Table 5: Thirty-day Decision-making Prediction Accuracy in Production.
Model Stochastic Process model Regression Model with Xgboost
Overall 78.1% 58.4% 39.5% 23.7%
[75.1%, 80.8%] [54.9%, 61.8%] [36.1%, 42.9%] [20.1%, 25.9%]
duration < 15 days 79.2% 40.2% 40% 20%
[75.1%, 83.2%] [35.3%, 45.0%] [35.1%, 44.8%] [16.0%, 23.9%]
duration ≥ 15 days 77.1% 75.8% 39.1% 27%
[73.0%, 81.1%] [71.6%, 79.9%] [34.2%, 43.7%] [22.6%, 31.3%]
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ing duration on prediction accuracy is also conducted.
This analysis is very useful to guide the operation of
controlled experiments, e.g., decide the run time of
experiments. Two possible future directions are as
follows. First, although the stochastic process mod-
els are from the marketing area, they can be used to
model any counting metric. Hence extension to other
counting metrics in Ant Financial is desired. The sec-
ond direction is to extend the stochastic process mod-
els to achieve higher prediction accuracy, e.g., relax
the lack of memory assumption, add nonstationarity,
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Auxiliary Decision-making for Controlled Experiments based on Mid-term Treatment Effect Prediction: Applications in Ant Financial’s
Offline-payment Business