o Content level proposes adequate
resources according to the student’s
knowledge and in relation with the
corresponding sequences
o Presentation level determines the better
form and nature of the resources
o Learning process level which defines
specific learning methods to adopt
during sequences
a-teacher: It presents to the teacher tables and
graphs offering a monitoring space and
calculate indicators that will be displayed on.
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Personalized Learning Architecture. The system is
characterized by the following properties:
A learner model to store and permanently
update learner’s profile.
Learning strategies according to the learner's
Scenarios chosen by the course manager based
on prerequisites and learner's profile.
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finalizing the ontology of the learner model.
Secondly agent integration and personalization of
scenarios will be dealt in the Moodle environment.
Our challenge is to identify, from traces and
questionnaires deployed throughout learning
processes on Moodle, the common trajectories
leading in achievement of objectives, and in
academic and professional success.
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