A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC
to Support Lifelong Learning
Sergio Iván Ramírez Luelmo
, Nour El Mawas
and Jean Heutte
CIREL - Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Éducation de Lille, Université de Lille, Campus Cité Scientifique,
Bâtiments B5 – B6, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Keywords: Learning Analytics, Knowledge Representation, Technology Enhanced Learning, Lifelong Learning, Learner
Model, Learning Environment, Literature Review, MOOC.
Abstract: Nowadays, Learning Analytics is an emerging topic in the Technology Enhanced Learning and the Lifelong
Learning fields. Learner Models also have an essential role on the use and exploitation of learner-generated
data in a variety of Learning Environments. Many research studies focus on the added value of Learner
Models and their importance to facilitate the learner’s follow-up, the course content personalization and the
trainers/teachers’ practices in different Learning Environments. Among these environments, we choose
Massive Open Online Courses because they represent a reliable and considerable amount of data generated
by Lifelong Learners. In this paper we focus on Learner Modelling in Massive Open Online Courses in an
Lifelong Learning context. To our knowledge, currently there is no research work that addresses the literature
review of existing Learner Models for Massive Open Online Courses in this context in the last five years.
This study will allow us to compare and highlight features in existing Learner Models for a Massive Open
Online Course from a Lifelong Learning perspective. This work is dedicated to MOOC designers/providers,
pedagogical engineers and researchers who meet difficulties to model and evaluate MOOCs’ learners based
on Learning Analytics.
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) have
proliferated in the last decade all around the world.
Their global reach and popularity steams from their
original concept to offer free and open access courses
for a massive number of learners from anywhere all
over the world (Yousef et al., 2014). However,
despite their global reach, popularity and often low-
to-none costs, they have very low completion rates
(Yuan & Powell, 2013; Jordan, 2014) with research
metrics agreeing at median of about 6.5%. As this
percentage increases and tops to about 60%, a ten-
fold difference, for fee-based certificates, studies of
both cases show that engagement, intention and
motivation (Jung & Lee, 2018; Wang & Baker, 2018;
Watted & Barak, 2018) are among the top factors to
e.g. course-shopping, dabbling topic courses, auditing
knowledge on the material and on its difficulty level, etc.
affect performance in MOOCs. DeBoer, Ho, Stump,
& Breslow (2014) confirm the multifactor complexity
of this phenomena by concluding that MOOC
participants have reasons to enrol other than course
. We extend this affirmation by
attributing a part of this phenomena to the obvious
heterogenous nature of these new global learners and
their heterogenous learning needs; a situation also
highlighted by M. L. Sein-Echaluce et al. (2016).
Thus, improving academic success in MOOCs by
increasing the learning outcome and the average
completion rate of learners creates the need to
personalize content and learning paths by modelling
the learner (El Mawas et al., 2019). Research studies
(Bodily et al., 2018; Corbet & Anderson, 1995) focus
on the added value of Learner Models (LM) and their
importance to facilitate the learner’s follow-up, the
Luelmo, S., El Mawas, N. and Heutte, J.
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009782005270539
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 527-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
course content personalization and the trainers /
teachers’ practices in different Learning
Environments (LE) through Learning Analytics (LA).
Moreover, it has been considered by Sloep et al.
(2011) that learner’s personalization is one of the
essential concepts in Lifelong Learning (LLL) and
Lifewide Learning contexts.
However, in the current context of Big Data, it is
very difficult to make a clear view of the research
landscape on works on Learner Models for MOOCs
in an LLL context. For instance, a simple, unrestricted
Google Scholar query on the term “learner model”
returns about 2 million results, about 1 million results
on “lifelong learning” and about 200 thousands on the
term “mooc” at the time of the writing of this paper
(early 2020). The goal of this literature review is to
analyse the most recent works in the field of “LM for
MOOC in an LLL context”. This is in general terms,
how a given LM coupled with(in) a MOOC can
support an LLL. More specifically, we aim to
differentiate and highlight LM’s features and their
relevance to a MOOC usage in an LLL experience.
To our knowledge, currently there is no research work
that addresses the literature review of existing
Learner Models for Massive Open Online Courses in
this context.
So, in order to try to bring up a more adequate and
accurate panorama on the topic of LM for MOOC in
a LLL context to the target public of this paper
(MOOC designers/providers, pedagogical engineers
and researchers who meet difficulties to evaluate
MOOC’s learners based on LA) we decided to limit
our literature review to the terms “learner model” and
“mooc”. We performed this research in the Google
Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus databases,
within the last five years (2015-2020) timeframe. The
thought behind these choices is to obtain the most
recent and high-quality corpus on the topic.
This work is different from previous literature
reviews (Sergis & Sampson, 2019; Bodily et al.,
2018; Abyaa et al., 2019; Liang-Zhong et al., 2018;
Afini Normadhi et al., 2018) in that, not only it covers
the most recent proposals, extensions and
implementations of Learner Models (last 5 years) but
that it discerns features in Learner Models that may
play an important role in the case of Lifelong
Learning in MOOC, such as its openness,
independence and dynamism. This specific context
led us to skip considering general models (such as
User Models) as well as more specific models
We note that, adding the LLL (“lifelong learning”) term
in the search query would have had the undesirable effect
of excluding LM which did not explicitly contemplate this
(Student Models, Professional Models or even
explicit Lifelong Learner Models).
We also focus on (1) which dimensions are
modelled, more precisely the way Knowledge is
represented (both Domain and Learner’s) and, (2)
what strategies the Model implements to ensure its
own accuracy, that is, its updating methods and / or
techniques. We believe that this approach may help
our target public (MOOC designers/providers,
pedagogical engineers and researchers who meet
difficulties to evaluate MOOC’s learners based on
LA) to take better informed decisions when choosing
a MOOC and its accompanying LM, namely within
the scope of LLL.
The remainder of this article is structured as
follows. Section 2 of this paper oversees the
theoretical works concerning this paper, namely the
concept of Learner Models and their importance in
MOOCs as well as presenting the Lifelong Learning
dimension as the surrounding context. Section 3
details the methodology steps and discusses the
results of this review of literature. Finally, Section 4
concludes this paper and presents its perspectives.
In this section we present the theoretical background
put in motion behind this research, namely the
Learner Model and the considered features, its
importance on MOOC platforms and the Lifelong
dimension as the surrounding context.
2.1 Learner Models
Learner Models represent the system’s beliefs about
the learner’s specific characteristics, relevant to the
educational practice (Giannandrea & Sansoni, 2013),
they are usually enriched by data collection
techniques (Nguyen & Do, 2009) and they aim to
encode individual learners using a specific set of
dimensions (Nakic, Granic & Glavinic, 2015). These
dimensions may or may not include personal
preferences, cognitive states, as well as learning and
behavioural preferences. Modelling the learner has
the ultimate goal of allowing the adaptation and
personalization of environments and learning
activities (El Mawas et al., 2019; Chatti et al., 2014)
while considering the unique and heterogeneous
context but could still have characteristics that would
eventually accommodate it.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
needs of learners, which in turn improves learning
metrics. Evidence from a number of studies have long
linked having a learner model can make a system
more effective in helping students learn, by using the
model to adapt to learner’s differences (Corbett &
Anderson, 1995; Bodily et al., 2018). Learner
modelling relies on three scientific fields (educational
science, psychology and information technology) and
it involves (1) the identification and selection of
learner’s characteristics that influence learning, and
(2) take into account the learner’s psychological
states during the learning process, in order to choose
the most adapted technologies to model precisely
each characteristic (Abyaa et al., 2019). One of the
most important characteristics of LM is Knowledge
representation. According to the family of techniques
used to represent knowledge, LM can be classified
into stereotype models, overlay models, differential
models, perturbation models or plan models, each
with its own set of techniques to model them (Assami
et al., 2018; Herder, 2016; Nguyen & Do, 2009).
Moreover, depending on each technique, the
knowledge representation of the learner (learner’s
knowledge) can take the form of an instantiation or a
differential or a relationship or a subset of the
knowledge representation of the topic (domain’s
knowledge), while depending heavily for this choice
on the context of utilisation (Abyaa et al., 2019).
Many studies (Somyürek, 2009; Vagale &
Niedrite, 2012; Abyaa et al., 2019) hold that learner
modelling is a process that follows these stages (1)
gathering initial data related to the learner’s
characteristics (or initialization), (2) model
construction, and (3) keeping the LM updated by
analysing the learner’s activities. During the
initialization process (1) the LM may encounter what
is known as a ‘cold start’ problem, where insufficient
data on the learner is made available to properly
instantiate the model. A similar situation (‘data
sparsity’) may also arise during the updating phase
(3), preventing the proper update on the LM or worst,
leading to data corruption.
We acknowledge the difference between Learner
Profile and Learner Model in that the former can be
either considered an instantiation of the latter in a
given moment of time, using educational data
(Martins, Faria, De Carvalho & Carrapatoso, 2008),
or, put in another way simply static uninterpreted
information about the learner (Vagale & Niedrite,
2012). For example, a Learner Profile can hold data
that may include personal details, scores or grades,
Note that an LM does not need to be specific to a defined
system or platform.
educational resources usage(s), learning activity
records, etc., all of which emerge during the delivery
of the learning process (Sergis & Sampson, 2019).
Another additional classification for LM are Open
Learner Models (OLM). They are a type of LM where
the model is explicitly communicated to the learner
(or to any other actors) by allowing visualization and
/ or editing of the relevant profiles (Bull & Kay, 2010;
Sergis & Sampson, 2019). This contrasts to the view
of a Closed Model, in which the student has no direct
view of the Model’s contents (Tanimoto, 2005). OLM
can be classified int three categories (Bull & Kay,
2016), based on the model’s edition and
communication modes: inspectable, negotiable or
editable. In one hand, a negotiable OLM will ask and
check for factual evidence from the learner to accept
any given modification, whereas an editable OLM
will not rely on proof, requiring instead a set of
permissions and access controls to avoid data
corruption. An inspectable OLM, in the other hand,
simply does not allow editing of any kind, leaving
solely its updating mechanisms to the hosting system.
Concerning the hosting system itself, Tanimoto,
(2005) brings up the notion that Transparency is a
desirable trait for LM to feature because, by revealing
the internal works of a system, it helps to “engender
trust, permit error detection and foster learning” about
how the system works.
Many research studies (Bull, Jackson, &
Lancaster, 2010; Sergis & Sampson, 2019) show the
importance of Models that are independent of any
by being able to accept multi-sourced data.
Hence, we consider a LM as Independent if it is not
“[…] part of a specific system and may collect or
exploit educational data from diverse sources”.
Regarding the communication with the hosting
system, an independent LM requires specific
technical connectors (API) to different CMS or LMS
We consider paramount the independence of a
LM, as a way for the learner to take possession and
control of its own data. This cannot be accomplished
without a sound support for technical connectors and
interoperability. However, even an independent LM
makes no difference if the data is locked within: we
posit that OLM are a way to empower educators and
learners by allowing them to peek inside the LM and
keep it up-to-date through evidence.
In this part we discussed the notion of LM and
some of its features. In the following section we treat
the importance of LM for MOOC.
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning
2.2 Importance of Learner Models in
We highlight the importance of MOOCs as means
and tools for people from different countries and
backgrounds to interact, collaborate, share and learn
without the usual geographical or temporal
constraints (Brahimi et al., 2015). As a quantitative
and dynamic example, Shah from Class Central
(2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019) has been reporting a
steady increase in people signing up for courses as
well as in the number of courses being opened
worldwide. That is, from over 500 Universities, 4200
courses and 35 Million Students in 2015, 2019 has
seen over 900 Universities, 13500 courses and 110
Million Students. Yet, these numbers exclude China,
whose metrics are “difficult to validate”, according to
Shah. Furthermore, in 2019, MOOCs have come a
long way to include not only microcredentials but
also MOOC-based degrees, showing a diversification
in their offer and an adaptation to their massive public
learning needs. Thus, LM play also an important role
in MOOC, as they allow for individualisation
(Assami et al., 2018), personalization (Kay, 2012;
2019; Woolf, 2010) and recommendation (Morales et
al., 2009; Sunar et al., 2015), which improve learning
metrics by providing learners with an individual,
tailored learning experience suited to their own
uniqueness (Chatti et al., 2012).
These usage figures are a living testimony that
MOOCs are a platform of choice for knowledge-
eager lifelong learners worldwide. Such large number
of platforms from so many universities convey the
challenge of adapting first, the platform itself and
second, the course contents to an equally large
diversity of learners. A challenge where the LM can
play a substantial role, by coupling it to a MOOC,
allowing anywhere and anytime a tailoring of content
and activities to the learner’s needs.
After discussing the importance of LM for
MOOC, we introduce in the next section the context
surrounding the mixed notion of LM for MOOC.
2.3 Lifelong Learning in Learner
(Knapper & Cropley, 2000) consider that the term
Lifelong Learning (LLL) holds the idea that learning
should occur through a person’s lifetime and that it
involves formal and informal domains (Cropley,
1978). This is also supported by the European
Lifelong Learning Initiative, which defines this term
as a “continuously supported process which
stimulates and empowers individuals to acquire all
the knowledge, values, skills and understanding they
will require throughout their lifetimes and to apply
them with confidence, creativity and enjoyment in all
roles, circumstances and environments” (Watson,
2003). In addition, Kay & Kummerfeld (2011)
underline not only the need for a lifelong LM as “a
store for the collection of learning data about an
individual learner” but they also cite its multi-sourced
and availability capabilities for it to be a useful
lifelong LM. This definition is later reprised by Chatti
et al., (2014) who defines Lifelong Learner Model
(LLM) as a “store” where the learner can archive all
learning activities throughout her / his life (Abyaa et
al., 2019).
Thus, lifelong learner modelling (Chatti et al.,
2014) is the process of “creating and modifying a
model of a learner, who tends to acquire new or
modify his existing knowledge skills, or preferences
continuously over a longer time span.”. However, this
process is not devoid of difficulties of
implementation: Abyaa et al. (2019) and Chatti et al.
(2014) mention data collection, activity tracking,
regular updating, privacy, reusability, forgetting
modelling, data interconnection, autonomy and self-
directed learning instigation as some of the challenges
and difficulties faced by LLM. Nevertheless, some
efforts (Chatti et al., 2014; Ishola & McCalla, 2016;
Swartout et al., 2016; Thüs et al., 2015) have been
undertaken to address some of these challenges and
difficulties, with varied results in their own domains.
2.4 Stakes in Learner Model
As we have exposed in this section, learner modelling
for MOOC in a lifelong learning context is a complex
task facing many challenges. In this section we
outline the stakes to consider when reviewing LM.
First, in an LLL context, learning evolves in a
continuum so, the LM must also be evolving
continuously. This evolution must be assured and
reflected by a close follow-up by the LM itself, which
must establish the mechanisms to accept, hold and
analyse the data in a precise way. In one hand, we
consider that data can be multi-format and multi-
sourced and so, the LM must be capable of accepting,
understanding and holding an ample variety of it, in
time. In the other hand, the mechanisms to process
data are closely linked to the way data is represented
in the LM, namely the Knowledge representation and
the Recommender / Predictive system that is in
charge of handling learner’s data.
Second, interoperability and dynamism play a
crucial role in allowing for the LM to transcend its
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
hosting platform and be used as a long-term, dynamic
portfolio of knowledge, competences, skills,
preferences, credentials, certifications or badges,
among many others, as demanded by the LLL
context. An isolated, locked LM cannot assure the
portability needed by a heterogeneous learner public,
with unique learning needs, in a multitude of
heterogenous environments, in different moments of
a lifetime. Such learner public requires then an
independent, personalizable and unlocked LM, with
cemented communication flexibility.
Third, within this LLL context, it is also desirable
that the LM allows its inspecting and visualization so
that the learner is actively made aware of his / her
model, eventually permitting its editing or
negotiation, through institutional policies or other
similar instruments. By making the learner aware of
its learning activities, that is, of its LM and of its
maintaining mechanisms, it would foster trust,
engagement and learning.
In the following section we present the
methodology followed for the literature review whilst
considering the previously presented stakes in LM
comparison. It details into the paper selection process
and it briefly introduces our developed tool that
allows automatic metadata detection and organization
from academic sources.
This review of literature follows the methodology
described by Kitchenham & Charters (2007), which
enumerates the following steps: [A] Identifying the
need for a literature review, [B] Development of the
review protocol, [C] Identifying the research
questions, [D] Identifying research databases, [E]
Launching the research and saving citations, [F]
Screening the papers, [G] Summarizing the selected
papers and, [H] Interpreting the results.
3.1 Identification of the Need for a
Literature Review [A] and
Development of the Review
Protocol [B]
This work is dedicated to MOOC
designers/providers, pedagogical engineers and
researchers who meet difficulties to evaluate
MOOCs' learners based on Learning Analytics. The
goal of this review of literature is to analyse the most
recent works in the field of “LM for MOOCs in an
LLL context”. This is in general terms, how a given
LM coupled with(in) a MOOC can support an LLL.
More specifically, we aim to differentiate and
highlight Learner Models’ features and their
relevance to a MOOC usage in a Lifelong Learning
experience. To our knowledge, currently there is no
research work that addresses the literature review of
existing Learner Models for Massive Open Online
Courses in this context. As a side note, according to
Kitchenham et al. (2007), the development of the
protocol includes “[…] all of the elements of the
review plus some additional planning information
[…]” that we have detailed in each of the subsequent
steps of their methodology, such as the rationale of
the review, the selection criteria and the procedures
and data extraction strategies.
3.2 Identification of Research
Questions [C]
Therefore, this article aims to answer the following
research questions (RQ):
RQ1: What Learner Model features are most
relevant for a MOOC in an LLL context?
RQ2: What are the most suitable LM for MOOC
in an LLL context?
3.3 Selection Criteria and Research
Databases Identification [D]
In this section we describe the inclusion and
exclusion criteria used to constitute the corpus of
publications for our analysis. We also detail and
justify our choice of the search terms, the identified
databases as well as the used software tool.
In one hand, our Inclusion criteria are: Works that
present a Learner Model in the context of a MOOC or
that present a new Learner Model and compare it to
an existing Learner Model. In the other hand, our
chosen Exclusion criteria consist of: Works not
written in English, under embargo, not published or
in the works. Also, works that do not treat Learner
Models directly or only peripherally, that is: LM are
not the main topic of the publication. Works of the
same author for the same year (we keep only the last
published contribution on the same subject) and
finally, works published on journals take precedence
over those on conferences.
Our Search terms were “learner model” and
“mooc”, which in most of the search engines
conveniently translates as a Boolean query of the
form { (learner* AND model*) AND (mooc*) }. This
translation allows us to include plural, gerund and
agent-noun results. It is important to note that the
term LLL, while being very important as the context
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning
of our research, does not constitute nor an inclusion
nor an exclusion criteria but a characteristic of the LM
and this is why it does not figure in the search terms.
We chose to perform this research within the last
five year’s timeframe (2015-2020) at the beginning of
January 2020 in the following scientific databases:
Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Please
note that within the Google Scholar results we are
primarily interested in the results from Taylor &
Francis Online, Science Direct, Sage Publications,
Springer and IEEE Explore. The thought behind this
choice is to have the most current and quality-proven
scientific works in the domain. We chose and used the
search software tool ‘Publish or Perish’
not only to
search into these databases at once (except Web of
Science and Scopus) but also to profit from the
software’s feature to filter, regroup repeated
publications and calculate different indexes, such as
Hirsch’s h-index, Egghe’s g-index and Zhang’s e-
index, commonly known to the scientific community.
3.4 Launch of the Research [E]
For a more streamlined paper selection process, we
designed and developed an external tool (publication
under way) that, coupled with the software ‘Publish
or Perish’, recovers and organizes metadata from a
list of academic sources and presents it to the
reviewer in a bias-free context (Step: Automatic
Metadata Collection). This external tool allowed us to
refine the results in terms of publication abstracts
instead of publication titles only. Also, it prevented us
from manually loading, saving and reading all of the
articles’ abstracts by hand and one by one. Its main
advantage resides in facilitating a bias-free dismiss
process by presenting only the publication’s abstract
The paper selection process is pictured in Figure
1 and it happened as follows: First, we used a CSV
file as a data concentration hub to hold the search
query results issued from:
1. The Google Scholar search engine, using the
software Publish or Perish.
2. The Scopus database, using the software Publish
or Perish.
3. The Web of Science database.
Second, we automatically extracted relevant metadata
related to the previous results (abstracts and
keywords) from the corresponding articles’ Web
Link: https://harzing.com
Pages or PDF files. This process aims to present this
metadata in a bias-free context.
Figure 1: Overview of the publication selection and
categorization process. A flowchart
is used to represent
this process.
3.5 Paper Screening [F]
Then, we read all of the automatically extracted
abstracts and filter-categorized them. We dismissed
publications whose abstract was out of the scope of
this paper while registering the main subject
of the
dismissed paper. As mentioned, we focused primarily
in the abstract to determine the articles’ subject or
topic. We intentionally avoided relying on the
‘keywords’, ‘authors’ or ‘title’ fields to avoid a
possible bias. Although in doubt we recurred to
consider the ‘keywords’ and the ‘title’ fields,
respectively. The Dismissed Papers fell into one of
the following categories:
1. ‘Another kind of Model’: it describes pedagogical
models, relationship models, system models, etc.
2. ‘Profile’: it treats explicitly Learner Profile
instead of Learner Model.
3. ‘Not on topic’ results contain the search terms in
the text, title or bibliography but in a disconnected
4. ‘Citation’ results were usually removed
automatically by the ‘Publish or Perish’ tool but
not always.
e.g.: “ethical concerns of AI in education”, “panorama on
open source LMS” or “evolution of higher education”.
e.g. “Solar Models in a Geography Class: a Learner’s first
experience with MOOCs”
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We also dismissed articles of which the content was
not in English, Duplicates or Previous Work (from the
same author). Most Recent Work on Topic
publications from the same year from the same author
were detected and only the most recent item kept.
Finally, we accessed and read the full text of the
Passing papers through our institutional subscription
or Open Access for full-text reading. We kept only
articles from Book Chapters, Journals and
Conference Proceedings and we dismissed
Unpublished (or in the works) papers, White Papers,
PhDs and Master works.
In the following part we deepen the paper
screening phase by detailing the selection process,
contrary to the first addressing in this section the
dismissing issue.
3.5.1 Detailing the Selection Process
In this section we detail how we pass from a full set
of search databases results to our research pool of
selected articles. From the entire set of results given
by the three search databases (442), that is 419 results
from Google Scholar, 17 from Scopus and six from
Web of Science, we constituted a final pool of 17
publications mentioning in their abstract their
intention to propose a Learner Model. Unwittingly,
the other databases did not provide results fitting
neither our inclusion criteria, nor our search query.
Out of the 419 results from Google Scholar, 342
publications were quickly dismissed thanks to our
developed bias-free method as it made very clear that
they did not fit the inclusion criteria. That is, 77 were
‘Passing’ papers that required a more in-depth
During this initial search phase, the other engines
(Scopus and Web of Science) provided relatively few
results compared to Google. Surprisingly, it turned
out that all of their results, except for one, were
already within the Google Scholar results. That is, for
Web of Science, all of the six results were ‘Passing’
but repeated, and for Scopus, out of 17 result, 12 were
repeated and mixed with eight out-of-scope. This mix
left us with only one ‘Passing’ result from Scopus,
none from Web of Science and 77 from Google
Scholar, after reading all of the extracted Abstracts.
Then, we proceeded to fully read the ‘Passing’
papers. From this initial 78 (77 + 1 + 0) papers only
17 became ‘Proposals’ (16 Google, 1 Scopus, 0 Web
of Science). The dismissed papers group in this phase
consisted of a mix of PhD and Master publications,
one missed Not-in-English publication, a few most
To identify an LM, we kept the LM name given by its
authors, if any, otherwise we prepositioned ‘None’ to the
recent publications but mostly papers either out-of-
scope or not fulfilling the inclusion criteria correctly.
As a side note, we were able to pinpoint (and dismiss)
19 publications that either used the terms LM and
Learner Profile interchangeably, or omitted LM.
For the sake of exhaustivity and according to our
exclusion criteria, we registered not only the topic the
described in the abstract but also the reason any result
should be removed. The possible values are described
in the following list:
Language The main text of the publication is not
in the English language.
Unrelated Neither the title, nor the abstract, nor
the keywords treat the terms “Learner Model” and
“MOOC” in a connected manner. This includes
works in the categories Citation, Another Kind of
Model, Learning Modelling.
Peripheral The field “Learner Modelling for
MOOC” do not constitute the core of the
publication. This includes Learner Profile and
Analysis on a Learner Model.
Substitute Discerning metadata given by the
search engine was malformed (e.g. wrong title,
wrong source). A correction was done after we
could determine its pertinence by a reading
Repeated It was already within the results,
usually from another search engine, but
sometimes as a miss from the ‘Publish or Perish’
None The articles that did not get discarded.
This allows us to justify the classification and its
The selection process concluded with 17 LM
‘Proposals’ which are shown in the Appendix
section, along with our considered features, which are
in turn addressed in the following section, namely
why and how they group into dimensions.
3.6 Summary [G] and Learner Models
in LLL Criteria Comparison
A summary of the 17 LM found and its describing
features is presented in the Appendix. In this section
we address why and how these considered features
weight in in the compositing of meaningful
dimensions that allow comparison between LM.
As mentioned beforehand, the purpose of this
paper is to detail the LM for MOOC features that
could play an important role in LLL, while
considering the stakes mentioned in section 2.4, e.g.,
country of origin of the publication (which led to a few
repeats, unfortunately).
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning
their openness or interoperability with other
platforms. We consider the mechanisms, if any,
mentioned by the authors to achieve these and the
other features.
Thus, we begin by introducing our considered
features; (1) the platform connection approach, (2)
the cold start handling, (3) the data sparsity handling,
(4) the learner knowledge representation, (5) the
recommender / predictive method, (6) the openness
of the LM, (7) its dynamism and, (8) its LLL
consideration. This review of literature led us to
consider these features to be key points to consider
when choosing an LM for a MOOC in an LLL
We synthesized these nine features into four
dimensions, namely Interoperability (I), sparse Data
handling (D), Knowledge representation (K) and LLL
(LLL). The Interoperability (I) dimension illustrates
if the LM allows for standard connectors to external
hosting systems. The sparse Data dimension (D)
reflects if any given approach is considered in the
event of missing data. The Knowledge representation
dimension (K) pertains to the level of detail
considered into the representation of the Learner’s
and / or Domain’s Knowledge as well as the
mechanisms used to update the LM or to recommend
/ personalize content. Knowledge representation is an
important feature since it is closely linked to the way
the LM keeps its integrity and/or predicts or suggest
LM states. Finally, the LLL dimension illustrates how
well the LM is prepared to cope with the exigences a
LLL context demands.
All of these dimensions are important components
of a LM in a LLL and its creation takes into
consideration the presence, partial presence or
absence of evidence from the corresponding
integrating features found in the LM. We chose not to
assess nor the number nor the authors’ chosen
characteristics of their proposed LM as they depend
greatly on the purpose of each of their systems. This
makes a straight and direct comparison between LM
unfeasible and meaningless.
We represent then the authors’ explicit
consideration and description
of the method(s) used
to enforce any dimension by a Tick symbol []. The
absence of evidence is represented by a Cross symbol
[]. Evidence of regard to any of our considered
dimensions without an explicit description of the
mechanisms to achieve it were marked with a
Question mark symbol [?].
If any paper did not explicitly had a quotable line as
evidence to justify its inclusion / exclusion in the
Table 1: LM found, with Interoperability (I), sparse Data
handling (D), Knowledge representation (K) and LLL
(LLL) dimensions analysis.
Bulathwela et
al., 2019
Calle-Archila et
al., 2017
Cook et al., 2015
Dimitrova et al.,
El Mawas et al.,
Harrathi et al.,
He et al., 2017
Iatrellis et al.,
Karahoca et al.,
Li et al., 2016
Lynda et al.,
Maalej et al.,
Maravanyika et
al., 2017
User Model)
Qazdar et al.,
Sun et al., 2015
Tato et al., 2017
Tmimi et al.,
The Interoperability (I) dimension was granted a
Tick if a platform connector was specified and
considered a Question mark [?] if only an
implementing platform had been mentioned, hinting
to a successful implementation. In terms of
operability, a working connector [] allows for
portability of the LM, important characteristic in
LLL. So, the confirmation of an existing
implementation of the proposed LM assures that
some form of communication exists with a host
system but does not on its portability [?].
corresponding feature, we handled it as if they did not
consider it at all.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The sparse Data handling (D) dimension was
granted [] if both of its composing features (cold
start and data sparsity problems) were addressed. A
Question mark [?] was given if any one of them was
explicitly detailed. Data sparsity represents a
challenge in LM in a LLL context: a serious problem
arises if a model does not implement solutions to
assure a proper instantiation or updates with missing
The Knowledge representation (K) dimension
was granted [] if both features (knowledge
representation and recommender’s method) were
elaborated beyond a mere mention, Question-ed [?] if
at least the knowledge representation was explained
and a Cross [] in all the other cases. Knowledge
representation is one of the most important
characteristics of a LM, almost universal in all the
LM reviewed. Its representation lies very close to the
updating or suggesting mechanism of the LM.
The LLL dimension (LLL) is composed of our
Openness, Dynamism and LLL features. Having an
OLM (represented with [?]) is a desired but
insufficient condition for LLL. However, explicitly
describing a mechanism to assure it grants it a Tick
[]. If the presence of a OLM and a consideration of
Dynamism is found, a [] is also granted. The
Dynamism feature on its own is insufficient [] to
grant a [?] or a [].
Thus, the composited dimensions, based on
features we consider key points when choosing an
LM for MOOC in an LLL context, answer RQ1,
namely “What Learner Model features are most
relevant for a MOOC in an LLL context?”.
A summary of the dimensioning of the
publications is presented in Table 1. The LM
presented in Table 1 are shown by author alphabetical
order. We represent with a Tick [] a desirable
characteristic for LM in MOOC in LLL context as
fulfilled. We used a Question mark [?] to express a
characteristic as partially fulfilled or requiring
additional steps to be fulfilled. Lastly, a Cross [x]
shows that not enough evidence is found in the
publication to give any other mark.
In this section we have presented our considered
features and explained the dimensioning and the train
of thought behind it. The following section presents
the interpretation of our work results.
3.7 Interpretation [H]
The selected papers (17 LM ‘Proposals’) and the
considered features are shown in full in the Appendix.
The features we considered for our study and detailed
in the previous section were (1) the platform
connection approach, (2) the cold start handling, (3)
the data sparsity handling, (4) the learner knowledge
representation, (5) the recommender / predictive
method, (6) the openness of the LM, (7) its dynamism
and, (8) its LLL consideration. These features
translate into four dimensions that we believe to be
paramount points to consider when choosing an LM
for a MOOC in an LLL context. A summary of this
work is presented in Table 1 in the previous section.
Furthermore, our proposed dimensioning, based
on features we consider key points for LLL, allows as
well to discern the most appropriate LM for MOOC
in this context. That is, an LM ready to cope with the
exigences of an LLL, capable of communicate with
other systems while retaining its independence, with
a comprehensive theoretical background in
knowledge representation and/or suggesting engine,
whilst preferably being able to handle the problems
of missing or incomplete learner data.
Out of an initial pool of 442 results, our review of
literature led us to analyse 17 LM proposals. In a first
moment, seven of these 17 papers (Bulathwela et al.,
2019; Cook et al., 2015; Dimitrova et al., 2015; El
Mawas et al., 2019; Lynda et al., 2019; Qazdar et al.,
2015 ; Tato et al., 2017) fulfil the LLL dimension,
comprised of Openness, Dynamism and explicit LLL
consideration, features paramount and an explicit
requisite for LLL. Five out of these seven
publications have considered fully the
Interoperability dimension as well. Nevertheless,
only four remaining LM proposals (Dimitrova et al.,
2015; El Mawas et al., 2019; Lynda et al., 2019;
Qazdar et al., 2015) provide the explicit methods for
Knowledge representation and LM updating
necessary in an LLL context as well. We can affirm
that the answer to RQ2 is represented in these
remaining four selected LM publications (highlighted
rows in the Appendix): they provide sufficient
evidence (I, D, K and LLL dimensions) to conclude
that their LM proposal are the most suitable candidate
when choosing a LM for MOOC in a LLL context.
We strongly believe that this LM result set is of
uppermost interest to actors other than our target
In this section we will discuss the feature analysis on
the 17 LM reviewed publications addressed in the
precedent section.
When we look at the techniques implemented by
the authors to represent Knowledge, we could not
help but to notice that Rules (or another similar hard-
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning
encoded method) is the preferred approach for the
recommender system (and for knowledge
representation, for that matter). Out of the 17
publications, eight papers (Calle-Archila et al., 2017;
Cook et al., 2015; Harrathi et al., 2017; Karahoca et
al., 2018; Li et al., 2016; Iatrellis et al., 2019; Lynda
et al., 2019; Qazdar et al., 2015) based their LM
proposal on Rules.
Bayesian strategies are a second popular choice.
Four papers (Bulathwela et al., 2019; El Mawas et al.,
2019; Maravanyika et al., 2017; Tato et al., 2017) rely
heavily on some form of Bayesian technique to
represent knowledge and to suggest or update the LM,
usually coupled to other probabilistic models.
Ontologies follow up closely, with three articles
(Harrathi et al., 2017; Iatrellis et al., 2019; Lynda et
al., 2019) employing them and some formalizing their
use of the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
Conceptual Graphs (Dimitrova et al., 2015),
Machine Learning (Sun et al., 2015), Pearson
correlations (He et al., 2017) and k-means clustering
methods (Li et al., 2016) are sparsely used, with only
one paper featuring each one of these techniques.
Please note that some proposals use a combination of
these and other ad-hoc techniques, detailed in the
Appendix. Finally, only one paper was ambiguous
enough for us to discern its approach to represent
and/or predict Knowledge.
Concerning their Interoperability, use of
standards by the reviewed LM is limited. Most of the
LM do not mention their communication method or
platform connector. This was the case of LM used in
an ad-hoc learning platform (five cases), where a
monolithic design is common. Nonetheless, a few
standards were mentioned. For instance, the use of
Ontologies for Knowledge representation (Harrathi et
al., 2017; Lynda et al., 2019) allowed LM designers
to benefit from the OWL ease of communication.
Furthermore, two papers (Lynda et al., 2019; Qazdar
et al., 2015) proposed the use of the xAPI
specification as a communication protocol and one
proposal envisaged the use of the LTI standard, a
more recent communication method. When the
reviewed LM was evaluated in a learning platform
(not in an ad-hoc solution) edX was used twice (Cook
et al., 2015; El Mawas et al., 2019), with Moodle,
Coursera and Claroline being mentioned once each.
We assume this is due to the most novel design of
edX, comprising support for communicating
technologies and other standards. In any case, the
interoperability dimension constitutes a challenge
most LM avoid or contour by implementing their LM
in an ad-hoc solution.
Besides, the approach to missing data situations
(sparse Data handling) considered by our reviewed
LM was ill-defined: the cold start problem was
scarcely addressed, usually with a starting
questionnaire but often with a vague reference to
some ‘registration’ or ‘external’ data input, whilst
none of the papers took into consideration the Data
Sparsity problem.
We regretted to acknowledge that our LLL
studied context is not yet an explicit consideration by
most of LM designers, with a clear minority of five
publications addressing the issue at a minimum.
However, among these, one paper (Qazdar et al.,
2015) detached itself from the rest by providing
details on the technical implementation to fulfil this
dimension (OpenID). OLM models are yet to be
universally recognized as part of an LLL solution and,
for the few proposals in our sample who do
(Bulathwela et al., 2019; Cook et al., 2015; Dimitrova
et al., 2015; El Mawas et al., 2019; Qazdar et al.,
2015), Negotiable and fully Open are the preferred
choices over Visualisation in OLM. Thus, regrettably,
LLL is not a priority for many LM designers, whose
proposals highlight mostly the application of a novel
technique, (e.g. machine learning) or focus on a
specific delivery content (e.g. video for mobile
This review of literature addresses the question of LM
for MOOC in a LLL context, namely the most
relevant features in a LM for a MOOC in an LLL
context. This study aims to differentiate and highlight
LM’s features and their relevance to a MOOC usage
in an LLL experience. To our knowledge, currently
there is no research work that addresses the literature
review of such topic. This study intents to fill in that
gap by reviewing the most recent LM for MOOC
proposals that can handle the exigences of an LLL
context. Thus, it covers only the works published in
the last five years (2015-2020) that explicitly
mentioned in their abstract a LM proposal central to
their article.
Out of an academic database search result pool of
442 publications, 17 papers were reviewed, their
feature highlighted and compared. This study led us
to consider the following features to be key points to
consider when choosing an LM for a MOOC in an
LLL context: (1) the platform connection approach,
(2) the cold start handling, (3) the data sparsity
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
handling, (4) the learner knowledge representation,
(5) the recommender / predictive method, (6) the
openness of the LM, (7) its dynamism and, (8) its
LLL consideration. We synthesized these nine
features into four dimensions, namely
Interoperability (I), sparse Data handling (D),
Knowledge representation (K) and LLL (LLL). Four
LM finalists, highlighted rows in the Appendix,
(Dimitrova et al., 2015; El Mawas et al., 2019; Lynda
et al., 2019; Qazdar et al., 2015) fulfilled most though
not all, of our comparing criteria. We concluded that
their LM proposal were the most suitable candidates
for a LM for MOOC in LLL.
Currently, our next research step is to propose a
LM that considers the features and dimensions we
have reviewed in this study. Given that none of the
reviewed LM fulfil completely our presented
comparison criteria we envisage to either, propose a
composite comprising characteristics of the final four
LM or, select and extend one of them. Such an LM
would be the object of a first use and evaluation for
the MOOC
“Gestion de Projet”: the largest French-
speaking MOOC, addressed primarily to engineers
worldwide, operating continuously since 2013 and
counting close to 265,000 students inscribed since its
creation, with a total of about 40,000 laureates.
We feel confident that actors other than MOOC
and LM designers/providers, pedagogical engineers
and researchers can benefit from this study to help
them asses features in LM for MOOC in an LLL that
are of vital importance.
This project was supported by the French government
through the Programme Investissement d’Avenir
managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
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Yousef, A.M.F., Chatti, M.A., Schroeder, U., Wosnitza, M.,
Jakobs, H. 2014. A review of the state-of-the-art. In:
Proceedings of CSEDU, pp. 920
The summary table of LM for MOOC that support
LLL can be found at the following address:
A Literature Review on Learner Models for MOOC to Support Lifelong Learning