an increase of 14.81% on the number of co-located
microservices with similar bound compared to the re-
sult it achieved in the baseline scenario.
Edge Computing is gaining significant popularity
with the idea of using small-sized data centers (often
called as cloudlets) to bring data processing closer to
end-users. Even though cloudlets provide faster re-
sponse time, performance-degrading events such as
resource contention may affect applications’ perfor-
mance and, consequently, negatively influence the
end-user experience. This performance interference
can be even more dangerous considering an existing
trend in modern application development of prioritiz-
ing flexibility provided by microservices running on
containers over the improved isolation offered by the
classical approach that uses virtual machines. On sce-
narios such as those, high availability requirements
present in SLAs also come into the scene. When plac-
ing all microservices of a given application on a single
host, it becomes a single point of failure.
Previous investigations proposed solutions for
high availability issues or performance interference
demands over cloud-based applications. However,
none of them focused on providing a solution for
both objectives in edge scenarios. Therefore, in this
paper, we present IRENE, a genetic algorithm ap-
proach designed to acquire the best of breed out of
edge servers regarding high availability (as means
for avoiding SLA violation) and performance inter-
ference (to achieve superior application performance)
during the placement of microservice-based applica-
tions. We validated IRENE through a set of experi-
ments, and the results showed that it could overcome
several existing approaches with minimal overhead.
As future work, we intend to minimize performance
interference issues at the network level by reducing
packets collision and network saturation.
This work was supported by the PDTI Program,
funded by Dell Computadores do Brasil Ltda (Law
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IRENE: Interference and High Availability Aware Microservice-based Applications Placement for Edge Computing