A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
Tanusan Rajmohan
, Phu H. Nguyen
and Nicolas Ferry
University of Oslo (UiO), Oslo, Norway
SINTEF, Oslo, Norway
IoT, Security, Privacy, Architecture, Patterns, Review, Survey.
We have entered a vast digital revolution of the IoT era when everything is connected. The popularity of
IoT applications makes security for IoT of paramount importance. Security patterns are based on domain-
independent time-proven security knowledge and expertise. Can they be applied to IoT? We aim to draw a
research landscape of patterns and architectures for IoT security by conducting a systematic mapping study.
From more than a thousand of relevant papers, we have systematically identified and analyzed 24 papers that
have been published around patterns for IoT security (and privacy). Our analysis shows that there is a rise in
the number of publications addressing security patterns in the two recent years. However, there are gaps in
this research area that can be filled in to promote the use of patterns for IoT security and privacy.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increas-
ingly popular. We can see that every “thing” is get-
ting smarter and connected, from smartphones, smart
cars, to smart energy grids, smart cities. Accord-
ing to Gartner, 25 billion connected things will be in
use by 2021, producing immense volumes of data
IEEE Standards Association defines an IoT system
as “a system of entities (including cyber-physical de-
vices, information resources, and people) that ex-
change information and interact with the physical
world by sensing, processing information, and actu-
ating. (IEEE SA, 2018)
Most of the critical infrastructures, such as en-
ergy, water, transport, and healthcare, have already
been or will be IoT-empowered. IoT security is-
sues will “affect not only bits and bytes” but also
“flesh and blood” (Schneier, 2017). Without reli-
able security in place, users will not trust IoT de-
vices and related services as discussed in (Nguyen
et al., 2018; Nguyen et al., 2019) because attacks
and malfunctions in IoT-based critical infrastructures
may outweigh any of their benefits (Roman et al.,
2011), (Hany and Wills, 2020). Security design pat-
terns could be considered as reusable security de-
sign bricks upon which sound and secure systems
technologies-and-trends, November 2018
can be built. From security engineering’s point of
view, one of the best practices is using patterns to
guide security at each stage of the development pro-
cess (Schumacher et al., 2013). Security patterns are
based on domain-independent, time-proven security
knowledge, and expertise. Books and catalogs of
security patterns such as (Schumacher et al., 2013),
(Fernandez-Buglioni, 2013), (Nguyen et al., 2015),
(Steel and Nagappan, 2006) are supposed to be help-
ful for users to solve security challenges by using
time-proven security knowledge and expertise. How-
ever, the IoT age may introduce new security chal-
lenges that existing approaches and methods cannot
address. Have security patterns been researched and
applied to IoT?
To figure out a research landscape of existing ap-
proaches around patterns for security in IoT, we have
conducted a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS). Our
SMS has three main objectives. First, we want to give
a summary of the existing publications around pat-
terns for IoT security (and privacy). Second, by ex-
amining the current patterns and approaches, we can
recognize gaps in the state-of-the-art. Also, we want
to explore which developmental level the existing pat-
terns for IoT are describing. We are particularly in-
terested in their method and how advanced the pat-
terns are, especially in addressing IoT security. Third,
based on the results, we propose new research activ-
ities to fill the gaps for supporting security in mod-
ern IoT systems. We conducted our SMS following
Rajmohan, T., Nguyen, P. and Ferry, N.
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0009583001380149
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 138-149
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the latest guidelines from (Petersen et al., 2015). The
main contributions of this work are our answers to the
following Research Questions (RQs).
RQ1: What are the publication trends of the re-
search on patterns and architecture for IoT secu-
RQ2: What is the existing research on patterns
for IoT security, and how advanced is it?
RQ3: What are the open issues to be further in-
vestigated in this field?
We have systematically filtered a large number of
relevant papers from five central online publication
databases, and a manual search process, to finally ob-
tain a set of twenty-four (24) primary studies. We ex-
tracted and synthesized data from the primary studies
to answer our RQs. The results show that there is a
rise in the number of publications addressing security
patterns and architectures for IoT in the two recent
years. However, there are gaps in this research area
that can be filled to promote the use of patterns for
IoT security and privacy.
In the remainder of this paper: Section 2 gives
some background definitions. In Section 3, we
present our SMS approach. To facilitate data extrac-
tion and comparison, Section 4 describes our classi-
fication schemes for the primary studies. We present
the results of our SMS in Section 5. Related work is
discussed in Section 6. Finally, we conclude the paper
with summarizing the main findings in Section 7.
In this section, we give the definitions of SMS (2.1),
design patterns (2.2), security design patterns (2.3),
and security architecture (2.4) that were used to define
the scope of this work.
2.1 Systematic Mapping Study
An SMS is a kind of secondary research, which is “a
study that reviews all the primary studies relating to a
specific research question to integrate/synthesize ev-
idence related to a specific research question. More
specifically, an SMS gives “a broad review of primary
studies in a specific topic area that aims to identify
what evidence is available on the topic. (Kitchenham
et al., 2011)
2.2 Design Pattern
The conventional explanation for a design pattern is
that it is a reusable solution to a standard reoccurring
problem in software design. A pattern is usually gen-
eral so that it can be reused, and it is a proven solution
to solve a design problem. A design pattern is not a
finished implementation that can be directly used, but
more a strategy or a template for how to solve a prob-
lem that can serve in different situations. (Gamma
et al., 1994) (Fernandez-Buglioni, 2013).
2.3 Security Design Pattern
A Security Design Pattern (aka. security pattern) is
defined as: A security pattern describes a particu-
lar recurring security problem that arises in specific
contexts and presents a well-proven generic solution
for it. The solution consists of a set of interacting
roles that can be arranged into multiple concrete de-
sign structures, as well as a process to create one par-
ticular such structure. (Schumacher et al., 2013).
Because security patterns and design patterns
mostly impact a specific part of an IoT system, we
also want to look at a reusable solution for a high-
level perspective. This is why we include security
architecture because architectures will concern large-
scale components and global properties and mecha-
nisms of a system.
2.4 Security Architecture
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) describes security architecture as “the design
artifact that describes how the security controls (se-
curity countermeasures) are positioned, and how they
relate to the overall information technology architec-
ture. These controls serve the purpose of maintain-
ing the system’s quality attributes: confidentiality, in-
tegrity, availability, accountability, and assurance ser-
vices. (Ron Ross, 2016)
In this paper, we include framework as a pre-
built general or special purpose architecture that is de-
signed to be extended. This is why we would say that
the architecture is the design of a structure. In con-
trast, a framework is the architecture foundation. We,
therefore, include framework as a “sub-part” of the
architecture and suggest that framework solutions are
similar to an architecture solution.
We conducted our SMS by following the most recent
principles (Petersen et al., 2015), and other guidelines
from (Kitchenham, 2004). With the specific context
and motivation exhibited in Section 1, we describe
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
our RQs for this paper in Section 3.1. We clarify
the inclusion criteria for selecting primary studies by
explicitly characterizing the extent of our SMS and
lessen possible bias in our selection process, in Sec-
tion 3.2. Section 3.3 shows our search strategy to find
the primary studies for answering the RQs.
3.1 Research Questions
This SMS aims to answer the three RQs presented in
Section 1. Each is extended with sub-questions.
RQ1 includes three sub-RQs. RQ1.1 - In which
years were the primary studies published? Answer-
ing this question allows us to know when this research
topic started to get attention as well as how recent the
research on this topic is. The publication trend can
give an indicator of how much attention security pat-
terns and architectures for IoT get from the research
community. RQ1.2 - What are the targeted domains
(e.g., IoT, Network, Cloud, and Software Engineer-
ing(SE)) and which venue type (i.e., Journal, Confer-
ence/Workshop) were the primary studies published
as? Answering this question allows us to know what
the target domain was for each paper. This is es-
pecially important when security patterns are some-
thing that can crossover several related research ar-
eas. The type of paper can give some clues on the
maturity of the primary study. Journal papers nor-
mally report progressively mature studies compared
to papers published at conferences. RQ1.3 - How is
the collaboration between industry and academia on
this topic? We classify a paper as academic if all the
authors are affiliated with a university or a research
institute. Likewise, we classify papers as industrial if
all the associated authors are with a company, and sort
the papers as both if there is a collaboration. Answer-
ing RQ1.3 will show the collaboration level between
the industry and academia. It also indicates the inter-
est and needs of security patterns in industry.
RQ2 has two sub-RQs. RQ2.1 - Are there any
papers explicitly addressing, proposing, describing,
or using security patterns or architectures for IoT
systems? Answering this RQs allows us to examine
the support of security pattern and architecture ap-
proaches towards secure IoT systems. RQ2.2 - How
do the patterns/architectures in the primary studies
support IoT security? Answering RQ2.2 shows us
how the primary studies use patterns and architec-
tures, and for what purpose. It also allows us to assess
the characteristics of the primary studies in security
patterns and architectures for IoT.
RQ3 also has two sub-RQs. RQ3.1 - What are the
open issues of IoT security pattern research? RQ3.2
- What research directions could be recommended for
tackling the open issues? These RQs help to suggest
potential directions for future work.
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
In light of the RQs and the extent of our study pre-
sented in Section 1, we predefined the inclusion and
exclusion criteria to reduce bias in our procedure of
search and selection of primary studies. The primary
studies must meet ALL the following inclusion crite-
ria (IC):
1. (IC1) A primary study must contain security pat-
terns (one or more) or architectures in some form
relevant for an IoT system.
2. (IC2) A primary study must be specifically within
the area of IoT, either in a generally applicable
domain or in a specific application domain of IoT.
3. (IC3) The paper presents security concerns in sys-
tem design, architecture, or infrastructure.
4. (IC4) The paper discusses some form of a pattern
or architecture (/reusable method) that can be ap-
plied to IoT.
We excluded and filtered out papers that are not writ-
ten in English, as well as papers that only are avail-
able as extended abstracts, posters, or presentations
(not full version).
3.3 Search and Selection Strategy
The search strategy used in this thesis is a mix of
automatic and manual search as well as snowballing
as shown by (Nguyen et al., 2015), to exhaustively
search for IoT security pattern papers. Where the goal
is to find the most relevant papers and, therefore, to
find as many primary IoT security pattern papers as
possible. Fig. 1 shows an overview of the search and
selection process with the results for each step, which
we describe in the following sections.
3.3.1 Database Search
Utilizing the online inquiry elements of accessible
publication databases is the most well-known ap-
proach to scan for essential primary studies when
directing auxiliary studies (Petersen et al., 2015).
We used five of the accessible publication databases
IEEE Xplore
, ACM Digital Library
, ScienceDi-
, Web of Knowledge (ISI)
, and Scopus
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: Overview of the search and selection steps.
search for potential primary studies. We did not
use Google Scholar, Researchgate, or SpringerLink.
Scopus and ACM DL already index SpringerLink
(Tran et al., 2017). Google Scholar and Research-
Gate return all kinds of papers, in which our five cho-
sen databases should have covered peer-reviewed ar-
ticles. Google Scholar also returns many non-peer-
reviewed and non-English papers. The five selected
databases contain peer-reviewed articles, which pro-
vide advanced search functions. Following the guide-
lines from (Kitchenham, 2004), based on the research
questions and keywords used in some related articles,
we have created the search keywords. The following
keywords are the final set used as a search query. The
query was tweaked to fit all search engines.
(“Internet of Things” OR “IoT” OR
“Cyber Physical Systems” OR “CPS” OR
“Web of things” OR “WOT”)
(“Security Pattern” OR “Design Pattern” OR
“Security Design Pattern” OR “Security Archi-
For each candidate paper, we first reviewed the pa-
per’s title and abstract, followed by skimming through
the contents. If a candidate paper appears in more
than one database, we list them in the other database
results. When merging to the first set of primary stud-
ies, we combine the results, so we get the correct
number of papers without duplicates.
3.3.2 Manual Search
It is unrealistic to ensure the database search results
can cover all the relevant papers in our study. We
have, therefore, tried to complement the database
search by doing a manual search. We began our
manual search by initiating a set of IoT security and
security pattern studies from published journals and
conferences. The conferences and journals we went
through to find papers were: The International Con-
ference on the Internet of Things
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT)
and IEEE Internet of Things Journal
. After search-
ing through these journals and conferences, we con-
cluded that the papers posted were already found in
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
the database search, or they did not fulfill the inclu-
sion criteria set. Therefore we only found two extra
papers that supplemented our primary set with papers
from the manual search and increased with two. The
manual search also included a snowballing process,
but no new primary studies found.
Note that, at every stage of our search and selec-
tion process, any candidate papers in doubt were kept
to be thoroughly reviewed and crosschecked among
the reviewers. Our group discussions have finally
yielded a set of 24 primary studies for data extraction
and synthesis to answer the RQs
In this section, we define a taxonomy of IoT security
patterns. The primary purpose of the taxonomy is to
extract and compare data from the primary studies so
that they can help to answer the RQs. This taxonomy
is defined by a top-down and bottom-up approach.
These approaches are strategies commonly used for
information processing and knowledge ordering. We
have used the top-down method to process informa-
tion from the literature around IoT, security patterns,
IoT architecture, design patterns, and so forth. The
bottom-up approach is for extracting data from a test
set of primary studies. This test set is the first ten
primary studies selected. It helped us to classify and
specify the essential techniques and terminology used
in the primary studies.
4.1 Domain Specificity
We characterize the Domain Specificity in the same
manner as (Washizaki et al., 2019) with minor adjust-
ments. It is essential to examine the applicability and
reusability of each IoT security pattern. We divide
this into three types: any, general IoT, and specific
1. Any. General systems and software security pat-
terns, as well as design patterns and security archi-
tectures that can be adapted to design IoT systems
and software if their contexts and problems match
the patterns’ contexts and challenges.
2. General IoT. IoT security and design patterns, as
well as security architectures, which apply to any
IoT system and software.
Our search and selection process for the primary stud-
ies ended late December 2019
3. Specific IoT. IoT security and design patterns, as
well as security architectures that address specific
problem domains (e.g., healthcare) and technical
domains (e.g., brain-computer interaction).
4.2 Categorization of Security Pattern
and Architecture Research
To specify the domain, security concerns, implemen-
tation and modeling, we list some features to sort
out the different security patterns and architectures
quickly. In such a way that we can see the patterns’ or
architectures’ purpose, quality, method, and research
implementation as defined in (Washizaki et al., 2018).
Purpose. This includes intended users, and
phases of the targeted system and software life-
Quality. This refers to security characteristics:
confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentica-
tion, and authorization.
Method. This includes methodology and model-
ing methods to identify the structure and design of
the pattern or architecture.
Research Implementation. This consists of the
platform to realize the results of security pattern
research, whether the results are automated and
encapsulated as a tool, and whether case studies or
experiments are conducted to evaluate the results
relevant to the original research purpose.
4.3 Design Pattern
Design patterns are similar to security patterns in the
way of their structure. Therefore, we will show the
core parts that will be in a design pattern, so that the
pattern structure is familiar and makes it easier to look
for patterns in the primary studies. The following el-
ements often express a design pattern (Joshi, 2014):
Name. Representation of its purpose in a nutshell.
Intent. What the pattern does, short statement to
capture essence of the pattern.
Problem. A software design problem under a
given system environment.
Solution. A solution to the problem mentioned
Consequences. Trade-offs of using a design pat-
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
4.4 IoT Architecture
In our taxonomy, we reuse the IoT World Forum Ref-
erence Model
with minimal modifications. The IoT
World Forum Reference Model consists of seven lay-
Physical Devices and Controllers. This layer as
the title describes is the physical layer consisting
of devices or “things” of the internet of things.
The “things”, sensors and Edge Node devices are
classified within this layer.
Connectivity. Connectivity spans from the “mid-
dle” of an Edge Node device up through transport
to the Cloud. This layer maps data from the log-
ical and physical technologies used, the commu-
nication between the physical layer and the com-
puting layer, and above.
Edge Computing. This layer is referred to as
the layer that brings computation and data stor-
age closer to the location it is needed. “Proto-
col conversion, routing to higher-layer software
functions, and even “fast path” logic for low la-
tency decision making will be implemented at this
Data Accumulation. This layer serves as inter-
mediate storage of incoming storage and outgo-
ing traffic queued for delivery to lower layers.
Pure SQL is what the layer is implemented with,
but it may require more advanced solutions, i.e.
Hadoop & Hadoop File System, Mongo, Cassan-
dra, Spark, or other NoSQL solutions.
Data Abstraction. This is the layer where data
is made clear and understandable. This layer cen-
ters around rendering data and its storage in man-
ners that enable developing more straightforward,
performance-enhanced applications. This layer
speeds up high priority traffic or alarms, and sort
incoming data from the data lake into the appro-
priate schema and streams for upstream process-
ing. Likewise, application information bound for
downstream layers is reformatted appropriately
for device communication and queued for pro-
Application Layer. This is the layer where in-
formation interpretation of multiple IoT sensors
or measurements occur, and logic is executed.
“Monitoring, process optimization, alarm man-
agement, statistical analysis, control logic, logis-
tics, consumer patterns, are just a few examples of
IoT applications.
Juxtology - IoT: Architecture
Collaboration and Processes. This layer
presents the application processing to its users,
and data processed at lower layers are integrated
with business applications. This layer consists of
human interaction with all the layers of the IoT
system, and economic value is delivered.
Table 1 shows an overview of the primary IoT security
pattern and architecture studies. Based on the taxon-
omy, we have extracted and synthesized the data from
the primary studies to answer the RQs.
Table 1: Overview of the primary IoT security pattern stud-
ies (sorted by year of publication).
# Year Title (click to open the corresponding publication) v f
1 2019 Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things’
(IoT) Architecture
2 2019 Architectural Patterns for Secure IoT Orchestrations C P
3 2019 From internet of threats to internet of things: A cyber
security architecture for smart homes
4 2019 BlockSecIoTNet: Blockchain-based decentralized se-
curity architecture for IoT network
5 2019 Lightweight security architecture based on embedded
virtualization and trust mechanisms for IoT edge de-
6 2018 A blockchain-based decentralized security architec-
ture for Iot
7 2018 A misuse Pattern for DDoS in the IoT C P
8 2018 A Secure and Privacy-preserving Internet of Things
Framework for Smart City
9 2018 Applying Security Patterns for authorization of users
in IoT Based Applications
10 2018 Cataloging design patterns for internet of things arti-
fact integration
11 2018 Design patterns for the industrial Internet of Things C P
12 2018 IoT device security the hard(ware) way C P
13 2017 A Case Study in Applying Security Design Patterns
for IoT Software System
14 2016 A Simple Security Architecture for Smart Water Man-
agement System
15 2016 A survey on Internet of Things architectures J A
16 2015 New Security Architecture for IoT Network C A
17 2015 OSCAR: Object security architecture for the Internet
of Things
18 2015 Secure Design Patterns for Security in Smart Meter-
ing Systems
19 2015 Software-security patterns: degree of maturity C P
20 2014 A security engineering process for systems of systems
using security patterns
21 2013 HIP Security Architecture for the IP-Based Internet
of Things
22 2013 Securing the IP-based internet of things with HIP and
23 2013 Using security patterns to model and analyze security
24 2011 A natural classification scheme for software security
Venue type: J = Journal (7), C = Conference (17).
Focus: P = pattern, A = Architecture.
5.1 Publication Trends
In this section, we address the sub-RQs 1.1, 1.2
and 1.3 correspondingly in the following subsections
5.1.1, 5.1.2, and 5.1.3.
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
Figure 2: Publications per year, per venue type.
5.1.1 Publication Trend
Fig. 2 displays paper publications within the domain
of security patterns and architectures for IoT systems
in the last 10 years. As Fig. 2 shows, we can see a rise
in the number of IoT security patterns and architec-
tures related publications in the last two years (2018:
7C and 2019: 2C, 3J). The trend in recent years in-
dicates that there is a need for IoT security pattern
and architecture research, and more attention to these
research areas. The results are a bit lower than ex-
pected, but we hope that this trend will keep increas-
ing. Our search process ended in December 2019, and
we found ve primary studies with our search query
that were published in 2019 (2C, 3J).
5.1.2 Publication Venue Types and Target
IoT, with its heterogeneous nature, traverses through
different relevant research domains, among which we
recognized Software Engineering (SE), Cloud , Net-
work, and recently specialized IoT research domain.
(Borgia et al., 2016)
Fig. 3 displays the occurrence of each research
domain appearance in the primary studies (SE:4, IoT:
20, Cloud: 4, Network: 6). Note that the publica-
tion venues can have several research domains in their
calls for papers. Some of the papers overlap in their
research domain, i.e. almost all the papers fall under
the IoT domain and might include another domain.
Since we are looking for security patterns and archi-
tectures for IoT systems, this may be patterns for spe-
cific parts within an IoT system. It can also include
patterns and architectures for software that can be ap-
plied for IoT systems, which is why we have several
domains and why these can overlap considering the
numbers in Fig. 3. These numbers do mirror the dif-
ferent ideas of IoT research, with IoT research domain
is getting progressively visible. We see the trends of
conference papers within each research area is higher
Figure 3: Research topics per publication venue.
than in journals, which is expected. Conference pa-
pers tend to gain quick feedback and visibility within
the research field. In comparison, it can take years for
a journal publication to appear, and the research topic
may become outdated. Which explains the numbers
in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Even though the numbers are low
for journal papers, we still hope to see more journal
papers, which normally have a more in-depth analysis
of the domain.
5.1.3 Author Affiliation Impact
Because IoT systems and devices are widely used and
growing in the industry and consumer market, we
took a closer look at how the affiliations of the authors
are distributed from the primary studies. Fig. 4 shows
that a majority of the authors who have published re-
sults on IoT security pattern or architecture are from
academia ( 58%), as expected. While there are no
contributions solely from industry, this number is not
surprising, considering that industry rarely publishes
papers alone. Industry occasionally publishes with
the collaboration of academia. We found some papers
of this type ( 42%). These papers have more imple-
mentation examples and testing compared to papers
purely from academia, in accordance with research
implementation from Section 4.2. Almost half of the
primary studies are joint papers between academia
and industry, which show a promising collaboration
level. This is a trend we want to see grow as well as
real implementations of the research to show how it is
implemented and distributed. We do not expect the in-
dustry to publish on their own, which is why we think
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 4: Affiliation trend of authors.
the numbers for joint papers are reasonably good. We
hope that this number keeps growing as well as that
they use the patterns and architectures proposed to im-
prove their products, production process, and internal
processes that use IoT devices or systems further. We
would be interested to see some real implementations
or examples of security patterns or architectures usage
in the industry in the future.
5.2 The Primary Approaches
We will address the sub-RQs 2.1 and 2.2 correspond-
ingly in the subsections 5.2.1, and 5.2.2. These sub-
sections detail the primary approaches and how ad-
vanced they are, especially in addressing security as-
pects in this section. We outline and depict the illus-
trations to show findings clearly and understandably,
as well as highlight some of the trends within security.
5.2.1 Security Pattern Usage
Fig. 5 illustrates the distribution of papers with re-
gards to the domain specificity of the papers, elabo-
rated in Section 4.1. We see that most of the papers
found were in specific domains, i.e. healthcare, wa-
ter systems, network communication, manufacturing
factories, smart metering, etc. The general cases have
security patterns for IoT systems, but not a specific or
detailed use case. In contrast, any cases are just se-
curity patterns in general that we think can be applied
for any IoT systems.
Out of all the papers we review, we found that
46% of the papers were explicitly discussing or us-
ing security patterns for IoT. The other papers either
discussed security architectures (38%), privacy pat-
tern (4%), security framework (4%), or design pat-
terns (8%). Fig. 6 shows that out of all the papers
found, over half (84% / 88% when framework is in-
cluded) of the papers use or propose how to use se-
curity patterns or architectures either in general or in
Figure 5: IoT specificity, Section 4.1.
Figure 6: Pattern/architecture categorization.
specific usage areas. This tells us that out of all the pa-
pers found (24) there is already a good amount of pa-
pers regarding the topic we want to highlight. When
we look directly at numbers and compare this to how
many papers we initially found when doing the auto-
matic search it is a low number. We still believe this
a good amount, but it should be higher so that secu-
rity patterns become more frequent and accessible for
industry and users who want to develop IoT systems
(software, hardware, or Cloud).
The papers such as 10, 7, 12, 9, 13, and 18 from
Table. 1 are examples of papers we found that explic-
itly address, propose, or use security patterns. Papers
7, 12, 13, and 18 show patterns in a use case where
they apply the pattern and discuss how it is used and
what the results are. While papers 9 and 10 show mul-
tiple security patterns and explain their usage area,
name, intent, problem, solution, and consequence in
accordance with design pattern description in Section
4.3. Papers 9 and 10 do not explicitly use the patterns
in any way, it is mostly for illustration and cataloging.
All these patterns contribute with one or several pat-
terns that have a specific usage area or a generic area.
5.2.2 Supporting IoT Security
To answer this sub-RQ, we look at Fig. 7, where we
see that out of all the papers found, 66% discuss se-
curity in some form, either by using a security pattern
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
or suggesting how security can be improved. The re-
maining 34% discuss privacy, which security helps to
improve. Some primary studies give a clear solution,
while others propose a possible solution, and some
papers have overlapping concerns regarding both se-
curity and privacy. To get an elaborate statistic, we
look at Fig. 8, which is a figure that crosses results
with the help of Sections 4.2 and 4.4. This diagram il-
lustrates how many papers fall into each IoT architec-
ture layer and how many of them concern security and
privacy. The security categorization is based on the
quality aspect from Section 4.2, where we categorize
papers that focus on security characteristics, such as
confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication,
and authorization within the security category.
The patterns shown in the papers either propose
patterns or architectures that can increase the security
of IoT, software, or the Cloud fragment. Some essen-
tial papers (7, 12, 13, and 18) from Table. 1 discuss
how they keep the security intact by securing the con-
fidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA). Paper 12
proposes a security pattern for the hardware level that
ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the device.
While paper 7 shows a misuse pattern that attacks the
availability, but they list countermeasures on how to
prevent this and maintain the availability. Paper 18
discusses smart metering systems and propose a pat-
tern that especially secures integrity and confidential-
ity by digitally signing and encrypting the data in tran-
sit to ensure security and privacy. Paper 13 shows five
patterns that help to provide security through the CIA
for different application areas of an IoT system. They
propose patterns for input validation, secure logging,
secure exception handling, etc.
The data from the papers have been extracted ac-
cordingly to the taxonomy to give us meaningful in-
formation as well as pinpoint how the papers are rel-
evant and where they contribute. From the IoT ar-
chitecture, we also saw that most of the papers added
to the Physical Devices and Controllers, Connectiv-
ity, Edge Computing, and Application layer, which
is illustrated in Fig. 8. From the figures referenced
through this section, we see that the patterns and ar-
chitectures help to secure different levels of the archi-
tecture as well as the system in itself by focusing on
the characteristics mentioned. With the help of our
taxonomy, we found 14 papers out of 24 that had both
implementation or example and model or methodol-
ogy description of their architecture or pattern.
5.3 Ideas for Future Research
Here we address the open issues that we believe
should be further investigated. We try to illustrate
Figure 7: Pattern topic of the papers.
some of the issues and suggest research directions to
further improve this domain.
5.3.1 Open Issues
To illustrate the open issues, we crossed the taxonomy
criteria of quality to find papers that handle the secu-
rity characteristics to improve the security with the
contribution of the different papers. This gave us the
results we can see in Fig. 9, where the main contri-
butions of architectures and patterns from the several
patterns show that they mostly propose security re-
lated contributions. The reason we still keep the three
contributions that do not handle the security charac-
teristics is that they discuss how to improve security
patterns in general, securing systems, or do not con-
tribute but rather evaluate patterns or architectures.
We found that the number of security pattern ap-
proaches is nearly the same as the number of security
architecture patterns for IoT. The number of existing
papers that directly address security patterns for IoT
is not as high as it should be when considering the
estimates of growth, according to Gartner (van der
Meulen, 2017). Even among those studies, we have
not found any that explicitly and systematically list or
show patterns that apply to IoT security.
The open issues of IoT security pattern research,
in our opinion, would be the lack of research on the
topic already. Even though most of the papers we
found discuss security or improves it. This is only
a small fraction of what we expected after looking
through thousands of papers to find relevant primary
studies. We saw that there is a spike in the number of
publications within this domain for the last couple of
years, and our analysis shows that IoT security pattern
research is still in its early stages. In addition to a lack
of research, it is harder to produce good quality pat-
terns that are tested and used in the industry. The lack
of research may lead to mistakes in the production of
these systems that consumers might buy and may end
up in catastrophic consequences. This is why we want
to promote this type of study to highlight the security
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 8: Security and privacy with relation to the IoT architecture from Section 4.4.
Figure 9: Patterns and architectures in relation to the quality
from categorization, Section 4.2.
aspects and make it easier to implement and use se-
curity from the beginning, also known as security by
design. Promoting the use of patterns and architec-
ture for IoT security (and privacy) early and in com-
bination with continuous deployment of security and
privacy mechanisms together with IoT applications as
presented by (Ferry et al., 2019; Ferry and Nguyen,
2019) is a way forward.
5.3.2 Potential Directions for Future Work
From the papers found, not many had defined the pat-
terns or architecture accordingly to the taxonomy we
built or defined clearly in which layers of the IoT
architecture the patterns work. We would hope that
this research domain grows as well as the contribu-
tions to ensure the security and privacy in IoT sys-
tems. To make it safe would be more comfortable
if there were more security patterns that developers
could use with proper testing and documentation. We
would, therefore, propose that further research should
address more thoroughly and systematically security
pattern aspects for IoT systems. This can further high-
light and bring forth research, while systematically
listing it and giving a reference for either future re-
search, production, or development.
Finally, the dominance of academia-only and joint
collaboration in IoT security pattern research sug-
gests that there should be even more collaboration be-
tween academia and industry. Especially since the
IoT market is blossoming and making the industry
more aware, there should be approaches that are more
practical and closer to the needs in the industry. This
topic is yet to blossom, both in the industrial and aca-
demic worlds.
A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security
There exist some surveys that have addressed IoT se-
curity and IoT patterns, but none has systematically,
specifically investigated security pattern approaches
for IoT.
(Oracevic et al., 2017) surveyed IoT security.
They want to shed light on this topic and spread
awareness, with examples of IoT security solutions.
The authors provide different measures on different
levels to secure the systems but do not go into de-
tail. They also do not offer any form of architecture or
pattern to solve common recurring problems for IoT
security. Security patterns-based approaches for new
systems design and development have also been re-
viewed by (L
ucio et al., 2014; Nguyen et al., 2015).
However, the reviewed approaches are not specific for
IoT systems, which is what we focus on.
(Washizaki et al., 2019) present a collection of pa-
pers that either describe IoT architecture or design
patterns, or both. They also classify the patterns that
are being used in detail as well as in which paper.
They present a security column and specify which pa-
pers from their study that have patterns that cover se-
curity. We looked through these papers, but not all of
the papers did meet our criteria described in Section
3.2. The papers from (Washizaki et al., 2019) that we
analyzed and included as primary studies are the pa-
pers 10 and 14 in Table. 1.
(Reinfurt et al., 2016) give details of IoT pat-
terns by investigating a large number of production-
ready IoT offerings to extract recurring proven solu-
tion principles into patterns. These patterns show and
describe how to help other individuals to understand
different aspects of IoT, and also make it easier. (Qan-
bari et al., 2016) elaborate on how to design, build,
and engineer applications for IoT systems and have
created patterns to do this. They do not highlight se-
curity as one of their focus points, which is our main
concern for this paper.
(Nguyen et al., 2019a; Nguyen et al., 2019b) sur-
veyed deployment and orchestration approach for IoT
but neither about security nor patterns. The approach
used in their study is similar to ours, an SMS.
In general, the results of these studies do address
not only the functional aspects of IoT patterns but also
some quality aspects such as security and develop-
ment that we even considered in our work. However,
they were not conducted systematically and explicitly
for analyzing the patterns and architectures for IoT se-
curity similar to our work. Note that we have clearly
defined the scope of our SMS, which only considered
peer-reviewed publications, not white papers from the
industry. Thus, our SMS reports the state of the art in
IoT security pattern research, not including the state
of practice in the industry.
In this paper, we have examined a research landscape
of patterns and architectures for IoT security by con-
ducting a systematic mapping study. After systemat-
ically recognizing and reviewing 24 primary studies
out of thousand of relevant papers in this field, we
have found out that 1) there is a rise in the number of
publications addressing security patterns in the two
recent years; 2) however, there are still gaps in the
research that does not focus on security patterns, se-
curity architectures or security in general; 3) new IoT
systems development should focus more on address-
ing security, which can be improved with more rel-
evant security patterns to apply and reuse. In other
words, we want to promote the use of patterns and ar-
chitectures for IoT security (and privacy) by design.
To make security patterns for IoT approaches more
practical, research collaborations between academia
and industry should be increased.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Commission’s H2020
Programme under the grant agreement number
780351 (ENACT), and from the Research Council of
Norway’s Pilot-T Programme under the grant agree-
ment number 296651 (ASAM).
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A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security