topic and the objective of the application. Then they
asked students to answer the questions and reflected
on the activity carried out in the classroom. The
teachers reflected on the aspects favored by the
proposed methodologies, for students and for the
teachers themselves. At the end of the module, the
teachers shared the material created with all the
teachers of the PP&S community so that everyone
could use them and discuss them.
The teachers who participated in the training
module appreciated the proposed contents and
methodologies very much. They believe they have
received enough tools to work independently with an
automatic assessment system. The teachers are
satisfied that they have experienced the activities
created with students and all the teachers will
continue to use the automatic assessment system
during the school year with students.
The teachers believe that the use of an automatic
formative assessment system can have important
advantages for students, for example for the
development of skills, for reviewing and for
preparing for tests. There are also significant
advantages for teachers, in particular for
understanding the difficulties and needs of students
and for proposing adaptive teaching. The importance
of immediate and interactive feedback, in the
proposed methodology, is essential for both students
and teachers.
Certainly students may have technical
difficulties in using the automatic assessment system
and in particular in inserting the correct syntax.
However the rigidity of technological tools can
educate them to read the instructions carefully.
Furthermore, it is very important that students learn
to use technologies also for educational purposes. It
can therefore be very important to increase the
training of teachers on the use of an automatic
assessment system for formative assessment and to
train students to use this tool.
This type of training activity can be further
developed by collaborating with the teachers in
carrying out the activities in the classroom with
students, in order to support them and to directly
receive students' feedback on the proposed activity.
The use of automatic formative assessment
supports adaptive teaching. This type of methodology
supports adaptive teaching. Through the development
of recent big data theory and learning analytics
(Barana et al., 2019), we think it may be possible in
the future to propose an adaptive educational system
(AES), that uses data about students, learning
processes, and learning products to provide an
efficient, effective, and customized learning
experience for students.
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From Standardized Assessment to Automatic Formative Assessment for Adaptive Teaching