rate detection of the three IDSs. With the HTTP ex-
periments, the ACK packets with the wrong sequence
numbers are detected and, as with Snort, the first
HTTP injection is detected with ‘SURICATA HTTP
unable to match response to request’. The most inter-
esting alert is ‘SURICATA STREAM reassembly over-
lap with different data’, which exactly describes the
MotS attack. This is displayed for all experiments,
except experiment 3, which related to injecting a re-
played response. Experiment 3 did not trigger any
alerts from Suricata, because the forged payload was
the same as the legitimate one.
Further work should be performed for each of the
NIDS to include detection alerts for the MotS class of
attacks. While Suricata can detect this, and notify the
operator with a somewhat descriptive name, it fails
to articulate the issue as a malicious action. Network
IDS for deployment within OT networks must have
support for the industrial protocols, otherwise, detec-
tion of these kinds of attacks and others will go unno-
ticed. As discussed in the introduction, zero-trust net-
works, VPNs (to an extent), and TLS are the best mit-
igations of this class of attack. IEC104 is has a com-
panion standard, IEC 62351, detailing securing end
to end communication, however in internal networks,
these defences are often not deployed. In part due to a
lax security mindset, or the additional complexity and
risk of deployment. While this class of attack is miti-
gated for much of the public internet via TLS, critical
network operators need to be aware of the potential
damage this attack may have on a system. Although
deploying a mitigation approach such as zero-trust
networking is the gold standard, many network opera-
tors are not in a position to do so. Threat actors, such
as nation states have used this method successfully
over several years, and it seems likely this approach
will continue to be exploited in the future. Especially
in the ICS domain, where unauthenticated local traffic
such as IEC104 is still commonplace. As the experi-
ments with Zeek, Snort and Suricata have shown, fur-
ther work is required to provide these network IDS
platforms with the detection rules and mechanisms
capable of accurately detecting MotS being exploited
by an intruder.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography