Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for
Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
Soumoud Fkaier
, Mohamed Khalgui
and Georg Frey
Chair of Automation and Energy Systems, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany
Tunisia Polytechnic School, Carthage University, Tunis, Tunisia
INSAT LISI Lab, Carthage University, Tunis, Tunisia
Microgrid, Context-awareness, Context Modelling, Context Reasoning.
Modern microgrids are promoting the integration of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in
order to enhance the emerging advanced power management functionalities such as the integration of renew-
able energy sources, distributed storage optimization, demand-response strategies, electric vehicles charging,
power generation rate forecasting and scheduling, etc. For this, sophisticated sensing and smart metering
infrastructures are incorporated in the used equipment as well as in the involved subsystems. Hence many
contextual data are become more and more available and its taking into consideration in the control tasks are
likely to provide promising results. However, making the microgrid control system understand the data and
take the proper decisions based on the identified context is not an easy task to perform. In fact, recognizing
the relations and meanings of the sensed data is difficult and complex due to the heterogeneity and intricacy
of the involved parts. Hence, providing context-aware modelling and reasoning mechanisms for microgrids
becomes necessary. In this context, this paper contributes with two main solutions. First, a microgrid’s for-
malized design providing an easy and understandable view of the system is provided. This definition respects
the separation of concerns principle in order to tame the complexity of the complicated system. Second, an
ontology-based context modelling and a rule-based context reasoning in the framework of microgrids are pro-
vided. To show the suitability of the proposed processes, a formal case study is carried out. The proposed
processes are proved to be less resources consuming compared to some of the existing works.
A microgrid is a smaller scale version of the tradi-
tional electricity grid that can operate independently
or in a connected mode with the main power grid.
In order to meet the requirements of its users, mi-
crogrids fulfil a set of advanced control and manage-
ment tasks such as the integration of renewable energy
sources, distributed storage optimization, demand-
response strategies, electric vehicles charging, power
generation forecasting and scheduling, etc. Such
functionalities are become possible thanks to the inte-
gration of ICTs that allow establishing a bidirectional
information flow. In fact, the great development of
advanced sensing and electric metering devices has
paved the way for applying pervasive computing also
in the electricity management systems (Fkaier et al.,
2016b). Hence, big data flows are available at any
time to the control agents of microgrids (Suslov et al.,
Although maximal information and details about
the system state are useful, their management and un-
derstanding are not easy to perform by microgrid’s
controller. In fact, controllers have to be aware about
the context of every collected data in order to use it
properly and exploit it in a fruitful way. Identifying
the proper context in a polyvalent system such as a
microgrid is really challenging because of the interre-
lated multidisciplinary “subsystems” constituting the
microgrid: microgrids are in general composed of
generation subsystem (such as photovoltaic panels or
diesel generators), storage subsystem (such as elec-
trical batteries), and consumption subsystem (such as
home area buildings). Deducing a conclusion about
the state of the microgrid at a given moment based on
large sets of sensed data from the mentioned subsys-
tems is difficult since every subsystem can have many
states and each state can be inner to the subsystem
itself or influenced by other subsystems.
In the context-awareness computing scope, many
Fkaier, S., Khalgui, M. and Frey, G.
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0009780901160127
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2020), pages 116-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-443-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methods and tools have been proposed in previous
works in order to provide solutions to extract accurate
contexts. It is acknowledged that the most efficient
ones are those that build upon the ontology of well-
specific fields. Despite its robustness in the modelling
of a system facets and actors, ontology based meth-
ods are still less performant in terms of the consumed
computational power. This feature is important es-
pecially when it comes to control systems that may
require real-time functionalities such as microgrids.
In order to overcome the difficulties mentioned
above, the current paper proposes an efficient context-
aware modelling and reasoning process for micro-
grids control. First, a formalization of the definition
of a microgrid is provided. The definition allows to
have a clear view on the subsystems composing mi-
crogrids and the relations between them. It is based
on the separation of concerns principle that allows to
reduce the complexity through separating the differ-
ent topics (generation, consumption, storage, and pro-
suming). This definition paves us the way for defin-
ing a context modelling of the microgrid system. We
introduce a context model based on ontology. It is
performed using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
(Zamazal, 2020) and it provides semantic microgrid
context representation. Then, a rule-based reasoning
mechanism is proposed to be the mechanism for con-
text extraction. We performed a formal case study to
validate the suitability of the proposed approach.
The outline of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides an overview of the related works.
Section 3 introduces the proposed microgrid defini-
tion. Section 4 presents the defined ontology-based
microgrids context modelling and rule-based context
reasoning. Section 5 provides the case study and the
performance evaluation. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper and presents future perspectives.
In this section, an overview of the works in the field
of context-awareness and microgrids is provided.
2.1 Context Awareness, Context
Modelling and Reasoning
Context-aware computing is the type of comput-
ing that takes into account the user activity and/or
the changes in its surrounding environment (Khabou
et al., 2019). It was first limited to the mobile ap-
plications that try to predict the location of the de-
vice (Fkaier et al., 2017). Then it was extended to
cover many fields ranging from health care systems
to smart cities (Fkaier et al., 2016a). In general, the
development of context-aware applications has many
steps and rely on different modules according to the
studied case; but the main steps are resumed in the so-
called “context life cycle” which is composed of four
phases: (i) context acquisition, (ii) context modelling,
(iii) context reasoning, and (iv) context dissemination.
The first and last phases are considered conventional
phases since most of developers agree on the used
techniques and tools. However, the second and third
phases are still under research because there are open
questions about the improvements of the possible pro-
cesses, mechanisms, and methods. Performance and
suitability of one method over the other are still the
subject of discussions and are likely to be them selves
context-dependent. Every method, as it is the case of
every approach, has its advantages and drawbacks.
The modelling phase is considered as the con-
text representation phase which helps to understand
the context details, properties, and relationships.
Many solutions exist such as the key-value, markup,
graphical, object-oriented, multidisciplinary, domain-
focused, spatial, and ontology-based context mod-
elling. The selection of one technique is generally
based on the focus of the modelling, for example,
whether the relationships and dependencies are to be
emphasized or other feature such as the mobility, etc.
The reasoning phase is considered as the con-
clusion/knowledge extraction based on the modelled
contexts (Cheng et al., 2018). In this phase also
many techniques can be used such as the probabilis-
tic logic-based, Bayesian networks, ontology-based,
case-based, rule-based, supervised as well as unsuper-
vised learning, and fuzzy logic based (Al-Barazanchi
and Vural, 2015).
2.2 Microgrids, Smart Grids, and
Context Awareness
Context-awareness is acknowledged to be one impor-
tant mainstay paradigm for the development of smart
software applications (this is applicable also to the
case of smart grids and smart microgrids). Context-
awareness was involved in various microgrids func-
tionalities. In the following, a short overview of the
different use cases of context-awareness in the field of
smart and micro grids is presented.
(Donohoe et al., 2015) present a survey of the
requirements and challenges of context-aware smart
grids. (Radzi et al., 2019) introduce context-
awareness traffic scheduling algorithm for smart
grid’s network. (Obaidat et al., 2018) use the context-
awareness concepts to create a framework for the in-
telligent data management in smart grids. (Gomes
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
et al., 2017) as well as (Stavropoulos et al., 2014)
use context-awareness for the development of energy
management systems of households. (Degha et al.,
2019) propose a solution for efficient energy man-
agement based on ontological context to smart build-
ing. A smart energy equipment management solu-
tion for smart cities based on distributed context-
awareness is proposed by (Choi et al., 2018). (Dono-
hoe et al., 2013) analyze the adoption of context-
awareness paradigm for microgrids storage using
electric cars. (Zhuikov and Kyselova, 2013) introduce
a context-aware control process for microgirds. (Ky-
selova et al., 2016) propose a context-aware frame-
work for energy management systems. (Reddy and
Krishna, 2018) use context-awareness in the load bal-
ancing of power in smart grids. (Meng and Lu, 2015)
introduce a context-aware service customization strat-
egy for smart homes.
Despite their importance, none of the above-cited
researches have defined a holistic context model that
could be used within the microgrids control strategies.
There is a need to an understandable model that cov-
ers all the factors and perspectives that might influ-
ence the context. In addition, efficient reasoning ap-
proach should be provided.
2.3 Summary
As it can be seen from the previous subsections,
context-awareness is a huge computation filed that
has a large variety of techniques and tools and can
have multiple use cases in the one field (i.e., smart
electricity management). A study of the manifold
context modelling techniques leads to conclude that
the ontology-based modelling is a very powerful
method. In fact, in comparison with other models
the ontology-based modelling technique is better in
terms of reusability, formality, and interoperabiliy (Li
et al., 2015). It also provides better expressive context
representations and can be independent from applica-
tions (Alegre et al., 2016). Thus, the current paper
adopts the ontology paradigm to represents the con-
text modelling thanks to the mentioned advantages.
However, concerning the reasoning some re-
searchers argue that ontology reasoning might be suit-
able for some kinds of applications and not for some
others. (Li et al., 2015) and (Sezer et al., 2017) ar-
gue that the ontology-based reasoning can be com-
plex and ambiguous. More importantly, ontology-
based reasoning cannot be suitable for time-critical
applications (Wang et al., 2004). However, rule-based
reasoning technique can be combined with ontology-
based models and provide promising efficiency. Ma-
chine/deep learning is an important technique that can
be used for reasoning and it is suitable for many use
cases. However, for microgirds it might have some
limitations. First, in order to accomplish its task as
expected, machine learning requires large amounts of
historic data to train. In this case, providing good and
enough training data for each particular microgrid is
required (given that not all microgrids have the same
composition of subsystems as described in Section
3, i.e., their behaviour is not the same). Therefore,
from one hand it is required to provide the appropri-
ate training data of the complicated parts, and from
the other hand this process should be re-done for each
different microgrid and for each time there is a change
in a microgrid structure. However, it is easier to de-
fine rules, which makes the implementation quicker.
For control systems, such as microgirds, it is use-
ful even obligatory to provide understandable expla-
nation of the interpretations made by the reasoning
unit, especially when it comes to security and finan-
cial issues. Machine learning builds upon the “black
box” models which are not enough clear to be under-
standable by humans. Therefore, it is wiser to rely
on a clear controllable approach. In conclusion, given
that microgrids are a kind of control systems, rule-
based approach represents a better solution.
In summary, given the above presented analysis
of the state of the art, the ontology-based modelling
technique along with the rule-based reasoning tech-
nique are adopted in the contribution of this paper.
In order to clearly introduce the microgrid context on-
tology, it is necessary first to define the conceptual
model of a microgrid. A microgrid is defined as a
small scale electricity grid system that is composed
of a set of subsystems. These subsystems influence
each-other and their operations are performed under
the control and supervision of a control unit called the
microgrid controller as depicted in Fig. 1. An infor-
mation and communication infrastructure (composed
mainly of sensors, measurement units, and smart me-
tering devices) enables the exchange of bidirectional
information flows between the involved actors.
Four main subsystems can be defined to describe
the involved disciplines in the microgrid system: (i)
generation, (ii) consumption, (iii) storage, and (iv)
prosuming. Each subsystem is characterized by spe-
cific properties, has well-defined equipment as well as
tasks, and has optimization challenges.
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Subsystems composing a micorgrid.
3.1 Electricity Generation Subsystem
Traditionally, the electricity is generated in big facili-
ties in high voltage power then transmitted as medium
voltage power, and distributed as low voltage power.
However, with the advent of smart grids the genera-
tion process has been changed where especially clean
energy sources are integrated. To reach intelligent
control of the electricity usage, detailed information
about the generation must be provided to the con-
troller so that it can make right decisions like the
switching between the on/off-grid modes. The aware-
ness about the available generators and their mini-
mal/maximal production abilities are important for
the awareness consolidation.
To make the task of perception of electricity gen-
eration information easier, two main generation types
are defined: renewable and non-renewable. Renew-
able energy generation relies on the natural renew-
able energy sources such as the wind, the water, and
the sun. Properties of the available equipment like
the solar photovoltaic panels or wind turbines are
tremendous in the context information creation. Ca-
pacity, size, number, and utilization rate can all im-
pact the context. More importantly, it is true that re-
newable energies have many advantages like reducing
the emission of greenhouse gas but they have non-
trustful behaviour. Despite the weather forecasting
and prediction mechanisms, the generation amounts
remain unknown or at least non-precise. Therefore,
clear view about the considered renewable energies
may help in the control task. Non-renewable energy
generation relies on some materials such as the oil or
coal to produce electricity. Despite the bad impact on
the globe safety, non-renewable energies guarantee a
trustful generation behaviour. Therefore they are in
general used as the backbone of the power grid. The
percentage of reliance on these energies may help in
many tasks such as the tariff definition.
3.2 Electricity Consumption Subsystem
Electricity is nowadays required in nearly all the fields
of the people’s daily life. Information about the con-
sumption profiles of the consumers supplied within
one microgrid is required to determine the control
contexts. Also analysing the human activities like the
working hours, the holidays, the social events, etc.,
helps in the context recognition. Similarly, the exis-
tence of industrial establishments, big shopping cen-
ters, or even product stores among the consumers is
necessary to take into account in the control strategy.
It is required that a microgrid provides supply for
its consumers, however in some cases (peak hours
consumption) shortages can occur, consequently not
all consumers can be satisfied. In that case, a mi-
crogrid controller need to understand the context and
must serve consumers according to their emergency
level and priorities. To make the context perception
easier for the controller, consumers are classified into
two groups: critical and non-critical consumers. Crit-
ical consumers are consumers whom the shortages or
faults in the electricity supply to their activities imply
catastrophic losses in terms of people lives, money,
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
or security issues (for example hospitals, banks, and
police offices). Electricity should be continuously
supplied to such kind of consumers. Thus, consid-
erable awareness should be attached to this informa-
tion. Non-critical consumers are consumers whom
the supply can be deffered to later time, and short
blackouts do not induce losses rather they induce a
deterioration of the quality-of-service.
3.3 Prosumers Subsystem
Equipments and tools of managing the renewable en-
ergy are witnessing continuous evolution which facil-
itate their adoption and integration in many emerging
use cases such as the electricity generation from the
roof-top photovoltaic panels. Hence, the house lord
can play the role of electricity producer and consumer
at the same time (from where the term “prosumer” is
born). Another use case, is that the produced electric-
ity can be supplied to electric cars as a type of storage.
Hence, enabling such advanced functionalities to the
users can be the source of sudden big energy demand
(in case of simultaneous bad weather and high use) or
also the release (during good weather and low use).
The behaviour of prosumers is generally unpre-
dictable, at least if we assume that the metering and
sensing infrastructure ensures security and privacy of
the user’s data which makes difficult forecasting its
activity. That is why being aware of such kind of
users allows to take into account any potential sharp
demand-response changes.
3.4 Storage Subsystem
Storage systems play a pivotal role in almost all func-
tionalities of the microgrid control. It allows to store
electricity and provide it back during the peak shav-
ing process (Dongol et al., 2018), dynamic demand-
response mechanisms, load shifting, etc., in order to
guarantee better supply continuity and better distur-
bances avoidance. It is necessary to a microgrid con-
troller to be aware about the size, the type, the capac-
ity, the distribution and other parameters of storage
equipment in order to be ensure reliable functionali-
In this section, we provide the definition of the pro-
posed microgrid’s context model as well as the pro-
posed reasoning mechanism. But before starting, it is
necessary to show how the context information is to
be used in the control process.
Fig. 2 depicts the abstract architecture view of the
microgrid control system which is composed of three
main layers: (i) Physical Layer: which represents the
process and field components of the subsystems de-
fined in Section 3. (ii) Context Acquisition Layer:
which is the layer subject of the current paper con-
tributions. Finally, (iii) Control Layer: which holds
the controller of the microgrid. In the following, the
functionalities of the second layer, i.e., Context Ac-
quisition Layer, are introduced.
Functionalities of the physical layer such as gath-
ering data from the heterogeneous sources, as well as
functionalities of the control layer such as defining
reconfiguration and adaptation policies are out of the
scope of this paper.
Figure 2: Microgrid control system abstract architecture.
4.1 Ontology-based Microgrid Context
The purpose behind defining the microgrid context
model using the ontology is to provide an easy un-
derstandable model. Also, ontology based models are
easily extensible, so whenever new concepts need to
be added the basic model could be reused. More-
over, although the contexts in a microgrid are not easy
to define and even complex, the ontology allows us
to derive the formal semantic knowledge about the
microgrid subsystems, their components, and con-
At a given moment, the microgrid controller may
not need every context detailed information, but it is
of great usability to provide a holistic context model.
Most of the previous works provide a context mod-
elling for some specific use cases like the context-
aware load-balancing, the context-aware electric ve-
hicle charging, the context-aware power generation
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 3: Microgrid Context Model Using OWL.
forecasting. However, none of them provide a context
definition for the whole microgrid. It is difficult to
model every single case and every single scenario, es-
pecially with the expanded subsystems as presented in
Section 3. Nevertheless, we provide a holistic context
model for microgrids context-awareness which incor-
porates the most used (conventional) facets. When-
ever necessary, the model could be extended, i.e., new
ontology entities and deeper details could be added.
Fig. 3 depicts the proposed microgrid context on-
tology. The model is presented based on the OWL
(Web Ontology Language). The considered entities
are the entities related to the control task and that can
affect the intelligent functionalities such as the load
balancing, the peak shaving, the generation optimiza-
tion, the storage optimization and others. The micro-
grid context is formed mainly with six main parts:
(i) generators, (ii) storage, (iii) consumers, (iv) pro-
sumers, (v) environment, and (vi) historical state.
Generators Ontology: This ontology entity is used
to represent the electricity generators within a micro-
grid system. It is the generalization of the renewable
and traditional energy generators where each kind is a
generalization of some specific classes of generation
such as the Solar Panels or the Coal Energy Plant.
For space constraints, we detail one example of con-
text information of solar panels. It is important for the
controller to get some parameters such the voltage at
maximum power point (VMP), the open circuit volt-
age (VOC), the fill factor (FF), etc. Also the number
of panels, their size, etc.
Storage Ontology: This ontology entity is used to
represent the electricity storage system in a micro-
grid. The Battery specific class is a conventional type
of electricity storage. Information required are for
example the power requirement range (expressed in
kW), the standing time interval (in hours), the nomi-
nal AC coupling voltage (VAC), the dimensions, the
percentage of over and under voltage allowance, etc.
Consumers Ontology: This ontology entity is used
to represent the consumers of electricity within a mi-
crogrid. In general, consumers can be characterized
by their culture (for example consumers in a devel-
oped country do not consume the same amount of
consumers in developing ones). Even the financial
level and psychology (how is the susceptibility to ac-
cept and use new restrictions and technologies, etc.)
can influence the consumption rates. Consumers are
classified into two classes according to their priority:
CriticalConsumers and NonCriticalConsumers.
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
Figure 4: Context Reasoning Process.
Prosumers Ontology: This ontology entity is used
to represent the prosumers such as the ElectricVehicle
and HomeWithSolarPanelRoofTop specific classes.
Information about how many home has the roof-top
solar panels and what are their characteristics is nec-
essary. Also the number of potential usage of electric
vehicles and whether it disposes of solar panels are
useful to know.
Environment Ontology: This ontology entity is used
to describe the environmental influencers on the con-
text of control of the microgrid. Three main con-
ditions are taken into account which are the timing,
weather forecast, and physical equipment. The time is
represented through the specific class Time which is a
generalization of the Season, DayOfWeek, PeriodOf-
Day, TimeOfDay which impact directly the schedul-
ing, the generation, and the load balancing tasks.
The Weather specific class also is important to
the renewable energy generation and that is generally
feeded by the weather forecast service providers. The
PhysicalEquipment specific class represents the phys-
ical sources of the context or let say the low level con-
text. It is classified into two types of microgrid equip-
ment: Devices such as the sensors, actuators, and
smart meters, and the power lines especially the emer-
gency and trading power lines. Being aware about the
emergency power lines for example, helps to set the
emergency reconfigurations in case of internal faults
or also in case of faults in neighbor microgrids.
Historical Microgrid State Ontology: This ontol-
ogy entity is used to describe the previous activities
that a microgrid has performed. Historical informa-
tion has an influence on the decision making for cur-
rent and future configurations/control tasks.
There are dependencies between the different en-
tities, we present among them the dependency of the
renewable energy generators and the prosumers to the
environment ontology.
4.2 Rule-based Context Reasoning
In this section, the proposed lightweight context rea-
soning process is introduced. The process flow is de-
scribed with three steps as depicted in Fig. 4: (1) for-
matting the collected data, (2) comparison with the
current context, and (3) search for matching rules.
Before providing the pseudo-code of each step,
it is noted that we assume that at any given instant,
the microgrid has a context (i.e., a state) that can be
changed according to the results of the provided rea-
soning process. It is also assumed that the new found
conclusions are forwarded to the controller of the mi-
crogrid (control layer in Fig. 2), and the latter has
to make decisions based on its control protocols (re-
lated to tariff calculation, sustainability policies, se-
curity policies, optimization policies, etc.). The role
of the proposed processes in this paper is to get and
recognize context changes.
4.2.1 Formatting Data
Sensors and metering devices provide real numerical
values that are not meaningful or at least not helpful
in deducing the semantic relations between the facts
related to the context entities (as shown in the ontol-
ogy definition in Section 3). That is why, we propose
the following process to represent the sensed data.
We note that, a Context Attributes Model Store
(CAMS) is provided as input to the process. The store
contains context attributes models where each model
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
represents one context attribute and its related labels
as depicted in Fig. 5. A label is a description of the
range of values of the attribute. For example, temper-
ature is a context attribute of the weather ontology.
The interval of values [0, 10] is described as low tem-
perature, [10, 25] is medium temperature, and [25, 35]
is high temperature. Hence, low, medium, and high
are defined as labels. In the same way, the consump-
tion rate (in kW) of one residential unit is an attribute
of the non-critical consumers entity that belongs to
the consumers ontology. The values between [0, 70]
is labelled as very low, between [70, 250] is labelled
as low, between [250, 600] is labelled as medium, and
between [600, 1200] is labelled as high.
Figure 5: Context attributes model.
Some of the context attributes are given a criti-
cal importance and receiving an information related
to one of them implies the immediate sent of an alert
to the controller. For example, if the sensor of fires
detects a fire the process has to end immediately and
send an alert message to the controller. Same case for
situations related to the storms or blackouts.
Data formatting pseudo-code is as follows:
Step 1: Parse received values and check if one of
the critical attributes contains a value.
Step 2: For each received attribute, read the re-
lated context attribute model from the context at-
tribute model store CAMS and decide which label is
to be assigned to the attribute by comparing the value
to the minimum and maximum values of each range,
i.e., we say that the label of a range of one model is
assignable to the input x
[RangeMinValue,RangeMaxValue] (1)
Step 3: Generate a context row using the re-
trieved labels. A context row, denoted by CR is
defined as a set of context items denoted by ci,
hence CR = {ci
} where n is the number
of context items. A context item is defined as a
tuple ci =< type,label,value > where value is the
collected/sensed/measured value, label is the label
of the context attribute determined in the previous
step, and type is the semantic type of the input and
it is presented by its root through the ontologies
, entities e
, and attributes a
. For example, the
context item of the temperature will be as follows:
ci =< o
,medium,15 >.
The context item of the residential unit
consumption will be as follows: ci =<
,low,100 >.
4.2.2 Comparison with Current Context
Given that context awareness should be provided in
real time in order to be efficient, many calculations
have to be processed. However, the input data could
be the same or slightly different from the current
one in many situations. So calculations will produce
nearly same results which have not an impact on the
context. For example, for the demand response han-
dling task, knowing the period of the day (morning
/afternoon or night) may help to reduce the calcula-
tions during some hours of each period. For instance,
supposing that we are in the night, the periodic super-
vision of the consumption rates indicates that it is a
low consumption. Thus, there is a need to a method
allowing to avoid triggering the reasoning process that
might produce similar results.
To avoid leading non-useful computations, we
propose to create an intermediate step that compares
the new context values with the current ones. The
comparison is based on a predefined similarity thresh-
old of the values of the context row. The threshold is
defined according to the assumptions and preferences
of the system owners, for example 10%.
Let X = {x
} be the sensed values of
the input context row and V = {v
} be
the values of the current context row CR. To see how
much the new sensed values are different from the
current ones the following formula is applied:
P =
+ v
)/2] × 100)/n (2)
For example, let the current context row values
be V = {35,1, 1100} and let the sensed values be
X = {30,1,1000}. The percentage P is 8.3% which
is less than the threshold 10%. In this case, it is rec-
ommended to not re-trigger the search for rules and
rather “no changes recommendation” can be sent to
the controller because the difference is negligible and
does not imply a context change.
If the difference is greater than the threshold then
a search for the matching context rule is necessary.
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
4.2.3 Search for Matching Rules
In order to find the proper context, a context rule
store (CRS) is defined. A rule has the form of
condition conclusion, where the condition is a
conjunction of a set of premises. The context items
of the input context row are used as premises of the
rules, and the conclusions of rules will be sent to the
controller as recommendations of reconfigurations. In
this phase of the process, premises are given prior-
ities allowing to facilitate the rule matching process
as detailed in the following. The pseudo-code of the
matching rule search is given as follows:
Step 1: Select the set of triggerable rules. This is
done based on which attribute has changed its values
(i.e., we select rules containing as premises the related
Step 2: If only one rule is selected in Step 1 then
go to Step 3. Else if more than one rule is selected
in Step 1 then compare the number of premises of the
rules. The longest rule is the winner rule. Else if there
are more than one winner rule then;
Check the priorities of the attributes. Select the
rule containing the attribute having the highest prior-
ity. If all attributes are of equal priorities then calcu-
late the Euclidean distance between the input context
row values X and the conditions of the selected rules
as follows
) =
Where r
is the mid-range of the relevant attribute
range. The winner rule is the one having the minimal
distance to X.
Step 3: Trigger winner rule. If all rules selected
in Step 1 are triggered, then finish. Else, go to Step 2.
The conclusions of all triggered rules will be sent
to the controller as recommendations/suggestions that
help on establishing the proper control strategies. For
example, a recommendation to sell energy when there
is surplus of renewable energy generation and low
consumption rates, etc.
Let us consider a microgrid called mg that has these
features: mg relies on the utility main power grid and
a ten solar panels plant. mg should supply one resi-
dential area (composed only of homes) and one hos-
pital. mg has also one battery as a storage system.
Using the proposed microgrid context ontology, in
the current case the controller of mg should handle:
(i) the renewable energy generation subsystem, (ii)
the consumers subsystem, and (iii) the storage sub-
system. The traditional electricity generators and the
prosumers are not considered. Table 1 depicts some
of the context attributes stored in CAMS.
Table 1: Context Attribute Labels.
Attribute name Values
Connection to main grid on, off
Solar panel production high, medium, low
Battery reserve empty, full, half full
Battery activity charging, discharging, idle
Consumer priority critical, non-critical
Weather windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, stormy
Season summer, winter, autumn, spring
Day of the week working day, week-end day, holiday
Period of the day morning, afternoon, night
Time of the day peak, normal, zero-consumption hours
Consumption very low, low, medium, high, very high
Let the current context row of the microgrid, de-
noted by CR be composed with the set of context
items defined in Table 2.
Table 2: Current Context Items.
Id tuples
< o
,OnMode,1 >
< o
,medium, 50% >
< o
,hal f F ull, 50% >
< o
,sunny,80% >
< o
,summer,3 >
< o
DayO f Week
,workingday, 1 >
< o
PeriodO f Day
,morning,1 >
< o
,low, 110 >
Let the input vector of collected data be
as follows I= { (Connection to the grid =
true), (SolarPanelProduction= 1000 Wh), (Bat-
teryReserve= 20%), (Weather= 60% sunny), (Date-
Time= 04.07.2010:11:30:00), (ConsumptionRate=
350 kW)}. Following the proposed approach, the
first step, which is the data formatting step, pro-
cesses the data vector I using the CAMS and re-
sults on the following context row, denoted by R =
Table 3: Generated Context Items.
Id tuples
< o
,OnMode,1 >
< o
,medium, 50% >
< o
,empty, 20% >
< o
,sunny,80% >
< o
,summer,3 >
< o
DayO f Week
,workingday, 1 >
< o
PeriodO f Day
,morning,1 >
< o
,medium, 350 >
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
Since any of the attributes is critical, no alerts will
be sent to the controller and the process goes to the
next step which is the comparison with the current
context step. A quick parsing of the attributes returns
those that have changed their values which are the
battery reserve and the consumption level. Therefore,
calculating the percentage of the change is to be done.
The corresponding numerical values of the con-
texts are given as follows: V = {1, 50%, 50%,
80%, 3, 1, 1, 110}, and X= {1, 50%, 20%, 80%,
3, 1, 1, 350}. The difference calculation gives
P =
)/2]×100)/8 = 23.75%.
Given that the threshold of the difference between the
current and new context is of 10%, it is necessary
to move to the next step which is the search for the
matching context rules. For this, the CRS is defined
as depicted in Table 4.
Applying the first step of the third phase results in
the recognition of R1, R7 and R8 as triggerable rules.
Then, according to the second step of this search a
comparison between the selected rules in terms of
number of premises give the following results: (R1,
2), (R7, 3), and (R8, 3). There is no longest rule be-
cause R7 and R8 have the same size of premises.
In this case, a comparison of the premises priority
is performed. In this case study, more importance is
given to the integration of renewable energy. Thus,
whenever a rule is dealing with renewable energies it
has more priority over other rules. As conclusion, R8
is the first rule to trigger. Triggering R8 gives as a
result Switch on to main grid. Then, R7 and R1 are
triggered successively. Therefore these recommenda-
tions are sent to the controller of mg: switch on to
main grid and start charging batteries.
6.1 Numerical Analysis
A major challenge of today’s smart applications is
its level of awareness and its efficiency in terms of
both: (i) reliable behaviours, and (ii) computational
resources consumption. For this, efficiently manage
and exploit the collected (and/or sensed/measured)
data is a key factor that allows to assess the quality
of an approach. In this context, the proposed context
reasoning in this paper introduces a comparison phase
as an intermediate phase between the data representa-
tion phase and the rules matching phase at the aim
of reducing possible non-needed computations, i.e.,
those that end with the same conclusion. Therefore,
to make our process smart, a threshold of difference
is defined to decide about the similarity of the current
context values and the new ones, i.e., how much cur-
rent and new contexts are different.
To show more the benefits of the contribution, let
us consider the current context row A = {ci
composed of three context items where the values are
given by V = {35,1,1100}. The first attribute repre-
sents the percentage of the renewable energy genera-
tion and it has this context attribute labels: low for the
interval [0%, 33%], medium for the interval [34%,
66%], and high for the interval [67%, 100%]. The
second attribute represents the connection to the util-
ity grid (1 for true, and 0 for false). Lastly, the third
attribute represents the consumption (in Wh) and it
has this context attribute labels: low for the values in
[0, 1000], medium for the values [1000, 2000], and
high for the values [2000, 3000].
Let us consider the following ve vectors rep-
resenting ve periodic context measurements during
one morning: V
= {32,1,1020}, V
= {40,1,1200},
= {35, 1,900}, V
= {35, 1,1400}, and V
{35,1,1488}. Calculating the percentage difference
P, between A and the collected vectors results in val-
ues less than the threshold as depicted in Fig. 6.
Figure 6: Comparison between current and new rows.
Given that the reconfigurations are costly, the
slight fluctuations of the generation and consumption
inside one interval of values or around its bounds and
below the threshold value should not generate context
changes. Defining a threshold values allows to deter-
mine the supportable possible fluctuations within one
defined context. This phase allows to reduce consider-
ably non-necessary rule matching processes, thus al-
lows to improve the computational resources usage.
6.2 Discussion
The proposed approach shows the ability to express
the relation of the control task to the related context.
It introduces a definition of the context ontology’s that
may influence the behaviour of the microgrid control-
ling tasks and contributes to the enrichment of the de-
velopment of the system intelligence. Compared to
the works presented in Section 2.2, and to the best of
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
Table 4: Rules Samples.
Id Rules
R1 (BatteryReserve is empty) and (Weather is sunny) Start charging batteries
R2 (Weather is sunny) and (PeriodOfDay is morning) and (SolarPanelProduction is high) Switch off from main grid
R3 (Weather is sunny) and (PeriodOfDay is afternoon) Stop charging batteries
R4 (Season is winter) and (ConsumerPriority is critical) Switch on to main grid
R5 (PeriodOfDay is night) and (BatteryActivity is discharging) Turn batteries on idle mode
R6 (Consumption is low) and (Weather is sunny) and (Season is summer) Switch off from main grid
R7 (Consumption is medium) and (Weather is sunny) and (Season is summer) Switch on to main grid
R8 (Consumption is medium) and (Weather is sunny) and (SolarPanelProduction is medium) Switch on to main grid
our knowledge, the current work is the first to define
a microgrid ontology that takes into consideration the
four system perspectives: generation, consumption,
prosuming, and storage.
The three-steps reasoning process is lightweight
and provides computational resources reduction
thanks to the second step, i.e., the “comparison with
current context step”. In fact, it allows to improve the
semantics of the context information and avoid non-
useful calculations. Compared to the works reported
in (Skillen et al., 2014), (Quinn et al., 2017), our pro-
posed reasoning method provides better resources us-
age thanks to the filtering of the “comparison with
current context step”. Also, recognizing urgent at-
tributes in step 1 allows to lighten the computational
overhead for critical situations. Search for matching
rules process execution is not triggered if critical at-
tributes are obtained also when there are small negli-
gible changes.
The efficiency of the proposed contributions
would be more verifiable by the development of the
physical and control layers which allow to provide a
complete process of a context-aware application work
The current paper introduces an approach of context
modelling and reasoning for microgrids. A general-
ized and holistic design of the microgrid is presented,
the design defines four subsystems: generators, con-
sumers, prosumers, and storage. The current paper in-
troduces a microgrid ontology based on the proposed
design to present the different parts that can impact
the context of the system control. The ontology is de-
fined using the OWL language and it is general, holis-
tic, and extensible. The proposed context model also
shows the dependencies between the different subsys-
tems of a microgird and helps to find common un-
derstanding of the microgrid context. Then, a three-
steps process of rule-based context reasoning is intro-
duced. The reasoning process has as originality the
lightweight process thanks to a filtering mechanism
that is processed before the rules search. This pro-
cess allows to reduce computational resources usage.
A formal case study is conducted and the suitability
of the context deduction is demonstrated. In future
work, many interesting research directions could be
tackled. The definition of reconfiguration and adapta-
tion mechanisms to be performed by the controller of
the microgrid needs to be studied. Also, application
of the proposed concepts to a real-world case study
would be of great importance.
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