sion were used in this paper among which five (Re-
building, Usage, Legislative, Market value, and Time)
are the predefined ones taken from the state-of-the-art
metrics and three are the extra tailored dimension -
Volume, Security, and Quality, designed specifically
for MyVolts use case. The algorithm returned a per-
fect match compared to the manual survey-based ap-
proach results and it succeeded to accurately measure
the value of an RDB data source for a given use case
of MyVolts with predefined dimensions/metrics like
Rebuilding, Legislative and Usage and with tailored
dimensions like Security, Volume and Quality.
As future work, we plan to validate the proposed
approach with other real world use cases. We also
plan to study the type of metadata that need to be
joined to the RDB data and means to combined them
to enable measuring of the Market-value and Time di-
mensions. Furthermore, we also plan to propose an-
other multi-criteria decision analysis approach for as-
sessing more accurately the business value of data for
an organisation.
The ADAPT Centre is funded under the SFI Research
Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106) and is co-
funded under the European Regional Development
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems