erating dependency graphs, which is helpful in re-
moving the macros, but in turns creates a risk of pre-
processing failure. In that case, the whole file poses
risk of not getting processed. Another threat is that
if a project size is extremely big or very small, the
metrics values might not represent the true degree of
We believe that our discussed metrics and evolution-
ary analysis for C language help identify and local-
ize architecture anomalies in files, functions, version
releases as well as provide refactoring support. We
used file-based dependency graphs to generate so-
cial network and dependency metrics. These metrics
are strongly correlated with fixing commits, indicat-
ing files with a higher fixing frequency could have
unique patterns with the corresponding metrics. This
relation helps identify such files beforehand, allow-
ing preemptive actions to mitigate complex files and
modules that lead to breakdown to be taken. These
actions could include splitting huge files, separating
header file interfaces, or investing more resources (de-
velopers and time) to specific files/modules. We also
showed that the evolution of metrics as a product
grows and sudden changes indicate refactoring, ma-
jor bug fixes, or a defect induction.
Our study excluded module-based and function-
based metrics. In the future, we plan to use such de-
pendencies to gain insights on the modular and in-
tricate analysis of the relationships among modules,
files, architecture quality, and defects. The density
of fixing commits could identify files/modules which
face high dependency strain. This information will
allow developers to know entities in project that need
extra care. Moreover, we plan to add design rules and
new metrics, like decoupling level (Mo et al., 2016)
which will add additional descriptive ability for the
structure of project. The evolutionary phase could
use evolution models to quantify change (Aoyama,
2002), determining when and how the files and ver-
sions heavily changed, and their consequences in ar-
chitecture. Understanding the commit messages and
investigating phrase patterns in bug fixing and induc-
ing commits could also lead to insightful results.
The studied projects had high numbers of com-
mits, which totaled tens of thousands in some
projects. Thus we also plan to analyze the commit
messages for phrase pattern in bug fixing/inducing
commits. In future, we plan to parallelize our ap-
proach and study the evolution of metrics for all com-
mits, instead of versions. We will also include more
projects with varying size and different domains, as
this will help understand the relationship between
metrics, defects and domains.
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Commit–Defect and Architectural Metrics–based Quality Assessment of C Language