for energy profiling, code optimization and refactor-
ing of code smells/energy bugs to help aid green An-
droid development. Other types of support tools, such
as tools for interface optimization, third-party library
detection etc., were not in the scope of this study. We
plan to cover such tools in future work.
To get an overview of the state of the art and to find
research opportunities with respect to support tools
available for green Android development, we con-
ducted a mapping study. Based on our analysis the
current support tools were classified into three cate-
gories 1) Profiler, 2) Detector, 3) Optimizer. The main
findings of the paper are that most Profiler tools pro-
vide a graphical representation of energy consump-
tion over time. Most Detector tools provide a list
of energy bugs/code smells to be manually corrected
by a developer for the improvement of energy. Most
Optimizer automatically convert original APK/SC to
a refactored version(s) of APK/SC. The most typi-
cal technique in Detector and Optimizer category was
static source code analysis using a predefined set of
code smells and rules.
This work is supported by the Estonian Center of Ex-
cellence in ICT research (EXCITE), the group grant
PRG887 funded by the Estonian Research Council.
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Tool Support for Green Android Development: A Systematic Mapping Study