In Figure 5, the ROC curve of our results is shown,
and the AUC is measured. And in Table 1, the F-
measure, accuracy, and AUC are compared with other
proposed methods.
Figure 5: ROC curve for our results.
Table 1: Performance comparison with other proposed
methods on the DRIVE dataset.
methods accuracy AUC F_measure
Active Contour
Model (Zhao,
0.9540 0.8620 0.7820
DRIU (Maninis,
0.9552 0.9793 0.8220
Three-stage FCN
(Yan, 2018)
0.9538 0.9750
Modified U-net
(Zhang, 2018)
0.9504 0.9799
Our method 0.954 0.979 0.818
The results of Figure 4, 5 and Table 1 show that
the proposed method is powerful in segmentation task
and it could be useful for diagnosing eye diseases. The
accuracy of this network is acceptable, due to the
result of feature extraction by several convolve
operation in Inception-like layers.
The applications of artificial intelligence methods and
machine learning techniques are growing drastically
in many fields like medical subjects. One major
intelligent tool for medical image processing is deep
learning neural networks. In this paper a
convolutional neural network is proposed which is
able to process retina images fast and detects vessels
apart from retina background. It can help the
physicians to find and detect some retina diseases like
glaucoma or even detect some other diseases like
diabetes. The proposed CNN consists of three major
parts including convolutional layers, concatenate
layers and transpose convolutional layers. The
features are extracted by several convolve operation
in Inception-like layers. In proposed CNN accuracy is
about 0.954, AUC is 0.979and F-measure value is
The authors would thank Mr. Hooman Misaghi for
his helps and supports.
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