Regarding its limitations, this study results are
limited by the number of students involved and also
by the size of the classes, which may have affected
the statistical results. Additionally, the study is also
limited by its duration, since, taking advantage of
more time, it would have been possible to transmit the
students a deeper knowledge about the fundamentals
of coding and to evolve to more complex scenarios.
5.1 Final Reflection
Every student in every school should have the
opportunity to learn how to program. The existence
of these initiatives can help to bridge the technical gap
of human resources in the IT area, developing
children's skills and potential earlier, through
carefully designed scenarios that allow them to
understand the principles of operation of computers
and their software. Rather than trying to teach a
specific coding language, the primary purpose of
early-age coding classes is to provide students with
problem-solving skills. In this learning process,
children learn many other things. They are not simply
learning to program, they are coding to learn
(Resnick, 2013).
Such experiences demonstrate the importance that
the use of this type of platform has for children. The
early introduction of coding activities in the
curriculum is essential as it contributes to the
development of children by turning them into
producers and not simply consumers of content and
This work was partially financed by the Portuguese
funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia, through national funds, and co-funded by
the FEDER, where applicable.
This work was partially funded by CIEd –
Research Centre on Education, project
UID/CED/01661/2019, Institute of Education,
University of Minho, through national funds of
We would like to thank the Colégio Paulo VI
(Gondomar, Portugal) the authorization to carry out
this study on its premises, and students of the 4th
grade of the academic years of 2017/2018 and
2018/2019 by their collaboration.
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