (a YouTube open-source
alternative) or Mastodon (a Twitter open-source alter-
native) are integrated over the ActivityPub protocol
and form what is known as the Fediverse: an universe
of open-source and interconnected Internet applica-
tions. It is possible to post a video to PeerTube and to
get a notification on Mastodon, respond to the video
post on Mastodon, and the message shows up as a
comment on the video.
3.1 Assessment of Students’ Cognitive
Style and Internet Habits
The proposed integrated approach was tested with a
sample of seventy-seven secondary school students.
Students’ age ranged from 14 to 16 years old (M =
15.07; SD = .442). A majority of students (80.5%)
were male. In order to evaluate pre-experimental in-
dividual stable differences in cognitive style, students
completed the Rational/Experiential Multimodal In-
ventory (REIm) (Norris and Epstein, 2011). The
REIm contains 42 items,12 of which in the Rational
scale, and 30 in the Experiential scale. The 12 items
that compose the Rational scale measure an analytic
thinking style (e.g., ‘I enjoy problems that require
hard thinking’). The 30 items that compose the Expe-
riential scale measure an experiential thinking style. It
consists of three 10-item subscales, namely Intuition
(a tendency to solve problems intuitively and based
on effect), Emotionality (a preference for intense and
frequent string effect), and Imagination (a tendency to
engage in, and appreciate, imagination, aesthetic pro-
ductions, and imagery). Examples of the items are: ‘I
often go by my instincts when deciding on a course
of action’; ‘I like to rely on my intuitive impres-
sions’, and ‘I tend to describe things by using images
or metaphors, or creative comparisons’, respectively.
All items are rated on 5 points scale (1 = Strongly
disagree, 5 = Strongly agree) and subscale scores are
computed as the mean of associated items. From
a principal component factorial analysis two factors
were extracted: Rational and Experiential. The over-
all scale (Cronbach’s α = .75) as well as both sub-
scales (Cronbach’s α = .68 and α = . 77 for the ratio-
nal and experiential subscales, respectively) showed
a good internal consistency. Finally, students’ Inter-
net habits were assessed in order to evaluate whether
the quality of students’ habits, in terms of the con-
Facing the Appeal of Social Networks: Methodologies and Tools to Support Students towards a Critical Use of the Web
tents they are exposed to mostly, can affect their abil-
ity to detect online fake news. Students reported to
be Instagram (89.6%), Facebook (51.9%), and What-
sApp (24.7%) users. Most of them reported to use
their smartphone (98.7%) to connect to Internet. Ta-
ble 1 reports the top ten contents students mostly re-
search on line. No correlations emerged between the
quality of students’ Internet habits and their ability to
discern between true and false on line information (rs
>.05). However, given the exploratory nature of the
present investigation, this result has to be carefully in-
Table 1: Top ten online contents searched by students.
Content %
School 32.5
Football 23.4
Music 18.2
News 18.2
Sport 15.6
Video 13.0
Engines 10.4
Sports 10.4
Games 9.1
Memes 9.1
The full set of contents is summarized in the word
cloud displayed in Figure1.
Figure 1: What students search online.
3.2 Fostering Students’ Analytic
Thinking Mindset
In the second phase, students completed a priming
task used to activate analytic thinking without explicit
awareness (Gervais and Norenzayan, 2012). In this
task, students received 10 different sets of ve ran-
domly arranged words (e.g., man away postcard the
walked). For each set of five words, students dropped
one word and rearranged the others to form a mean-
ingful phrase (e.g., the man walked away). The an-
alytic condition included ve-word sets containing a
target prime word related to analytic or rational rea-
soning (analyse, reason, ponder, think, rational). In
the control condition, the scrambled sentences con-
tained neutral words (e.g., chair, shop). Alterna-
tively, an even more subtle experimental manipula-
tion can be used to elicit analytic thinking in which
students are randomly assigned to view four images
of either artwork depicting a reflective thinking pose
(Rodin’s The Thinker) or control artwork matched for
surface characteristics like color, posture, and dimen-
sions (e.g., Discobolous of Myron). All students re-
ceive instructions to look at each picture for 30 sec-
onds before moving on to the next portion of the ex-
periment. This novel visual prime measure has been
proven to successfully trigger analytic thinking (Ger-
vais and Norenzayan, 2012). In order to make sure
that the manipulation was successful, students were
asked to complete the one item Moses Illusion Task
(Erickson and Mattson, 1981): ’How many of each
kind of animal did Moses take on the Ark?’, a mea-
sure used to assess analytic versus experiential pro-
cessing (Song and Schwarz, 2008). Results of this
preliminary study showed that students were signifi-
cantly more likely to respond with the correct answer
(e.g., ‘Moses did not have an ark’ or ‘Cannot say’) in
the analytic condition (31%) compared with the con-
trol condition (8%).
3.3 Assessment of Students’ Abilities to
Detect Fake News
After being exposed to either analytical or experi-
ential processing, students, in the third phase, were
required to detect the accuracy of news headlines.
Those students who have been exposed to an ana-
lytic mindset are expected to be more effective in fake
news detection compare to those who did not receive
such input. Specifically, three factually accurate sto-
ries (real news) and three subtly untrue stories (fake
news) were presented. After the reading of each news
headline, students were required to indicate if a) they
have seen or heard about the story before, b) evaluate
how accurate (namely, detailed, true in their under-
standing and real) the headlines was, and c) evaluate
their willingness to share the story on line (for exam-
ple, through Facebook or Twitter).
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: In this figure is shown our customized version of Pixelfed. It is possible to run different use cases in order to collect
user data for future analysis.
3.4 Promoting Knowledge of Social
Network Algorithms
The aim of this phase is to analyse how the social net-
works work in order to make students more aware of
the hidden mechanisms that are implemented. As we
stated above, in this phase we took advantage of Pix-
elfed, an open-source alternative to Instagram, to de-
sign use cases to make young adolescents aware of the
presence of artificial intelligence algorithms in social
networks. Pixelfed is an ethical photo sharing plat-
form software based on the federated open web pro-
tocol named ActivityPub. The federated term is re-
ferred to a distributed network of multiple social web-
sites, where users of each site communicate with users
of any of the involved sites of the network.
Thanks to Pixelfed we are able, on the one hand,
to show to young adolescents how the response of a
system changes by changing the parameters provided
by the designer and, on the other hand, what are the
implications in a social network architecture by pur-
suing certain actions instead of others. Pixelfed is
equipped with the most mainstream features of a so-
cial network. Users are able to create personal profiles
and friend lists, post status updates, follow activity
streams, and subscribe to be notified of other users’
actions within the environment. Thanks to Pixelfed
we are able to provide the users with posts containing
specific images or texts and collect their reactions in
real-time by adopting different types of interactions
such as like/dislike buttons. Fig.2 gives a shot of the
Pixelfed social network design.
We decided to adopt and to customize our ex-
periments on Pixelfed, due to the fact that the new
technological trend has led adolescents (especially in
the age range under investigation in our piloting) to
prefer the use of applications such as Instagram or
TikTok, instead of the old fashioned social networks
like Facebook. Providing adolescents with an envi-
ronment they are familiar with and that is equipped
with the newest features allow us to record interac-
tions that more closely resemble those, that adoles-
cents perform every day.
Figure 3: The dashboard teacher should use to tune the pub-
lishing content algorithms.
The use of PixelFed will ensure to have control over
an open source social network to analyze the user
behavior. We also develop a teacher dashboard (see
Fig.3) through which it is possible to tune the algo-
rithms used to publish the content, so that students
Facing the Appeal of Social Networks: Methodologies and Tools to Support Students towards a Critical Use of the Web
can observe how their interactions could modify the
behaviour of the algorithms in the social network.
The main objective of the integrated approach pre-
sented in this paper is to provide school students with
opportunities to reflect upon effective strategies for
using the Web and social networks. To this aim, in
addition to the project phases reported in the paper,
further opportunities to unveil concerns that are cen-
tral to understanding these strategies have been given
to the students participating to the pilot study. Specifi-
cally, during each session the debate methodology has
been adopted in order to discuss the most relevant is-
sues emerged during the class activities and stimulate
comparison of points of view amongst students.
Furthermore, even though we are aware about the
fact that critical thinking is a complex activity, we ar-
gue that lower-level skills on which analytical think-
ing is built up can be acquired and ultimately taught.
An effective way to promote such skills is diagram-
ming arguments, namely, argument mapping (Gelder,
2005) in which students are invited to visually repre-
sent arguments through diagrams. Students can see
the reasoning and they can more easily identify im-
portant issues, such as whether and assumption has
been articulated, whether a premise needs further sup-
port, or whether an objection has been addressed. In
short, the use of diagrams makes the core operations
of critical thinking more straightforward, resulting in
faster growth in critical-thinking skills. The experi-
mental phase is still at a very preliminary stage; nev-
ertheless, some initial results can be reported: firstly,
it has been confirmed that students’ knowledge on the
algorithms governing social networks and Web search
engines is scarce; similarly, students’ awareness on
the negative consequences arising from uncritical ac-
ceptance of Internet news is limited to specific and
well-known circumstances; finally, a correlation be-
tween the boost of analytical thinking and the ability
to discriminate true information from false informa-
tion has emerged, even if further analysis is necessary
to confirm our hypotheses. The expected results will
shed light on important individual factors that may
predict the ability to better discern between real (true)
and fake (false) news in adolescent students.
This work has been developed in the framework of the
project COURAGE - A social media companion safe-
guarding and educating students (no. 95567), funded
by the Volkswagen Foundation in the topic Artificial
Intelligence and the Society of the Future.
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Facing the Appeal of Social Networks: Methodologies and Tools to Support Students towards a Critical Use of the Web