ATDx, in (Alves et al., 2010) an interquartile strategy
is adopted to identify the severeness of metric values.
Differently, this study does not focus on ATD and,
while adopting a system-size normalization strategy,
it takes only one level of granularity (NCLOC). In a
recent work, Ulan et al. (Ulan et al., 2019) proposed
a software metric aggregation approach based on dis-
tribution. Our approach is different by (i) focusing
specifically on outlier architectural rule violations, (ii)
considering sizes according to distinct granularities,
and (iii) clustering results into semantic dimensions.
In this study we presented ATDx, an approach de-
signed to gain an encompassing overview of the
source-code detectable ATD present in a software-
intensive system. The ATDx approach concisely en-
tails (i) the manual inspection of pre-existing source-
code rules, (ii) the identification of outlier normalized
values via statistical analysis, and (iii) the aggregation
of analysis results into a set of ATD dimensions. As
future work, we plan to address the identified draw-
backs by refining our theoretical framework of ATDx.
Additionally, we would like to enhance the current ap-
proach by including the temporal factor into our anal-
ysis. Subsequently, we plan to implement a concrete
instance of ATDx, and validate it by conducting a
large-scale study involving industrial partners in or-
der to assess (i) the usefulness and actionability of the
proposed index, (ii) its sensibility w.r.t. different anal-
ysis tools, and its (iii) performance when dealing with
larger datasets. As stated in (Nord et al., 2012), ATD
is a complex, heterogeneous, and multifaceted prob-
lem. Our approach contributes to advance the field
towards establishing a holistic, encompassing, view
of the ATD present in a software-intensive system.
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tract No. FA8702-15-D-0002 with Carnegie Mellon
University for the operation of the Software Engineer-
ing Institute, a federally funded research and develop-
ment center. DM20-0240.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering