3.4 Application
Our scheme is designed for exchange of encrypted
data between a trusted server and a client on a mo-
bile device. The server and the client share a secret
key for the encryption: the client is given a white-box
program with a fixed key. In addition, if a secure
PUF exists on the client’s device, it is used to rein-
force the security of the white-box program. Because
of the uniqueness of a PUF instance, an enrollment
phase is needed to “characterize” it. In other words,
the trusted server stores some challenge-response pairs
corresponding to the PUF thanks to an evaluation pro-
gram SECURE.EVAL executed on the client device.
Such an enrollment phase is used for PUF-based au-
thentication. During the enrollment, some helper data
are computed to enable the client to recover the en-
rolled responses from noisy ones. A helper data is
computed by a SECURE.SKETCH procedure and stored
by the server. It is a public side information that en-
ables one to recover a string
from any noisy but
close enough
. Assume that the server sends some
encrypted data to the client and the client needs to
decrypt them. The server randomly picks a pair of
challenge-response and encrypts the data using the
shared key and the PUF response. Then the server
sends the ciphertext together with the challenge and
the helper data to the client. The client evaluates the
PUF instance on the challenge and gets a noisy re-
sponse. Thanks to a recovery procedure REC and the
helper data, the client recovers the correct response
and decrypts the ciphertext. We refer to (Dodis et al.,
2008) for precise definitions of a secure sketch and a
recovery procedure for noisy data.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography