Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and
Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education
Muhammad Sadi Adamu
and Philip Benachour
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, U.K.
Keyword: Higher Education, Education Technologies, Blended Approach, Technology Integration and Utilisation.
Abstract: The use of technology in learning environments has produced a series of different theories and models about
how technology is adopted, accepted and used. This paper attempts to show the relevance of combining the
diffusion of innovation model (DIM) and a context-specific model of technology acceptance (TAM) to
understanding the acceptance or rejection of educational technologies in Nigerian universities. Using
empirical evidence, the analysis attempts to determine the extent to which the adoption, acceptance, and use
of educational tools support or contradicts the components of the two models, emphasising how a range of
technological, pedagogical, institutional, socio-cultural, and design-related factors informed, facilitated, and
discouraged the diffusion, adoption, acceptance and use of blended eLearning systems in three Nigerian
universities. The analysis suggests the ‘relevance’ and ‘limit’ of the determining components and identifiers
of both models, arguing instead for a critical examination of the relationship between different models as to
understanding the factors that might lead to the acceptance or rejection of technological innovation.
The diffusion and adoption of eLearning systems,
either through a blended approach or through online
learning, has become a common approach to
education in developed and developing countries. The
assumption is that the adoption of technology brings
about optimal ways to the practices of teaching,
learning, and management of educational processes.
However, the process and practice of transiting from
traditional ways to education to a blended approach is
one that has both positive and negative implications.
The presumption is that technology is a
transformative catalyst that can bring the old and the
new together, and thus relevant to the renaissance of
education in most developing countries (Gulati,
2008). Research has also pointed to how the mere
transfer of innovation from developed to developing
countries is not entirely a technological phenomenon,
but rather a pedagogical, social, economic, and
organisational agenda (Reagan, 2004). A range of
frameworks for the adoption and implementation of
blended learning are proposed (Graham et al., 2013;
Bervell and Umar, 2017). What might seem universal
and relevant to a multitude of cultural contexts might
however not be relevant to the decolonisation
movement of education in Africa. This calls for a
critical re-examination of how stereotypical models
fit into such an educational context. The literature in
the field of blended learning has also emphasized the
requirement of examining the different factors that
promote or hinder the adoption of technology (Castro,
2019). This raises the issue of considering how well-
known models are relevant to the socio-cultural
context and pedagogical needs of Nigerian higher
education institutions.
With the perceived differences between
developed and developing countries, the
understanding of the socio-economic and contextual
conditioning of different institutions and users
(Tarhini et al., 2017), becomes important for
integrating a range of learning models to determine
the institutional, pedagogical, organisational, social
and technological factors that influence and shape the
adoption and acceptance of a blended approach to
education (Marangunić and Granić, 2015; Okocha,
2019). This paper focusses on examining how the
Adamu, M. and Benachour, P.
Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009572101780187
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 178-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
diffusion and acceptance models can take into
account the peculiarity and specificity of the Nigerian
context. It seeks to understand the different factors
that support and promote or discourage the adoption
of a blended approach and the acceptance of
eLearning systems in three Nigerian universities. We
examine differences in pedagogical needs,
educational and social background, institutional
structures and policies, socio-economic relations, and
technological capabilities in the different institutions.
Consequently, the question that we seek to examine
is whether the integration of diffusion of innovation
and technology acceptance model can provide a better
understanding of the factors that should be
championed for a blended approach to
teaching/learning in Nigerian universities?
The notion of technology adoption and acceptance
has become a common phenomenon in studies
relating to the field of information system, education
technology, and human-computer interaction (HCI).
Different models have identified a range of factors
that assist in predicting and facilitating the diffusion,
adoption, acceptance and use of technology in a
variety of social and organisational context. The more
common is the technology acceptance model
(Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) and the unified theory
of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)
(Venkatesh et al., 2003). These models point to the
importance of user’s attitude and intention towards
the adoption, acceptance and use of technology. The
models provide a range of variables that allows
understanding the factors that support or hinder the
perception of using technology. However, most of the
studies in the literature report of findings from
developed countries, suggesting indicators primarily
relevant to industrialised social settings (Marangunić
and Granić, 2015).
However, within the context of developing
countries, there has been a surge of studies that
examine how socioeconomic and cultural factors
might influence the acceptance and adoption of
technology (Musa, 2006). The general premise for
most of the models has been about the availability of
technology and that the determining factor is the end-
user. In situations where the availability of
technology is scarce and where other external factors
are readily influential, the applicability of TAM and
its extended models are put to the test (Boateng et al.,
2016). Although the revised models have proven
useful to outlining how differences in capacities
(accessibility and exposure to technology) and values
(socio-economic, contextual, cultural, political
factors) might provide insights that could bring about
understanding the behavioural intention and attitude
toward use (Olatubosun et al., 2015; Nicholas-
Omoregbe et al., 2017; Okocha, 2019), a deeper
understanding of the determinants influencing and
shaping the adoption and acceptance of eLearning
systems are scarce.
What is missing in the literature of education
technology is the analysis of how context-specific
factors might have warranted the diffusion of
technology in education. There is a limited account of
the identifying factors (socio-cultural and contextual)
that have supported or hindered the acceptance of
available eLearning systems by lecturers and
students. Most of the attention has been given to the
primary components of the TAM models, specifically
the relevance of perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use, rather than on how usage can be
maintained and promoted (Turner et al., 2010). Less
attention has also been given to the institutional,
pedagogical, socio-cultural, contextual, and design-
related factors that might have facilitated the
continual acceptance of blended approach to
teaching/learning in Nigeria; or the factors that might
have warranted the lack of acceptance and use by
students and lecturers. Within the gaps identified, we
sought to determine the extent to which the diffusion
of innovation and technology acceptance models
support the analysis of factors that came out of our
review of the present landscape of blended learning
in three Nigerian universities and the study of the
work practice of software designers/developers. Such
a report provides a broader picture of the link between
the factors that necessitate adoption, design strategies
that influence the acceptance or rejection of specific
educational tools, and factors that could shape current
and future use.
2.1 Technology Acceptance Models
The TAM is considered as the most well-known and
adopted model for determining the perception,
attitude and behavioural intention to accept or reject
technology. Its core component includes the
perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use
(PEOU), attitude towards use (AT), behavioural
intention to use (BI), and actual use (AU) (Davis et
al., 1989). It has proven useful to the prediction of 30-
70% usage of technology. The model has been
adopted, extended and used in a range of social
context. Examples of which are the TAM2
(Venkatesh and Davis, 2000), UTAUT (Venkatesh et
Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education
al., 2003; Venkatesh, et al., 2012), and DeLone and
McLean’s success model (DeLone and McLean,
Figure1: The original technology acceptance model.
Such models outline the consideration of factors
like perceive usefulness, perceived ease of use,
perceived ubiquity, performance and effect
expectancy, innovativeness of the technology,
subjective norms, social influence and contextual
determinant (facilitating conditions) of the
technology as factors that might suggest the
determinant towards the intention of accepting or
rejecting technology. However, some argue that the
level of prediction of usage might be more subjected
to behavioural intention than perceived usefulness
and ease of use (Turner et al., 2010)
Within the Nigerian context, these models were
adopted in analysing a range of factors that predict the
adoption and acceptance of eLearning systems
(Olatubosun et al., 2015; Nicholas-Omoregbe et al.,
2017; Okocha et al., 2017; Yakubu and Dasuki, 2019;
Okocha, 2019). However, even with its usefulness,
the extension of TAM and UTAUT has proven
difficult in examining a range of other factors,
specifically socio-cultural and contextual factors that
might have influenced the adoption or rejection of
technology (Legris et al., 2003). Others have
examined a three-dimensional view of evaluating the
adoption and acceptance of eLearning system through
the analysis of the different phase of use, the users
involved and the components at each stage (Persico et
al., 2014). Most of the studies not provided sufficient
indicators for determining the implications of both the
characteristics of the innovation and the adopter to the
pedagogical processes and learning activities. We
focus on the aspect of the tool that could predict the
level of adoption and use.
2.2 Diffusion of Innovation Model
As technology has penetrated every facet of our life,
our perception of adopting or rejecting an innovation
might be based on our belief of the importance and
relevance of the innovation to some aspect of our life.
With the prevalence of tools developed and often not
adopted, the diffusion of innovation model came
about as to provide a unified theory of diffusion. The
model integrates the innovation-decision processes,
the individual’s innovativeness, the rate of adoption
and the perceived attitude of the potential adopter
towards the innovation in determining the
acceptability or rejection of an innovation (Rogers,
2010). In determining the level of diffusion of
technology in an organisation, the adopter uses a
range of construct to facilitate or impede their
perception and attitude towards acceptance/rejection
(Moore and Benbasat, 1991). The constructs include
the relative advantage of using an innovation against
previously used tools; the visibility of seeing others
adopt the same tool; the compatibility of the tool to
one’s prior experience and values; the tangible
outcome of adopting the tool (demonstration); and the
perceived acceptability of planned used (trialability)
(Rogers, 2010). What the model offers is an
understanding of the decision processes involved
(and the factors that shape one’s decision) and the
characteristic of the innovation towards the reduction
of uncertainty (in the perception of potential adopters)
of acceptance or rejection. The components provide
insights into the rate at which a particular tool could
be accepted or rejected within an organisational
context, thereby having a lesser prediction power
(Sahin, 2006).
However, as Sahin noted, the model has shown
greater relevance in understanding factors that
facilitate or impede the adoption of technology in
higher education. It also outlines the characteristic (of
both the innovation and the adopter) that influence the
decision process, the rate of adoption and the
perceived behaviour and attitude of an adopter. This
is relevant to our analysis as it provides a means for
identifying what necessitates the decision to adopt a
blended approach, the design strategies that led to
certain attributes of the innovation, and the
institutional implementation mechanisms that have
supported the transition from conventional methods
to a blended approach.
2.3 Integration of TAM and DIM
While a lot of studies have attempted to identify and
determine a range of factors that support/hinder the
adoption and acceptance of technological innovation,
there appears to be a varied interpretation and
extension of existing models in the analysis of
eLearning systems. A range of studies have examined
how different factors, such as self-efficacy,
performance and effect expectancy, social influence,
quality of service, subjective norms, interaction, and
satisfaction might provide determinant insights into
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
user’s perception and intention for accepting and
using an eLearning system (Persico et al., 2014;
Rahmi et al., 2018). Others have pointed to the
implication of integrating different models in
determining the intention and attitude towards
adopting and accepting technology (Marangunić and
Granić, 2015), and specific to the context of Nigerian
(Nicholas-Omoregbe et al., 2017). Consequently, the
integration of different models, specially TAM and
DIM have shown significant influence in
understanding the factors that drive or hinder
acceptance (Persico et al., 2014; Tshabalala et al.,
2014; Al-Rahmi et al., 2019). Lee and colleagues
(2011) attempted to integrate the TAM and DIM as to
determine the relationship between motivation and
determinants of various factors to the adoption of a
blended approach and the acceptance of eLearning
systems. Al-Rahmi and colleagues (2019) report on
how the integration of TAM and DIM can assist in
developing insights that would inform the decisions
of planning, implementing and evaluating the use of
eLearning systems. What these studies have shown is
that TAM and DIM complement each other, and their
integration provides insights that would determine the
level of acceptance and rejection of an innovation.
However, within the context of sub-Saharan
Africa, Bervell and Umar (2017) analysis points to
the lack of integration of different models to
determine the factors that might have promoted or
hindered the adoption and acceptance of eLearning
systems. Most studies adopt and extend the TAM,
with only a few utilizing the integration of both TAM
and DIM in their analysis (for example, Tshabalala et
al., 2014). Most studies focus on the perspective of
end-users (lecturers and students), neglecting the
perspective of educational managers and software
designers/developers in the analysis of the factors that
motivate, inform, facilitate, or impede
adoption/acceptance. With the perceived differences
between developed and developing countries and the
understanding of the socio-economic and contextual
conditioning of different communities, it becomes
important integrating a range of models to determine
the different factors that might have necessitated the
adoption of technology in education and the attributes
that might have led to the acceptance/rejection of
blended eLearning systems in most Nigerian
universities. As we analyse data collected from a
range of actors, the factors that facilitate or impede
adoption and acceptance might vary, and what we
sought to point to is how a range of institutional,
pedagogical and technological factors shape the
diffusion of technology in Nigerian higher education.
We also identify design related and adopter related
factors that might have led to the acceptance or
rejection of the eLearning system like Moodle,
google classroom, canvass, and blackboard to support
the processes and activities of teaching/ learning.
The purpose of the study was to determine the extent
to which different components and identifiers of the
models of technology diffusion and acceptance
provide a better understanding of the factors that
might have led to the acceptance or rejection of
educational technologies within the context of
Nigerian Higher education. Qualitative data
interviews and focus group discussion was collected
across three universities and three education
technology companies in Nigeria. Both the author’s
institution and the host institutions/companies
granted ethical approval. Different forms of
reflexivity and relational accountability was
practised, before, during and after the fieldwork,
mainly due to the political implications of the field
researcher’s positionality as an in-outsider
In responding to the gaps identified in the
literature considering the lack of qualitative evidence
in the analysis of the factors that foster or impeded the
acceptance/rejection of technological innovation,
qualitative data was collected from both public (2)
and private (1) universities, and educational
technology companies (3). All of the three
universities might be considered at an exploration–
adoption stage (early implementation), mainly
because only a few departments and people adopt and
accept the technologies diffused into the educational
practice of their institution. Whereas the three
companies might be considered techno-educational
driven and with a wider client base. The data
collected and considered in the analysis consisted of
five focus group discussions with twenty-nine
students, fourteen interviews with lecturers, and three
interviews with education managers across the three
universities. Also, seven interviews from software
designers/developers across the three companies
were considered in the analysis. As the data that
informs the analysis is part of a project concerned
with decoding and untangling the thread of
postcolonialism in the process and practice of using
technology in Nigerian higher education, we adopted
an existing grounded approach to thematic analysis
where relational extracts that support or contradict the
components of both the TAM and DIM models are
highlighted and mapped to the issue problematised in
Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education
this paper. It is our belief that the collective data from
a range of stakeholders would adequately show how
the integration of the two models might provide
insights into a range of factors that might have
motivated, informed, facilitated or discouraged
acceptance/rejection of educational technologies.
From the pool of the data considered, we attempted to
identify other relevant and context-specific factors
that might have impacted on the level of adoption,
acceptance, or rejection of eLearning systems. These
factors are important as we not only focus on the end-
user, as widely reported in the literature, but also on
those that design and evaluate the tools deployed, and
those that decide on which technological innovation
to incorporate into the educational practice. To re-
emphasise, our evaluative approach seeks to focus on
bringing forth an understanding of specific indicators
and strategies that can be considered peculiar to the
Nigerian context (but might also be relevant to other
developing countries).
In this section, we present the findings from the
evaluative analysis of participants’ data; presenting
an understanding of the factors that promote and
impede the practices of a blended approach. We
emphasize on the perspective of education managers
and software developers/designers, thereby providing
a new approach to that was normally adopted in the
education technology adoption and acceptance
4.1 Rationale for Diffusion and
Adoption of Technology
From the analysis of the data from educational
managers, it evident that the factors that motivate the
adoption of a blended approach to education are
driven by a pedagogical necessity, an organisational
culture, a socio-cultural demand and a technological
opportunity. Organisationally, the motive for
blending within the private university is mainly
because of the aim to provide ‘British standard
education in Nigeria’. The assumption is that
leveraging technology can bring about an effective
means for “providing quality educational services,
streamline operational processes, reduce operational
cost, and improve transparency” (Admin 1). There are
also ideas about how different organisational
structures and strategies, management frameworks
and support systems might have supported the motive
for blending. The strategies include an analysis of the
practices of a range of institutions globally that
implemented the blended approach, what model’s
they adopted, the sort of mechanisms put in place for
change management and mitigation of risk, and an
examination of how relevant that might be to the
Nigerian context. There are also ideas about how the
institutional policy of identifying potential avenues
where their instructional practices can be improved
through the use of technology might have supported
the adoption of a blended approach. socio-culturally,
the participants identify a range of factors that have
had some significant impact on the decision to blend.
This includes; the societal attitude of people towards
the advancement of technology globally (mostly
mobiles), the availability and accessibility of mobile
technologies among a range of users, the need for
flexibility and autonomy in educational processes and
practices, and also the need for a quantifiable value
for the money paid for education.
Although one might expect of a university that
strives to provide ‘standard’ British education that it
would be technically well equipped, the shared
understanding of the pedagogical needs of most
students/lecturers still warranted the adoption of a
blended approach. Some preferred conventional
means of education (through human interaction and
dialogue); others preferred the online form of
learning, therefore placing a pedagogical and a socio-
cultural requirement for an approach that is relational
to the needs of different people. Such an approach
responds to the educational needs of various people
but also moves towards developing students’
technical, employability and entrepreneurship skills.
It also supports understanding students’ performance
over time, identifying where one needs support and
thus might increase retention rates and reduce
attrition rates of students. Equally relevant is that to
facilitate the adoption of a blended approach, the
institutional diffusion model emphasis the design of
implementation mechanisms that provides the
necessary support for transition and change
management. This is achieved through the processes
of awareness creation, training of lecturers, and
incentivising and championing uptake for both
students and lecturers. This has drastically
popularised the enthusiasm for a blended approach.
For public universities, the organisational motive
for a blended approach was mainly because of a
pedagogical policy and a socio-cultural demand for
flexibility among a range of stakeholders. By
pedagogical policy, we mean to suggest, as
highlighted by a participant that “with the level of
development in the country, the classic online
learning is classically not suitable for us. We are in a
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
system where people are transiting, and people tend
to hold certain things that are part of the past…..we
still want to have some form of human element
because it doesn't tie down with our African
background and context…..we believe that it is not
everybody that has the same orientation towards
learning, so we provide them with a platform whereby
they can identify what they are more attune to….the
blended approach is the focus” (Admin 2). This is a
pedagogical and a socio-cultural requirement placed
on most public universities. What the data suggest is
that traditional methods of education are not in line
with the institutional vision of becoming global and
also not contextually relevant to the needs of most
community members. The general assumption is that
the blended approach is appropriate to the established
guidance laid out by the relevant regulatory agencies.
What is common among the public universities is that
there is a determination to adopt best practices, and
leverage on technological development, as it would
encourage institutions to compete locally and
globally. As the proliferation of technology has
shown how educational processes and practices can
be supported and enhanced by technology, the
prediction is that the blended approach would
eventually become the practice of the day. This places
universities in the position of competing towards
becoming a key promoter of the blended approach.
Although the public universities might be facing
issues concerning lack of funding, infrastructure
deficit, the higher number of students, limited
accessibility to resource, and effect irregularities and
lack of enforcement mechanism, there are relatively
few institutional implementation mechanisms in
place that promote the blended approach to a range of
stakeholders. These mechanisms include budgetary
provision for equipment’s, staff training, and policy
directions. What is not in place is an effective change
management strategy that could inform the processes
of promoting and incentivising the adoption of a
blended approach. In a nutshell, what the analysis
might suggest, for both public and private universities
is that the blended approach is widely considered to
be the future of education in Nigeria. It also shows
how a range of constructs organisational,
pedagogical, socio-cultural, contextual, and
technological have shaped, promoted, and
popularised the adoption of a blended approach.
These constructs are relational to the attributes of the
diffusion model, in particular, they point to different
characteristics of the social and organisational
context where the technology is deployed, the
different actors involved, and the contextual factors
that shape the decision to blend or not. These
‘determining insights’ popularise the blended
approach. From the analysis, a pedagogical necessity,
an organisational culture, a socio-cultural demand,
and a socio-economic opportunity are to be
considered as supportive components to DIM’s
decision processes and attributes of innovation. Other
factors like awareness creation, incentivisation, and
the development of relevant change management
strategies and support systems are relational to factors
that can increase the adoption rate. It is our position
that the factors identified have shown an active link
to the process of developing an effective institutional
action plan guiding the decision processes that would
frame the implementation of eLearning systems in a
blended educational context.
4.2 Effective and Ineffective Design
As we are after identifiers that could predict and
influence/discourage the level of acceptance and
usage of eLearning systems (either for new users or
for continual use by existing users), both effective and
ineffective strategies are identified. From the
analysis, the effective design strategies that we
understood to have had significant implications on the
acceptance and use of educational tools include the
methods used in understanding user requirement, the
design and development framework that inform the
design processes, the level of user engagement in key
design decisions and evaluations, and the
responsiveness and sensitivity of the design (in term
of different user values and other socio-cultural
needs). These are higher-level identifiers that inform
the practices of developing educational tools that the
data suggests hold more significant implication to the
processes and activities both students and lecturers
can undertake. There are also low level, and equally
relevant, identifiers like the tool’s level of integration
with existing user systems; the compatibility of the
tool to a range of devices; the usability, user-
friendliness and simplicity (or customisation to the
university context) of the tool; and the quality,
performance and security of the tool. Most of these
identifiers determine the level of users interaction,
engagement and satisfaction while using the tool.
They also influence the user’s perception of a tool,
determine their behavioural intention and attitude
towards use and thus critical to the acceptance or
rejection of technology.
There are other factors that, even though the
participants might not admit are ineffective practices,
might jeopardise the acceptance of deployed
educational tools. We believe that these factors
Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education
significantly promote the rejection of educational
tools. Most of the inefficient practices, which all
participants suggested, are warranted by the
contextual nature of the Nigerian software industry.
Although they have attempted to show how they
adhere to best software engineering practice,
irregularities are often normalised. This include
designer/developers neglecting potential user’s
requirement we put ourselves in the shoes of the
use’ (Dev4), ‘thinking for them’ (Dev3), ‘implement
something close to what we think is generic’(Dev2) –
assuming that designerly way of knowing (Cross,
2001) is the same as a userly way of knowing. There
is also the alarming issue of how educational
managers providing system requirements, engage in
evaluating and validating educational tools, thereby
considering themselves de factor users. Although
they are potential users (their use of the technology is
mainly to manage the administrative and educational
processes of higher institutions) they do not engage
with the educational tools to carry out some
teaching/learning activities. One might expect that a
set of actual users’ (or potential users) will be
involved in articulating their needs, and some
developed educational theory or framework inform
the design processes of a particular tool. However,
what the data suggests is that no pedagogical
requirement nor actual user requirements inform the
design strategies used to develop and deploy tools. It
seems more likely that tools are developed and
implemented with the simple expectation that the
users will find them useful and relevant to their
processes, and which therefore from our analysis,
might have led to the low acceptance rate.
However, from the analysis of developers/
designers, one can appreciate what their perspective
might suggest to the predictability and articulation of
end user’s attitude and behavioural intention towards
the use of eLearning systems. It is therefore important
to point out that although the literature might have
neglected the perspective of designers/developers, as
our analysis has shown, they hold significant
implications to the acceptability or rejection of
educational tools, in both private and public
universities. Their practices can either promote or
impede the processes of teaching and the learning
outcome, and thus ought to form part of any model
that examines the acceptance or rejection of
educational technologies.
4.3 Identifiers of Acceptance and Use
In this section, we focus primarily on factors that
might have promoted or discouraged the acceptance
of the adopted tools by lecturers and students. The
analysis attempts to show the different and conflicting
factors that have fostered/hindered the acceptance
and use of eLearning systems as part of educational
processes and activities. It also identifies factors that
can bring about continual use or shape future use.
Lecturers’ Perspectives. For lecturers, the most
prominent factors that have led to acceptance are
individual curiosity, pedagogical necessity, social
accessibility, availability of technology, and
institutional promotional strategies and policy
directions. This is also driven by the assumption that
necessary infrastructure and technical training is
readily available, while also having sustainable
enforcement mechanisms in place. These factors
appear more strongly from the narratives of the
members of the private university. In public
universities, however, it is mainly due to personal
drive, social influences, and an awareness of the
relevance of the adopted technologies. Equally
relevant are the factors that might have warranted the
lack of acceptance by other lecturers. These factors
include people’s general orientation towards
technology, lack of proper promotional strategy and
enforcement policies, inadequate training and
support, lack of awareness of the importance of
available tools, and the dynamics of people’s attitude
and behaviour towards change. These issues are
institutional, whereas other national factors like
limited necessary infrastructure and connectivity
might have had hindered the acceptance of
educational tools in most higher institutions. In a
lecturers’ words: “the issue of using electronic
mediated means to reach out to students from the part
of the lecturers is because some people are
conservative and not ready to change. They still feel
that the only way students can learn is when they see
your standing in front of them. But some of use that
has undergone some training have come to learn that
students learn better when the enabling environment
is provided” (Lect 11). Such an account suggests a
profoundly rooted mentality towards conventional
approaches to education, and which the blended
approach supports.
Students’ Perspectives. For students, the analysis
attempt to identify specific characteristics of the
educational technologies that encouraged use. We
also identify other factors, either technology-related
or context related that might have discouraged use. In
the private university, students are more appreciative
of the technologies diffused into their everyday
practice, either through the use of education
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
technologies or through the use of innovative support
systems. This is not to suggest that students of most
public universities are dissatisfied with the
technologies adopted in their institutions – but to
highlight how the issue of the higher number of
students and limited resources have led to negative
behavioural attitude towards educational
technologies. In both universities, students expressed
their attitudes towards the tools adopted by
suggesting that they are ‘easy in all aspect,
interesting, user-friendly (student made an emphasis),
straightforward, responsive, interactive, convenient
and available’. These terminologies were used to
show their perceived experience of use, providing
insights into the characteristics of technology that
warranted such behavioural attitudes. However,
another group emphasised that “the technology does
not really aid or have a significant impact on
performance; it is just a way of disseminating
learning materials and information (Fgroup 2). Also,
one of the important factors that might have fostered
acceptance is that students are compelled to use the
educational tools deployed in their various
institutions, regardless of their perception or attitude
towards what was deployed. This makes prediction
relatively tricky, as they are in no position to decide
whether to use or not, use is a necessity placed on
them by their lecturers. Comparatively, this shows a
clear correlation to TAM’s perceived usefulness and
ease of use, but more importantly, how their lecturers
and other institutional instruments and power’s drive
their intention and attitude towards use.
Lecturers and Students as End-user’s. From the
analysis of end user’s both students and lecturers –
one can infer two key indicators that shape current
and future use: the institutional driver’s that promote
acceptance by lecturers and the technologies
characteristics that provide predictable insights into
the compelling factors that drive continual use. The
factor that standouts among all students are the ‘user-
friendliness’ and ‘integrativeness’ of the tool with
existing systems in place. In addition, to bring about
more acceptance and actual use, there is a general
agreement towards universal access (providing
institutional loan schemes), promotion and awareness
creation (through seminars, workshops, training,
incentives), and the development of sustainable
policies and context-specific actions plans towards
changes management. This could bring about
reorienting the perception and attitude of the
academic community towards the blended approach,
which will, therefore, shape present and future use.
However, the analysis has also point to the fact that
the adoption and acceptance of educational tools by
end users is not entirely based on relative attitude,
perception or behavioural intentions of adopter, but
also supported by salient arguments concerning
institutional powers towards the subjective
governance of adopters. The form of governmentality
would be in how lecturers are under the disciplinary
gaze of university managers, whereas students are
constantly under the control of lecturer’s, thereby
presenting end user’s as subjects that power is
exercised upon. As the adoption of educational
technologies are prescribed and enforced on end
user’s, the subjectivity of the subjects of postcolonial
education are limited in their ethical form of self-
reasoning, self-formation, and self-governance.
This position paper advances our understanding of
how particular models and frameworks might inform
the process and practice of adopting and using
educational technologies in Nigerian higher
education through a blended approach. It suggests
that the integration of the components of the diffusion
of innovation and technology acceptance model
provide a better appreciation of the factors that might
champion or discourage the adoption and acceptance
of a blended approach to teaching/learning. From the
analysis of those that decide on what to blend and how
to blend, those that design and develop the tools used
to support the blended approach, and those that get to
use the tools in their processes and activities, our
interpretive analysis has advanced a range of context-
specific factors. First, the analysis emphasises prior
findings concerning the relevance of the components
of both models (Lee et al., 2011; Persico et al., 2014;
Tshabalala et al., 2014; Al-Rahmi et al., 2019) by
identifying and outlining factors that motivate,
promote, popularise, and hinder the blended
approaches to education, and then emphasising how
the characteristic of both approaches provide insight
into the possible acceptance or rejection of
innovation. These findings are consistent with prior
results from a range of studies that emphasise the
implication of factors like; perceived ease of use,
user-friendliness and technological integrativeness
(Rahmi et al., 2018; Yakubu and Dasuki, 2019); the
social availability-accessibility and innovativeness of
technology (Okocha et al., 2017); the implications of
subjective and social influences towards minimal
uncertainty (Tarhini et al., 2017; Papadakin, 2018);
Analysing the Integration of Models of Technology Diffusion and Acceptance in Nigerian Higher Education
and the pedagogical relevance and associated
importance of adoption, acceptance and use
(Olatubosun et al., 2015; Nicholas-Omoregbe et al.,
2017; Okocha, 2019). Some of the determining
factors identified can be considered specific to the
institution investigated, however, they might be
generalizable to similar educational context.
Secondly, our analysis indicates how institutional
mechanisms and strategies, like effective change
management planning, timely staff training and
support programmes, wider awareness creation
strategies, and promotional incentivisation of use, can
lead to an increase in adoption and acceptance rates.
Our account points to significant and often taken for
granted, factors that determine the extent to which
technological tools can be integrated into
conventional practices of higher education in
developing countries. Such factors provide the basis
for developing future actions plans and design
implementation strategies that could support and
promote future blending across different (Nigerian)
universities. The factors are not merely technological,
nor exclusively related to the characteristic of the
adopter, but more to the broader cultural sociality of
the context of deployment. This suggests the limits of
the determining components of both models by
bringing forth other relevant factors that might inform
the deeper analysis of technology in Nigerian higher
Thirdly, the analysis points to how specific
design-based identifiers could influence/discourage
the attitude and behavioural intention of adopters.
From the discussion of effective and ineffective
design strategies, it can be inferred that the design
approach adopted shapes how the tool gets developed
and evaluated and thereby influences current and
future acceptance or rejection. We suggest that the
major contribution of our analysis is to point to how
differences in an organisational context, pedagogical
culture, and individual users’ positionality can
identify the factors that promote or discourage
acceptance and use.
To conclude, the analysis informs our
understanding of the dichotomy between
theory/theoretical construct and the practical
application and relevance of stereotypical models and
frameworks that impact the acceptability and
rejection of any technological innovation. In practice,
the range of factors identified from educational
managers, designers-developers, and ends users
provide a means of outlining how the plurality of
pedagogical, organisational, socio-cultural, and
technological identifiers are interpreted and
translated into design. We have also shown how
design related identifiers might influence or impede
the acceptability and usability of educational tools,
raising important question regarding the politics of
‘design’ as exemplified in HCI. The insights that
came from the analysis of a range of stakeholders; and
the implications of the mundane practices of thinking,
reasoning, deciding, designing, and deploying
technological innovation, suggest some of the power
relations involved in deploying technology in
education, in Nigeria (and elsewhere). This further
indicates the power dynamics of dominant paradigms
in educational research, where technology is often
considered neutral and beneficial to the renaissance
of education in developing countries. A critical and
subtle analysis of the underlying premise surrounding
such an assumption might provide insights into how
ethnocentric ideologies and prescriptive models
shape the adoption of technological innovation in
Nigerian higher education. This, therefore,
necessitates the consideration of indigenous and
localised alternatives that are not generalizable and
prescriptive, but rather generative and emerging.
Through a Freirean and Foucauldian concepts about
‘problematisation’, ‘governmentality’, and ‘ethical
subjectivity’ (Deacon, 2006; Bacchi, 2012), future
work would attempt to show how dominant
paradigms in educational research and HCI might
have produced a fateful misunderstanding and
misrepresentation of the factors that drive and
popularise the adoption and acceptance of
educational technologies in developing countries.
The authors would like to thank our imaginary co-
author – Mark Rouncefield for critical insights and
comments on earlier draft. This paper is part of a
project funded by the Petroleum Technology
Development Fund (PTDF), Nigeria.
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