students”, “new actively engaging techniques to
motivate all learners in the classroom”. In general,
participants in the study see TEL systems as allowing
educators to “make the teaching more realistic” and
giving them more teaching possibilities.
Mulsemedia as a TEL method, through a multi-
sensorial setting, allows the educator to create a more
realistic teaching experience that is enjoyed by the
students and leads to an increase in their engagement
and motivation resulting in an improvement in their
academic performance, as indicated by the results of
our study. Moreover, 69.44% of the participants in the
study stated they would like to have more teaching
content delivered using mulsemedia, a fact that
demonstrates the students are quite ready to embrace
mulsemedia as a TEL method.
This paper presents the results of a case study carried
out with 36 postgraduate students from DCU that
were exposed to a mulsemedia-enhanced lesson. The
purpose of the study was to gain a better
understanding of the potential of mulsemedia as a
TEL method and the impact of mulsemedia on
learner’s experience, motivation and on learning
outcomes. The results of the study were very positive,
with more than 70% of the participants in the study
stating that they enjoyed the multi-sensorial
experience during the class, while 69.44% of them
expressed an eagerness to have more teaching content
delivered using mulsemedia. More than 60% of the
participants in the study stated that the mulsemedia
experience helped them to better understand and
assimilate the concepts, while the results of the
knowledge evaluation test demonstrated that
mulsemedia actually helped more than 75% of the
participants to better assimilate the taught concepts.
This research was supported by the NEWTON project
( funded under the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation programme, Grant Agreement no.
688503. We would like to thank Dr. Marilena Bratu,
Department of Psychopedagogy, University of
Bucharest for her help in developing one of the
learning questionnaires used in the study.
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