OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments
Henrique Vignando
, Viviane R. Furtado
, Lucas O. Teixeira
and Edson OliveiraJr
Informatics Department, State University of Maring
a, Maring
a - PR, Brazil
Experiment, Ontology, Software Product Line.
Given the overall popularity of experimentation in Software Engineering (SE) in the last decades, we ob-
serve an increasing research on guidelines and data standards for SE. Practically, experimentation in SE be-
came compulsory for sharing evidence on theories or technologies and provide reliable, reproducible and
auditable body of knowledge. Although existing literature is discussing SE experiments documentation and
quality, we understand there is a lack of formalization on experimentation concepts, especially for emerging
research topics as Software Product Lines (SPL), in which specific experimental elements are essential for
planning, conducting and disseminating results. Therefore, we propose an ontology for SPL experiments,
named OntoExper-SPL. We designed such ontology based on guidelines found in the literature and an exten-
sive systematic mapping study previously performed by our research group. We believe this ontology might
contribute to better document essential elements of an SPL experiment, thus promoting experiments repeti-
tion, replication, and reproducibility. We evaluated OntoExper-SPL using an ontology supporting tool and
performing an empirical study. Results shown OntoExper-SPL is feasible for formalizing SPL experimental
Experimentation is one of the most relevant scientific
methods to provide evidence of a theory in a real-
world scenario. There is a growing consensus that
Software Engineering (SE) experimentation is fun-
damental to developing, improving and maintaining
software, methods and tools. This allows knowledge
to be generated in a systematic, disciplined, quantifi-
able and controlled way (Wohlin et al., 2012).
Experimentation is not a simple task, it requires
careful planning and constant supervision to avoid
any bias towards internal and external reliability. To
reduce the planning burden and to mitigate some re-
liability issues SE researchers proposed protocols,
guidelines, tools and others to aid the experimenta-
tion process. One of the approaches proposed is the
formalization of the entire experiment (planning, ex-
ecution, analysis and results) in order to facilitate the
validation, accessibility and comprehension. This in-
creases the chances of a successful replication and in-
creases reliability in the results as well as the overall
quality of the study (Wohlin et al., 2012). Nowadays,
experiment replications in SE are almost non-existent
which prevents any chance of a meta-analysis (G
et al., 2014).
Ontologies are among the most used methods to
formalize information. Ontologies are formal repre-
sentations of an abstraction containing formal defini-
tions of nomenclature, concepts, properties and rela-
tionships between concepts. An ontology defines a
controlled vocabulary of terms and relationships of
concepts in a domain (Noy et al., 2001). Thus, the
use of ontologies to represent information about ex-
periments standardizes the data facilitating the inter-
operability, the exchange of information and the repli-
cation of experiments.
Given the particularities of each area in SE, one
solution fits all might not work. The design of an on-
tology capable of representing all the particular char-
acteristics of all SE areas is too complex. Because
of that, we concentrated our efforts in the field of the
Software Product Line (SPL) due to our group experi-
ence (Research Group on Systematic Software Reuse
and Continuous Experimentation - GReater).
A SPL is determined by a set and products of a
particular market segment (Pohl et al., 2005), as a sys-
tem for cellular devices, where there are core assets
Vignando, H., Furtado, V., Teixeira, L. and OliveiraJr, E.
OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments.
DOI: 10.5220/0009575404010408
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 401-408
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with the main functionalities that the software must
implement, called similarities, and can have a num-
ber of functionalities specific to certain devices, called
variabilities. Given the challenges due to the more
flexible project, experiments in SPL are even harder
to conduct. Therefore, the definition of an ontology
specific for experiments in SPL might aid other re-
searchers in the development and replication of new
experiments, also assisting in the auditing and valida-
tion of experiments.
Furthermore, data formally represented allow the
development of specialized systems, such as recom-
mendation systems. A recommendation system in SE
experimentation could be useful in two ways: (i) di-
dactically, to aid students comprehend what is a high-
quality experiment; and, (ii) practically, to aid ESE
(Experiment in Software Engineering) practitioners
plan and execute a high-quality experiment by follow-
ing others experience.
Therefore, the goal of this paper is to propose an
ontology, named OntoExper-SPL, to formally repre-
sent experiments in SPL. We expect to facilitate the
experiment data representation in order to increase the
overall experiment quality, raise the number of repli-
cations and data sharing. In order to design such on-
tology we considered guidelines found in the litera-
ture and an extensive systematic mapping study pre-
viously performed by our research group (Furtado,
Our initial feasibility evaluation indicates the pos-
sibility of inferences from the data which allows the
creation of models for a recommendation system for
2.1 Software Product Lines
A Software Product Line (SPL) is a set of products
that address a particular market segment (Pohl et al.,
2005). Such a set of products is called a product fam-
ily, in which the members of this family are specific
products generated from the reuse of a common in-
frastructure, called the core assets. This is formed by
a set of common features, called similarities, and a set
of variable characteristics, called variabilities (Linden
et al., 2007).
Pohl et al. (2005) developed the framework for
SPL engineering. The purpose of this framework is
to incorporate the core concepts of SPL engineering,
providing reuse of artifact and mass customization
through variability.
The framework is divided into two processes: Do-
main Engineering and Application Engineering. Do-
main Engineering represents the process in which the
similarities and variabilities of SPL are identified and
realized. Application Engineering represents the pro-
cess in which the applications of an SPL are built
through the reuse of domain artifacts, exploiting the
variabilities of a product line.
2.2 Experimentation in Software
Product Lines
Furtado (2018) conducted a Systematic Mapping
Study (SMS)
that extracted data of SPL-driven ex-
periments from reliable sources, such as ACM, IEEE,
Scopus and Springer, as well as prestigious journals
and conferences in the area. She analyzed various
important characteristics such as: the report template
used, the experimental elements reported, the experi-
mental design including the availability of its package
to allow replication, among others.
Based on the SMS data, Furtado (2018) developed
a conceptual model with a set of guidelines for the
evaluation of SPL experiment quality. In order to cre-
ate a representative formalization of the SPL domain,
we clustered the items on the conceptual model based
on Wohlin template. So our proposed ontology fol-
lows both the theoretical and practical sides of SPL.
2.3 Software Engineering Ontologies
An ontology is a set of entities that can have relation-
ships with each other. Entities may have properties
and constraints to represent their characteristics and
attributes. Each entity has a population of individu-
In the current scenario, the ontology in informa-
tion science is used as a form of representation of log-
ical knowledge, allowing the inference of new facts
based on the individuals stored in the ontology (Gru-
ber, 1993). These definitions follow the representa-
tion pattern known as descriptive logic. The major
reasons for building an ontology are: i) the definition
of a common domain vocabulary; ii) domain knowl-
edge reuse; and, iii) information share.
The knowledge base has two main components:
the concepts of a specific domain, called TBox (Ter-
minological Box), and the individuals in that domain,
called ABox (Assertion Box) (Calvanese et al., 2005).
The individuals in the ABox must comply with all the
Currently under review in a journal.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
properties and restrictions defined in the TBox. More-
over, it is also possible to use an inference mechanism
to query and extract new information from the knowl-
edge base.
2.4 Related Work
We have found some studies that proposed ap-
proaches to formally represent data about SE exper-
iments. However, none of the studies considered
specifically SPL experiments.
The work of Garcia et al. (2008) proposes, through
UML class diagrams, an ontology for controlled ex-
periments in software engineering, called EXPEROn-
tology. The work of Scatalon et al. (2011) is an evolu-
tion of the proposed ontology of Garcia et al. (2008).
The work of Cruz et al. (2012) presents an ontology
called OVO (Open proVence Ontology) developed in-
spired by three theories: (i) The life cycle of scientific
experiments, (ii) Open Provent (OPM) and (iii) Uni-
fied Foundational Ontology (UFO). The OVO model
is intended to be a reference for conceptual models
that can be used by researchers to explore metadata
In a more broad topic, the work of Blondet et al.
(2016) proposes an ontology proposal to numerical
DoE (Design of Experiments) to support the pro-
cess decisions about DoE. The work of Soldatova
and King (2006) proposes a ontology for general ex-
periments, called EXPO, it specifies the concepts of
design, methodologies and representation of results.
This work is the only one that uses the OWL-DL
model to represent the ontology.
The work of Gelernter and Jha (2016) gives an
overview on the challenges of evaluating an ontology,
but does not mention ontology for experiments.
Finally, the work of Cruzes et al. (2007) deals with
a technique to extract meta information from experi-
ments in software engineering. This is especially im-
portant in our study because our proposed ontology
must be able to represent that metadata.
3.1 Ontology Conception
Our proposed ontology
is a domain ontology follow-
ing a semi-formal approach used for modelling appli-
cation and domain knowledge (G
erez, 2004).
Complete diagrams of OntoExper-SPL at https://doi.
The following ontology elaboration process was
applied (G
erez, 2004): (i) definition and struc-
turing of terms in classes; (ii) establishment of prop-
erties (attributes) inherent to the concept represented
by a term; (iii) population of the structure that sat-
isfies a concept and its properties; (iv) establishment
of relations between concepts; and (v) elaboration of
sentences to restrict inferences of knowledge based on
Initially, a graph was developed for the ontol-
ogy model mainly to validate the concepts through
classes, sub-classes and the relationships between
them (Vignando et al., 2020). The creation of this
initial ontology model was an exploratory step using
the data collected on a systematic mapping of exper-
iments in SPL (Furtado, 2018). The systematic map-
ping was based on the Wohlin experimental model,
which describes ve pillars for experiments: Defini-
tion, Planning, Operation, Analysis and Interpretation
(Wohlin et al., 2012).
We then clustered that initial conceptual model
based on the Wohlin pillars. This clustering was nec-
essary for a more concise and abstract understanding
of the relationships between domain terms raised in
the original conceptual model. In this way it was pos-
sible to validate the structure of the initially proposed
Next, we created a class diagram for a more for-
mal representation of the initial modeling. In this
representation, the relationship between the terms
(classes) and their properties (attributes) was clearer.
This form of representation highlighted the main rela-
tionship when we defined the composition of the Ex-
periment and ExperimentSPL class in almost all other
sub-classes. Figure 1 presents the clustered concep-
tual model.
3.2 Ontology Design
The OWL standard was used in OntoExper-SPL to
define all elements, classes and sub-classes.
We used Prot
e for the final design of the ontol-
ogy. It can be used by both system developers and
domain experts to create knowledge bases, allowing
the representation of knowledge an area. We defined
our entities based on the class diagram built in the
concept phase, with the following order: (i) class def-
inition (ii) definition of object properties, (iii) defini-
tion of data properties. Table 1 presents all elements
defined in Prot
OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments
Figure 1: Conceptual Model Clustering of OntoExper-SPL.
3.3 Ontology Population
The next step, after the modeling of the ontology, was
to insert the metadata from the SM into the ontology.
Although Prot
e is able to perform this operation,
we chose to use a script to perform such a task, since
in Prot
e the process of inserting individuals into the
ontology is done manually.
Thus, we opted for the use of a script in order to
facilitate and automate the insertion of the individuals
and later the insertion of new individuals. The script
process resembles an Extract Transform Load (ETL)
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Ontology Design - Classes and Properties modeling.
Element Definition
Classes Abstract, Acknowledgments, Analysis, Appendices, ConclusionsFutureWork, Discussion, DiscussionSPL, Documentation, Evaluation,
ExecutionSection, Experiment, ExperimentSPL, ExperimentPlanning, ExperimentPlanningSPL, Introduction, Package, References, Re-
latatedWork, TypeContextExperiment, TypeContextSelection, TypeDesignExperiment, TypeEsperiment, TypeEsperimentSPL, TypeSe-
documentation, experiment, typeContextxperiment, typeContextSelection, typeDesignExperiment, typeExperiment, typeExperi-
mentSPL, typeSelectionOfParticipants
idExperiment, title, authorship, publicationYear, publicationType, publicationVenue, pagesNumber, idExperimentSPL, nameSPLUsed,
wasTheSPLSourceUsedInformed, idDocumentation, useTemplate, template, observationsAboutTemplateUsed, idAbstract, objective,
abstractBackground, methods, results, limitations, conclusions, keywords, idIntroduction, problemStatement, researchObjective, con-
text, idRelatedWork, technologyUnderInvestigation, alternativeTechnologies, relatedStudies, relevancePractice, idConclusionsFuture-
Work, summary, impact, futureWork, idExperimentPlanning, goals, experimentalUnits, experimentalMaterial, tasks, hypotheses, pa-
rameters, variables, experimentDesign, procedureProcedure, explicitQuesiExperimentInStudy, isAQuasiExperiment, idExperimentPlan-
ningSPL, artifactSPLused, idExecutionSection, preparation, deviations, pilotProjectCarriedOut, howManyPilotProjectCarriedOut, id-
Analysis, descriptiveStatistics, datasetPreparation, hyp othesisTesting, whatQualitativeAnalysisPerformed, howDatahasBeenAnalyzed,
experimentAnalysisBasedPValue, hasQualitativeAnalysisOfExperiment, studyHasPerformMetaAnalysis, idDiscussion, evaluationOfRe-
sultsAndImplications, inferences, lessonsLearned, threatsValidity, isFollowThreatsByWohlin, idDiscussionSPL, threatsValiditySPL,
idAcknowledgements, acknowledgments, idReferences, references, idAppendices, appendicies, idEvaluation, theAuthorsConcernedE-
valuatingTheQuality, idPackage, isExperimentalPackageInformed, url, isLinkAvailable
3.4 Use Case Scenario
In order to illustrate a potential application for the
proposed ontology, we present a simple use case sce-
nario that extracts the most used experiment report
The query SPARQL (Prud’hommeaux and
Seaborne, 2008) on Listing 1 returns all experiments
template and how many times each have been used.
From that, we can extract the most used template.
Listing 1: Example of an SPARQL query.
? t e m p l a t e
( c o u n t ( ? t e m p l a t e ) a s ? c o u n t )
? doc r d f : t y p e : D o c u m e n t a t i o n .
? doc : t e m p l a t e ? t e m p l a t e .
GROUP BY ? t e m p l a t e
This example runs through one class (Documenta-
tion) of the 24 classes in the ontology, one data prop-
erty (template) of 87 data properties. Based on that,
in the example used 0.0004% of the response capac-
ity that the model allows. This calculation checks the
possibilities of paths between classes and ontology
This initial query example shows how inference
mechanisms can be created in the ontology model
proposed in this work. Thus, it is possible to
extract information about SPL experiments using
3.5 Preliminary Evaluation
The OOPS! tool was used to generate the assessment
of the proposed ontology model. The tool helps to
detect some of the most common pitfalls that appear
when developing ontologies (Poveda-Villal
on et al.,
2014). The OOPS! tool has 41 evaluation points of
which 34 points are semi-automatically run, as the
others depend on a specific ontology domain and they
encourage users to improve the tool. The result given
by the tool suggests how the elements of the ontol-
ogy could be modified to improve it. However, not
all identified pitfalls should be interpreted as failures,
but as suggestions that should be reviewed manually
in some cases.
The tool lists the results of each trap as: critical,
important and minor.
We summarized the results when running our on-
tology model proposal in the OOPS! tool in Table 2:
Table 2: OOPS! Traps.
Description Level
P08 Missing annotations in 119 cases Minor
P10 Missing disjointedness Important
P13 Inverse relationships not explicitly
declared in 8 cases
P19 Defining multiple domains or
ranges in properties in 6 cases
P41 No license declared Important
Given the analysis of the OOPS! tool, we corrected
the pitfalls found.
OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments
Based on the Goal-Question-Metric model (GQM),
this study aims at: Evaluating the OntoExper-SPL
ontology, with the purpose of characterising its fea-
sibility based on a set of criteria, with respect to
formalising SPL experiment concepts and querying
data from such formalization, from the point of
view of SPL and Ontology experts, in the context
of researchers from: State University of Londrina
(UEL), University of S
ao Paulo (ICMC-USP), Pon-
tifical Catholic University of Paran
a (PUCPR), State
University of Maring
a (UEM), Federal Universuty
of Technology (UTFPR), Sidia Science and Technol-
ogy Institute (SIDIA), Pontifical Catholic University
of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Federal Institute of
a (IFPR) and Paran
a University (Unipar).
4.1 Study Planning
Selection of Participants: the experts were invited
in a convenient non-probabilistic way, all of them re-
searchers in the SPL and/or Ontologies area. Of the
participants, 4 are post-doctorate (23.5%), 6 are PhD
candidates (35.3%), 6 are master’s (35.3%), 1 is a
Master’s student (5.9%);
Training: because of the level of knowledge of
the participants, it was not necessary to carry out this
Instrumentation: all experts received the follow-
ing documents: (i) a document containing a brief de-
scription of the evaluation, with links to the necessary
tools and technologies; (ii) a copy of the Evaluation
Instrument characterized by a questionnaire - Google
; and (iii) a copy of the ontology metadata
composed of: an OWL file of the OntoExper-SPL
model, an OWL file of the OntoExper-SPL model
populated with 174 individuals, an Excel spreadsheet
file containing the original data of the experiments, a
copy of all documents outlining the ontology concep-
Evaluation Criteria: The eight quality criteria
adopted are based on the work of Vrandecic (2010):
accuracy, adaptability, clarity, completeness, compu-
tational efficiency, concision, consistency and organi-
zational ability.
To evaluate OntoExper-SPL based on the adopted
criteria, we used the following Likert scale: 1 - To-
tally Disagree (TD); 2 - Partially Disagree (PD); 3 -
Neither agree nor disagree (N); 4 - Partly Agree (PA);
and 5 - Totally Agree (TA).
4.2 Study Execution
A pilot project was conducted with the intention of
evaluating the instrumentation of the study, a pilot
project was conducted in October 2019, with a Master
and a PhD in Computer Science from the State Uni-
versity of Maring
a (UEM). The data obtained were
discarded, but considerations about errors and im-
provements in questionnaires were considered.
The full evaluation was conducted following the
stages: (i) expert receives the documents, via e-mail;
(ii) expert makes a preliminary study of the metadata,
clarifies possible doubts; and (iii) expert reads and
completes the Evaluation Form - Google Forms, ac-
cording to their experience.
4.3 Analysis of Results
4.3.1 Profile of the Experts
Forty experts in ES were invited, but only 17 agreed to
participate in the quantitative study. It was observed
that the average experience in years of the participants
is 7.2. The experts E3 and E12 with 15 years of ex-
perience and E1 with 0 years of experience stand out.
Regarding the level of training, we have four Post-
doctors, six doctors, six masters, and one graduate.
4.3.2 Likert Frequency
Table 3 presents the frequency of expert responses for
each criterion in relation to the response scale.
Table 3: Frequency (%) of Experts’ Responses (mode is in
%TD %PD %N %PA %TA
Precision - - 2 (11.76%) 6 (35.29%) 9 (52.94%)
Adaptability - - 1 (5.88%) 5 (29.41%) 11 (64.71%)
Clarity - 1 (5.88%) - 8 (47.06%) 8 (47.06%)
Complete - 1 (5.88%) 5 (29.41%) 6 (35.29%) 5 (29.41%)
1 (5.88%) - 8 (47.06%) 3 (17.65%) 5 (29.41%)
Concision - - 2 (11.76%) 5 (29.41%) 10 (58.82%)
Consistency - - 2 (11.76%) 4 (23.53%) 11 (64.71%)
- 1 (5.88%) 3 (17.65%) 4 (23.53%) 9 (52.94%)
As we can observe based on the empirically evalu-
ated criteria, experts found OntoExper-SPL concepts
formalization feasible. It means the organization and
interrelationship of concepts makes sense for SPL ex-
4.3.3 Normality Test
We adopted an statistical approach of the additive
method with a continuous dependent variable (DV) to
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
analyze data collected. The DV is the result of sum-
ming the value given to each criterion per expert (see
Table 4).
Table 4: Sum of the Experts’ Response.
Expert Crit. Sum Expert Crit. Sum Expert Crit. Sum
E1 32 E7 37 E13 35
E2 37 E8 37 E14 34
E3 30 E9 32 E15 39
E4 32 E10 31 E16 37
E5 34 E11 30 E17 38
E6 40 E12 25
To analyze the distribution of data we performed the
Shapiro-Wilk. The result of the test was 0.94 and p-
value was 0.44. Thus, we considered the DV distribu-
tion as normal.
4.3.4 Expert Experience Analysis
We performed a hypothesis test for analyzing data
from Table 4 with regard to experts years of experi-
ence. To do so, we used the Mann-Whitney test even
though the DV was considered normal. We decided
for that due to our reduced sample size.
The hypotheses for Experience in SPL and/or
Ontologies (in years) of the experts are: Null Hy-
pothesis (H0): there is no difference in the expert’s
experience with relation to the observed DV values;
and Alternative Hypothesis: there is a significant
difference in the expert’s experience with relation to
the observed DV values.
We then created 3 groups representative of years
of experience: 1: 0 to 5 years of experience; 2: 6
to 10 years of experiments; and 3: 11 to 15 years of
The result of the Mann-Whitney test was u = 0, p-
value = 0.00000027 < 0.05, thus we could reject H0
and state observed DV values depend on the SPL
and/or Ontologies Experience. It means the more
experienced is the expert, the more OntoExper-SPL
feasibility agreement is.
4.3.5 Correlation of Criteria
We performed correlation analysis between pairs
of criteria to potentially make assumptions on the
OntoExper-SPL feasibility and for prospective exper-
iments. To do so, we applied the Spearman’s correla-
tion coefficient, also due to our reduced sample size.
According to Figure 2, we can state the relation-
ships in Table 5.
4.3.6 Validity Evaluation
Internal Validity - Differences between Experts:
due to the size of the sample, the variations between
Table 5: Quality criteria relationships.
The better The better
Completenesss Precision
Consistency Concision
Organizational Capacity Computer Efficiency
Computer Efficiency Adaptability
Organizational Capacity Adaptability
Concision Adaptability
Consistency Clarity
Consistency Completeness
the experts’ skills were few, thus the experts were not
divided into groups.
Internal Validity - Accuracy of Participant Re-
sponses: since the OntoExper-SPL related informa-
tion is presented along with its metadata and consid-
ering that the participants are experts in SPL and On-
tology, the responses provided are considered valid.
Internal Validity - Fatigue Effect: the
OntoExper-SPL files and documentation are com-
plex. In order to mitigate fatigue, the documentation
was sent to the experts with a 40-day time frame.
External Validity: obtaining qualified experts in
the areas of ES, SPL and Ontology was one of the
difficulties encountered in this study and many in-
vited experts could not participate in the study be-
cause of their commitments. Although few experts
participated in the study, the quality of their profile is
the most important variable in this assessment.
Constructo Validity: the instrumentation was
evaluated and adequate, according to the pilot project
carried out. As for the level of knowledge of the ex-
perts in ES, SPL and Ontology, they were satisfactory
to evaluate the proposed guidelines.
4.4 Prospective Improvements
During the execution of the study, it was possible
to notice that OntoExper-SPL needs to be improved
in terms of its computational efficiency. Further im-
provement points are associate SPL artifacts to SPL
domain, include the axioms Results, Analyze, Threats
to Validity, Subjects and modify the axiom Package to
OntoExper-SPL stands out for taking into account the
SPL specific domain. SPLs are built through an ap-
plication domain, similarities, core assessments, and
variabilities, which distinguishes one product from
the other within the product family.
OntoExper-SPL: An Ontology for Software Product Line Experiments
Precision X 0.27 -0.053
0.27 0.086 0.036
Adaptability 0.27 X 0.061 0.24 0.41 0.32 0.24 0.38
Clarity -0.053 0.061 X 0.23 -0.063 0.24 0.31 0.21
0.24 0.23 X 0.078 0.28 0.29
0.27 0.41 -0.063 0.078 X 0.22 0.092 0.43
Concision 0.086 0.32 0.24 0.28 0.22 X
Consistency 0.036 0.24 0.31 0.29 0.092
X -0.011
0.38 0.21
0.43 -0.079 -0.011 X
Figure 2: Criteria correlations.
We performed a preliminary evaluation of
OntoExper-SPL using the OOPS! tool, which
revealed several pitfalls. We fixed such pitfalls.
Then we further evaluated OntoExper-SPL with
an empirical study, which considered eight quality
criteria. The results provide preliminary evidence
that OntoExper-SPL is feasible to formalize SPL
experimentation knowledge with satisfactory quality
As future work, we intend to standardize the on-
tology allowing further generalization. Another goal
is to create a broader recommendation system to take
into account the ontology formalization and possible
inferences to recommend SPL experiments.
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