global criteria and arbitration rules that can be sat-
isfied by means of heuristic models or by solving
optimization problems. The functional level enables
to run fast simulations and get approximated results
in the early stages of system design, which provides
a good way to test and validate control strategies.
Also, architecture changes are easy and not much
time-consuming at this level. Lastly, a multi-physical
model well calibrated can provide results close to ex-
perimental data and enables to evaluate a large vari-
ety of scenarios with good accuracy. This method-
ology was applied to a thermal management system
use-case and has provided positive results. A non-
saturation criterion has been introduced in the teleo-
logical level in order to improve the resource manage-
ment with critical conditions.
A first perspective of this work is to use this three-
level abstraction modeling to optimize the global en-
ergy consumption of a system. An interesting use-
case could be a whole electric vehicle composed by
the thermal management and the power-train subsys-
Another objective is the extension of the func-
tional modeling to systems in which energy and mat-
ter flows are coupled. A use-case could be a water
recycling system, in which consumers have both mat-
ter (water) and energy (heat) needs that must be dis-
tributed between matter or energy (or both) sources.
Future work intends to develop and implement op-
timization algorithms directly in the functional model.
Lastly, the teleological level could integrate some
levels of arbitration between several missions of the
system, which would have several operating modes
optimizing different objectives.
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Functional Model-based Resource Management: An Application to the Electric Vehicle Thermal Control