defined in (Wang et al., 2015).
Features that can be added to the system that will
improve its efficacy include Data Augmentation, Cus-
tom Loss Function Design, and further hyperparame-
ter tuning. Quick improvements can be made by ex-
perimenting with more segmentation techniques and
even further improved by incorporating semantic seg-
mentation systems such as YOLOv3 or other FRCNN
based networks as proven in (Jiao et al., 2018) and
(Wang et al., 2015).
Further architectures to be tested and evaluated in-
clude the addition of further LSTM/GRU hidden units
such as W-Net Connected + LSTM. Preliminary re-
search in this paper and in accompanying references
suggest the time series nature of moving depth image
and the interpolated data points in the current datasets
can benefit from memory units when deducing depth
among sparsely populated depth maps. Another path
to take, illuminated by the work done in this paper, is
exploring the use of autoencoders for representation
learning of depth data to improve the inference time
of this system.
Finally, a review of appropriate loss functions will
be conducted. While MSE is a standard and staple of
measuring the success of depth-estimation, it is evi-
dent that the W-Net Connected model produces more
coherent results than U-Net, yet scored lower dur-
ing training and evaluation. From this result, we can
look on to utilizing scoring functions such as Scale In-
variant Loss, MSLE (Mean-Squared-Log-Error), and
possibly custom loss functions that take into account
more than relative or absolute difference between
ground truth and predicted images.
The end result of the improvements above will be
the practical real-time production of depth data fed
into a generic package for autonomous robotic sys-
tems equipped with obstacle detection and avoidance.
We thank Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) for
providing computing resources and funding through-
out this project.
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All network models discussed and developed in
this research are available at: https://github.com/
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems