1 public Ou t p u t S c o p e callActi v i t y ( /*
... */ ) {
2 if (! v a l id a t e P re c o n dit i o n (
activity . getPolicies () ) ) {
3 return null;
4 }
5 Outp u t S c o p e o u t put = activity .
run ( inpu t );
6 if (! v a li d a t e Po s t c o nd i t i o n (
activity . getPolicies () ) ) {
7 return null;
8 }
9 return o u tput ;
10 }
Figure 10: Implementation of Sandbox.callActivity(...).
not be seen in this code because it is a result of the
instrumented APIs of the JDK.
We have introduced the policy system, which is used
in the domain specific language D
. We demonstrated
how D
implements the paradigm of policy-agnostic
programming and how to ensure that all defined poli-
cies are enforced at the right place at time.
Using an example, we presented how D
is used
for application development with a prototype using
Java as host language. Using the same example, we
demonstrated how the different subsystems of the lan-
guage can be extended in order to meet specific re-
quirements (regarding the domain).
This work was developed in Fraunhofer-Cluster of
Excellence “Cognitive Internet Technologies”.
This research was supported by the Excellence
Center for Logistics and IT funded by the Fraunhofer-
Gesellschaft and the Ministry of Culture and Science
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DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications