alyzed under different environment conditions: day-
time, night time and fog. This helps to identify which
specific use-cases can be transferred from the real to
the virtual domain.
Results show that complex environment condition
models, such as fog, still need to be further developed
for this kind of test, since the predictions in the virtual
scenario differs tremendously from the real one. For
daytime and night time conditions, the simulation-
generated results can be sufficient for testing pur-
The divergence in the performance results under
adverse environment conditions reinforce that algo-
rithms for automated driving systems have to be de-
veloped and tested beyond ideal conditions, such as
daytime and sunny weather. The datasets used for
training machine learning algorithms must be bal-
anced also with data acquired under non-ideal envi-
ronment conditions, so that these systems become ro-
bust enough and safety in usage is ensured.
In this work, only night time and fog in one en-
vironment simulation software were considered, but
rain and snow may also degrade the algorithms per-
formance. Therefore, further experiments can be re-
alized in these mentioned cases and with other envi-
ronment simulation software as well. In addition, this
study can be expanded to other algorithms and even
other sensors, such as radar and lidar, which are also
focus of research at the CARISSMA test center.
We applied the SDC approach for the sequence of au-
thors. This work is supported under the Ingenieur-
Nachwuchs program of the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF) under Grant No.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems