fine tuning and more sophisticated models could lead
to improved results. However, we prove that using a
LSTM network to predict trading behavioral features
makes sense as it improves prediction performances.
Detector performances are not really outstanding for
the moment but many prospects have already been
raised in the team to improve detecting performances.
First, as emphasized in the last part of the paper,
the definition of behavioral features is key. Focus-
ing on transactional data, as we already said, cho-
sen features must involve more aspects of transac-
tions structure. Furthermore, contextual data could be
enhanced with more market data, information about
traders’ communications or data linked to economic
news announcements.
Then, setting up the first prospect above will mul-
tiply the number of series both for the input and
output vectors. For this reason, a more sophisti-
cated prediction model would probably be used such
as DeepAR (Salinas et al., 2017) or attention-based
LSTM network (Qin et al., 2017).
Finally, an optimization of the parameters of the
detector would be necessary before any production
phase of the methodology. For that, either experts are
ready to invest time to help us analyze the detected
transactions for different parameters of the detector in
an iterative process or we design a generator of abnor-
mal transactions that have to be identified in order to
perform calibration. This parametrization could im-
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DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications