Leveraging Machine Learning for Fake News Detection
Elio Masciari, Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Picariello and Giancarlo Sperl
University Federico II, Naples, Italy
Fake News Detection, Machine Learning.
The uncontrolled growth of fake news creation and dissemination we observed in recent years causes contin-
uous threats to democracy, justice, and public trust. This problem has significantly driven the effort of both
academia and industries for developing more accurate fake news detection strategies. Early detection of fake
news is crucial, however the availability of information about news propagation is limited. Moreover, it has
been shown that people tend to believe more fake news due to their features (Vosoughi et al., 2018). In this
paper, we present our complete framework for fake news detection and we discuss in detail a solution based on
machine learning. Our experiments conducted on two well-known and widely used real-world datasets sug-
gest that our settings can outperform the state-of-the-art approaches and allows fake news accurate detection,
even in the case of limited content information.
Social media are nowadays the main medium for
large-scale information sharing and communication
and they can be considered the main drivers of the Big
Data revolution we observed in recent years(Agrawal
et al., 2012). Unfortunately, due to malicious user
having fraudulent goals fake news on social media are
growing quickly both in volume and their potential
influence thus leading to very negative social effects.
In this respect, identifying and moderating fake news
is a quite challenging problem. Indeed, fighting fake
news in order to stem their extremely negative effects
on individuals and society is crucial in many real life
scenarios. Therefore, fake news detection on social
media has recently become an hot research topic both
for academia and industry.
Fake news detection dates back long time
ago(Zhou et al., 2019a) as journalist and scientists
always fought against misinformation during human
history. Unfortunately, the pervasive use of internet
for communication allows for a quicker and wider
spread of false information. Indeed, the term fake
news has grown in popularity in recent years, espe-
cially after the 2016 United States elections but there
is still no standard definition of fake news (Shu et al.,
Aside the definition that can be found in literature,
one of the most well accepted definition of fake news
is the following: Fake news is a news article that is
intentionally and verifiable false and could mislead
readers (Allcott and Gentzkow, 2017). There are two
key features of this definition: authenticity and intent.
First, fake news includes false information that can
be verified as such. Second, fake news is created with
dishonest intention to mislead consumers(Shu et al.,
The content of fake news exhibits heterogeneous
topics, styles and media platforms, it aims to mys-
tify truth by diverse linguistic styles while insulting
true news. Fake news are generally related to newly
emerging, time-critical events, which may not have
been properly verified by existing knowledge bases
due to the lack of confirmed evidence or claims. Thus,
fake news detection on social media poses peculiar
challenges due to the inherent nature of social net-
works that requires both the analysis of their con-
tent (Potthast et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2019; Masood
and Aker, 2018; Masciari, 2012) and their social con-
text(Shu et al., 2019; Cassavia et al., 2017; Masciari,
Indeed, as mentioned above fake news are written
on purpose to deceive readers to believe false infor-
mation. For this reason, it is quite difficult to detect
a fake news analysing only the news content(Shabani
and Sokhn, 2018). Therefore, we should take into ac-
count auxiliary information, such as user social en-
gagement on social media to improve the detection
accuracy. Unfortunately, the usage of auxiliary in-
formation is a non-trivial task as users social engage-
Masciari, E., Moscato, V., Picariello, A. and Sperlì, G.
Leveraging Machine Learning for Fake News Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0009767401510157
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pages 151-157
ISBN: 978-989-758-440-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ments with fake news produce data that are big, noisy,
unstructured and incomplete.
Moreover, the diffusion models for fake news
changed deeply in recent years. Indeed, as men-
tioned above, some decades ago, the only medium
for information spreading were newspapers and ra-
dio/television but recently, the phenomenon of fakes
news generation and diffusion take advantage of the
internet pervasive diffusion and in particular of social
media quick pick approach to news spreading. More
in detail, user consumption behaviours have been af-
fected by the inherent nature of these social media
platforms: 1) They are more pervasive and less expen-
sive when compared to traditional news media, such
as television or newspapers; 2) It is easier to share,
comment on, and discuss the news with friends and
followers on social media by overcoming geographi-
cal and social barrier.
Despite the above mentioned advantages of so-
cial media news sharing, there are many draw-
backs, requiring also an suitable pre-processing
phase(Mezzanzanica et al., 2015; Boselli et al., 2018).
First of all, the quality of news on social media is
lower than traditional news organizations due to the
lower control of information sources. Moreover, since
it is cheaper to provide news online and much faster
and easier to spread through social media, larger vol-
umes of fake news are produced online for a variety
of purposes, such as political gain and unfair compe-
tition to cite a few.
Fake News Examples. Some well known exam-
ples of fake news across history are mentioned be-
low: a) During the second and third centuries AD,
false rumours were spread about Christians claiming
that they engaged in ritual cannibalism and incest
; b)
In 1835 The New York Sun published articles about
a real-life astronomer and a made-up colleague who,
according to the hoax, had observed bizarre life on
the moon
; c) More recently we can cite some news
like, Paul Horner, was behind the widespread hoax
that he was the graffiti artist Banksy and had been ar-
rested; a man has been honored for stopping a rob-
bery in a diner by quoting Pulp Fiction; and finally
the great impact of fake news on the 2016 U.S. presi-
dential election, according to CBS News
Furthermore, in 2018 BuzzFeed News compiled
a list of 50 most viral false stories on Facebook and
measured their total engagement on the platform. And
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake news
in spite of a prediction from Facebook’s top anti-
misinformation product manager that these articles
would see a decline in engagement in 2018, the top-
performing hoaxes generated roughly 22 million to-
tal shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook be-
tween Jan. 1 and Dec. 9, 2018.
Psychological Aspects behind Fake News. The in-
fluential power of fake news has been explained by
several psychological theories. Fake news mainly tar-
gets people by exploiting their vulnerabilities. There
are two major factors which make consumers natu-
rally vulnerable to fake news (Shu et al., 2017a; Zhou
et al., 2019b): 1) Naive Realism as people tend to be-
lieve that their perceptions of reality are the only ac-
curate views, while others who disagree are regarded
as uninformed or irrational and 2) Confirmation Bias
as people prefer to receive information that confirms
their beliefs.
Moreover, people are more susceptible to certain
kinds of (fake) news due to to the way newsfeed ap-
pears on their homepages in social media thus am-
plifying the psychological challenges to dispelling
fake news. Indeed, people trust fake news owing to
two psychological factors(Shu et al., 2017a): 1) so-
cial credibility, which means people are more likely
to recognize a source as trustworthy if others recog-
nize the source as reliable, mainly when there is not
enough information to assess the truthfulness of the
source; 2) frequency heuristic, which means that peo-
ple may obviously favour information they hear re-
peatedly, although it is fake news.
Our Approach in a Nutshell. Fake news detection
problem can be formalized as a classification task thus
requiring features extraction and model construction
sub-taks. The detection phase is a crucial task as it
is devoted to guarantee users to receive authentic in-
formation. We will focus on finding clues from news
Our goal is to improve the existing approaches de-
fined so far when fake news is intentionally written
to mislead users by mimicking true news. More in
detail, traditional approaches are based on verifica-
tion by human editors and expert journalists but do
not scale to the volume of news content that is gener-
ated in online social networks. As a matter of fact, the
huge amount of data to be analyzed calls for the devel-
opment of new computational techniques. It is worth
noticing that, such computational techniques, even if
the news is detected as fake, require some sort of ex-
pert verification before being blocked. In our frame-
work, we perform an accurate pre-processing of news
data and then we apply several approaches for ana-
lyzing text and multimedia contents. The approach
we discuss in detail in this paper is based on machine
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
learning techniques. In this respect, we implemented
several algorithms and we compared them as will be
better explained in the experimental section in order
to find out the most suitable one for the fake news
Our framework is based on news flow processing and
data management in a pre-processing block which
performs filtering and aggregation operation over the
news content. Moreover, filtered data are processed
by two independent blocks: the first one performs nat-
ural language processing over data while the second
one performs a multimedia analysis.
The overall process we execute for fake news de-
tection is depicted in Figure1.
Figure 1: The overall process at a glance.
In the following we describe each module in more
Data Ingestion Module. This module take care of
data collection tasks. Data can be highly heteroge-
neous: social network data, multimedia data and news
data. We collect the news text and eventual related
contents and images.
Pre-processing Module. This component is devoted
to the acquisition of the incoming data flow. It per-
forms filtering, data aggregation, data cleaning and
enrichment operations.
NLP Processing Module. It performs the crucial task
of generating a binary classification of the news arti-
cles, i.e., whether they are fake or reliable news. It is
split in two submodules. The Machine Learning mod-
ule performs classification using an ad-hoc imple-
mented Logistic Regression algorithm (the rationale
for this choice will be explained in the experimental
section) after an extensive process of feature extrac-
tion and selection TF-IDF based in order to reduce
the number of extracted features. The Deep Learning
module classify data using Google Bert algorithm af-
ter a tuning phase on the vocabulary. It also perform
a binary transformation and eventual text padding in
order to better analyze the input data.
Multimedia Processing Module. This module is
tailored for Fake Image Classification through Deep
Learning algorithms, using ELA (Error Level Analy-
sis) and CNN.
Due to space limitation, we discuss in the follow-
ing only the details of the deep learning module and
the obtained results.
2.1 The Software Architecture
The software implementation of the framework de-
scribed above is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Our fake news detection framework.
Herein: the data ingestion block is implemented
by using several tools. As an example for Twitter data
we leverage Tweepy
, a Python library to access the
Twitter API. All tweets are downloaded through this
library. Filtering and aggregation is performed us-
ing Apache Kafka
which is able to build real-time
data pipelines and streaming apps. It is scalable,
fault-tolerant and fast thus making our prototype well-
suited for huge amount of data.
The data crawler uses the Newspaper Python li-
whose purpose is extracting and curating arti-
cles. The analytical data archive stores pre-processed
data that are used for issuing queries by traditional
analytical tools. We leverage Apache Cassandra
datastore because it provides high scalability, high
availability, fast writing, fault-tolerance on commod-
ity hardware or cloud infrastructure. The data ana-
lytics block retrieves news contents and news images
from Cassandra DB that are pre-processed by the Ma-
chine Learning module using Scikit Learn library
and by Deep Learning module using Keras library
Image content is processed by the Multimedia Deep
Learning module using Keras library.
In the following we will briefly describe how the
overall process is executed. Requests to the Cassandra
Leveraging Machine Learning for Fake News Detection
DB are made through remote access. Each column in
Cassandra refers to a specific topic and contains all
news belonging to that topic. Among all news, those
having a valid external link value are selected. In this
way, the news content can be easily crawled. As the
link for each news is obtained, a check is performed in
order to verify the current state of the website. If the
website is still running, we perform the article scrap-
ing. The algorithm works by downloading and pars-
ing the news article, then, for each article, title, text,
authors, top image link, news link data are extracted
and saved as a JSON file in Cassandra DB.
Finally, three independent analysis are then per-
formed by three ad-hoc Python modules we imple-
mented. The first two perform text classification, and
the last one images classification. Concerning the text
analysis, the problem being solved is a binary classi-
fication one where class 0 refers to reliable news and
class 1 refers to fake ones.
2.1.1 The Machine Learning Module
As mentioned above the goal of the Machine Learn-
ing Module is to produce a binary classification on a
text dataset. Thus, a news article will be labelled as
0 if it is recognised as Real, and as 1 if it is recog-
nised as Fake. We devise a supervised approach since
the dataset we worked on is fully labelled. The Ma-
chine Learning implementation has been chosen by
comparing most of the available classifiers provided
by the Scikit- Learn library.
It has been developed using a Python 3 kernel in
Jupyter, that is a web-based interactive development
environment for code, and data. It is flexible, ex-
tensible, modular and configurable to support a wide
range of workflows in data science, scientific com-
puting, and machine learning. We choose Python as it
is interactive, interpreted, modular, dynamic, object-
oriented, portable and extensible thus offering an high
flexibility for our purposes.
More in detail, the following libraries have been
used: i) Scikit- Learn: a simple and efficient tool for
data mining and data analysis; ii) Spacy: an open-
source software library for advanced Natural Lan-
guage Processing, iii) Numpy: a library for Python
programming language that offer support for large,
multi- dimensional arrays and matrices, along with
a large collection of high level mathematical func-
tions to operate on these arrays, iv) Pandas: an
open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-
performance, easy-to-use data structures and data
analysis tools for the Python programming and v)
Matplotlib: a plotting library for the Python program-
ming language and its numerical mathematics exten-
sion NumPy.
In order to choose the most suitable classifica-
tion method, we performed an extensive tuning phase
by comparing several algorithms. The performances
have been evaluated on several test sets by compar-
ing several accuracy measure like Accuracy, Preci-
sion, Recall, F1 measure, Area Under Curve (AUC)
(Flach and Kull, 2015) (reported in Figure 3) and ex-
ecution times (reported in Figure 4). The results are
shown for LIAR datasets but the same trend has been
observed for each data set being analyzed.
As it is easy to see, the best model in terms of
accuracy turns out to be Logistic Regression, so we
decided to perform a parameter optimization for this
algorithm as it exhibits the best results on each effi-
ciency and effectiveness measure. It is worth noticing
that, classifiers based on tree construction executes
much slower because of the training step.
We briefly recall here, that logistic regression
instead is a statistical model that leverages the logit
function to model a binary dependent variable [13],
i.e., a linear combination of the observed features:
= β
+ β
Logistic Regression outputs the probabilities of a
specific class that are then used for class predictions.
The logistic function exhibits two interesting proper-
ties for our purposes: 1) it has a regular “s” shape; 2)
Its output is bounded between 0 and 1.
Compared with other models, Logistic Regression
offers the following advantages: 1) it is easily inter-
pretable; 2) Model training and prediction steps are
quite fast; 3) Only few parameters has to be tuned
( the regularization parameter); 4) It performs well
even with small datasets; 5) It outputs well-calibrated
predicted probabilities. Nevertheless, there are some
drawbacks as the need of a linear relationship between
the features and the log-odds of the response and it is
not able to automatically learn feature interactions In
order to tune the algorithm we leveraged the function-
alities offered by SciKit.
In this section we will describe the fake news detec-
tion process and the datasets we used as a benchmark
for our algorithms.
3.1 Dataset Description
Liar Dataset. This dataset includes 12.8K human
labelled short statements from fact-checking website
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 3: Classifier Effectiveness Comparison.
Figure 4: Execution Times comparison.
Politifact.com. Each statement is evaluated by a Poli-
tifact.com editor for its truthfulness. The dataset has
six fine-grained labels: pants-fire, false, barely-true,
half-true, mostly-true, and true. The distribution of la-
bels is relatively well- balanced. For our purposes the
six fine-grained labels of the dataset have been col-
lapsed in a binary classification, i.e., label 1 for fake
news and label 0 for reliable ones. This choice has
been made due to binary Fake News Dataset feature.
The dataset is partitioned into three files: 1) Train-
ing Set: 5770 real news and 4497 fake news; 2) Test
Set: 1382 real news and 1169 fake news; 3) Validation
Set: 1382 real news and 1169 fake news. In Figure5
we show the distribution of real and fake news for the
test dataset.
The three subsets are well balanced so there is no
need to perform oversampling or undersampling. The
corresponding Wordclouds for fake news is reported
in Figure 6. It is easy to see that news are mainly re-
lated to United States. Fake news topics are collected
Figure 5: LIAR Test Dataset in a short.
Figure 6: Liar Fake Wordclouds.
Figure 7: Liar Real Wordclouds.
about Obama, Obamacare, Cicilline, Romney.
On the other side real news topics depicted in Fig-
ure 7 refer to McCain, elections and Obama.
The processed dataset has been uploaded in
Google Drive and, then, loaded in Colab’s Jupyter
as a Pandas Dataframe. It has been added a new
column with the number of words for each row ar-
ticle. By this column it is possible to obtain the fol-
lowing statistical information: count 15389.000000,
mean 17.962311, std 8.569879, min 1.000000, 25%
12.000000, 50% 17.000000, 75% 22.000000, max
66.000000. These statistics show that there are ar-
ticles with only one word in the dataset, so it has
been decided to remove all rows with less than 10
Leveraging Machine Learning for Fake News Detection
words as they are considered poorly informative. The
resulting dataset contains 1657 less rows than the
original one. The updated statistics are reported in
what follows: count 13732.000000, mean 19.228663,
std 8.192268, min 10.000000, 25% 14.000000, 50%
18.000000, 75% 23.000000, max 66.000000. Finally,
the average number of words per article is 19.
FakeNewsNet. This dataset has been built by gath-
ering information from two fact-checking websites to
obtain news contents for fake news and real news such
as PolitiFact and GossipCop. In PolitiFact, journalists
and domain experts review the political news and pro-
vide fact-checking evaluation results to claim news
articles as fake or real. Instead, in GossipCop, enter-
tainment stories, from various media outlets, are eval-
uated by a rating score from on the scale of 0 to 10 as
the degree from fake to real. The dataset contains 900
political news and 20k gossip news and has only two
labels: true and false.
This dataset is publicly available by the functions
provided by the FakeNewsNet team and the Twitter
API. As mentioned above, FakeNewsNet can be split
in two subsets: GossipCop and Politifact.com. We
decided to analyse only political news as they pro-
duce worse consequences in real world than gossip
ones. The dataset is well balanced and contains 434
real news and 367 fake news. Most of the news re-
gards the US as it has already been noticed in LIAR.
Fake news topics concern Obama, police, Clinton and
Trump while real news topics refer to Trump, Repub-
licans and Obama. Such as the LIAR dataset, it has
been added a new column and the following statisti-
cal information have been obtained: count 801, mean
1459.217228, std 3141.157565, min 3, 25% 114, 50%
351, 75% 893, max 17377.
The average number of words per articles in Poli-
tifact dataset is 1459, which is far longer than the av-
erage sentence length in Liar Dataset that is 19 words
per articles. Such a statistics confirmed our belief that
it would be better to compare the model performances
on datasets with such different features.
In order to show that the model we implemented out-
performs the results of the current approaches, we
preliminary report in Figure 8 the best results ob-
tained for the other approaches commonly used in lit-
erature for LIAR datasets and in Figure 9 the results
we obtained for the logistic regression algorithm we
implemented that gave us the best results in the fake
news scenario.
We compared the performances on well-
established evaluation measure like: Accuracy,
Precision, Recall, F1 measure, Area Under Curve
(AUC) (Flach and Kull, 2015) and the values re-
ported in the obtained confusion matrices for each
algorithm, i.e., True Positive (TP), False Positive
(FP), True Negative (TN) and False Negative (FN).
Figure 8: Comparison against state of the art approaches on
LIAR datataset.
Figure 9: Our results on LIAR datataset.
We hypothesize that our results are quite better
due to the fine feature selection we performed, a better
pre-processing step and the proper text transformation
and loading.
Figure 10: Our results on Polifact datataset.
In Figure 10 we report the results we obtained on
Polifact dataset.
For the sake of completeness, we report in Figure
11 and Figure 12 the detailed confusion matrices ob-
tained for LIAR and Polifact datasets.
In this paper, we investigated the problem of fake
news detection by machine learning algorithms. We
developed a framework the leverage several algo-
rithms for analyzing real-life datasets and the results
we obtained are quite encouraging. In particular, we
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 11: Confusion Matrix for LIAR dataset.
Figure 12: Confusion Matrix for Polifact dataset.
found that the most accurate results can be obtained
with logistic regression based algorithms. As a future
work, we would like to extend our analysis by better
considering also user profiles’ features and some kind
of dynamic analysis of news diffusion mechanism in
our fake news detection model.
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Leveraging Machine Learning for Fake News Detection