Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility
Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for
Avoiding Duplication of Efforts
Benito Zaragoz
1 a
, Aaron Guti
1 b
and Sergio Trilles
2 c
Departament de Geografia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, C/Joanot Martorell, Vilaseca, Spain
Institute of New Imaging Technologies, Universitat Jaume I, Av. Vicente Sos Baynat s/n, Castell
on de la Plana, Spain
Smart Card Data, Public Transportation, Domain-specific Language, File Naming Convention, Medium-sized
Automated fare collection systems for public transport generate a large volume of information on the mobil-
ity of people in urban environments. New technologies associated with Big Data can facilitate the analysis
of these data. However, the application of these technologies can be expensive and resource-demanding, es-
pecially in medium and small cities. This paper presents the case of the metropolitan transport authority of
Tarragona, for which an affordable and extensible analysis system has been developed, based on relational
databases and custom scripts. Among the technical problems that have had to be overcome, one of the first has
been the unambiguous definition of the numerous queries required by mobility experts. For different reasons,
mobility researchers request aggregate data queries from smart transport cards logs (e.g. providing a descrip-
tive statement) and expect manageable tables to be analysed in a spreadsheet. To standardise the definition
of queries, a domain-specific language as a file naming convention has been proposed with which database
managers and mobility experts can communicate efficiently, avoiding confusion, duplication of efforts and
other problems detected. The file naming convention has been applied as an early version within the defined
use case to verify the viability of this idea.
Data generated from Automated Fare Collection Sys-
tems (AFCS) using smart transport cards is charac-
terised by its dynamism, as each time a user gets on
a public transport vehicle, the system collects many
data from its validation. As a result, millions of ob-
servations have been collected that provide valuable
information for understanding passenger behaviours
and can also help improve service quality (Kurauchi
and Schm
ocker, 2017). Since all transactions are
gathered, there is great flexibility for studying any
temporal and geographical extent (Morency et al.,
2007). The analysis of such data is very common in
the scientific literature (Pelletier et al., 2011; Bagchi
and White, 2005). For example, smart travel card data
has been used to identify different profiles of pub-
lic transport users (Ma et al., 2013), to reconstruct
source-destination matrices (Alsger et al., 2015) or to
analyse tourist mobility patterns (Lu et al., 2019).
Smart cards can gather all transactions, so the size
of data might become so large that after a short pe-
riod of time, it is difficult to handle. From this point
of view, smart card data can be seen as one sort of Big
Data, and it is considered that, only by using specific
technology, we can consider nearly the whole popu-
lation data for analysing passengers behaviour. While
in traditional data analysis, data sampling is required
to select a small portion of data, data mining meth-
ods such as clustering analysis are often adopted
to understand the global dataset characteristics. How-
ever, these procedures are far more complicated when
data size increases. Generally, to apply big data anal-
ysis, some key points need to be considered, but the
most crucial one is to decide how to store that data.
Various types of databases could be employed to save
that kind of data, including Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS), Hbase, Apache Cassandra and Re-
dis, just to name a few.
During the last years, many research works have
Zaragozí, B., Gutiérrez, A. and Trilles, S.
Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminar y File Naming Convention for Avoiding Duplication of Efforts.
DOI: 10.5220/0009766303020309
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2020), pages 302-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-425-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
applied the above mentioned technologies to analyse
different amounts of data generated by smart cards
systems. As an example, Apache Spark and HDFS
were used to analyse 160 million of records from
20 months of transactions, between June 2014 and
January 2016, generated by the Jakarta’s Bus Rapid
Transit in Indonesia (Prakasa et al., 2017). The
same big data technologies were used in combina-
tion with Apache Kafka to support real-time analy-
sis (Barth and Galante, 2016), building a so called
Data Mining Framework for Bus Service Manage-
ment (DMBSM). This system was tested using a re-
duced dataset of 3,186 records of smart cards in Shen-
zhen city (China), between October 22 and October
23, 2013. Another approach used SQL to extract pas-
senger origin information and SPSS and Microsoft
Excel to highlight connections among different trans-
portation data sets, including the data generated by
the smart cards (Istanbulkart) of the Bus Rapid Tran-
sit system (BRT) in Istanbul (Turkey) (Gokasar and
Simsek, 2014). The same authors utilised a MySQL
open-source database, MS Excel CSV file format and
Rstudio software to study passenger origin informa-
tion from the Istanbulkart data (Gokasar et al., 2015).
This time the authors used a one-day dataset with
800,000 journey records. Another study analysed six
months of smart card data from Brisbane — the third
largest Australian city (Tao et al., 2014). The authors
did not indicate the use of any specific technology to
perform the analysis. In 2015, another study of the
city of Montevideo (Uruguay) analysed smart card
data logs comprising nearly 200 GB of data (Fabbiani
et al., 2016). In this case, the authors used the dispy
framework for creating and distributing parallel tasks
among several computer nodes and QGIS software to
manage geographic information and perform spatial
As can be seen, there are experiences in applying
different robust systems in large and medium-sized
cities, but there are also experiences in small cities
or metropolitan areas. Obviously, larger cities have
more resources to manage and analyse this data, so it
is more viable to take advantage of the logging sys-
tem to its full potential. However, in smaller cities,
there are problems in adopting these new technolo-
gies. For these cases, collaborations between public
transport authorities and research institutions have be-
come a common strategy for analysing this specific
type of data (Wu et al., 2015). This research work
is an example of such type of collaboration, as it is
the result of a research project carried out jointly by a
research group of the Rovira i Virgili University, the
Territorial Mobility Authority of Camp de Tarragona
(ATMCdT), and the ATM in the Lleida area. In this
research project, experts from different areas collabo-
rate, including experts in mobility and transport stud-
ies, database managers, GIS analysts and technicians
from the ATMCdT. As we explain later, good com-
munication is essential in such a multidisciplinary re-
search environment. In this context, the key objec-
tives of this research are summarised are:
1. To study the main characteristics and the potential
of the log data gathered by the ATMCdT.
2. To analyse the requirements for managing these
data and the workflows between the different ac-
tors that need to cooperate to exploit these data.
3. To propose a Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
for communicating ATMCdT technicians,
database managers and mobility researchers that
enhances code re-utilisation, saving time and
effort for understanding the data. This DSL will
be used as a file naming convention and can
describe database queries in the context of public
transport mobility.
4. To test and evaluate the proposed DSL in the con-
text of a research project.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows.
The next section (Section 2 describes our case study,
the main characteristics of the ATMCdT log data and
the issues affecting its analysis. Section 3 proposes
a definition of a DSL. This approach enables better
communication between different actors, minimising
the need for investing in new tools and avoiding the
duplication of efforts. Section 4 draws conclusions
and outlines further research directions for this afford-
able system.
The smart card data collected by the ATMCdT is of
great value, as previously demonstrated in studies that
analyzed the effectiveness and spatial coverage of the
public transport system (Dom
enech and Guti
2017) or other studies that focused on the use of
public transport by tourists (Guti
errez and Miravet,
2016a; Guti
errez and Miravet, 2016b; Dom
et al., 2020). However, although these previous stud-
ies faced data management problems similar to those
we will explain in this section, these issues tend to go
unnoticed despite slowing down or making data anal-
ysis difficult.
2.1 Data Preprocessing
In this work, the Territorial Mobility Authority of
Camp de Tarragona (ATMCdT), which is shown in
Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for Avoiding
Duplication of Efforts
Figure 1, and ATM Lleida facilitate the log databases
generated by their fare collection systems. This joint
system is known as Fare Integration Management
System (SGIT, according to its acronym in Catalan).
This information system collects data for accounting
purposes, so it should be understood that mobility
studies were not contemplated in its initial design.
The data collected includes –but it is not limited to–
the exact day and time of travel, the stop where the
passenger boarded, the company and the carrier that
operates the transport, the municipality and the type
of fare used in each transaction. Sometimes the des-
tination stop can also be registered. The main advan-
tage of the resulting databases is that the information
is dynamic when it acquires a temporal dimension,
and it allows to consult any registered time period.
By contrast, these databases do not store data on the
socio-economic profile of travellers, or these data can
not be accessed due to legal restrictions.
Figure 1: Location of the the Territorial Mobility Authority
of Camp de Tarragona (ATMCdT) service area.
In the analysis of automated fare collection systems,
one of the first steps after data collection is the data
cleaning phase. There are different reasons for clean-
ing the dataset and improving the quality of data col-
lection (Chandesris and Nazem, 2018). In this case,
the log files analysed in this study were provided on
a portable hard drive by ATMCdT. These records in-
clude all activity in 2018 for 135,365 different smart
cards 133,079 have been used more than once
and all single-trip tickets sold in the study area. This
dataset weighs 6.1 GB in plain ASCII text format.
During this period, the system collected 7,393,654
smart card travel transactions (rows) with 60 different
attributes (columns) and 14,006,212 single-trip trans-
actions with 22 attributes. This dataset did not include
other operations that are also systematically recorded,
such as card sales, recharges or cancellations, among
others. The files generated by the ATMCdT platform
are not standardised in terms of the type of informa-
tion. We have reduced and cleaned all no relevant
data for this study, performing a pre-processing step
to create a relational database (SQLlite) and facilitate
the first steps of analysis. This workflow, based on
SQL databases, is very common in previous studies
on transport smart cards, and it is very convenient to
analyse datasets of a medium to big size (Li et al.,
ATMCdT records have a very basic structure; they
are sorted by date and time, the code of the smart card
that performs the transaction, the type of transaction
performed and other similar parameters. Given the
research objectives, we excluded urban bus transac-
tions from Tarragona and Reus and only filtered in-
terurban transactions (5,414,028 transactions), select-
ing 9 out of 60 available attributes. Thanks to this
selection and standardization process, we have signif-
icantly reduced the size of the database from 9.1 GB
to 1.5 GB, including indexes and support tables. More
specifically, we discarded single-value columns, du-
plicated columns due to legacy system changes
and derived columns (that is, aggregates that can
be calculated from other attributes). The resulting
database divides the records into different tables fol-
lowing a simple relational structure (see Figure 2),
with the main transactions table linked to other ta-
bles built for normalisation purposes (agencies, fares,
stops, municipalities, and routes). For clarity, the ta-
bles and columns were named following the General
Traffic Feed Specification (GTFS), which is a well-
known standard format for publishing public tran-
sit schedules. In addition to the ATMCdT data, the
database was enriched with some layers of geograph-
ical information: (1) the municipalities, roads and
shoreline were downloaded from the Cartographic
and Geological Institute of Catalonia (
and adapted to the needs of the project, (2) the stops
and routes were digitised manually, (3) official pop-
ulation data ( and (4) ATM-
CdT zones.
2.2 Problem Statement
The design of the database is quite generic and is
given by the characteristics of the raw data (see Fig-
ure 2). However, after the preprocessing step, there
is a context that needs from a multidisciplinary ap-
proach. The research group is composed by two dif-
ferent types of profiles described as:
1. Mobility experts and researchers. The main ob-
jective of this profile is to interrogate the data
management system (SQLite) by performing dif-
ferent types of queries, which include temporal
and spatial dimensions. This profile has an inter-
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 2: Entity relationship database model for storing ATMCdT Smart Card log data. We distinguish between regular
attribute tables (T) and spatial tables (S).
est in the query results in order to perform fur-
ther mobility analysis and participate in decision-
making processes.
2. Spatial database manager. This profile is in charge
of interacting with the data management system,
coding SQL queries which satisfy the requests
made by a mobility expert and execute them to
get the results in a convenient data format (e.g.
This team structure presents a communication prob-
lem, between the mobility expert and the database
administrator, which we discovered during the first
phases of work. Both roles have expertise in its
own domain but lack cross-domain knowledge to in-
tuitively understand the objectives or the difficulties
of a particular query. On the one hand, the mobility
expert does not have the experience of working with
a relational database, so when requesting a new query
from the database manager, it may be difficult to ex-
press it in the most direct way to define an accurate
SQL query. On the other hand, the database man-
ager may have difficulties in understanding the spe-
cific purpose of a query. In order to obtain the correct
result, a certain iterative process between both actors
is usually necessary. This process is shown in Figure
3. On the left hand side, Figure 3 A) is a sequence dia-
gram that formally describes the process. The mobil-
ity researcher must describe the query to the database
manager actor as many times as necessary until ob-
taining the correct result. This process can be very
tedious, repetitive or redundant, especially when the
number of different queries increases.
In addition to the time spent in understanding the
project needs, both actors (database manager and mo-
bility researcher) can lose time in executing queries
that are not interesting for the project. As in any
analysis, experts in the field need to generate a lot
of queries on databases, and not always is expected
to get a beneficial outcome for decision making.
Sometimes these queries do not vary substantially, so
from the database manager’s point of view, previous
queries can be easily re-used to create new ones if
they are documented correctly.
According to the issues described in the previous sec-
tion, the main bottleneck in the process appears when
the quality of definition of the queries is poor or the
target result is not correctly visualised. For this kind
of problems, it would be possible to apply a techno-
logically based solution. However, due to the limita-
tions described above, developing or introducing new
tools is not an option, but an undesired dependence.
As a solution to this problem, we propose the defi-
nition of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) adapted
to the needs of this type of applications. From here
we will refer to this specification as the Mobility File
Naming Convention (MobilityFNC). This approach
which will be used as a convention to describe and
identify the queries properly. Each query will be
named using this convention and both files the
SQL query defined by the database experts and the re-
sults file will be inseparable. This solution allows
us to build a catalogue of already executed queries.
Thus, before developing a new query, it will be pos-
sible to verify if this query has been previously coded
or if there is a similar one to use as a model.
Figure 3.B presents the new workflow enhanced
by MobilityFNC. As previously mentioned, the main
advantage of MobilityFNC is to allow the possibility
of building a query repository, with SQL scripts and
their derived results (e.g. spreadsheets). Having the
Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for Avoiding
Duplication of Efforts
Figure 3: A) Sequence diagram showing the workflow between a mobility researcher and database manager in the context of
a public mobility project; B) Sequence diagram showing the workflow between a mobility researcher and database manager
using the MobilityFNC aproach.
access to that repository granted, there are three pos-
sible situations:
1. Self-sufficiency. If the query description already
exists in the catalogue, mobility researchers could
directly access it in the form of a spreadsheet (e.g.
another researcher asked for the same query).
2. Feedback. If the query was not previously exe-
cuted but there was any other similar query, in that
case it would be easier to the database expert to
adapt it (e.g. the new query refers to a different
date, but apart from that it is identical).
3. Finally, If the query does not exist, the database
manager will use the query description encoded
with MobilityFNC and generate the SQL query,
execute and incorporate it into the catalogue.
This interactive process between mobility researcher
and database manager should not be tedious, repeti-
tive or redundant, since the database manager would
write the SQL expression following the proposed
DSL, which should be always more concrete than a
semi-structured text. MobilityFNC should be easily
understood by researchers with no advanced experi-
ence in SQL. It is motivated to improve understanding
between a mobility expert and a database manager.
This specific language defines an structured and un-
derstandable way for mobility experts with which to
consult information from a database without the need
of using an advanced query language.
In the literature, there are many DSLs for differ-
ent application domains. Among the best known we
can highlight HTML, Unix shell scripts or GraphViz,
among others. The main advantage of DSL over Gen-
eral Purpose Languages (GPL) is that DSLs are more
attractive due to the proximity to the context by adopt-
ing more sensible programming features and system-
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
atic reuse (Van Deursen et al., 2000). However, de-
signing and developing a DSL is not always mean-
ingful, for example, SQL can be considered as a DSL
that focuses on the domain of the database, but it is
still too general and more complex than some script-
ing languages (Hudak, 1997).
MobilityFNC is used to name the files of the SQL
queries with which it is translated. In this way, we can
quickly identify if the SQL query has been previously
encoded or may be helpful to encode a new one (e.g.
if there are more queries involving the same informa-
tion). Although it could be extended to different types
of public mobility, such as car, train or plane, due to
the selected use case, we base MobilityFNC on pub-
lic bus mobility. Arguably similar to SQL, we will
use MobilityFNC as a way for describing the shape
and main elements of a table resulting from a query.
Thus, we intend to maximise its compatibility and im-
prove this proposal so it could be translated into valid
SQL, at least for a previously known database model.
3.1 Lexicon
As already explained, a MobilityFNC expression will
be used to name a file that stores a SQL query. Of
course, depending on the operating system, certain
characters are not allowed to be used for file nam-
ing. Following these requirements, MobilityFNC al-
lows any byte except NULL, \, /, :, %, ?, , ”, <, >, |.
Another limitation is not to exceed 255 characters per
query description, so it is important to avoid unneces-
sary redundancies. Based on this character restriction,
a list of operators has been defined for MobilityFNC:
Separate main blocks (source, filter, dimension
and Operations) with “+
Add a new element at a same level with “
Start a new level and add an element with “
Separate rows and columns with “
Define a range in canonical form with “[ ]”
Set a function or method with “{ }
Determine an array of variables with “[ , ]”
In addition to the operators, there is also a selection
of restricted words to encode queries. We distinguish
6 categories with selection of restricted words to be
used as vocabulary to encode queries.:
Aggregation. E.g. count, totals, subtotals, top.N,
htotal, among others.
Attributes. SQL table attributes shown in the ER
model (Figure 2).
Boolean. E.g. pop.between, pop.over, pop.less,
pop.equal or applied to other associated attributes.
Ranges. We use the -ly termination to refer to a
known ranging (eg. monthly, yearly, etc), sum-
merly or nonsummerly.
Sources. ATM smart cards and TP (single tickets).
Spatial. Coastal and ATMCdT zoning, but it could
be exended with more spatial layers.
3.2 Syntax and Semantics
After defining all available pieces in the language, we
establish the MobilityFNC grammar (Grammar 1) fol-
lowing the extended Backus-Naur (Wirth, 1996).
Grammar 1: Extended Backus-Naur grammar of Mobili-
Filenane ::= Source list, + , [(Filters, + )], Dimension,[( +
,Operations list)], .sql
Source list ::= log[,Sources,]
Sources ::= source|(source, ,, source)
Filters ::= Filter|(Filter, , Filter)
Filter ::= (date[,TempCardTypes, ])|(cards[, TempCardTypes,])|
(municipality[,DemSpatial, ])
TempCardTypes ::= ranges|(ranges, ,, ranges)
DemSpatial ::= DemSpatialType|(DemSpatialType,, ,DemS patialType)
DemSpatialType ::= (spatial)|(boolean)
Dimension ::= Rows,” ”,Colums
Rows ::= (Row, , Row)|Row
Row ::= (ElementType, [ , atributeFeature,])|ElementType|Filter
Columns ::= (Column, ,Column)|Column
Column ::= (ElementType,[ , atributeFeature,])|ElementType|Filter
ElementType ::= attribute|aggregation
Operations list ::= attribute,{,Operations, }
Operations ::= aggregation|(aggregation, ,, aggregation)
An encoded filename using MobilityFNC has the
structure shown in two examples defined in Figure
4. The query description following this convention
is divided into four different parts separated by sum
signs. The first one defines the source(s) of interest
to query. In the current project, only two different
sources are available (ATM cards and TP single-ride
tickets). The second block comprises the main filters
to apply. It supports temporal filters, select types of
smart cards and some spatial filters (depending on the
spatial layers available). In the third block, the dimen-
sions of the resulting table will be indicated, dividing
into rows and columns. It will contain attributes of
the table or aggregates. Considering the limited num-
ber of characters of a filename, this third block will
support to apply filters on the attributes to avoid any
redundany in the filters block. Finally, the last block
Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for Avoiding
Duplication of Efforts
Figure 4: Examples of two filenames of queries encoded with MobilityFNC. .
will keep the aggregation operations to be applied to
the body of the resulting table.
3.3 MobilityFNC Examples
In our project we were able to define 56 different
query names using MobilityFNC, which helped us to
better define our proposal. In this subsection, we il-
lustrate two different examples of queries definitions,
their structures and the intended results (Figure 4):
Query A. The first example of a description query
(Figure 4, Query A) shows a more straightforward
query example where lists the number of ATM-
CdT cards that were only used in the summer of
2018, grouped by fare. This query is useful to
study those mobilities that only take place during
the summer season. Inn some cases it could be a
proxy to identify tourist mobilities.
Query B. Another more complex example is
shown in second place. It extracts the number
of TP transactions (single-ride tickets) that were
used in 2018, distinguishing if they were done in
summer or the rest of the year, in the main mu-
nicipalities of the study area. The use of Boolean
filters in the dimension block is to avoid redun-
dancy as municipality should be duplicated in the
filters block.
We have proposed a solution to a communication is-
sue that we detected in our multidisciplinary research
group. The solution consists in a file naming con-
vention that attempts to optimise the communication
workflow between researchers in a project analysing
public transportation smart card data. Our proposal,
MobilityFNC, is currently in an early stage, it already
supports mobility concepts and can apply temporal
and geospatial filters. MobitityFNC is designed for
mobility experts to be useful in the process of gener-
ating SQL queries by database administrators or de-
velopers. The SQL query is stored as content in the
same file. This feature allows database managers to
create SQL queries unambiguously, as well as to as-
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
sist in query cataloguing and reuse.
As future work, we are aware of the limitations
of the defined convention in its current state, so that
our first intention is to extend the DSL definition to
generalise it within the domain of mobility, and to be
applied in more use cases. Finally, the last next step
is the functionality to automatically generate SQL
queries from the MobilityFNC format.
Research funded by the Spanish Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovaci
on [grant number CSO2017-
82156-R], the AEI/FEDER,UE, the Departament
o, Universitats i Empresa, Generalitat de
Catalunya [grant number 2017SGR22] and the Es-
cola d’Administraci
o Publica de Catalunya, Gen-
eralitat de Catalunya [grant number 2018 EAPC
00002]. Sergio Trilles has been funded by the post-
doctoral programme PINV2018-Universitat Jaume I
(POSDOC-B/2018/12) and research stays programme
PINV2019-Universitat Jaume I (E-2019-31).
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Towards an Affordable GIS for Analysing Public Transport Mobility Data: A Preliminary File Naming Convention for Avoiding
Duplication of Efforts