and a system design model to check for consistency,
whereas we propose a multi-step approach where we
only employ the requirements set itself for the consis-
tency checking and only add the system architecture
for verification purpose.
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the early validation of AUTOSAR software architec-
tures by simplifying the process of AUTOSAR tim-
ing requirements specifications. We presented an ap-
proach for checking consistency of AUTOSAR tim-
ing requirements, which improves the requirements
quality. Especially by computing the maximum set
of satisfiable timing requirements the user can easily
identify faulty model elements. We showed that the
consistency checking only takes a fraction of time in
comparison with the verification task, which has to be
performed afterwards. Thus checking consistency be-
fore verification can be very beneficial in the case of
an inconsistent requirement set, but does not signifi-
cantly slow down the whole verification process even
in the case of consistent requirements sets. In the fu-
ture we will evaluate our approach on more realistic
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Consistency Analysis of AUTOSAR Timing Requirements