quent analysis and also the time aspect (whether as-
sessment is immediately possible). This applies to (i)
the initial ML model quality assessment (e.g., accu-
racy as described above), (ii) the mapping of model
quality to data quality through probabilistic models
as suggested, and (iii) root cause identification of data
quality deficiencies, also using probabilistic models.
It needs to be noted that some aspects such as
qualities of predictors and adaptors refer to future
events (an external event will have happened for pre-
dictors or a future system adaptation will have be-
come effective for adaptors). This still allows to make
quality assessments, but just not immediately. A de-
tailed coverage of this aspect is beyond the scope of
this paper and shall be addressed at a later stage.
Raw data is without additional processing of little
value. More and more, machine learning can help
with this processing to create meaningful information.
We developed here a quality framework that com-
bines quality aspects of the raw source data as well as
the quality of the machine-learned information mod-
els derived from the data, We provided a fine-granular
model covering a range of quality concerns organ-
ised around some common types of machine learning
function types.
The central contribution here is the mapping of
observable ML information model deficiencies to un-
derlying, possible hidden data quality problems. The
aim was a root cause analysis for observed symp-
toms. Furthermore, recommending remedial actions
for identified problems and causes is another part of
the framework.
Some open problems for future work emerge from
our discussion. The assessment of the information
model requires further exploration. We provide in-
formal definitions for all concepts, but all aspects be-
yond accuracy need to be fully formalised. The au-
tomation of assessment and analyses is a further con-
cern. In the paper here, we only covered the frame-
work from a conceptual perspective. A further part of
future work is to move the framework towards digital
twins. Digital twins is a concept that refers to a digital
replica of physical assets such as processes, locations,
systems and devices. These are often based on IoT-
generated data with enhances models and function
provided through machine learning. We plan to in-
vestigate deeper the complexity of these digital twins
and the respective quality concerns that would apply.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems