Table 7: Comparison of D
with HD
and DD
based on the Exam Score metric for multiple fault localization.
S.No. Program No. of faults D
(Best) D
(Worst) HD
(Best) HD
(Worst) DD
(Best) DD
1 Tot Info V1 2 36.88% 45.90% 34.42% 43.44% 31.14% 40.16%
2 Tot Info V2 4 52.45% 68.85% 49.18% 65.57% 49.18% 65.57%
3 Schedule V1 3 35.52% 43.42% 28.94% 36.84% 28.94% 36.84%
4 Schedule V2 3 21.71% 35.52% 16.44% 30.26% 15.13% 28.94%
5 Schedule2 V1 4 37.50% 49.21% 45.31% 57.03% 43.75% 55.46%
6 Schedule2 V2 3 28.12% 46.87% 26.56% 45.31% 26.56% 45.31%
7 Tcas V1 3 55.38% 92.30% 52.30% 89.23% 52.30% 89.23%
8 Tcas V2 4 43.07% 89.23% 43.07% 89.23% 43.07% 89.23%
9 Print Tokens V1 2 22.56% 29.74% 24.61% 31.79% 23.58% 30.76%
10 Replace V2 4 49.18% 65.57% 45.08% 61.47% 40.98% 57.37%
In the literature, various slicing based FL tech-
niques are reported (Weiser, 1984; Agrawal and Hor-
gan, 1990). Slicing focused techniques return a list
of suspicious instructions, but these techniques do not
assign ranks to the instructions. Also, it is possible
that a slice may contain all the program instructions,
and this nullifies the performance of slicing. On the
other hand, our FDBD
approach returns a ranked
list of statements present in the most suspicious func-
Wong et al. (Wong and Qi, 2009) was the first
to introduce neural networks (NN) for FL. Wong et
al. (Wong et al., 2010) also used RBF (radial basis
function) NN for the same. Dutta et al. (Dutta et al.,
2019) reported a hierarchical approach for FL using
deep neural networks (DNN). They have used DNNs
for both function and statement prioritization. NNs
easily map complex functions with the help of the
training set. However, NNs require a large amount
of time for parameter estimation and model training.
Whereas, the time required in each step of the pro-
posed FDBD
is reasonable and deterministic. Hence,
our proposed approach will work efficiently for large-
size programs.
We have presented a hierarchical FL technique using
Weighted Function Dependency Graph (WFDG) and
existing SBFL technique D
. The WFDG models the
function dependency information, and the weights as-
signed in the dependency edges indicate the relevance
of an edge in propagating a fault. With the help of
the weighted dependency edges, the functions are pri-
oritized. To differentiate between the functions with
equal suspiciousness value, we have incorporated the
information computed using static analysis. From our
experimental evaluation, it is observed that the pro-
posed FDBD
technique is, on average, 41.27% more
effective than the existing SBFL technique D
We extend our technique to handle object-oriented
programs. We also intend to investigate learning-
oriented methods to estimate the heuristic parameters.
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ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies