changes in the knowledge base. Therefore, one re-
quirement is that models, in principle, should use the
acquired knowledge in their predictions. This defini-
tion of learning is loosely based on (Mitchell and et al,
1997). In particular, we relax the performance mea-
surement requirement, since evaluating “how good is
the human-computer symbiosis” is a non-trivial task:
A computer program is said to learn from experience
E with respect to some class of tasks T and perfor-
mance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as
measured by P, improves with experience E.
Recommendation and Expert systems are refer-
ences in AI for Cognitive Computing approaches.
Recommendation, or recommender systems, are soft-
ware tools and techniques that provide suggestions to
support users’ decisions (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005). Recommendation systems deal with the prob-
lem of estimating ratings for current items, usually
based on the ratings given by the user to other items
and/or by other users to the same items. Expert
systems reconstruct the expertise and reasoning ca-
pabilities of qualified specialists within limited do-
mains. The underlying assumption is that experts con-
struct their solutions from single pieces of knowledge,
which they select and apply in a proper sequence.
Hence, expert systems require detailed information
about the domain and the strategies for applying this
knowledge to problem-solving. Those systems simu-
late problem-solving tasks over static representations
of some knowledge domain (Kidd, 2012).
Although recommender systems include concepts
of cognitive science (Rich, 1979), they handle rec-
ommendation problems that explicitly rely on rat-
ing structures. On the other hand, Cognitive Com-
puting enables “knowledge acquisition at scale”, i.e.,
deeper than ratings of items, using emerging meth-
ods in natural language understanding and machine
learning techniques (Hull and Nezhad, 2016). Expert
systems, different from cognitive systems, do not aim
for human-computer symbiosis, but to emulate human
thinking and problem-solving abilities (Kidd, 2012).
The discussion, mapping, modeling, and represen-
tation of business scenarios are rich topics to be devel-
oped by the BPM research area. Those topics are re-
lated to the research of Cognitively-enable BPM (Hull
and Nezhad, 2016), and referenced in our work as
Cognitive BPM. Particularly those scenarios where
people need to harvest insights from vast quantities
of data to understand complex situations, make accu-
rate predictions, and anticipate the unintended con-
sequences of actions and other human-centered pro-
There are also important concepts and key
abstractions for Cognitive BPM and Knowledge-
intensive Processes (KiP’s) research (Di Ciccio et al.,
2015)(Hull and Nezhad, 2016)(Netto et al., 2013).
Cognitive Computing presents the possibility of
“knowledge at scale” (Hull and Nezhad, 2016). KiP’s
process representation deals with the life-cycle of
knowledge in business processes. In that way, large
amounts of knowledge relevant to a process instance
can be considered as input for new process’ instances
and the model itself. Moreover, cognitive potential
can be present in structured workflow processes to
unstructured and knowledge-intensive ones (Hull and
Nezhad, 2016). Also, the practice of software sys-
tems early requirement derivation from business pro-
cess models (Alotaibi and Liu, 2017) can be applied
for cognitive systems’ specifications.
BPM has been used in different industries for over
a decade (Van der Aalst, 2013). Hence, there is a large
amount of pre-existing knowledge legacy of business
processes models in organizations. The knowledge
presented in those business models and their instances
is a crucial asset for each organization that wants to
advance to the Cognitive Era. Questions like “What
and how can we learn through discussing and revising
old business processes in the light of Cognitive Com-
puting technologies?” and “What can happen to trans-
actional processes once there is a technology to han-
dle more volume of data and unstructured data?” are
going to guide the Cognitive BPM research agenda.
BPM activities, like mapping, modeling, and analy-
sis of processes, can gain with Cognitive Computing
technology abilities to explore and get insights from
large amounts of business process data.
This section describes CogBPMN, our proposal for
representing cognitive subprocesses using BPMN.
We focus on subprocess types that include recom-
mendations, evidence that support those recommen-
dations, and the handling of user feedback. The rec-
ommendation subprocesses are a guide since they
contain activities that should be used when model-
ing a system that provides recommendations. We
also present an abstract view about how to perform
those activities, although it is not the focus of this
work. Our current proposal of CogBPMN comprises
four subprocesses types: (i) Recommendation sub-
process; (ii) Recommendation with evidence subpro-
cess; (iii) Recommendation with feedback subpro-
cess; and, (iv) Recommendation with feedback and
evidence subprocess.
Section 4 presents an example of the proposal for
a cognitive application in the medical domain. In the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems