As the number of companies developing and deploy-
ing serverless applications continues to rise, a natu-
ral question that everyone joining this direction asks
is what are the best practices or the design patterns
to follow to make the best of this novel technology.
So far, most companies have been exploring the new
territory by applying known methods and patterns
coming from well-established technologies (e.g., mi-
croservices, web services). However, as serverless
technology is becoming mainstream, two classes of
patterns start to emerge. The first class represents
existing patterns that have been adapted from exist-
ing technologies to fit the serverless paradigm, others
instead have been developed specifically to address
serverless implementation needs.
Practitioners proposed several patterns, and the
community is already aware of several of them. We
can observe here a community in an early adoption
stage. However, existing reports highlight the value
of these patterns, although complexities introduced
by serverless are only slowly emerging. In any way,
the pattern catalog that we extracted from the litera-
ture and has been confirmed by the survey provides a
valuable basis for practitioners and researchers alike.
In this fast-evolving technology context, more
tools will be developed, that might require either new
patterns or turn those that are work-around for lim-
itations obsolete. Here, a continuous update of any
pattern catalog is necessary.
Future work includes the validation of the actual
usefulness of these patterns in more concrete appli-
cation contexts as well as the identification of anti-
This research was partially supported by the grant
”SHAPIT” awarded by the Ulla Tuominen Founda-
tion (Finland)
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Patterns for Serverless Functions (Function-as-a-Service): A Multivocal Literature Review