250 500 750
in Nm
in s
Figure 5: Lap time over maximum torque of SLD.
ally, the increased vehicle weight and inertia due to
the SLD, implemented according to (Sedlacek et al.,
2020b), is detrimental for cornering. The benefit of
lateral drive torque allocation outweighs this disad-
vantage for T
> 87.3Nm, whereas lap time reduces
with increasing T
. Since for the current track and ve-
hicle setup |T
| ≤ 1193Nm holds, lap time reductions
due to the SLD only occur up this threshold value.
However, this result strongly depends on the consid-
ered track and vehicle setup.
A novel OCP-modelling approach for a broad class
of semi-active actuators has been presented. The pro-
cedure transforms the originally nonconvex set dic-
tated by the passivity constraint into multiple con-
vex sets. However, this convexification requires an
extra input and generally a higher number of con-
straints. The method has been applied to compute
minimum-lap-time trajectories for a vehicle with rear-
wheel drive and SLD at the rear axle. The OCP
has been solved using Hermite-Simpson collocation
implemented in an open-source framework. Com-
pared to a vehicle with open differential instead of
the SLD, lap time is greatly reduced by 2.37 seconds
or 1.59% with lap time benefits primarily occurring
when exiting corners. Although the overall OCP re-
mains nonconvex for the considered application, the
presented convexification measure is a first step to-
wards a fully convex OCP for such vehicles which
we will address in the future. Considering our pre-
vious work (Sedlacek et al., 2020b; Sedlacek et al.,
2020a), the proposed method will be used to com-
pare different powertrain topologies for vehicles with
combustion engine or electric machines while simul-
taneously identifying the respective optimal passive
vehicle setups. A detailed experimental comparison
of the proposed modelling-method with the existing
methods presented in section 3.2.4 is subject of future
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Convexification of Semi-activity Constraints Applied to Minimum-time Optimal Control for Vehicles with Semi-active Limited-slip