A Formal Model-Based Testing Framework for Validating an IoT
Solution for Blockchain-based Vehicles Communication
Rateb Jabbar
, Moez Krichen
, Mohamed Kharbeche
, Noora Fetais
and Kamel Barkaoui
KINDI Center for Computing Research, College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Cedric Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, France
ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center, Qatar University, Qatar
Blockchain, Automotive Communication, Internet of Vehicles, Model-Based Testing, Timed Automaton,
Security, Attack Trees.
The emergence of embedded and connected smart technologies, systems, and devices has enabled the concept
of smart cities by connecting every “thing” to the Internet and in particular in transportation through the
Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The main purpose of IoV is to prevent fatal crashes by resolving traffic and road
safety problems. Nevertheless, it is paramount to ensure secure and accurate transmission and recording of data
in “Vehicle-to-Vehicle” (V2V) and “Vehicle-to-Infrastructure” (V2I) communication. To improve “Vehicle-to-
Everything” (V2X) communication, this work uses Blockchain technology for developing a Blockchain-based
IoT system aimed at establishing secure communication and developing a fully decentralized cloud computing
platform. Moreover, the authors propose a model-based framework to validate the proposed approach. This
framework is mainly based on the use of the Attack Trees (AT) and timed automaton (TA) formalisms in order
to test the functional, load and security aspects. An optimization phase for testers placement inspired by fog
computing is proposed as well.
The modern IoT technologies have profoundly
transformed classical “vehicular ad-hoc networks”
(VANETs) into the “Internet of Vehicles” (IoV) (F.
Yang, S. Wang, J. Li, Z. Liu and Q. Sun, 2014). More
precisely, the IoV is defined as the real-time data in-
teraction between vehicles and between vehicles and
infrastructures through information platforms, mobile
communication technology, smart terminal devices
and vehicle navigation systems. Vehicles are incor-
porated into the IoT by being connected to the Inter-
net, to the other vehicles nearby as well as to traffic
information systems. Yet, there are many challenges
related to this concept due to high connectivity and
exchange of sensitive data, compromising of security
and privacy and leave the vehicles susceptible to ma-
licious entities.
The proposed Decentralized IoT Solution for Ve-
hicle communication (DISV) based on the concept of
Blockchain aims at overcoming security and privacy
challenges. By way of explanation, each member of
the IoV networks receives messages and broadcasts
them to the Blockchain server, whereas the server ver-
ifies the received block and decides if it should be
added to the smart contract or not.
In order to validate the adopted solution, we
propose, in addition, a “model-based testing”
(MBT) (Krichen, 2018; Krichen, 2012; Krichen,
2007; Krichen and Tripakis, 2006) framework which
allows to check the functional correctness, load and
security aspects. This framework is mainly based on
the model of Timed Automata (Bertrand et al., 2015;
Bertrand et al., 2011). The latter corresponds to a rich
modelling language which allows to describe the be-
haviors of a large class of distributed, dynamic and
real-time systems.
Regarding security aspects testing, we model
the behavior of the attacker using Attack Trees
(AT) (Krichen and Alroobaea, 2019; Kordy et al.,
2014). The root of the AT corresponds to the at-
tacker’s global goal. Internal nodes correspond to
sub-goals and leaves correspond to “Basic Attack
Steps” (BAS). Each AT is then transformed into a col-
lection of Timed Automata from which test scenarios
are extracted using test generation algorithms inspired
Jabbar, R., Krichen, M., Kharbeche, M., Fetais, N. and Bar kaoui, K.
A Formal Model-Based Testing Framework for Validating an IoT Solution for Blockchain-based Vehicles Communication.
DOI: 10.5220/0009594305950602
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 595-602
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by the works of (Krichen, 2012; Tretmans, 1999).
Besides, we propose an approach for the optimiza-
tion of the testers placement procedure inspired by
fog computing approaches (Taneja and Davy, 2017;
Gu et al., 2017; Mahmud et al., 2018; Barcelo et al.,
2016) and by some of our previous contributions
alej et al., 2018; Lahami et al., 2016; Lahami
et al., 2012b). This placement procedure consists in
allocating the set of testers on the different compu-
tational nodes of the system under test in an optimal
way under different kind of constraints.
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows. In section 2, an overview about Blockchain,
Model Based Testing (MBT) and Timed Automata is
presented. Section 3 is dedicated for reviewing sev-
eral Blockchain techniques to IoT and practically for
IoV. The design of the proposed solution is presented
in Section 4. In Section 5, we present several details
about the adopted testing framework. Section 6 is
dedicated for the testers placement optimization prob-
lem. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the main finding
and gives new directions for future research.
2.1 Blockchain
Blockchain has emerged through Bitcoin, introduced
in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin can be de-
fined as a decentralized global currency cryptosystem.
Blockchain employed in Bitcoin allows the use of se-
cure and decentralized digital money in a payment
system. This peer-to-peer network does not possess
a central authority, and as such is powered entirely by
the users. Its computing architecture is distributed and
all the transactions are publicly announced. Thus, the
users have a consensus about a single history of the
transactions, referred to as a ledger. The transactions
are separated into blocks; subsequently, each user re-
ceives a timestamp and then it will be published. It is
challenging to modify published blocks as the hash of
the previous blocks is inserted in the next successors
in each block of the chain.
2.2 Model-Based Testing
Model-Based Testing (MBT) (Krichen, 2018;
Krichen, 2010; Krichen, 2007; Krichen and Tripakis,
2006) is a methodology where the system of interest
is described by a mathematical model which encodes
the behavior of the considered system. This method-
ology consists in using this mathematical model to
compute abstract test scenarios. These sequences
of model are then transformed into concrete test
sequences which are executed on the considered
“System Under Test” (SUT). The verdict of this test-
ing activity is provided by comparing the observed
outputs from the system with the outputs generated
by the model.
2.3 Timed Automata
“Timed Automata” (TA) (Bertrand et al., 2015;
Bertrand et al., 2011) are an expressive and simple
tool for describing the behavior of computer systems
which combine continuous and discrete mechanisms.
TA may be represented as finite graphs enriched with
a finite set of clocks defined as real entities whose
value progresses continuously over time.
(X. Huang and Liu, 2018) developed an ecosystem
model on the basis of Blockchain electric vehicle and
charging pile management. This model employs El-
liptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for the computation
of hash functions of charging piles of electric vehi-
cles. Furthermore, (J. Kang and Hossain, 2017) de-
veloped PETCON, a P2P electricity-trading system,
for illustrating localized and comprehensive opera-
tions of P2P electricity trading. The PETCON system
employs a consortium Blockchain method to analyze,
verify, and share transaction records publicly, while it
is not necessary to have a reliable authority.
Besides, CreditCoin, a privacy-preserving
scheme, was created by (L. Li and Zhang, 2018)
in order to ensure that adequate announcements
are forwarded without revealing users’ identities.
This scheme employs the Blockchain for sending
anonymous announcements through an aggregation
protocol between vehicles. Moreover, (Z. Yang and
Leung, 2017) proposed a Blockchain-based reputa-
tion system to assess data credibility in the IoV. (Y.
Yuan and FY. Wang., 2016) developed a Blockchain
solution aimed at solving security problems and
performance limitations in Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS). (Leiding and Hogrefe., 2016) merged
the Blockchain technology with vehicular ad-hoc
network VANET.
(A. Lei and Sun, 2017) introduced dynamic key
management using Blockchain for establishing com-
munication systems to be used in vehicles that do
not need the administration from the central man-
ager. By relying on a decentralized Blockchain
structure, it eliminates any other authorities. (A.
Dorri, M. Steger, S. S. Kanhere, and R. Jurdak,
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The application layer
The network layer
The perception layer
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed Internet of Things solution.
2017) created a Blockchain technology mechanism
that does not reveal any private data of vehicle users.
(Sean Rowan and Goldrick, 2017) employed the vis-
ible light and acoustic side channels and applied the
Blockchain technology for securing intelligent vehi-
cle communication. (Madhusudan Singh, 2017) de-
veloped a framework for a secure trust-based environ-
ment with peer-to-peer communication between in-
telligent vehicles without disturbing/interfering other
intelligent vehicles through the Blockchain mecha-
nism for the intelligent vehicle communication envi-
ronment. However, the use of this framework is lim-
ited only to smart cars.
The adopted architecture is composed of three layers.
Figure 1 depicts the architecture of the proposed so-
4.1 The Perception Layer
In order to test possible scenarios involving various
components, an Android application has been devel-
oped in the Internet of Vehicle system (AV) and for
infrastructure (AP). On the first hand, AV is an An-
droid application consisting of two sub-systems. The
first subsystem is the Vehicle Data Collection System
(VDCS) which collects data about the trip and the car.
The second one is the Driver Drowsiness Detection
system that collects data about the driver’s behavior
to identify if he or she is drowsy or not. More in-
formation about this system can be found in (Jabbar
et al., 2018a; Jabbar et al., 2018b; Jabbar et al., 2019;
Jabbar et al., 2020).
Mainly, the Android application has four pages as
shown in Figure 2: The first page serves for logging
in by using a username and password. Following the
authentication, the user can start a new trip, or ac-
cess the information about the last five trips on the
second page. If the user chooses a new trip, the ap-
plication will start recording and displaying all infor-
mation as described in the previous section. Then, it
will send the collected data via the web service to the
cloud server. In the fourth page, the front camera will
capture and display the driver’s face.
4.2 The Network Layer
The network layer establishes the connection between
the servers and transmits, and processes the sensor
data. The application can use either Wi-Fi or mobile
internet (3G/3G+/4G) to send the data to the server.
This collection process uses the hybrid system to
gather and save data locally before transmitting it to
the server. This technique has been proven to be
highly effective for data collection when the internet
connection is poor or unstable.
4.3 The Application Layer
Regarding the application layer, it contains two prin-
cipal compounds: Central cloud server and the com-
munication system using a Blockchain Network.
First, the central cloud server delivers application-
specific services to the end-user. It sends the collected
data to the web services for processing and analy-
A Formal Model-Based Testing Framework for Validating an IoT Solution for Blockchain-based Vehicles Communication
Figure 2: Screenshot of the four main pages of the Android application for Vehicles (AV).
Figure 3: Test generation principle.
sis before showing them to the end-user. Second,
the Blockchain network is responsible for managing
communication between cars and traffic and trans-
portation systems. Every time slot, the car sends the
collected data to the central server via a web service,
including the current location and the status of the
connection to one of the existing Blockchain servers.
5.1 Test Generation Principle
Our generation procedure is inspired by the work
of (Tretmans, 1999). A test case may be considered
as a tree. The nodes of the test tree may be seen as
collections of states S of the model of the SUT. The
adopted test generation procedure is in charge of ex-
tending the test tree by defining successors to an ev-
ery leaf node, as shown in Figure 3. For every non-
acceptable output a
the test tree moves to f ail and
for every acceptable output b
, the test tree moves to
a new node which corresponds to the set of states that
the system can reach after producing b
. The tester
may also decide to emit a valid input c from the cur-
rent node (dashed arrow).
5.2 Combining Functional and Load
At this level, our goal is to combine load and func-
tional aspects in our modelling since our system is
made of a number of interacting and concurrent com-
ponents. For this purpose, we adopt an extended vari-
ant of Timed Automata equipped with integer shared
As illustrated in Figure 4, the used integer vari-
able of the proposed timed automaton corresponds to
the number running instances of the considered sys-
tem. In this example, we demonstrate how the answer
time to generate an action b may vary according to the
number of running instances.
5.3 Testing Security Aspects using
Attack Trees
In the literature, Attack Trees” (Krichen and Al-
roobaea, 2019; Kordy et al., 2014) are used to assess
the security of critical systems. They allow to repre-
sent graphically the strategy of a given attacker. An
example of an AT is proposed in Figure 5 (Krichen
and Alroobaea, 2019). In this example, the consid-
ered attacker aims at cracking the password of some
protected files.
In general, the root of an attack tree corresponds
to the global goal of the attacker and the leaves of
the tree correspond to basic attack steps the attacker
needs to combine in order to achieve its global goal.
Internal nodes correspond to intermediary sub-goals.
The attack tree has two types of gates namely AND-
Gates and OR-Gates. On the first hand, an AND-gate
means that in order to fulfill the goal a parent-node
all sub-goals of children-nodes of the considered node
have to be achieved. On the other hand, an OR-Gate
means that the goal of a parent-node can be achieved
by fulfilling the sub-goal of only one of its children-
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 4: An example showing how the response time of the
system under test varies regarding the current load level.
After defining the attack tree modelling the behav-
ior of the attacker, the second step consists in trans-
forming the obtained tree into a network of Timed
Automata which will serve as an input for our test
generation procedure. The proposed transformation
is inspired by the transformation proposed in (Kumar
et al., 2015).
This problem is inspired by fog computing ap-
proaches (Taneja and Davy, 2017; Gu et al., 2017)
and by some of our previous contributions (Ma
et al., 2018; Lahami et al., 2016; Lahami et al.,
2012b). It consists in allocating the set of testers on
the different computational nodes of the SUT in an
optimal manner under several types of constraints as
mentioned below.
6.1 Different Types of Constraints
Node Constraints. For example in (Arkian et al.,
2017), both CPU and storage were taken into account.
In (Gu et al., 2017), the authors considered CPU,
RAM and storage constraints.
Network Constraints. In (Mahmud et al., 2018)
only latency constraint was taken into account. In ad-
dition in (Gupta et al., 2017; Ottenw
alder et al., 2013),
both bandwidth and latency were considered by the
Energy Constraints. For instance in (Barcelo et al.,
2016), the fog nodes were characterised with their
energy capacities. Moreover, The writers of (Souza
et al., 2016) defined the notion of “energy cells” to
estimate the energy needed by the fog nodes.
6.2 Objective Functions
Energy. Energy optimization was taken into ac-
count from distinct levels. For example, the authors
of (Barcelo et al., 2016) considered a linear objec-
tive measure of the energy consumption likewise in
(Huang et al., 2014), the adopted goal consisted in di-
minishing the communication energy cost.
Execution Time and Network Delay. For exam-
ple this objective function was adopted by the authors
of (Skarlat et al., 2016). In addition in (Xia et al.,
2018), the response time was optimised in order to
augment the requests number to be served before a
chosen deadline.
Migrations. In (Ottenw
alder et al., 2013), the mi-
grations number was optimised by reducing the net-
work use without impacting its latency. Likewise in
(Yang et al., 2016), the migrations number was opti-
mised along with latency and resource consumption.
6.3 Algorithms
Search-based Algorithms. In (Gupta et al., 2017)
an algorithm was proposed to find a placement sce-
nario for internet of things applications. In addition
in (Guerrero et al., 2019), a distributed search method
was proposed for similar goals.
Dynamic Programming. In (Souza et al., 2016) the
placement problem was modelled as a multidimen-
sional knapsack problem (MKP). Likewise in (Rah-
bari and Nickray, 2017), the placement problem was
modelled as a knapsack instance.
Mathematical Programming. This technique (Gu
et al., 2017) is always adopted for solving optimiza-
tion problems by investigating the space of the con-
sidered objective functions.
Game Theory. In (Zhang et al., 2017), the place-
ment problem was encoded as a pair of games. The
first one was introduced to calculate the cardinality of
the set of necessary execution blocks and the second
one was proposed to set prices in order to maximise
the corresponding financial profits.
A Formal Model-Based Testing Framework for Validating an IoT Solution for Blockchain-based Vehicles Communication
Figure 5: Example of an AT.
This study proposed an innovative Decentralized IoT
solution for Vehicle communication (DISV) estab-
lished with three primary layers based on Blockchain.
Moreover, the article proposed an MBT approach in
order to validate the proposed solution. The proposed
testing approach is mainly based on the use of Attack
Trees and Timed Automata in order to check func-
tional, load and security aspects. An optimization
phase for testers placement inspired by fog comput-
ing was also proposed.
Finally, DISV is an essential component of the
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that
can potentially improve the transportation safety and
mobility. In the future, we aim to establish a net-
work for vehicles based on Blockchain to enable users
to pay for tolls, parking spaces, and electrical charg-
ing by machine-to-machine transactions. Regarding
test cases execution, standard-based platforms may be
adopted like Testing and Test Control Notation ver-
sion 3 (TTCN3) (Lahami et al., 2012a; Lahami et al.,
2016). Moreover, it is necessary to use convenient
test isolation techniques for avoiding interference be-
tween system functionalities and test scenarios as pro-
posed and explained in (Lahami and Krichen, 2013).
This publication was made possible by QUCP-
CENG-2019-1 grant from the Qatar University. The
statements made herein are solely the responsibility
of the authors.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering