Temporal Network Approach to Explore Bike Sharing Usage
Aizhan Tlebaldinova
, Aliya Nugumanova
, Yerzhan Baiburin
, Zheniskul Zhantassova
Markhaba Karmenova
and Andrey Ivanov
Laboratory of Digital Technologies and Modeling, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University,
Shakarim Street, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Department of Computer Modeling and Information Technologies, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University,
Shakarim Street, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
JSC «Bipek Auto» Kazakhstan, Bazhov Street, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Bike Sharing, Temporal Network, Betweenness Centrality, Clustering, Time Series.
Abstract: The bike-sharing systems have been attracting increase research attention due to their great potential in
developing smart and green cities. On the other hand, the mathematical aspects of their design and operation
generate a lot of interesting challenges for researchers in the field of modeling, optimization and data
mining. The mathematical apparatus that can be used to study bike sharing systems is not limited only to
optimization methods, space-time analysis or predictive analytics. In this paper, we use temporal network
methodology to identify stable trends and patterns in the operation of the bike sharing system using one of
the largest bike-sharing framework CitiBike NYC as an example.
The bike-sharing systems have been attracting
increase research attention due to their great
potential in developing smart and green cities. On
the other hand, the mathematical aspects of their
design and operation generate a lot of interesting
challenges for researchers in the field of modeling,
optimization and data mining. In this paper, we use
temporal network methodology to analyze the
workload of a bike-sharing system over time. To this
end, we present a bike-sharing system as a temporal
network, considering stations as nodes, and trips
between stations as edges. We use only two
characteristics of temporal networks - centrality by
degree and centrality by betweenness. We calculate
each of these characteristics at two levels - at the
level of individual stations and at the level of
clusters, and then use them to reveal workload
patterns both for stations and clusters of stations.
We use two simple but powerful tools for
revealing patterns, these are heat maps and trends.
Heat maps are used to visualize the average
centralization of station clusters over certain time
span (over hours and over weekdays). They collapse
cluster centralization measurements for one hour of
a certain day of the week into one value and decode
it into a color cell. In order to make heat map more
contrast and effective, we propose an unusual way of
collapsing data, in which only the highest cluster
centralization values are taken into account. In
addition, we use the time series tools in order to
determine whether there is a steady trend in
changing the centralization values of stations in the
cluster. We try to answer the question “Do the trends
of different clusters differ from each other?”.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section
II outlines the background of the bike-sharing
systems. Section III describes methodology of
estimating temporal network centralities. Section IV
describes the data and experiment results. In Section
V, we summarize our present work and propose the
potential directions in the future work.
Tlebaldinova, A., Nugumanova, A., Baiburin, Y., Zhantassova, Z., Karmenova, M. and Ivanov, A.
Temporal Network Approach to Explore Bike Sharing Usage Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0009575901290136
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 129-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Bike-sharing Systems and Main
Issues Related to Their Design and
Bike-sharing system is a system that allows people
to rent a bike at one of the automated stations, go for
a ride and return the bike to any other station
installed in the same city. As noted in (Shaheen S.A.
et.al., 2010), all bike-sharing systems work on the
basis of a simple principle: people use bikes as
frequently as circumstances dictate, without the
expenditures and responsibilities that they would
have borne if they owned these bikes. The evolution
of bike-sharing systems has already spanned four
generations, the systems of the last – fourth –
generation present the advanced digital frameworks
equipped with smart sensors that completely track
all user actions in the system (Lozano A et.al.,
2018). However, in the design and operation of these
systems there are still certain challenges that can be
conditionally divided into three large classes
discussed below (Shaheen S.A. et.al., 2010).
The problems of the first class are related to the
design and redesign of bike-sharing networks.
Design of bike-sharing networks, including planning
the layout of stations, determining their number and
capacity, is a complex process that must take into
account many factors, from topographic features of
the city, forecasting user demand and ending with
the principles of social justice (Lozano A et.al.,
2018). These issues have to be addressed not only
during the initial design of the network, but also
during its operation, when it is necessary to make
improvements to existing layout schemes.
The problems of the second class are related to
incentivizing users of bike-sharing systems.
Stimulating users is a necessary part of the bike
rental service in conditions of busy stations (for
example, when there are no bikes or free docks at
the stations, while the user wants to take the bike or
return it) (Raviv T. et.al., 2013). User incentives, as
a rule, are based on a flexible pricing policy,
depending on the current situation (time of day,
weather or seasonal events, calendar events). The
solution to these issues is based not only on the data
generated by the bike-sharing system itself, but also
on data received from external services, for example,
weather data, traffic jams, repairs carried out on the
city streets, etc.
The problems of the third class are related to the
rebalancing of bike-sharing stations (reallocations of
bikes between stations). These problems are caused
by so-called commuting patterns as, for example,
regular trips of citizens to work, as a result of which
there are not enough bikes in the morning in the
residential areas of the city, and not enough in the
evening in the business areas of the city
(Oppermann M. et.al., 2018; Zhou X., 2015;
Papazek P. et.al., 2014). The reallocation of bikes
among the stations should, on the one hand, match
the predicted needs of the stations, and on the other
hand, minimize the cost of managing the bike park,
including the cost of transporting bikes (Raviv T.
et.al., 2013).
In the next section, we will consider analytical,
predictive, and optimization models and methods
aimed at solving the listed three classes of problems.
Despite of the fact that bike-sharing services have
been deployed in hundreds of cities around the
world for a long time, nevertheless, the development
of such models and methods remains relevant.
2.2 Analysis, Prediction and
Optimization Models to Address
the Main Issues of Bike-sharing
Models for designing and redesigning bike-sharing
networks are offered in (Frade I. & Ribeiro A.,
2015; Yuan M. et.al., 2019; Kloimüllner C. et.al.,
2017; Park C. et.al., 2017; Wang J. et.al., 2016;
Celebi D. et.al., 2018). The authors of (Frade I. &
Ribeiro A., 2015) offer an optimization model that
ensures maximum satisfaction of user demand with
taking into account restrictions in the cost and
maintenance of the system. The model is a target
function where the input variables of which are
demand, maximum and minimum throughput of
stations, cost of bikes, operating costs and budget.
The output of the model– the number of stations and
bikes in each zone of the city, the throughput of the
stations, the number of bikes movements, annual
income and expenses. The model does not indicate
the specific location of the stations, but determines
their number in each zone. The authors of (Yuan M.
et.al., 2019) argue that the disadvantage of the above
model is the representation of demand as a fixed
value. So they offer another model of mixed integer
linear programming in which demand is a stochastic
variable. Their model gives not only the number of
stations at the output, but also their locations, based
on the concept of subjective distance. The authors of
(Kloimüllner C. et.al., 2017) also use mixed integer
linear programming, but instead of separate stations
consider enlarged geographical cells into which the
city is divided. The authors of (Park C. et.al., 2017)
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
solve the problem of optimal station placement in
two ways: using the p-median search algorithm and
the maximal covering location model. The designed
stations are dispersed throughout the region in the
first case (spatial equality is achieved), and they are
concentrated in the center in the second case (the
maximum of satisfied demand is reached). The
authors conclude that the city authorities can
independently choose which option is preferable for
them. The authors of (Wang J. et.al., 2016) use
spatial-temporal analysis to search for stations that
do not march demand and then identify the most
disadvantaged areas. They use retail location theory
to design stations in these areas. The authors of
(Celebi D. et.al., 2018) solve the problem of
determining the optimal capacities of stations using
the Markov decision process.
Models of incentivizing users and redistribution
of user flows are considered in (Singla A. et. al.,
2015; Pan L. et. al., 2019; Yang Y. et. al., 2019;
Angelopoulos A. et. al., 2016). The authors of
(Singla A. et. al., 2015) offer an incentive scheme
that encourages users to change their behavior using
micropayments. The system offers to a user an
alternative nearby and a better price when he or she
wants to use an overloaded station. Deep learning is
used in the incentive scheme, on the basis of which
the optimal price offered to users is determined. The
authors of (Pan L. et. al., 2019) model this problem
as a Markov decision process taking into account
both spatial and temporal characteristics. The
authors propose a new deep learning algorithm
named Hierarchical Reinforcement Pricing to
determine the optimal price. In (Yang Y. et. al.,
2019), spatial statistics and graph-based approaches
use to quantify changes in travel behaviours and
generates previously unobtainable insights about
urban flow structures. The authors of (Angelopoulos
A. et. al., 2016) offer model of incentivizing users
based on the priorities of moving vehicles from
station to station, taking into account fluctuating
demand and the time-dependent number of free
docks at stations.
Models of rebalancing stations (redistribution of
bikes between stations) are considered in (Alvarez-
Valdes R., et. al., 2015; Liu J. et. al., 2016; Xu F. et.
al., 2019; Zheng Z. et. al., 2018). The authors of
(Alvarez-Valdes R., et. al., 2015; Liu J. et. al., 2016)
propose a two-stage procedure consisting of
predictive and optimization parts to solve the
rebalancing problem. In work (Alvarez-Valdes R.,
et. al., 2015), the offered procedure at the first stage
predicts the unsatisfied demand for free docks and
bikes of each station in a given period of time in the
future by changing the possible number of bikes at
the beginning of the simulated period. At the second
stage the procedure develops the most suitable
routes for moving free bikes by combining the
forecasts obtained with the current state of the
system. In (Liu J. et. al., 2016), the procedure uses
mixed integer non-linear programming to search for
bike transportation routes at the second stage by
minimizing the total covered distance. The authors
of (Xu F. et. al., 2019) also solve the problem of
redistributing bikes in two stages. At the first stage,
they perform a cluster analysis of stations using an
Affinity propagation algorithm with Adaptive
Constrains that determines where the bike loader is
responsible for which stations. The algorithm takes
into account a complex landscape, obstacles in the
form of hills and rivers, and groups the stations into
clusters based on the concept of real distances. At
the second stage, simulated annealing with power
limitation is used to solve the routing problem of
vehicles with a limited capacity. The authors of
(Zheng Z. et. al., 2018) clustered neighboring
stations with similar patterns of use and simulate the
influence of weather conditions on the number of
users. They use multivariate regression analysis to
predict the number of bikes in each cluster over a
period of time.
2.3 Open Data of Bike-sharing Systems
Not all existing bike-sharing systems provide their
accumulated data in the public domain. At the same
time such data, if it is open, quickly acquire
independent value as a resource that allows
researchers to hone their skills using the methods of
intellectual analysis and forecasting, and developers
and engineers to conduct experiments when
developing new, more advanced models of the
functioning of bike rental systems. One of these
valuable resources is the open source CitiBike NYC
bike-sharing system.
The CitiBike NYC bike-sharing system in New
York opened in May 2013 and initially included
6,000 bikes and 332 stations (Kaufman S.M. et. al.,
2015). As of January 2020, the number of bikes has
increased to 13,000, and the number of stations to
850. Information on the use of this system is
published on the Amazon cloud server
Understanding that open data is an additional
incentive to popularize bike rental in New York and,
in general, to develop the tourism industry, the
system developers monthly generate reports on the
use of their bikes.
Temporal Network Approach to Explore Bike Sharing Usage Patterns
Each report is a data set consisting of 15 fields:
tripduration – trip duration (in seconds);
starttime – start of the trip (start date and time
accurate to milliseconds);
stoptime – end of trip (date and time of the
finish accurate to milliseconds);
start station id & start station name – code and
name of the station where the bike started
start station latitude & start station longitude –
geographic coordinates of the station where
the bike started from;
end station id & end station name – code and
name of the station where the bike was
end station latitude & end station longitude –
geographical coordinates of the station where
the bike finished;
bikeid – bike code;
usertype – user type (client - 24-hour or 3-day
user; subscriber - user with a subscription for
a year);
birth year – user year of birth;
gender – user gender (0 – unknown; 1 – man;
2 – woman).
You can get answers to various questions by
analyzing these data: “Where can I ride CitiBike
bikes? What routes are most often used? What are
the travel times? Which stations are the most
popular? What days of the week do most trips take
place? What type of users prevail in the morning,
afternoon or evening? ” As noted above, thanks to
this, the CitiBike system concentrates not only users,
but also developers, engineers, researchers, who can
not only analyze and visualize the available
information, but also carry out forecasting and carry
out experiments to test new methods and models
aimed at optimizing the system.
3.1 Temporal Measures of Centrality
for Bike-sharing Stations
In this paper, we use temporal network tools to
dynamically measure the importance of nodes
(stations) of a bike-sharing network. By dynamic
measures we mean time-distributed estimates of the
centrality. We are considering two options for
estimating centrality: by degree and by betweenness.
Firstly we define these options for calculating the
centrality of nodes of a static network, and then
extend them to the case of a dynamic one, i.e.
temporal network.
The degree centrality is the simplest indicator for
assessing the "importance" of a node in a static
network. It is enough to know the degree of the node
to calculate it, i.e. the number of its direct
connections with neighboring nodes (the number of
single transitions from a given node to neighboring
where - the node for which centrality is calculated,
and degi - its degree. This measure is
recommended for searching for strongly connected
nodes. For example, in social networks, the degree
of centrality is used to search for the most sociable
people, i.e. people who have the most friends
Betweenness centrality - more complex
indicator, which, as noted in (Nicosia V. et. al.,
2013), plays a key role in many real-world
applications. To calculate it, we need to know the
number of shortest paths in the network that pass
through this node. Firstly, all shortest path in the
network are identified and then for each node it is
calculated how many times it has appeared on the
shortest paths:
- the number of shortest paths from node
to node , and
 - the number of shortest paths
that pass through node . Summation is over all
nodes. It is recommended that this measure be used
to search for nodes that are “bridges” or connecting
links between other network nodes, thereby speeding
up the flows within the network. For example,
betweenness centrality is used in social networks to
search for people who are intermediaries between
separate unrelated communities, thanks to it the
information from one community is transferred to
another, where it is already spreading lightning fast.
A simple way to extend the concept of
centralities to the case of a temporal network is to
calculate them at each time interval (Li Y. et. al.,
2015). Then formulas (1) and (2) will remain
unchanged, only the method for determining direct
links and shortest paths will change. They will be
calculated on the basis of only those links that exist
in the temporal network in a specified period of
Above we gave interpretations of centralities for
the case of social networks. Obviously, in relation to
a bike-sharing network, the temporal degree
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
centrality indicates how many bikes have arrived at
a given station and how many have traveled over a
specified time period. In other words, it determines
the time-distributed intensity of the incoming and
outgoing bike flows at this station. At the same time,
the temporal betweenness centrality indicates how
intensively this station participated in the turnover of
bikes between stations in a given period of time. In
other words, it determines the time-distributed
intensity of the exchange of bikes between stations,
produced through this station.
3.2 Temporal Measures of Centrality
for Clusters of Bike-sharing
There are a large number of works in which the
analysis or prediction of bike-sharing network traffic
is preceded by the clustering of stations (Feng S. et.
al., 2018; Dai P. et. al., 2018; Caggiani L. et. al.,
2016; Jia W. et. al., 2018; Freeman L. 1978). The
need for clustering is explained by the fact that
under the influence of a large number of complex
factors, the traffic of one particular station looks too
chaotic to make any conclusions or predictions
based on it, it also seems impossible to find any
periodicity or regularity in the departure or arrival of
bikes (Feng S. et. al., 2018). As most researchers
note (Feng S. et. al., 2018; Dai P. et. al., 2018;
Caggiani L. et. al., 2016), after grouping individual
stations into a cluster, the frequency and regularity
of traffic become much more obvious than in the
case of individual stations, and, therefore, more
predictable. The nature of the movement of bikes
between individual clusters also acquires robustness.
Thus, the grouping stations into clusters will
provide a smoother and less chaotic picture of
traffic, but for this it is necessary to move from
many separate estimates of the centrality of stations
to one general estimate of the centrality of the
cluster. For this purpose, the Freeman centralization
measure is often used (Borgatti S.P. & Everett M.G.,
2005). It reflects the degree to which a network
(cluster) consists of a single node with high
centralization surrounded by peripheral nodes
(Borgatti S.P. & Everett M.G., 2005). This measure
is the sum of the differences between the centrality
of the central node of the network (cluster) and the
centralities of all other nodes, divided by the
maximum possible difference that can exist in the
network (cluster) with this set of nodes:
– the centrality of the most central node in
the network (cluster), and
– the centrality of the
next node in the network (cluster).
It should be noted that not all clustering
algorithms are applicable for clustering bike stations.
For example, the K-means algorithm, which
combines stations into clusters based on the
compactness of their location, does not take into
account the terrain. Meanwhile, very often the real
distance between two stations is determined not by a
straight line, but bypassing some obstacles, for
example, a river, a hill or railway tracks (Dai P. et.
al., 2018). Accordingly, the two stations are close to
each other in the sense of compactness of their
location on the map, are actually very far from each
other, if we take into account the route between them.
It is recommended to use spectral clustering
algorithms instead of the K-means algorithm to
eliminate such shortcomings, as well as use not only
the geographical coordinates of stations for
clustering, but also take into account traffic between
4.1 Data
An experimental dataset has been selected from
CitiBike NYC system for one month (April 2019). It
consists of 1 766 094 records, describing bike trips
between 791 stations. K-means algorithm has been
applied to cluster these stations by their coordinates.
Despite the observation in Section 3.2.2 that k-means
is not appropriate for clustering urban objects, we
use it for the sake of simplicity, i.e. just to split
dataset into 6 more smaller fragments (see fig.1).
Figure 1: Clustering stations by their location (latitude and
After running k-means, each cluster is
represented as a temporal network with stations as
Temporal Network Approach to Explore Bike Sharing Usage Patterns
nodes and trips between stations as edges. Within
the each cluster, temporal centrality values for each
station are calculated according to formulas (1-2).
Therefore, our final data to analyze consists of 791
pairs of matrices, one pair per station. All matrices
have the same dimension – 480 rows (by the number
of 3-minute intervals in a day) and 30 columns (by
the number of days in a month) in order to store
temporal measures of the centrality for stations. For
example, figs. 2-3 show betweenness centrality
measures for two stations in Cluster 2, that have the
highest daily totals. Measures are performed during
the morning hours on Sunday and Monday (we do
not present here more plots for reasons of space
Figure 2: Selected data from Cluster 2 (Sunday).
Figure 3: Selected data from Cluster 2 (Monday).
4.2 Cluster Centralizations
Once temporal measures of centrality have been
calculated on the individual station level, they can be
aggregated on the cluster level to find clusters
centralizations in accordance with formula (3).
Thereafter, we can select the highest centralization
values for each cluster and use them to visualize
cluster load. For example, the heat maps in figs. 4-8
represent the averaged values of the top 100 highest
cluster centralizations by weekdays and hours. As it
shown from the figures, all heatmaps display white
spots in the lower left corner that means the intensity
of bike sharing on Saturday and Sunday mornings is
low for any cluster. Heat map of cluster 1 contains
much less white spots than heat maps of other
clusters, it means that the load on cluster 1 is more
uniform. Nonetheless, the heaviest load on cluster 1
falls on morning and evening hours from Monday to
Wednesday, which indicates a high turnover of bikes
among stations of the cluster in these periods.
Figure 4: Heat map of intensity of betweenness
centralization for Cluster no. 1.
Figure 5: Heat map of intensity of betweenness
centralization for Cluster no. 2.
Figure 6: Heat map of intensity of betweenness
centralization for Cluster no. 3.
4.3 Cluster Trends
The obtained temporal values of the centralities of
the stations can be represented as time series, the
comparison of which may be useful in terms of
highlighting the trend. To this end, in each cluster,
we took the top 10 stations with the highest average
temporal centrality and built monthly trends for each
of them. It turned out that the monthly trends of the
top 10 stations of all clusters, except the first, retain
their stable pattern inside the cluster, while the
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
trends of the stations of the first cluster do not have a
stable pattern. The graphs below show the trends of
the top-4 stations in cluster 6 and cluster 5. The
difference in trends is visible to the naked eye, while
the trends of cluster 6 sharply decrease after April
17th and then have a peak around April 22th, then
all the trends of cluster 3 after the same decline have
a low peak around April 25th.
Figure 7: Trends for stations of rank 1 in Clusters no. 3
and 5.
Figure 8: Trends for stations of rank 2 in Clusters no. 3
and 5.
Figure 9: Trends for stations of rank 3 in Clusters no. 3
and 5.
Despite the fact that in this work we used the small
dataset limited only one month, and cluster the data
in a very simple manner, we believe that the goal of
our work has been achieved. We have proved the
applicability of the tool of temporal centralities to
the identification of patterns and trends in the
operation of the bike sharing system. Therefore, our
future work will consist in expanding data sets, in
improving clustering methods, as well as in a
detailed comparison of centrality measures.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems