Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review
Oleksandra Klymenko, Daniel Braun
and Florian Matthes
Technical University of Munich, Department of Informatics, Munich, Germany
Text Summarization, Natural Language Generation, Summary Evaluation.
Despite the progress that has been achieved in over 50 years of research, automatic text summarization systems
are still far from perfect, posing many challenges to the researchers in the field. This paper provides an
overview of the most prominent algorithms for automatic text summarization that were proposed in the last
years, as well as describes automatic and manual evaluation methods that are currently widely adopted.
For more than 5000 years, written language hase been
the most important medium to document and pass
on knowledge. Even more so in our ages of digi-
tization. Due to the decreasing costs of producing,
storing and reproducing digital texts, the amount of
texts available, e.g. online, is growing rapidly every
day. Summarizing these texts becomes necessary in
order to help users handle this information overload
and better perceive information. Text summarization
can be divided into two types: manual summariza-
tion and automatic summarization. Manual summa-
rization is the process which includes the creation of
summaries manually by human experts. This is an
extremely time-consuming, difficult, expensive, and
stressful job for humans to perform. Therefore, it
became necessary to automate this task, in order to
make it faster, cheaper, and easily repeatable. Auto-
matic text summarization is the process of automati-
cally shortening the content of a textual information
source in a way that retains its most important infor-
mation. The goal of summarization systems is to pro-
duce a concise and coherent summary which would
allow people to understand the content of the input
without reading the entire text. A good summary must
be fluent and consistent, capture all the important top-
ics, but not contain repetitions of the same informa-
tion. Automatic text summarization can be practically
useful in many different domains. It can be used by
companies for generation of reports, by students and
scientists for finding most important ideas relevant to
their research, by doctors for summarizing patients’
medical information or by journalists for covering the
variety of resources, identifying main facts and differ-
ent viewpoints. For a long time, extractive techniques
(cf. Section 2) of text summarization have been the
primary focus of research in the field. However, in
the past years, there have been less major advances in
extractive text summarization. Most of the research
in this area proposes either an enhancement of one of
the available extractive approaches or an ensemble of
several previously known extractive methods. The al-
ternative approach of abstractive summarization (cf.
Section 3) has become much more attractive in recent
years, especially with the emergence of deep learning
technologies. There is a number of scientific works
(Nenkova et al., 2011; Lloret and Palomar, 2012; Sag-
gion and Poibeau, 2013) that provide an extensive
overview of different automatic summarization meth-
ods that were proposed ever since the publication of
the first paper on the topic by Luhn in 1958 (Luhn,
1958). In this article, we focus on the most promi-
nent algorithms that were proposed in the last several
years and are currently considered to be state-of-the-
art, as well as describe the techniques for summariza-
tion evaluation which are currently standardly used
for assessment of these algorithms.
Extractive summarization methods produce sum-
maries by concatenating several sentences (text units)
from the text being summarized exactly as they oc-
cur. The main task of such systems is to determine
which sentences are important and should, therefore,
be included in the summary. For many years, extrac-
Klymenko, O., Braun, D. and Matthes, F.
Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009723306480655
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 648-655
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tive methods have been the main focus of researchers
in the text summarization community. Many of the
recent approaches address extractive summarization
as a sequence labelling task, where each label indi-
cates whether a sentence should be included in the
summary or not. Cheng et al. (Cheng and La-
pata, 2016) presented a data-driven summarization
framework based on neural networks and continuous
sentence features. They develop data-driven single-
document summarization framework based on a hi-
erarchical document encoder and an attention-based
extractor. Such architecture enables development of
different classes of summarization models which can
extract sentences or words. The models can be trained
on large-scale datasets and learn informativeness fea-
tures based on continuous representations without any
access to linguistic annotation. The labels are as-
signed to each sentence in the document individually
based on their semantic correspondence with the gold
summary. The authors tested their approach on Dai-
lyMail and DUC 2002 datasets and demonstrated re-
sults that are comparable to the state of the art. Nal-
lapati et al. (Nallapati et al., 2017) present a Recur-
rent Neural Network (RNN) based sequence model
for extractive single-document summarization which
they call SummaRuNNer. The approach is based on
the idea of identifying a set of sentences which col-
lectively give the highest ROUGE (evaluation met-
ric discussed in Section 7) with respect to the gold
summary. The model allows visualization of its pre-
dictions broken up by abstract features such as in-
formation content, salience and novelty, thus being
very interpretable. Authors also present a novel train-
ing mechanism that allows the extractive model to
be trained end-to-end using abstractive summaries.
The approach was evaluated on three datasets: Daily
Mail, joint CNN/DailyMail, originally collected by
Hermann et al. (Hermann et al., 2015), and Out-of-
Domain DUC 2002 corpus. Results on DailyMail cor-
pus were compared to the ones of Cheng et al. (Cheng
and Lapata, 2016) using Rouge recall with summary
length restricted to 75 and 275 bytes. The extrac-
tively trained SummaRuNNer model showed signif-
icant improvement over the comparable model for
summary length of 75 bytes while performing com-
parably for summary length of 275 bytes. The ab-
stractively trained SummaRuNNer model performed
comparably for summary length of 75 bytes while
underperforming the comparable model for summary
length of 275 bytes. On the joint CNN/Daily Mail
corpus, SummaRuNNer significantly outperformed
the abstractive model of Nallapati et al. (Nallapati
et al., 2016), which was the only work at the time, that
reported performance on this dataset. On the Out-of-
Domain DUC 2002 corpus, SummaRuNNer was also
on par with (Cheng and Lapata, 2016), however, un-
derperformed graph-based TGRAPH (Parveen et al.,
2015) and URANK (Wan, 2010) algorithms that
were state-of-the-art on this corpus at the time. In
(Narayan et al., 2017) authors use an architecture sim-
ilar to those in previous approaches, however, for sen-
tence ranking, they introduce a global optimization
framework, which combines the maximum-likelihood
cross-entropy loss with rewards from policy gradient
reinforcement learning to directly optimize the final
evaluation metric, ROUGE. A sentence gets a high
rank for summary selection if it often occurs in high
scoring summaries. The model was applied to the
CNN/Daily Mail dataset and automatically evaluated
using ROUGE, outperforming both of the above ex-
tractive systems, which are considered to be state-
of-the-art, as well as the most prominent abstrac-
tive systems, discussed in the next section. Human
evaluations showed that summaries, produced using
this approach are also more informative and com-
plete. Yasunaga et al. (Yasunaga et al., 2017) propose
a graph-based neural multi-document summarization
(MDS) based on the application of Graph Convolu-
tional Networks (GCN) (Kipf and Welling, 2016) on
sentence relation graphs. GCN takes in sentence em-
beddings from Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) as
input node features and through multiple layer-wise
propagation generates high-level hidden features for
the sentences. Sentence salience is then estimated
through a regression on top and the important sen-
tences are extracted in a greedy manner while avoid-
ing redundancy. The model was evaluated on the
DUC 2004 multi-document summarization (MDS)
task, outperforming traditional graph-based extractive
summarizers and the vanilla GRU sequence model
with no graph, as well performing competitively to
other state-of-the-art MDS approaches. Otherwise,
in the past years, there has not been any substantial
advancements in extractive text summarization, most
publications only propose some improvements to the
already long-existing extractive methods. Some re-
searchers assume that extractive summarization meth-
ods may have achieved their peak and propose two
possible research advancement options: 1) making
ensembles of extractive methods and 2) focusing on
abstractive techniques. (Mehta, 2016)
Simply selecting a subset of sentences from the orig-
inal text, as done in extractive summarization, leads
to various drawbacks such as problems with cohesion
Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review
and coherence, caused by inability to combine impor-
tant information that is spread throughout the docu-
ment in a short way, loss of meaning due to the us-
age of out of context pronouns and many others. The
goal of automatic text summarization systems, how-
ever, is to produce summaries as good as the ones cre-
ated by humans. When people produce summaries,
in order to make them optimal in terms of content
and linguistic quality, they tend to edit the text rather
than just copy sentences from it as they are. This is
why, in order to emulate this process, generation of
abstractive summaries is necessary. Abstractive sum-
marization methods produce summaries by rewriting
the content in an input, as opposed to extractive meth-
ods that simply extract and concatenate important text
units from it. Therefore, abstractive summarization
requires a deeper semantic and discourse interpreta-
tion of the text, as well as a novel text generation pro-
cess. Carenini and Cheung (Carenini and Cheung,
2008) performed a user study comparing extractive
and abstractive summarizers called MEAD* and SEA
respectively. While the extractive summarizer sim-
ply copied the original sentences from user reviews
from the corpus, with the numbers within the sum-
mary being footnotes linking to the corresponding re-
view, the abstractive method produced a fluent, coher-
ent text, summarizing the overall feedback from the
users. Very recently, there have been several break-
throughs in abstractive text summarization using deep
learning. Most of the research relies on Sequence to
Sequence Model (Sutskever et al., 2014), which was
first introduced as Encoder-Decoder Model by Cho
et al. (Cho et al., 2014) and later extended by Bah-
danau et al. (Bahdanau et al., 2014) with so-called
”attention mechanism”. Encoder encodes source se-
quence into a context vector, while decoder decodes
context vector to produce a target sequence. Attention
mechanism is used to locate the focus region during
decoding. Sequence to Sequence (or seq2seq) model
manages text generation pretty well as it was orig-
inally developed for machine translation. A group
of researchers at Facebook (Rush et al., 2015a) pre-
sented a fully data-driven approach to abstractive sen-
tence summarization. Their method utilizes neural
attention-based model that generates each word of the
summary conditioned on the input sentence. They
combine this probabilistic model with a generation
algorithm which produces accurate abstractive sum-
maries. The attention-based model provides less lin-
guistic structure comparing to other abstractive sum-
marization approaches, but is easily scalable for train-
ing on large amounts of data. Furtermore, the lack of
vocabulary constraints in the system makes it possi-
ble to train the model on diverse input-output pairs.
In addition to the paper, the source code (Rush et al.,
2015b) was also provided to the public. In later
work (Chopra et al., 2016) researchers at Facebook
extended their model to a Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN) architecture. The model includes a more so-
phisticated encoder which explicitly encodes the po-
sition of the input words and uses convolutional net-
work to encode input words. With these modifica-
tions, the model showed to significantly outperform
the previously proposed system on the Gigaword cor-
pus and perform competitively on the DUC 2004 task.
Authors explain the distinctive improvement by the
difference between tokenization of DUC 2004 and
their training corpus, as well as by the fact that head-
lines in Gigaword are much shorter than in DUC
2004. Later that year, researchers at IBM (Nallap-
ati et al., 2016) also modeled abstractive text sum-
marization using attentional encoder-decoder recur-
rent neural networks. To address specific problems
in abstractive summarization that are not sufficiently
covered by the machine translation based model, they
proposed several novel models, yielding further im-
provement in performance. One of the most interest-
ing models is called ”Switching Generator/Pointer”.
In this model, the decoder is equipped with a ”switch”
that decides between generating a word based on the
context or using a word from the input. In addi-
tion, in their work authors proposed a dataset for
multi-sentence document summarization and estab-
lished benchmark numbers on it. The proposed sum-
marization approach showed to significantly outper-
form the ones of Rush et al. (Rush et al., 2015a) and
Chopra et al. (Chopra et al., 2016) and exhibit bet-
ter abstractive ability. Authors believe that their su-
perior performance in comparison to the above meth-
ods was reached by using bidirectional RNN instead
of the bag-of-embeddings representation to model the
source, as this approach captures richer contextual
information of every word. Google has also pro-
posed a sequence-to-sequence with attention model
for text summarization, which they called ”textsum”.
The researchers did not provide a paper in support
of their work, but openly published the source code
(Liu, 2016) at a hosting service. Although these ap-
proaches are considered to be the state-of-the-art, they
are far from perfect in that they sometimes inaccu-
rately reproduce factual details, are unable to deal
with out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words and can only
deal with very short documents. Researchers at Face-
book use only the first sentence of the source docu-
ment to train the model, while researchers at Google
and IBM use two sentences from the source with a
limit of 120 words. However, summarization systems
need to be able to deal with much longer documents.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In the works described next, authors tried to address
these issues by proposing various modifications to
the standard sequence-to-sequence model. In their
work, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2016) explore neu-
ral summarization technologies for s articles which
contain thousands of words. Researchers also base
their model on the encoder-decoder framework, how-
ever, instead of focusing on attention to get the local
context like most of the recent work does, they incor-
porate coverage mechanism, ”distracting” the mod-
els to different parts of a document to avoid focusing
on only one thing and get the full picture. The au-
thors do not restrict the encoders’ architectures to the
standard RNN, but use bi-directional gated recurrent
units (bi-GRUs) architecture for encoding and decod-
ing. Without engineering any features, they train the
models on two large datasets and test them on LCSTS
corpus. The proposed approach achieved better per-
formance than the best result reported in (Hu et al.,
2015), which the authors used for comparison. See
et al. (See et al., 2017) propose a novel architecture
that enhances the standard sequence-to-sequence at-
tentional model by using a hybrid pointer-to-pointer
generator network and the coverage mechanism. The
proposed hybrid network is similar to the ones pro-
posed for short-text summarization by Gu et al. (Gu
et al., 2016) and Miao and Blunsom (Miao and Blun-
som, 2016). It uses pointing (Vinyals et al., 2015) to
copy words from the input text, which provides bet-
ter accuracy and is better in dealing with OOV words,
while retaining the ability to generate words. To en-
sure coverage of the input document and thus reduce
repetitions in the summary, authors propose a version
of the coverage vector by adapting the model of Tu et
al. (Tu et al., 2016). The model was applied to the
CNN/Daily Mail dataset, outperforming the results of
(Nallapati et al., 2016) by several ROUGE points.
Query-focused summarization became a task in DUC
in 2004 in response to researchers’ claims that generic
summarization is too unconstrained and does not con-
sider special user needs. The aim of such summariza-
tion is to generate a summary of a document or mul-
tiple documents in the context of a query. Such sum-
marization allows to use more sophisticated, targeted
approaches that integrate methods that seek specific
types of information with data-driven, generic meth-
ods (Nenkova et al., 2011). Below we describe some
of the most recent solutions to the problem of query-
focused summarization. Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
2016) investigate the role of sentence compression
techniques for query-focused multi-document sum-
marization (MDS) and present a respective frame-
work consisting of three steps: Sentence Ranking,
Sentence Compression and Post-processing. For sen-
tence ranking, authors experiment with two rank-
ing algorithms - Support Vector Regression (SVR)
(Mozer et al., 1997) and LambdaMART (Burges
et al., 2007). For sentence compression, which is the
main focus of their work, they examine three different
approaches to sentence-compression of their own de-
sign: rule-based, sequence-based and tree-based. Fi-
nally, in the post-processing step, coreference reso-
lution and sentence ordering are performed. All of
the proposed models show substantial improvement
over pure extraction-based approaches for query-
based MDS, with the best-performing system yielding
an 11.02 ROUGE-2 score on the DUC 2006 dataset.
In (Yousefi-Azar and Hamey, 2017) researchers pre-
sented methods for extractive query-oriented single-
document summarization using a deep auto-encoder
(AE) to compute a feature space from the term-
frequency (tf) input. The presented approach is com-
pletely unsupervised and does not require queries
for any stage of training. Smaller local vocabular-
ies, comparing to other methods, allow to reduce the
training and deployment computational costs and thus
make the approach more suitable for implementation
on mobile devices. The authors perform experiments
on two email corpora designed for text summarization
and observe results that are much better than those
of other unsupervised extractive email summarization
techniques and are comparable to the best supervised
approaches. In (Litvak and Vanetik, 2017) authors
continued their earlier work (Litvak et al., 2015) of
applying the Minimum Description Length (MDL)
principle for generic summarization by constructing a
model where frequent word sets depend on the query.
The idea behind the MDL principle is that regulari-
ties in data can be used for its compression and the
best hypothesis to describe these regularities is the
one that can compress the data the most. In the pro-
posed approach, authors select frequent word sets that
lead to the best compression of the data and therefore
describe the document the best. The extracted sum-
mary consists of sentences that provide the best cov-
erage of query-related frequent word sets. The sum-
marization approach was evaluated using ROUGE-
1 based on the DUC 2005 and DUC 2006 corpora
that were specifically designed for query-based sum-
marization and has shown to perform competitively
with the best results. The highly successful Encoder-
Decoder Model that was discussed in Section 3 was
recently adapted to the query-based summarization
by Nema et al. (Nema et al., 2017). The authors
Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review
present a model for abstractive query-based summa-
rization based on the encode-attend-decode paradigm
with two additions: (1) a query attention model which
learns to concentrate on different parts of the query at
different points in time, and (2) a diversity based at-
tention model which aims to mitigate the drawback of
generating repeated phrases in the summary. The au-
thors also introduced a dataset based on debatepedia
and empirically proved that their approach performs
significantly better than the plain (vanilla) encode-
attend-decode mechanism, gaining 28% in ROUGE-
L score, and thus outperforming the previously pro-
posed models.
Update summarization is a MDS task of creating a
summary under the assumption that the reader is al-
ready familiar with the content of older relevant doc-
uments. The purpose of an update summary is thus
to inform the user about the relevant information on
a particular topic. Back in 2003, this task was ap-
proached by Allan et al. (Allan et al., 2003) who con-
cluded it to be a hardly feasible challenge. From 2007
to 2011, while update summarization task was part of
the DUC challenge, some advances were made in the
field, however in the past few years a very limited re-
search has been conducted on the topic. Therefore, in
this section we cover some of the related work that has
been done in the last 10 years. Gillick et al. (Gillick
et al., 2009) improved on their earlier system (Gillick
et al., 2008), achieving top performance in 2009 TAC
summarization task. Authors adapted their standard
system to the update task by taking into account sen-
tence position, more precisely, by assuming that arti-
cles on recurrent topics tend to state information at the
beginning, before recapping past details. This update
showed to significantly improve ROUGE-2 scores.
Three years later, Delort and Alfonseca (Delort and
Alfonseca, 2012) proposed a unsupervised nonpara-
metric Bayesian approach to model novelty in a doc-
ument. The model, which is a modification of Top-
icSum and is called DualSum, is a variant of Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and learns to distinguish
between common information and novel information.
The approach was tested on the TAC 2011 dataset and
obtained second and third top positions according to
different ROUGE scores. Li et al. (Li et al., 2015)
adopted the supervised Integer Linear Programming
(ILP) framework which has been widely used for
generic summarization task in earlier years (Martins
and Smith, 2009; Woodsend and Lapata, 2012) for
the update summarization task. Authors make two
major improvements: 1) use a set of rich features
to measure the importance and novelty of the bigram
concepts used in the ILP model and 2) design a sen-
tence reranking component which allows to explic-
itly model a sentence’s importance and novelty. Au-
thors evaluate their methods using several recent TAC
datasets, from 2008 to 2011 using ROUGE, showing
that both of their additions help to improve the up-
date summarization performance. In one of the most
recent works on update summarization, de Chalendar
et al. (de Chalendar et al., 2017) extend the frame-
work defined by Gillick and Favre (Gillick and Favre,
2009) by integrating semantic sentence similarity for
discarding redundancy in a maximal bigram cover-
age problem. For evaluation of the idea, authors used
DUC 2007, TAC 2008 and TAC 2009 update corpora
using different ROUGE metrics and showed that their
approach noticeably improves the update summariza-
tion performance. In TAC 2011 task, update sum-
marization became a part of the guided summariza-
tion task, which was supposed to motivate researchers
to work more on abstractive approaches. One of the
most prominent works on this task was done by Gen-
est and Lapalme (Genest and Lapalme, 2012), who
proposed a fully abstractive approach based on in-
formation extraction and natural language generation.
For generation of summaries, authors used a rule-
based, custom-designed IE module, integrated with
Content Selection and Generation.
When summarizing documents, it is important to keep
in mind the target audience. For example, when
summarizing a scientific article, it makes a differ-
ence whether you do it for scientists, practitioners or
maybe students who are only in the process of getting
acquainted with the topic. Another important point
to regard is that it is subjective what information can
be considered relevant, since potential readers of pro-
duced summaries may differ in their needs, interests
and goals. Generic text summarization approaches do
not take these important issues into account. Person-
alization helps to adapt summaries in a way that cor-
responds to a user’s personal preferences and char-
acteristics by gathering additional information about
the user. This information can be obtained either by
explicit methods, when users enter information them-
selves, implicit methods, i.e. observing and analyz-
ing user behaviour, or through a combination of both.
Some of the existing approaches that were integrated
in automatic summarization systems include using in-
teractive user clicks/examinations (Yan et al., 2011)
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and annotations (highlights) (M
oro et al., 2012) as in-
dicators of user interests. The book of Paris (Paris,
2015) can be referred to for more information on user
modelling in text generation.
With more and more different approaches to auto-
matic summarization emerging, methods to compare
and evaluate their performance are necessary. The
evaluation process can be either intrinsic or extrin-
sic. Intrinsic evaluation tests the quality of summa-
rization itself, e.g. its informativeness and coherence,
while extrinsic evaluation checks the effectiveness of
a summary for another task, for example, answering a
query. In this section, we provide an overview of the
main evaluation methods that are currently used to as-
sess and report results on automatic summarization.
There are two manual methods used at TAC (Text
Analysis Conference): Pyramid and Responsiveness.
Both these methods are focused on evaluating the in-
formativeness and relevance of the summary content
and do not assess its linguistic quality. The Pyra-
mid method (Nenkova et al., 2007) is based on the
semantic analysis of multiple human models, which,
taken together, according to the authors’ assumption,
yield a gold-standard for system output. The method
weights each Summary Content Unit (SCU) based
on the number of human summaries in which it oc-
curred. The Pyramid score, which ranges from 0 to
1 and represents the informativeness of the summary,
is equal to the ratio between the total SCUs weights
in the created summary and the weight of an opti-
mal summary with the same number of SCUs. The
Responsiveness metric is defined for query-focused
summarization. For this evaluation, human review-
ers are given a query and a summary and are asked to
rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how good the summary
is in terms of providing the requested information.
Manual evaluations require a lot of time and effort
and are very expensive and difficult to conduct on a
regular basis. Moreover, human summaries are very
variable, i.e. different people choose different sen-
tences for extractive summaries and all the more com-
pose different abstractive summaries. This has been
proven by several early studies such as (Rath et al.,
1961) which have shown not only the low agreement
rate between different judges but also that even the
same judge may produce a significantly different ex-
tract when asked to summarize the same document
eight weeks later. Therefore, the results obtained us-
ing manual evaluation can be subjective and difficult
to reproduce. To address these problems, automatic
methods for evaluation of summaries have been pro-
posed. The most widely used automatic summariza-
tion evaluation measure for text summarization which
is now standardly used to report results in research pa-
pers is called ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy
for Gisting Evaluation) (Lin, 2004). ROUGE was in-
spired by BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), evaluation
measure that was developed for machine translation
evaluation. The measure is based on the overlap of
units such as n-gram, word sequences, and word pairs
in the automatic summary and the optimal manual
summaries created by annotators. ROUGE is cheap
and fast, and, unlike BLEU, that is oriented at preci-
sion, which is overly strict, ROUGE is recall-based,
which makes it more preferable for summarization
evaluation. One of the main problems of ROUGE is
that it relies purely on lexical overlaps, which can sig-
nificantly underrate summarization score, especially
in documents that have a lot of synonyms, terminol-
ogy variations and paraphrasing. Motivated by this
observation, Cohan and Goharian (Cohan and Gohar-
ian, 2016) conducted a detailed analysis of ROUGE’s
effectiveness for evaluation of scientific summaries.
In their results, ROUGE showed to be unreliable for
evaluation of these types of summaries, with differ-
ent ROUGE variations producing different correla-
tions with the pyramid scores. The authors propose
a metric for summarization evaluation called SERA
(Summarization Evaluation by Relevance Analysis),
which is based on the content relevance between auto-
matically generated summary and the corresponding
manual summaries, written by human annotators. The
ly proposed metric proved to be effective in evaluating
summaries of scientific articles, consistently achiev-
ing high correlations with manual scores. However,
until this day ROUGE is still standardly used evalua-
tion measure for assessment of automatic summariza-
tion systems.
With the development of natural language processing
and data collection and analysis opportunities, a sig-
nificant progress was made in the field of automatic
text summarization in the last years. While many re-
searchers still center their work around improving ex-
tractive summarization, many shift their focus to ab-
stractive techniques, very recently having several ma-
jor breakthroughs in the area. However, despite all the
research in the field of automatic summarization, cur-
rent summarizers are still far from perfect and many
challenges still remain unsolved. For example, RNN
encoder-decoder structures, which are currently con-
Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review
sidered to be state-of-the-art, still fail to encode long
documents. Many of the current summarizers are still
based on identifying frequent word sequences with
no semantic processing, which is an especially no-
ticeable problem when it comes to query-focused or
guided summarization, which requires ”understand-
ing” of the documents. Advancements in this direc-
tion could help to eventually produce highly person-
alized, interactive summaries, tailored to the specific
user needs. Furthermore, the field is strongly lack-
ing quality summarization datasets, especially in do-
mains other than science and languages other than En-
glish, which slows down and complicates further ad-
vancements. Finally, there is also a need in improving
methods for evaluation of automatic summarization
systems because, as discussed in Section 7, standardly
used metric ROUGE is far from perfect in many as-
pects and with the development of more advanced, fo-
cused summaries, the need for more consistent evalu-
ation methods will become essential.
This work has been sponsored by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant
A-SUM 01IS17049.
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Automatic Text Summarization: A State-of-the-Art Review