Chudotvorec" Varna, Bulgaria) and SMEs (FabLab
Palermo, Italy). The transnational approach allows
participants to deal with different cultures, thinking
and producing new ideas in a global market context.
The FabLab SchoolNet project intercepts an
Erasmus+ horizontal priority and two sectorial
priorities in the school education field. The horizontal
priority is related to the promotion of innovative and
open practices in the digital era through:
a) the learning materials that will be developed in
the project, available in open format,
b) the development of innovative approaches to
education, aimed at promoting effective use of the
technologies adopted in the project.
Amongst the sectoral priorities, the project
focuses on the problem of early school leaving (ESL)
and the promotion of the acquisition of new skills,
introducing a STEAM-based (Science, Technology,
Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) approach to
teaching. The project aims to develop and implement
a training program based on three modules addressing
the latest modern technologies and tools: educational
robotics, 3D printing and mobile technologies using
augmented reality (AR) applications. The modules
will be enriched with elements in the field of
Entrepreneurship Education, encouraging
participants (teachers, students, etc.) to develop new
ways of thinking and act dynamically in a global
market economy. In addition, the training program
includes a specific module on the integrated use of the
three technologies. The training program will be
finalized with various contests aimed at encouraging
participants to approach the real business
environment and acquire the ability to think and
develop models and ideas closely related to the real
In education, Augmented Reality is one of the
emerging technologies, which has expanded in recent
years. The concept of Augmented Reality (AR) dates
back to the 1960s, when Ivan Sutherland developed
the first head-mounted display system (Sutherland,
1965), and is based on improving user’s perception
and interaction with the real world. As described by
Azuma (1997), Augmented Reality is a technology
that combines the real world and virtual images and
provides for simultaneous interaction between them.
Through Augmented Reality, users can add virtual
elements (textual information, images, videos or 3D
elements) to the surrounding environment by
displaying them in real time through the camera of the
device used, whether it is a mobile device, or a viewer
specifically designed for A.R. In recent years, various
studies (Sayed, Zayed, & Sharawy, 2011; Wu, Lee,
Chang, & Liang, 2013) have demonstrated the
potential of Augmented Reality in strengthening
students' motivation and making learning a more
engaging, stimulating and dynamic activity. In
addition, it can stimulate creativity, collaborative
skills and critical thinking in students.
AR applications can be found across many areas
of education, such as medicine, mathematics,
geometry, biology, history and further educational
fields. Salinas and González-Mendívil (2017)
integrate AR technology in mathematics education to
support the students to understand solids of revolution
and to improve spatial visualization skills. The
mobile system enables the interaction with the solids
of revolution making them tangible to the students,
and it promotes peer collaboration making students
work in pairs. In language learning, this technology
can be used to support the students on reading
comprehension and learning permanency (Godwin-
Jones, 2016). In fact, Bursali and Yilmaz (2019) show
that, by using augmented reality applications,
students perform better when compared to students
who read with traditional methods. In anatomy, Argo
et al. (2019) have developed an AR system that
allows the study of human organs in a simple way,
through the printing of a 3D model of a scanned organ
and a mobile device that visualizes all the information
related to the composition of the organ under
examination, simply by framing it with the camera. In
physics, AR can be used to demonstrate various
properties of kinematics, dynamically evaluating an
object that varies its speed and acceleration over time
(Lee, 2012); besides, it can be used to scan a picture-
marker and visualize a video of lecturer
demonstrating a laboratory installation, its basic
components and commenting on the experiment
procedure (Hruntova, Yechkalo, Striuk, & Pikilnyak,
2018). In history education Raghaw, Paulose and
Goswami (2018) have developed an AR system with
the intention to support students and helps the
community of tutors to make the class activities more
appealing; their proposal is based on videos related to
the historic lesson which are displayed on the mobile
devices when a the target image is scanned. .
Although the use of these technologies is rapidly
increasing and their usefulness in education has been
widely proved, not all schools are inclined to use
them. The main problems encountered by schools are
the lack of technological tools (both hardware and
software) and the lack of skills to use them, often
related to teachers’ resistance to adopting new
educational technologies. These difficulties are
amplified by specific factors; amongst the others:
the cost of AR devices
low usability of applications