3.4 Results Interviews
In the qualitative interviews, participants reported
about positive feelings caused by the Smart
VitAALity system and integration in the daily life,
that underlines the hedonistic quality.
P08: “I often thought about it and it is actually
very pleasant. You also prepared it very well with the
tablet and the whole thing”
P03: “I am happy that I can participate as a test
person, probably the oldest one in the study”
P01: “The first thing in the morning is I measure
my weight and blood pressure. That’s always the
same before I get dressed.”
Participants reflected the pragmatic quality in the
interviews in both ways – positive and negative.
P03: “The most important for me is to check on
my health data”
P06: “I would like to use it but it seems so
Not all of the participants agreed with the
premium look of the Smart VitAALity system like a
quote about the smartwatch shows.
P07: „It is not much to look at. It’s pretty chunky”
The issue with the unpredictability of the system
reflects in following statement of an interview
P01: „I have to say, I often walk around with my
watch for half a day before I notice that it doesn’t
count my steps at all”
One participant gives insights into her preference
to rather have a human person for support than a
technical product.
P06: “Of course I still prefer a human being
because I can simply communicate better this way”
The quotations of interview participants are
originally in German and were translated for this
paper. The original quotes can be found in (Krainer,
et al., 2020).
The AttrakDiff survey as well as the qualitative
interviews were realized to get an atmospheric picture
from the Smart VitAALity participants about their
experience with the system.
As the results displayed, the overall experience is
positive, both the pragmatic and hedonic quality are
ranked positively. This indicates that the participants
of Smart VitAALity could reach their goals with the
system in an efficient and effective way as well as
they felt a joy in using the technologies and services.
The Smart VitAALity system was tested in the
project on a market readiness level of 6-7, which
means, that is a prototype. Therefore, of course,
during the testing phase problems, errors and
misconduct of the system occurs. This can lead to the
fact, that the results of the AttrakDiff and the quotes
of the participants show a clear tendency for room of
improvement. The system should have a more
professional look and feel if it will be developed to a
market ready product. As a matter of course, it is
important to improve the system according to the
predictability. As one of user experience principles
foreseeability is characteristic for good usability.
Users should always know where they are, how they
get there, what they can do and how to go back in a
system. The evaluation result of 0.4 was just slightly
positive and, therefore, it should get more attention to
optimize the overall user experience.
Collectively said, Smart VitAALity was ranked as
good which is reflected in the results; on the one hand
shown in the word-pair ranking good-bad and on the
other hand on the category results of PQ and HQ. It
may be sometimes to technical for the participants,
because of the non-experience in using technical
support systems or other reasons, but the combination
of human-driven and technology-driven aspects lead
to an accepted and joyful system that help people
doing their tasks efficiently.
The pilot region Smart VitAALity (grant no. 858380)
is supported in the framework of the FFG program
benefit and co-financed by bmvit.
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ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health