sist in query cataloguing and reuse.
As future work, we are aware of the limitations
of the defined convention in its current state, so that
our first intention is to extend the DSL definition to
generalise it within the domain of mobility, and to be
applied in more use cases. Finally, the last next step
is the functionality to automatically generate SQL
queries from the MobilityFNC format.
Research funded by the Spanish Ministerio de
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82156-R], the AEI/FEDER,UE, the Departament
o, Universitats i Empresa, Generalitat de
Catalunya [grant number 2017SGR22] and the Es-
cola d’Administraci
o Publica de Catalunya, Gen-
eralitat de Catalunya [grant number 2018 EAPC
00002]. Sergio Trilles has been funded by the post-
doctoral programme PINV2018-Universitat Jaume I
(POSDOC-B/2018/12) and research stays programme
PINV2019-Universitat Jaume I (E-2019-31).
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Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for Avoiding
Duplication of Efforts