In this paper, we presented new algorithms for k-NN
query processing in GPUs. These algorithms maxi-
mize the utilization of device memory, handling more
reference points in the computation. Through an ex-
perimental evaluation on synthetic and real datasets,
we concluded that these algorithms, not only work
faster than existing methods for small groups of query
points, but also scale-up to much larger reference
datasets. Moreover we validated that T-DS algorithm
is faster than T-BS, because of the extra refinement
step minimizing the sorting overhead.
Future work plans include:
• Comparison of our algorithms to other algorithms
in the literature, regarding execution time and
scaling-up within the available device memory,
• Combination of GPU-based algorithms to data
stored in SSDs, using smart transferring of
data between the SSD, RAM and device mem-
ory (Roumelis et al., 2016) (without indexes),
(Roumelis et al., 2019) (using indexes),
• Testing the effectiveness of our algorithms on data
from other application domains, e.g. financial
data (Cheng et al., 2019),
• Implementation of queries (like K-closest pairs),
based techniques utilized in this paper.
This research has been co-financed by the European
Regional Development Fund of the European Union
and Greek national funds through the Operational
Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and In-
novation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE –
INNOVATE (project code:T1EDK-02161).
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In-memory k Nearest Neighbor GPU-based Query Processing