capable of allocating only the necessary resources
by scaling micro-services according to current work-
loads. However, this approach leaves the application’s
performances more dependent on the cloud services
they interact with.
Platform operators use benchmarks to provide
users with reliability assurances for their services.
However, the more benchmarking tools are used, the
more time-consuming their management becomes.
Therefore, in this paper, we present ISABEL, a
benchmark suite framework for Cloud-Native plat-
forms. ISABEL lessens the burden of benchmarking
multiple services by providing an extensible bench-
mark marketplace.
We describe ISABEL’s architecture and the proce-
dures of execution and registration of new benchmark
tools. A proof-of-concept implementation on Pivotal
Platform is presented, and metrics obtained by bench-
marking a service are discussed. As future work, we
intend to extend the capabilities of ISABEL to an-
alyze metrics obtained from benchmarking services,
providing a piece of more detailed performance infor-
mation for platform operators.
This work was supported by the PDTI Program,
funded by Dell Computadores do Brasil Ltda (Law
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ISABEL: Infrastructure-Agnostic Benchmark Framework for Cloud-Native Platforms