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The survey is shown in Figure 8. Particular options
for the tagged items are:
1. < 30 Years; 30–50 Years; > 50 Years
2. Humanities
• Archaeology, Ethics, History, Cultural Studies, Lit-
erature Studies, Philosophy, Theology, Linguistics,
Other Humanities
• Civil Engineering, Biotechnology, Electrical Engi-
neering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engi-
neering, Medical Engineering, Environmental Engi-
neering, Process Engineering, Materials Engineer-
ing, Other Engineering Science
Medical Sciences
• Health Sciences, Human Medicine, Pharmaceutics,
Veterinary Medicine, Dental Medicine, Other Medi-
cal Science
Natural Sciences
• Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Computer Sci-
ences, Mathematics, Physics, Other Natural Science
Social Sciences
• Comparative Education, Human Geography, Com-
munication Studies, Media Studies, Political Sci-
ences, Psychology, Laws, Sociology, Economics,
Other Social Science
3. Diverse, Female, Male
4. 1 − 5 Semesters; 6 − 10 Semesters; 10 − 20
Semesters; > 20 Semesters;
5. Faster Correction, More Realistic Examinations,
More Diverse Examination Tasks, Other (free
6. Security, Usability, Fairness, Uncertain Legal Sit-
uation, Other (free text)
7. Familiar Device, Location-independent Examina-
tions, Cost Reduction for the IHE, Other (free
8. Security, Differences Between Devices, Other
(free text)
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education