Relation extraction often faces the problem of lacking
a sufficient amount of training data, so effective label
learning under weak supervision becomes extremely
challenging. The Distant Supervision as a novel idea
that can solve the problem of training data annota-
tion missing in the existing relation extraction task to
a certain extent.
In this paper, we proposed a Distant Supervi-
sion method based on Piecewise Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks with Attentional mechanism for auto-
matically annotating unlabeled data on Relation Ex-
traction task, and achieved the highest precision is
76.24% on NYT-FB (New York Times - Freebase)
dataset (top 100 relation categories). The results
proved that our method performed better than CNN-
based models in most cases. This helps with a more
precise deep learning-based Relationship Extraction
We are grateful to VC Research (Funding No. VCR
0000040) to support this work.
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